/// \file
/// \ingroup tutorial_io
/// \notebook -nodraw
/// Merge only part of the content of a set of files.
/// This macro demonstrates how to merge only a part of the content of a set
/// of input files, specified via the interface.
/// ~~~{.cpp}
/// TFileMerger::AddObjectNames(const char *names)
/// ~~~
/// The method can be called several times to add object names, or using a single
/// string with names separated by a blank. Directory names contained in the files
/// to be merged are accepted.
/// Two modes are supported:
/// 1. kOnlyListed: via TFileMerger::PartialMerge(kOnlyListed)
/// This will merge only the objects in the files having the names in the
/// specified list. If a folder is specified, its whole content will be merged
/// 2. kSkipListed: via TFileMerger::PartialMerge(kSkipListed)
/// This will skip merging of specified objects. If a folder is specified, its
/// whole content will be skipped.
/// Important note: the kOnlyListed and kSkipListed flags have to be bitwise OR-ed
/// on top of the merging defaults: kAll | kIncremental (as in the example)
/// The files to be merged have the following structure:
/// - hpx (TH1F)
/// - hpxpy (TH2F)
/// - hprof (TProfile)
/// - ntuple (TNtuple)
/// - folder (TDirectory)
/// - hpx1 (TH1F)
/// The example first merges exclusively hprof and the content of "folder",
/// producing the file exclusive.root, then merges all content but skipping
/// hprof and the content of "folder". The result can be inspected in the
/// browser.
/// \macro_code
/// \author The Root Team
void CreateFile(const char *);
void mergeSelective(Int_t nfiles=5)
// Create the files to be merged
TStopwatch timer;
TString tutdir = gROOT->GetTutorialDir();
if (gROOT->LoadMacro(tutdir + "/hsimple.C")) return;
Int_t i;
for (i=0; iOutputFile("exclusive.root");
fm->AddObjectNames("hprof folder");
for (i=0; iAddFile(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));
// Must add new merging flag on top of the the default ones
Int_t default_mode = TFileMerger::kAll | TFileMerger::kIncremental;
Int_t mode = default_mode | TFileMerger::kOnlyListed;
// Skip merging of the listed objects
fm->AddObjectNames("hprof folder");
for (i=0; iAddFile(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));
// Must add new merging flag on top of the the default ones
mode = default_mode | TFileMerger::kSkipListed;
delete fm;
// Cleanup initial files
for (i=0; iUnlink(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));
// Open files to inspect in the browser
new TBrowser();
void CreateFile(const char *fname)
TFile *example = (TFile*)gROOT->ProcessLineFast("hsimple(1)");
if (!example) return;
TH1F *hpx = (TH1F*)example->Get("hpx");
TFile::Cp(example->GetName(), fname);
TFile *file = TFile::Open(fname, "UPDATE");
TString sname(fname);
if (sname.Contains("000")) {
TFile::Cp(fname, "original.root");