/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_io /// \notebook -nodraw /// Example of script showing how to navigate in a ROOT file /// with sub-directories and read the objects in each sub-directory. /// This example uses the file produced by the tutorial importCode.C /// \macro_code /// /// \author Rene Brun #include "TFile.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TMacro.h" Int_t nlines = 0; Int_t nfiles = 0; Int_t ndirs = 0; Int_t nh = 0; Int_t nc = 0; Int_t nC = 0; Int_t npy = 0; void readdir(TDirectory *dir) { ndirs++; TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory; TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (key->IsFolder()) { dir->cd(key->GetName()); TDirectory *subdir = gDirectory; readdir(subdir); dirsav->cd(); continue; } TMacro *macro = (TMacro*)key->ReadObj(); nfiles++; nlines += macro->GetListOfLines()->GetEntries(); if (strstr(key->GetName(),".h")) nh++; if (strstr(key->GetName(),".c")) nc++; if (strstr(key->GetName(),".C")) nC++; if (strstr(key->GetName(),".py")) npy++; delete macro; } } void readCode() { TFile *f = new TFile("code.root"); if (f->IsZombie()) { printf("File code.root does not exist. Run tutorial importCode.C first\n"); return; } printf("Reading file ==> code.root\n"); printf("File size in bytes = %lld\n",f->GetEND()); printf("File compression factor = %g\n",f->GetCompressionFactor()); readdir(f); printf("Number of sub-dirs = %d\n",ndirs); printf("Number of macro files = %d\n",nfiles); printf("Number of lines in mac = %d\n",nlines); printf("Number of cxx,c,cc files = %d\n",nc); printf("Number of C files = %d\n",nC); printf("Number of Python files = %d\n",npy); }