// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOSTATS_BayesianCalculator #define ROOSTATS_BayesianCalculator #include "TNamed.h" #include "Math/IFunctionfwd.h" #include "RooArgSet.h" #include "RooStats/IntervalCalculator.h" #include "RooStats/SimpleInterval.h" class RooAbsData; class RooAbsPdf; class RooPlot; class RooAbsReal; class TF1; class TH1; namespace RooStats { class ModelConfig; class SimpleInterval; class BayesianCalculator : public IntervalCalculator, public TNamed { public: // constructor BayesianCalculator( ); BayesianCalculator( RooAbsData& data, RooAbsPdf& pdf, const RooArgSet& POI, RooAbsPdf& priorPdf, const RooArgSet* nuisanceParameters = 0 ); BayesianCalculator( RooAbsData& data, ModelConfig& model ); // destructor virtual ~BayesianCalculator(); // get the plot with option to get it normalized RooPlot* GetPosteriorPlot(bool norm = false, double precision = 0.01) const; // return posterior pdf (object is managed by the user) RooAbsPdf* GetPosteriorPdf() const; // return posterior function (object is managed by the BayesianCalculator class) RooAbsReal* GetPosteriorFunction() const; // return the approximate posterior as histogram (TH1 object). Note the object is managed by the BayesianCalculator class TH1 * GetPosteriorHistogram() const; // compute the interval. By Default a central interval is computed // By using SetLeftTileFraction can control if central/ upper/lower interval // For shortest interval use SetShortestInterval(true) virtual SimpleInterval* GetInterval() const ; virtual void SetData( RooAbsData & data ) { fData = &data; ClearAll(); } // set the model via the ModelConfig virtual void SetModel( const ModelConfig& model ); // specify the parameters of interest in the interval virtual void SetParameters(const RooArgSet& set) { fPOI.removeAll(); fPOI.add(set); } // specify the nuisance parameters (eg. the rest of the parameters) virtual void SetNuisanceParameters(const RooArgSet& set) {fNuisanceParameters.removeAll(); fNuisanceParameters.add(set);} // Set only the Prior Pdf virtual void SetPriorPdf(RooAbsPdf& pdf) { fPriorPdf = &pdf; } // set the conditional observables which will be used when creating the NLL // so the pdf's will not be normalized on the conditional observables when computing the NLL virtual void SetConditionalObservables(const RooArgSet& set) {fConditionalObs.removeAll(); fConditionalObs.add(set);} // set the global observables which will be used when creating the NLL // so the constraint pdf's will be normalized correctly on the global observables when computing the NLL virtual void SetGlobalObservables(const RooArgSet& set) {fGlobalObs.removeAll(); fGlobalObs.add(set);} // set the size of the test (rate of Type I error) ( Eg. 0.05 for a 95% Confidence Interval) virtual void SetTestSize( Double_t size ) { fSize = size; fValidInterval = false; } // set the confidence level for the interval (eg. 0.95 for a 95% Confidence Interval) virtual void SetConfidenceLevel( Double_t cl ) { SetTestSize(1.-cl); } // Get the size of the test (eg. rate of Type I error) virtual Double_t Size() const { return fSize; } // Get the Confidence level for the test virtual Double_t ConfidenceLevel() const { return 1.-fSize; } // set the fraction of probability content on the left tail // Central limits use 0.5 (default case) // for upper limits it is 0 and 1 for lower limit // For shortest intervals a negative value (i.e. -1) must be given void SetLeftSideTailFraction(Double_t leftSideFraction ) {fLeftSideFraction = leftSideFraction;} // set the Bayesian calculator to compute the shortest interval (default is central interval) // to switch off SetLeftSideTailFraction to the right value void SetShortestInterval() { fLeftSideFraction = -1; } // set the precision of the Root Finder void SetBrfPrecision( double precision ) { fBrfPrecision = precision; } // use directly the approximate posterior function obtained by binning it in nbins // by default the cdf is used by integrating the posterior // if a value of nbin <= 0 the cdf function will be used void SetScanOfPosterior(int nbin = 100) { fNScanBins = nbin; } // set the number of iterations when running a MC integration algorithm // If not set use default algorithmic values // In case of ToyMC sampling of the nuisance the value is 100 // In case of using the GSL MCintegrations types the default value is // defined in ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions::DefaultNCalls() virtual void SetNumIters(Int_t numIters) { fNumIterations = numIters; } // set the integration type (possible type are) : void SetIntegrationType(const char * type); // return the mode (most probable value of the posterior function) double GetMode() const; // force the nuisance pdf when using the toy mc sampling void ForceNuisancePdf(RooAbsPdf & pdf) { fNuisancePdf = &pdf; } protected: void ClearAll() const; void ApproximatePosterior() const; void ComputeIntervalFromApproxPosterior(double c1, double c2) const; void ComputeIntervalFromCdf(double c1, double c2) const; void ComputeIntervalUsingRooFit(double c1, double c2) const; void ComputeShortestInterval() const; private: // plan to replace the above: return a SimpleInterval integrating // over all other parameters except the one specified as argument // virtual SimpleInterval* GetInterval( RooRealVar* parameter ) const { return 0; } RooAbsData* fData; // data set RooAbsPdf* fPdf; // model pdf (could contain the nuisance pdf as constraint term) RooArgSet fPOI; // POI RooAbsPdf* fPriorPdf; // prior pdf (typically for the POI) RooAbsPdf* fNuisancePdf; // nuisance pdf (needed when using nuisance sampling technique) RooArgSet fNuisanceParameters; // nuisance parameters RooArgSet fConditionalObs ; // conditional observables RooArgSet fGlobalObs; // global observables mutable RooAbsPdf* fProductPdf; // internal pointer to model * prior mutable RooAbsReal* fLogLike; // internal pointer to log likelihood function mutable RooAbsReal* fLikelihood; // internal pointer to likelihood function mutable RooAbsReal* fIntegratedLikelihood; // integrated likelihood function, i.e - unnormalized posterior function mutable RooAbsPdf* fPosteriorPdf; // normalized (on the poi) posterior pdf mutable ROOT::Math::IGenFunction * fPosteriorFunction; // function representing the posterior mutable TF1 * fApproxPosterior; // TF1 representing the scanned posterior function mutable Double_t fLower; // computer lower interval bound mutable Double_t fUpper; // upper interval bound mutable Double_t fNLLMin; // minimum value of Nll double fSize; // size used for getting the interval double fLeftSideFraction; // fraction of probability content on left side of interval double fBrfPrecision; // root finder precision mutable int fNScanBins; // number of bins to scan, if = -1 no scan is done (default) int fNumIterations; // number of iterations (when using ToyMC) mutable Bool_t fValidInterval; TString fIntegrationType; protected: ClassDef(BayesianCalculator,2) // BayesianCalculator class }; } #endif