#ifndef __OUC_STRING_H__ #define __OUC_STRING_H__ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X r d O u c S t r i n g . h h */ /* */ /* (c) 2005 F. Furano (INFN Padova), G. Ganis (CERN) */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */ /* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */ /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */ /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */ /* All Rights Reserved. See XrdInfo.cc for complete License Terms */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Light string manipulation class */ /* */ /* This class has three private members: a buffer (char *) and two integers, */ /* indicating the effective length of the null-terminated string (len), and */ /* the buffer capacity (siz), i.e. the allocated size. The capacity is set */ /* at construction either at the value needed by the initializing string or */ /* to the value requested by the user; by default the capacity is never */ /* decreased during manipulations (it is increased if required by the */ /* operation). The capacity can be changed at any time by calling resize(). */ /* The user can choose a granularity other than 1 to increase the capacity */ /* by calling XrdOucString::setblksize(nbs) with nbs > 1: this will make */ /* new allocations to happen in blocks multiple of nbs bytes. */ /* */ /* 1. Constructors */ /* */ /* XrdOucString(int lmx = 0) */ /* - create an empty string; set capacity to lmx+1 if lmx > 0 */ /* XrdOucString(const char *s, int lmx = 0) */ /* - create a string containing s; capacity is set to strlen(s)+1 or */ /* to lmx+1 if lmx > 0; in the latter case truncation may occur. */ /* XrdOucString(const char c, int lmx = 0) */ /* - create a string char c; capacity is set to 2 or to lmx+1 if lmx > 0.*/ /* XrdOucString(const XrdOucString &s) */ /* - create string copying from XrdOucString s . */ /* XrdOucString(const XrdOucString &s, int j, int k = -1, int lmx = 0) */ /* - create string copying a portion of XrdOucString s; portion is */ /* defined by j to k inclusive; if k == -1 the portion copied will be */ /* from j to end-of-string; if j or k are inconsistent they are taken */ /* as 0 or len-1, respectively; capacity is set to k-j bytes or to */ /* to lmx+1 if lmx > 0; in the latter case truncation of the portion */ /* may occur. */ /* */ /* 2. Access to information */ /* */ /* const char *c_str() const */ /* - return pointer to stored string */ /* int length() const */ /* - return length stored string */ /* int capacity() const */ /* - return capacity of the allocated buffer */ /* */ /* char &operator[](int j) */ /* - array-like operator returning char at position j; abort is invoked */ /* if j is not in the correct range */ /* */ /* int find(const char c, int start = 0, bool forward = 1); */ /* - find first occurence of char c starting from position start in */ /* forward (forward == 1, default) or backward (forward == 0) */ /* direction; returns STR_NPOS if nothing is found */ /* int find(const char *s, int start = 0) */ /* - find first occurence of string s starting from position start in */ /* forward direction; returns STR_NPOS if nothing is found */ /* int find(XrdOucString s, int start = 0) */ /* - find first occurence of XrdOucString s starting from position start */ /* in forward direction; returns STR_NPOS if nothing is found */ /* */ /* int rfind(const char c, int start = STR_NPOS) */ /* - find first occurence of char c starting from position start in */ /* backward direction; returns STR_NPOS if nothing is found. */ /* int rfind(const char *s, int start = STR_NPOS) */ /* - find first occurence of string s starting from position start in */ /* backward direction; returns STR_NPOS if nothing is found; */ /* if start == STR_NPOS search starts from position len-strlen(s) */ /* int rfind(XrdOucString s, int start = STR_NPOS) */ /* - find first occurence of XrdOucString s starting from position start */ /* in backward direction; returns STR_NPOS if nothing is found; */ /* if start == STR_NPOS search starts from position len-s.lenght() */ /* */ /* bool beginswith(char c) */ /* - returns 1 if the stored string starts with char c */ /* bool beginswith(const char *s) */ /* - returns 1 if the stored string starts with string s */ /* bool beginswith(XrdOucString s) */ /* - returns 1 if the stored string starts with XrdOucString s */ /* */ /* bool endswith(char c) */ /* - returns 1 if the stored string ends with char c */ /* bool endswith(const char *s) */ /* - returns 1 if the stored string ends with string s */ /* bool endswith(XrdOucString s) */ /* - returns 1 if the stored string ends with XrdOucString s */ /* */ /* int matches(const char *s, char wch = '*') */ /* - check if stored string is compatible with s allowing for wild char */ /* wch (default: '*'); return the number of matching characters. */ /* */ /* 3. Modifiers */ /* */ /* void resize(int lmx = 0) */ /* - resize buffer capacity to lmx+1 bytes; if lmx <= 0, free the buffer.*/ /* */ /* void append(const int i) */ /* - append to stored string the string representation of integer i, */ /* e.g. if string is initially "x*", after append(5) it will be "x*5". */ /* void append(const char c) */ /* - append char c to stored string, e.g. if string is initially "pop", */ /* after append('_') it will be "pop_". */ /* void append(const char *s) */ /* - append string s to stored string, e.g. if string is initially "pop",*/ /* after append("star") it will be "popstar". */ /* void append(const XrdOucString s) */ /* - append s.c_str() to stored string, e.g. if string is initially */ /* "anti", after append("star") it will be "antistar". */ /* */ /* void assign(const char *s, int j, int k = -1) */ /* - copy to allocated buffer a portion of string s; portion is defined */ /* by j to k inclusive; if k == -1 the portion copied will be from j */ /* to end-of-string; if j or k are inconsistent they are taken as 0 or */ /* len-1, respectively; if necessary, capacity is increased to k-j */ /* bytes. */ /* void assign(const XrdOucString s, int j, int k = -1) */ /* - copy to allocated buffer a portion of s.c_str(); portion is defined */ /* by j to k inclusive; if k == -1 the portion copied will be from j */ /* to end-of-string; if j or k are inconsistent they are taken as 0 or */ /* len-1, respectively; if necessary, capacity is increased to k-j */ /* bytes. */ /* */ /* int keep(int start = 0, int size = 0) */ /* - drop chars outside the range of size bytes starting at start */ /* */ /* void insert(const int i, int start = -1) */ /* - insert the string representation of integer i at position start of */ /* the stored string, e.g. if string is initially "*x", after */ /* insert(5,0) it will be "5*x"; default action is append. */ /* void insert(const char c, int start = -1) */ /* - insert the char c at position start of the stored string, e.g. */ /* if string is initially "pok", after insert('_',0) it will be "_poc";*/ /* default action is append. */ /* void insert(const char *s, int start = -1, int lmx = 0) */ /* - insert string s at position start of the stored string, e.g. */ /* if string is initially "forth", after insert("backand",0) it will be*/ /* "backandforth"; default action is append. */ /* void insert(const XrdOucString s, int start = -1) */ /* - insert string s.c_str() at position start of the stored string. */ /* */ /* int replace(const char *s1, const char *s2, */ /* int from = 0, int to = -1); */ /* - replace all occurrencies of string s1 with string s2 in the region */ /* from position 'from' to position 'to' inclusive; the method is */ /* optimized to minimize the memory movements; with s2 == 0 or "" */ /* removes all instances of s1 in the specified region. */ /* int replace(const XrdOucString s1, const char *s2, */ /* int from = 0, int to = -1); */ /* int replace(const char *s1, const XrdOucString s2, */ /* int from = 0, int to = -1); */ /* int replace(const XrdOucString s1, const XrdOucString s2, */ /* int from = 0, int to = -1); */ /* - interfaces to replace(const char *, const char *, int, int) */ /* */ /* int erase(int start = 0, int size = 0) */ /* - erase size bytes starting at start */ /* int erase(const char *s, int from = 0, int to = -1) */ /* - erase occurences of string s within position 'from' and position */ /* 'to' (inclusive), e.g if stored string is "aabbccefccddgg", then */ /* erase("cc",0,9) will result in string "aabbefccddgg". */ /* int erase(XrdOucString s, int from = 0, int to = -1) */ /* - erase occurences of s.c_str() within position 'from' and position */ /* 'to' (inclusive). */ /* int erasefromstart(int sz = 0) */ /* - erase sz bytes from the start. */ /* int erasefromend(int sz = 0) */ /* - erase sz bytes from the end. */ /* */ /* void lower(int pos, int size = 0) */ /* - set to lower case size bytes from position start. */ /* void upper(int pos, int size = 0) */ /* - set to upper case size bytes from position start. */ /* */ /* void hardreset() */ /* - memset to 0 the len meaningful bytes of the buffer. */ /* */ /* int tokenize(XrdOucString &tok, int from, char del) */ /* - search for tokens delimited by 'del' (def ':') in string s; search */ /* starts from 'from' and the token is returned in 'tok'. */ /* */ /* 4. Assignement operators */ /* XrdOucString &operator=(const int i) */ /* XrdOucString &operator=(const char c) */ /* XrdOucString &operator=(const char *s) */ /* XrdOucString &operator=(const XrdOucString s) */ /* */ /* 5. Addition operators */ /* XrdOucString &operator+(const int i) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+(const char c) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+(const char *s) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+(const XrdOucString s) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+=(const int i) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+=(const char c) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+=(const char *s) */ /* XrdOucString &operator+=(const XrdOucString s) */ /* XrdOucString const operator+(const char *s1, const XrdOucString s2) */ /* XrdOucString const operator+(const char c, const XrdOucString s) */ /* XrdOucString const operator+(const int i, const XrdOucString s) */ /* */ /* 6. Equality operators */ /* int operator==(const int i) */ /* int operator==(const char c) */ /* int operator==(const char *s) */ /* int operator==(const XrdOucString s) */ /* */ /* 7. Inequality operators */ /* int operator!=(const int i) */ /* int operator!=(const char c) */ /* int operator!=(const char *s) */ /* int operator!=(const XrdOucString s) */ /* */ /* 8. Static methods to change / monitor the blksize */ /* static int getblksize(); */ /* static void setblksize(const int bs); */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> using namespace std; #define STR_NPOS -1 class XrdOucString { private: char *str; int len; int siz; // Mininal block size to be used in (re-)allocations // Option switched off by default; use XrdOucString::setblksize() // and XrdOucString::getblksize() to change / monitor static int blksize; // Private methods int adjust(int ls, int &j, int &k, int nmx = 0); char *bufalloc(int nsz); inline void init() { str = 0; len = 0; siz = 0; } public: XrdOucString(int lmx = 0) { init(); if (lmx > 0) str = bufalloc(lmx+1); } XrdOucString(const char *s, int lmx = 0); XrdOucString(const char c, int lmx = 0); XrdOucString(const XrdOucString &s); XrdOucString(const XrdOucString &s, int j, int k = -1, int lmx = 0); virtual ~XrdOucString(); // Info access const char *c_str() const { return (const char *)str; } int length() const { return len; } int capacity() const { return siz; } char &operator[](int j); int find(const char c, int start = 0, bool forward = 1); int find(const char *s, int start = 0); int find(XrdOucString s, int start = 0); int rfind(const char c, int start = STR_NPOS) { return find(c, start, 0); } int rfind(const char *s, int start = STR_NPOS); int rfind(XrdOucString s, int start = STR_NPOS); bool beginswith(char c) { return (find(c) == 0); } bool beginswith(const char *s) { return (find(s) == 0); } bool beginswith(XrdOucString s) { return (find(s) == 0); } bool endswith(char c); bool endswith(const char *s); bool endswith(XrdOucString s) { return (endswith(s.c_str())); } int matches(const char *s, char wch = '*'); // Tokenizer int tokenize(XrdOucString &tok, int from, char del = ':'); // Modifiers void resize(int lmx = 0) { int ns = (lmx > 0) ? lmx + 1 : 0; str = bufalloc(ns); } void append(const int i); void append(const char c); void append(const char *s); void append(const XrdOucString s); void assign(const char *s, int j, int k = -1); void assign(const XrdOucString s, int j, int k = -1); #if !defined(WINDOWS) int form(const char *fmt, ...); #endif int keep(int start = 0, int size = 0); void insert(const int i, int start = -1); void insert(const char c, int start = -1); void insert(const char *s, int start = -1, int lmx = 0); void insert(const XrdOucString s, int start = -1); int replace(const char *s1, const char *s2, int from = 0, int to = -1); int replace(const XrdOucString s1, const XrdOucString s2, int from = 0, int to = -1); int replace(const XrdOucString s1, const char *s2, int from = 0, int to = -1); int replace(const char *s1, const XrdOucString s2, int from = 0, int to = -1); int erase(int start = 0, int size = 0); int erase(const char *s, int from = 0, int to = -1); int erase(XrdOucString s, int from = 0, int to = -1); int erasefromstart(int sz = 0) { return erase(0,sz); } int erasefromend(int sz = 0) { return erase(len-sz,sz); } void lower(int pos, int size = 0); void upper(int pos, int size = 0); void reset(const char c, int j = 0, int k = -1); void hardreset(); void setbuffer(char *buf); // Assignement operators XrdOucString &operator=(const int i); XrdOucString &operator=(const char c); XrdOucString &operator=(const char *s); XrdOucString &operator=(const XrdOucString s); // Add operators friend XrdOucString operator+(const XrdOucString &s1, const int i); friend XrdOucString operator+(const XrdOucString &s1, const char c); friend XrdOucString operator+(const XrdOucString &s1, const char *s); friend XrdOucString operator+(const XrdOucString &s1, const XrdOucString &s); XrdOucString &operator+=(const int i); XrdOucString &operator+=(const char c); XrdOucString &operator+=(const char *s); XrdOucString &operator+=(const XrdOucString s); // Equality operators int operator==(const int i); int operator==(const char c); int operator==(const char *s); int operator==(const XrdOucString s); // Inequality operators int operator!=(const int i) { return !(*this == i); } int operator!=(const char c) { return !(*this == c); } int operator!=(const char *s) { return !(*this == s); } int operator!=(const XrdOucString s) { return !(*this == s); } // Miscellanea bool isdigit(int from = 0, int to = -1); long atoi(int from = 0, int to = -1); // Static methods to change / monitor the default blksize static int getblksize(); static void setblksize(const int bs); #if !defined(WINDOWS) // format a string static int form(XrdOucString &str, const char *fmt, ...); #endif }; // Operator << is useful to print a string into a stream ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const XrdOucString s); XrdOucString const operator+(const char *s1, const XrdOucString s2); XrdOucString const operator+(const char c, const XrdOucString s); XrdOucString const operator+(const int i, const XrdOucString s); #endif