/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_hist /// \notebook /// Candle Scaled, illustrates what scaleing does on candle and violin charts. /// Please try to modify the static functions SetScaledCandle and SetScaledViolin /// /// \macro_image /// \macro_code /// /// \author Georg Troska void candlescaled() { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","TCandle Scaled",800,600); c1->Divide(2,2); TRandom *rng = new TRandom(); TH2I *h1 = new TH2I("h1","GausXY",20,-5,5,100,-5,5); TH2I *h3 = new TH2I("h3","GausXY",100,-5,5,20,-5,5); float myRand1; float myRand2; for (int j = 0; j < 100000; j++) { myRand1 = rng->Gaus(0,1); myRand2 = rng->Gaus(0,1); h1->Fill(myRand1, myRand2); h3->Fill(myRand1, myRand2); } c1->cd(1); TCandle::SetScaledCandle(true); /* This is a global option for all existing candles, default is false */ h1->SetTitle("CandleX scaled"); h1->DrawCopy("candleX2"); c1->cd(2); h3->SetTitle("CandleY scaled"); h3->DrawCopy("candleY2"); TCandle::SetScaledViolin(true); /* This is a global option for all existing violin, default is true */ TH2I *h2 = (TH2I*)h1->Clone(); h2->SetFillStyle(0); h2->SetFillColor(kGray+2); h2->SetLineColor(kBlue); TH2I *h4 = (TH2I*)h3->Clone(); h4->SetFillStyle(0); h4->SetFillColor(kGray+2); h4->SetLineColor(kBlue); c1->cd(3); h2->SetTitle("ViolinX unscaled"); h2->DrawCopy("ViolinX"); c1->cd(4); h4->SetTitle("ViolinY unscaled"); h4->DrawCopy("ViolinY"); }