#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include "TMath.h"
#include "JCompareHistograms/JTest_t.hh"
#include "JCompareHistograms/JTestKolmogorov_t.hh"

 * \author rgruiz

   * Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 1D histograms.\n
   * This class is derived from the abstract class JTest_t(). For a general description of the implementation of this and other tests derived from JTest_t(), see its documentation.\n
   * This test uses the input parameter threshold() to evaluate whether the test is passed or failed.\n 
   * The evaluation is done by comparing the threshold value with the result of the JKolmogorovTest() test. This is a p-value.\n 
   * The parameter threshold should therefore be a real value between 0 and 1.
  class JTestKolmogorov_1D:
    public JTest_t,
    public JTestKolmogorov_t

     * Default constructor.
    JTestKolmogorov_1D() :
      JTest_t("KS_1D", "p-Value(KS)"),
     * Read test parameters from input.
     * \param  in            input stream
     * \return               input stream
    std::istream& read(std::istream& in) override{ 
      return in >> threshold;
     * Applies Kolmogorov test for two ROOT TH1 histograms.
     * \param o1 First histogram
     * \param o2 Second histogram
    void test(TObject* o1, TObject* o2) override{    

      using namespace std;
      if (!(dynamic_cast<TH2*>(o1) == NULL) || !(dynamic_cast<TH2*>(o2) == NULL)) {
	ERROR("For 2D histograms call JTestKolmogorov_2D: " << o1->GetName() << endl);
      } else if (!(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(o1) == NULL) && !(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(o2) == NULL)) {
	TH1D* h1 =  dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(o1);
	TH1D* h2 =  dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(o2);

	JTestResult r = JKolmogorovTest(h1, h2, threshold, testName, resultType);
    double threshold;            //!< threshold p-value to decide if test is passed.