#ifndef __JGEOMETRY3DTOOLKIT__ #define __JGEOMETRY3DTOOLKIT__ #include #include "JGeometry2D/JGeometry2DToolkit.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JPosition3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JCylinder3D.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JMath/JMathToolkit.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ /** * Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations. */ namespace JGEOMETRY3D {} namespace JPP { using namespace JGEOMETRY3D; } namespace JGEOMETRY3D { using JMATH::getDistance; /** * Center. */ class JCenter3D : public JPosition3D { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param p0 first position * \param p1 second position */ JCenter3D(const JVector3D& p0, const JVector3D& p1) : JPosition3D() { add(p0); add(p1); div(2); } /** * Constructor. * * \param p0 first position * \param p1 second position * \param p2 third position */ JCenter3D(const JVector3D& p0, const JVector3D& p1, const JVector3D& p2) : JPosition3D() { add(p0); add(p1); add(p2); div(3); } /** * Constructor. * * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data */ template JCenter3D(T __begin, T __end) : JPosition3D() { if (__begin != __end) { for (T i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) { add(*i); } div(std::distance(__begin, __end)); } } }; /** * Weighed center. */ class JWeighedCenter3D : public JPosition3D { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data */ template JWeighedCenter3D(T __begin, T __end) : JPosition3D() { if (__begin != __end) { double __w = 0.0; for (T i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) { __x += i->getX() * i->getW(); __y += i->getY() * i->getW(); __z += i->getZ() * i->getW(); __w += i->getW(); } div(__w); } } }; /** * Auxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 3D points. */ class JSmallestDistance3D { protected: /** * Recursive method to find the smallest distance. * * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \return minimal distance */ template static double getDmin(T __begin, T __end) { using namespace std; const int N = distance(__begin, __end); if (N <= 3) { double Dmin = numeric_limits::max(); for (T i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) { for (T j = i; ++j != __end; ) { const double d = getDistance(*i, *j); if (d < Dmin) { Dmin = d; } } } return Dmin; } else { T i = __begin; advance(i, N/2); const double dl = getDmin(__begin, i); const double dr = getDmin(i, __end); const double Dmin = min(dl, dr); T il = i; T ir = i; while (--il != __begin && i ->getZ() - il->getZ() < Dmin) {} while (++ir != __end && ir->getZ() - i ->getZ() < Dmin) {} const double dz = JGEOMETRY2D::getSmallestDistance2D(++il, ir, Dmin); sort(il, ir, compareZ); return min(Dmin, dz); } } /** * Auxiliary class for sorting elements. */ struct JCompareZ { /** * Compare x-positions of given points. * * \param first first point * \param second second point * \return true if x of first point less than that of second; else false */ template inline bool operator()(const T& first, const T& second) const { return first.getZ() < second.getZ(); } }; public: /** * Default constructor. */ JSmallestDistance3D() {} static const JCompareZ compareZ; //!< Function object for sorting elements. /** * Get smallest distance between two points.\n * Note that this method changes the order of the elements. * * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \return minimal distance */ template double operator()(T __begin, T __end) const { using namespace std; sort(__begin, __end, compareZ); return getDmin(__begin, __end); } }; /** * Auxiliary function to retrieve the maximum cylindrical containment volume. * * \return maximum cylindrical containment volume */ inline const JCylinder3D getMaximumContainmentVolume() { using namespace JPP; const double R_Earth = R_EARTH_KM * 1e3; // m const JVector2D center(0.0, 0.0); const JCircle2D circle(center, R_Earth); return JCylinder3D(circle, -R_Earth, R_Earth); } /** * Function object for smallest distance determination. */ static const JSmallestDistance3D getSmallestDistance3D; } #endif