// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ // Authors: David Gonzalez Maline 01/2008 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2006 , LCG ROOT MathLib Team * * * * * **********************************************************************/ // Header file for GaussIntegrator // // Created by: David Gonzalez Maline : Wed Jan 16 2008 // #ifndef ROOT_Math_GaussLegendreIntegrator #define ROOT_Math_GaussLegendreIntegrator #include "Math/GaussIntegrator.h" namespace ROOT { namespace Math { //___________________________________________________________________________________________ /** User class for performing function integration. It will use the Gauss-Legendre Method for function integration in a given interval. This class is implemented from TF1::Integral(). @ingroup Integration */ class GaussLegendreIntegrator: public GaussIntegrator { public: /** Basic contructor of GaussLegendreIntegrator. \@param num Number of desired points to calculate the integration. \@param eps Desired relative error. */ GaussLegendreIntegrator(int num = 10 ,double eps=1e-12); /** Default Destructor */ virtual ~GaussLegendreIntegrator(); /** Set the number of points used in the calculation of the integral */ void SetNumberPoints(int num); /** Set the desired relative Error. */ virtual void SetRelTolerance (double); /** This method is not implemented. */ virtual void SetAbsTolerance (double); /** Returns the arrays x and w containing the abscissa and weight of the Gauss-Legendre n-point quadrature formula. Gauss-Legendre: W(x)=1 -10) x and w are arrays of size num eps is the relative precision If num<=0 or eps<=0 no action is done. Reference: Numerical Recipes in C, Second Edition */ void CalcGaussLegendreSamplingPoints(); protected: int fNum; // Number of points used in the stimation of the integral. double* fX; // Abscisa of the points used. double* fW; // Weights of the points used. }; } // end namespace Math } // end namespace ROOT #endif /* ROOT_Math_GaussLegendreIntegrator */