// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ // Author: L. Moneta Thu Nov 23 10:38:32 2006 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * * **********************************************************************/ // Header file for class WrappedParamFunction #ifndef ROOT_Math_WrappedParamFunction #define ROOT_Math_WrappedParamFunction #include "Math/IParamFunction.h" //#include //#include #include namespace ROOT { namespace Math { typedef double( * FreeParamMultiFunctionPtr ) (const double *, const double * ); /** WrappedParamFunction class to wrap any multi-dimensional function pbject implementing the operator()(const double * x, const double * p) in an interface-like IParamFunction with a vector storing and caching internally the parameter values @ingroup ParamFunc */ template< typename FuncPtr = FreeParamMultiFunctionPtr > class WrappedParamFunction : public IParamMultiFunction { public: /** Constructor a wrapped function from a pointer to a callable object, the function dimension and number of parameters which are set to zero by default */ WrappedParamFunction (FuncPtr func, unsigned int dim = 1, unsigned int npar = 0, double * par = 0) : fFunc(func), fDim(dim), fParams(std::vector(npar) ) { if (par != 0) std::copy(par,par+npar,fParams.begin() ); } // /** // Constructor a wrapped function from a non-const pointer to a callable object, the function dimension and number of parameters // which are set to zero by default // This constructor is needed in the case FuncPtr is a std::unique_ptr which has a copy ctor taking non const objects // */ // WrappedParamFunction (FuncPtr & func, unsigned int dim = 1, unsigned int npar = 0, double * par = 0) : // fFunc(func), // fDim(dim), // fParams(std::vector(npar) ) // { // if (par != 0) std::copy(par,par+npar,fParams.begin() ); // } /** Constructor a wrapped function from a pointer to a callable object, the function dimension and an iterator specifying begin and end of parameters */ template WrappedParamFunction (FuncPtr func, unsigned int dim, Iterator begin, Iterator end) : fFunc(func), fDim(dim), fParams(std::vector(begin,end) ) {} // /** // Constructor a wrapped function from a non - const pointer to a callable object, the function dimension and an iterator specifying begin and end of parameters. // This constructor is needed in the case FuncPtr is a std::unique_ptr which has a copy ctor taking non const objects // */ // template // WrappedParamFunction (FuncPtr func, unsigned int dim, Iterator begin, Iterator end) : // fFunc(func), // fDim(dim), // fParams(std::vector(begin,end) ) // {} /// clone the function IMultiGenFunction * Clone() const { return new WrappedParamFunction(fFunc, fDim, fParams.begin(), fParams.end()); } const double * Parameters() const { return fParams.empty() ? nullptr : &fParams.front(); } void SetParameters(const double * p) { std::copy(p, p+NPar(), fParams.begin() ); } unsigned int NPar() const { return fParams.size(); } unsigned int NDim() const { return fDim; } private: /// evaluate the function given values and parameters (requested interface) double DoEvalPar(const double * x, const double * p) const { return (*fFunc)( x, p ); } FuncPtr fFunc; unsigned int fDim; std::vector fParams; }; typedef double( * FreeMultiFunctionPtr ) (const double *); /** WrappedParamGenFunction class to wrap any multi-dimensional function implementing the operator()(const double * ) in an interface-like IParamFunction, by fixing some of the variables and define them as parameters. i.e. transform any multi-dim function in a parametric function @ingroup ParamFunc */ template< typename FuncPtr = FreeMultiFunctionPtr > class WrappedParamFunctionGen : public IParamMultiFunction { public: /** Constructor a wrapped function from a pointer to a generic callable object implemention operator()(const double *), the new function dimension, the number of parameters (number of fixed variables) and an array specifying the index of the fixed variables which becames parameters in the new API */ WrappedParamFunctionGen (const FuncPtr & func, unsigned int dim, unsigned int npar, const double * par, const unsigned int * idx) : fFunc(func), fDim(dim), fParams(std::vector(par,par+npar) ), fParIndices(std::vector(idx, idx + npar) ), fX(std::vector(npar+dim) ) // cached vector { DoInit(); } /** Constructor as before but taking now a non - const pointer to a callable object. This constructor is needed in the case FuncPtr is a std::unique_ptr which has a copy ctor taking non const objects */ WrappedParamFunctionGen (FuncPtr & func, unsigned int dim, unsigned int npar, const double * par, const unsigned int * idx) : fFunc(func), fDim(dim), fParams(std::vector(par,par+npar) ), fParIndices(std::vector(idx, idx + npar) ), fX(std::vector(npar+dim) ) // cached vector { DoInit(); } /// clone the function IMultiGenFunction * Clone() const { return new WrappedParamFunctionGen(fFunc, fDim, fParams.size(), fParams.empty() ? nullptr : &fParams.front(), fParIndices.empty() ? nullptr : &fParIndices.front()); } private: // copy ctor WrappedParamFunctionGen(const WrappedParamFunctionGen &); // not implemented WrappedParamFunctionGen & operator=(const WrappedParamFunctionGen &); // not implemented public: const double * Parameters() const { return fParams.empty() ? nullptr : &fParams.front(); } void SetParameters(const double * p) { unsigned int npar = NPar(); std::copy(p, p+ npar, fParams.begin() ); SetParValues(npar, p); } unsigned int NPar() const { return fParams.size(); } unsigned int NDim() const { return fDim; } // // re-implement this since is more efficient // double operator() (const double * x, const double * p) { // unsigned int n = fX.size(); // unsigned int npar = fParams.size(); // unsigned j = 0; // return (*fFunc)( fX); // } private: /// evaluate the function (re-implement for being more efficient) double DoEval(const double * x) const { // std::cout << this << fDim << " x : "; // std::ostream_iterator oix(std::cout," , "); // std::copy(x, x+fDim, oix); // std::cout << std::endl; // std::cout << "npar " << npar << std::endl; // std::cout << fVarIndices.size() << std::endl; // assert ( fVarIndices.size() == fDim); // otherwise something is wrong for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fDim; ++i) { unsigned int j = fVarIndices[i]; assert ( j < NPar() + fDim); fX[ j ] = x[i]; } // std::cout << "X : ("; // std::ostream_iterator oi(std::cout," , "); // std::copy(fX.begin(), fX.end(), oi); // std::cout << std::endl; return (*fFunc)( fX.empty() ? nullptr : &fX.front() ); } /** implement the required IParamFunction interface */ double DoEvalPar(const double * x, const double * p ) const { SetParValues(NPar(), p); return DoEval(x); } void DoInit() { // calculate variable indices and set in X the parameter values fVarIndices.reserve(fDim); unsigned int npar = NPar(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npar + fDim; ++i) { bool isVar = true; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) { if (fParIndices[j] == i) { isVar = false; break; } } if (isVar) fVarIndices.push_back(i); } assert ( fVarIndices.size() == fDim); // otherwise something is wrong // std::cout << "n variables " << fVarIndices.size() << std::endl; // std::ostream_iterator oi(std::cout," "); // std::copy(fVarIndices.begin(), fVarIndices.end(), oi); // std::cout << std::endl; // assert( fVarIndices.size() == fDim); // std::cout << this << std::endl; // set parameter values in fX SetParValues(npar, fParams.empty() ? nullptr : &fParams.front()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) { unsigned int j = fParIndices[i]; assert ( j < npar + fDim); fX[j] = fParams[i]; } } // set the parameter values in the cached fX vector // makme const because it might be called from const methods void SetParValues(unsigned int npar, const double * p) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) { unsigned int j = fParIndices[i]; assert ( j < npar + fDim); fX[j] = p[i]; } } mutable FuncPtr fFunc; unsigned int fDim; std::vector fParams; std::vector fVarIndices; std::vector fParIndices; mutable std::vector fX; }; } // end namespace Math } // end namespace ROOT #endif /* ROOT_Math_WrappedParamFunction */