// @(#)root/tmva/tmva/dnn:$Id$ // Author: Simon Pfreundschuh 08/08/16 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2016, Simon Pfreundschuh * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generic data loader for neural network input data. Provides a // // high level abstraction for the transfer of training data to the // // device. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef TMVA_DNN_DATALOADER #define TMVA_DNN_DATALOADER #include "TMatrix.h" #include "TMVA/Event.h" #include #include #include #include namespace TMVA { class DataSetInfo; namespace DNN { // // Input Data Types //______________________________________________________________________________ using MatrixInput_t = std::tuple &, const TMatrixT &, const TMatrixT &>; using TMVAInput_t = std::tuple &, const DataSetInfo &>; using IndexIterator_t = typename std::vector::iterator; /** TBatch * * Class representing training batches consisting of a matrix of input data * and a matrix of output data. The input and output data can be accessed using * the GetInput() and GetOutput() member functions. * * \tparam AArchitecture The underlying architecture. */ //______________________________________________________________________________ template class TBatch { private: using Matrix_t = typename AArchitecture::Matrix_t; Matrix_t fInputMatrix; Matrix_t fOutputMatrix; Matrix_t fWeightMatrix; public: TBatch(Matrix_t &, Matrix_t &, Matrix_t &); TBatch(const TBatch &) = default; TBatch( TBatch &&) = default; TBatch & operator=(const TBatch &) = default; TBatch & operator=( TBatch &&) = default; /** Return the matrix representing the input data. */ Matrix_t &GetInput() { return fInputMatrix; } /** Return the matrix representing the output data. */ Matrix_t &GetOutput() { return fOutputMatrix; } /** Return the matrix holding the event weights. */ Matrix_t &GetWeights() { return fWeightMatrix; } }; template class TDataLoader; /** TBatchIterator * * Simple iterator class for the iterations over the training batches in * a given data set represented by a TDataLoader object. * * \tparam AData The input data type. * \tparam AArchitecture The underlying architecture type. */ template class TBatchIterator { private: TDataLoader & fDataLoader; size_t fBatchIndex; public: TBatchIterator(TDataLoader & dataLoader, size_t index = 0) : fDataLoader(dataLoader), fBatchIndex(index) { // Nothing to do here. } TBatch operator*() {return fDataLoader.GetBatch();} TBatchIterator operator++() {fBatchIndex++; return *this;} bool operator!=(const TBatchIterator & other) { return fBatchIndex != other.fBatchIndex; } }; /** TDataLoader * * Service class managing the streaming of the training data from the input data * type to the accelerator device or the CPU. A TDataLoader object manages a number * of host and device buffer pairs that are used in a round-robin manner for the * transfer of batches to the device. * * Each TDataLoader object has an associated batch size and a number of total * samples in the dataset. One epoch is the number of buffers required to transfer * the complete training set. Using the begin() and end() member functions allows * the user to iterate over the batches in one epoch. * * \tparam AData The input data type. * \tparam AArchitecture The achitecture class of the underlying architecture. */ template class TDataLoader { private: using HostBuffer_t = typename AArchitecture::HostBuffer_t; using DeviceBuffer_t = typename AArchitecture::DeviceBuffer_t; using Matrix_t = typename AArchitecture::Matrix_t; using BatchIterator_t = TBatchIterator; const Data_t &fData; size_t fNSamples; size_t fBatchSize; size_t fNInputFeatures; size_t fNOutputFeatures; size_t fBatchIndex; size_t fNStreams; ///< Number of buffer pairs. std::vector fDeviceBuffers; std::vector fHostBuffers; std::vector fSampleIndices; ///< Ordering of the samples in the epoch. public: TDataLoader(const Data_t & data, size_t nSamples, size_t batchSize, size_t nInputFeatures, size_t nOutputFeatures, size_t nStreams = 1); TDataLoader(const TDataLoader &) = default; TDataLoader( TDataLoader &&) = default; TDataLoader & operator=(const TDataLoader &) = default; TDataLoader & operator=( TDataLoader &&) = default; /** Copy input matrix into the given host buffer. Function to be specialized by * the architecture-specific backend. */ void CopyInput(HostBuffer_t &buffer, IndexIterator_t begin, size_t batchSize); /** Copy output matrix into the given host buffer. Function to be specialized * by the architecture-spcific backend. */ void CopyOutput(HostBuffer_t &buffer, IndexIterator_t begin, size_t batchSize); /** Copy weight matrix into the given host buffer. Function to be specialized * by the architecture-spcific backend. */ void CopyWeights(HostBuffer_t &buffer, IndexIterator_t begin, size_t batchSize); BatchIterator_t begin() {return TBatchIterator(*this);} BatchIterator_t end() { return TBatchIterator(*this, fNSamples / fBatchSize); } /** Shuffle the order of the samples in the batch. The shuffling is indirect, * i.e. only the indices are shuffled. No input data is moved by this * routine. */ void Shuffle(); /** Return the next batch from the training set. The TDataLoader object * keeps an internal counter that cycles over the batches in the training * set. */ TBatch GetBatch(); }; // // TBatch Class. //______________________________________________________________________________ template TBatch::TBatch(Matrix_t &inputMatrix, Matrix_t &outputMatrix, Matrix_t &weightMatrix) : fInputMatrix(inputMatrix), fOutputMatrix(outputMatrix), fWeightMatrix(weightMatrix) { // Nothing to do here. } // // TDataLoader Class. //______________________________________________________________________________ template TDataLoader::TDataLoader( const Data_t & data, size_t nSamples, size_t batchSize, size_t nInputFeatures, size_t nOutputFeatures, size_t nStreams) : fData(data), fNSamples(nSamples), fBatchSize(batchSize), fNInputFeatures(nInputFeatures), fNOutputFeatures(nOutputFeatures), fBatchIndex(0), fNStreams(nStreams), fDeviceBuffers(), fHostBuffers(), fSampleIndices() { size_t inputMatrixSize = fBatchSize * fNInputFeatures; size_t outputMatrixSize = fBatchSize * fNOutputFeatures; size_t weightMatrixSize = fBatchSize; for (size_t i = 0; i < fNStreams; i++) { fHostBuffers.push_back(HostBuffer_t(inputMatrixSize + outputMatrixSize + weightMatrixSize)); fDeviceBuffers.push_back(DeviceBuffer_t(inputMatrixSize + outputMatrixSize + weightMatrixSize)); } fSampleIndices.reserve(fNSamples); for (size_t i = 0; i < fNSamples; i++) { fSampleIndices.push_back(i); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TBatch TDataLoader::GetBatch() { fBatchIndex %= (fNSamples / fBatchSize); // Cycle through samples. size_t inputMatrixSize = fBatchSize * fNInputFeatures; size_t outputMatrixSize = fBatchSize * fNOutputFeatures; size_t weightMatrixSize = fBatchSize; size_t streamIndex = fBatchIndex % fNStreams; HostBuffer_t & hostBuffer = fHostBuffers[streamIndex]; DeviceBuffer_t & deviceBuffer = fDeviceBuffers[streamIndex]; HostBuffer_t inputHostBuffer = hostBuffer.GetSubBuffer(0, inputMatrixSize); HostBuffer_t outputHostBuffer = hostBuffer.GetSubBuffer(inputMatrixSize, outputMatrixSize); HostBuffer_t weightHostBuffer = hostBuffer.GetSubBuffer(inputMatrixSize + outputMatrixSize, weightMatrixSize); DeviceBuffer_t inputDeviceBuffer = deviceBuffer.GetSubBuffer(0, inputMatrixSize); DeviceBuffer_t outputDeviceBuffer = deviceBuffer.GetSubBuffer(inputMatrixSize, outputMatrixSize); DeviceBuffer_t weightDeviceBuffer = deviceBuffer.GetSubBuffer(inputMatrixSize + outputMatrixSize, weightMatrixSize); size_t sampleIndex = fBatchIndex * fBatchSize; IndexIterator_t sampleIndexIterator = fSampleIndices.begin() + sampleIndex; CopyInput(inputHostBuffer, sampleIndexIterator, fBatchSize); CopyOutput(outputHostBuffer, sampleIndexIterator, fBatchSize); CopyWeights(weightHostBuffer, sampleIndexIterator, fBatchSize); deviceBuffer.CopyFrom(hostBuffer); Matrix_t inputMatrix(inputDeviceBuffer, fBatchSize, fNInputFeatures); Matrix_t outputMatrix(outputDeviceBuffer, fBatchSize, fNOutputFeatures); Matrix_t weightMatrix(weightDeviceBuffer, fBatchSize, fNOutputFeatures); fBatchIndex++; return TBatch(inputMatrix, outputMatrix, weightMatrix); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDataLoader::Shuffle() { std::shuffle(fSampleIndices.begin(), fSampleIndices.end(), std::default_random_engine{}); } } // namespace DNN } // namespace TMVA #endif