#pragma once //#include "TApplication.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" // FIXME: We should not rely on std::cout but on the ROOT printing facilities or // MsgLogger! #include // for std::cout #include namespace TMVA { class Monitoring { public: /* Monitoring (int argc, char* /\*argv[]*\/) */ /* { */ /* } */ Monitoring () : fCanvas (NULL) { } ~Monitoring () { delete fCanvas; // delete fApplication; } void Start () { /* std::cout << "start monitoring" << std::endl; */ /* std::cout << " new tapp " << std::endl; */ /* fApplication = new TApplication ("TMVA Monitoring", 0, 0); */ /* std::cout << " set return from run" << std::endl; */ /* // fApplication->SetReturnFromRun (true); */ std::cout << " new tcanvas" << std::endl; fCanvas = new TCanvas ("TMVA Monitoring", "Monitoring", 1000, 500); std::cout << " draw" << std::endl; fCanvas->Draw (); std::cout << " update" << std::endl; GetCanvas ()->Update(); std::cout << " process events" << std::endl; gSystem->ProcessEvents(); //canvas can be edited during the loop std::cout << " run app" << std::endl; // fApplication->Run (); std::cout << " run app executed" << std::endl; gStyle->SetOptStat (0); } void ProcessEvents () { GetCanvas ()->Modified(); GetCanvas ()->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); //canvas can be edited during the loop } TCanvas* GetCanvas () { return fCanvas; } void pads (int numPads); void create (std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max); void create (std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max, int bins2, double min2, double max2); void addPoint (std::string histoName, double x); void addPoint (std::string histoName, double x, double y); void plot (std::string histoName, std::string options = "L", int pad = 0, EColor color = kBlue); void clear (std::string histoName); bool exists (std::string histoName); bool exists (TH1F* dummy, std::string histoName); bool exists (TH2F* dummy, std::string histoName); protected: TH1F* getHistogram (const TH1F* dummy, std::string histoName, int bins = 0, double min = 0, double max = 0); TH2F* getHistogram (const TH2F* dummy, std::string histoName, int bins = 0, double min = 0, double max = 0, int bins2 = 0, double min2 = 0, double max2 = 0); private: TCanvas* fCanvas; // TApplication* fApplication; std::map m_histos1D; std::map m_histos2D; }; inline bool Monitoring::exists (TH1F* /*dummy*/, std::string histoName) { auto it = m_histos1D.find (histoName); if (it != m_histos1D.end ()) return true; return false; } inline bool Monitoring::exists (TH2F* /*dummy*/, std::string histoName) { auto it2 = m_histos2D.find (histoName); if (it2 != m_histos2D.end ()) return true; return false; } inline bool Monitoring::exists (std::string histoName) { TH1F* dummy1D (NULL); TH2F* dummy2D (NULL); return exists (dummy1D, histoName) || exists (dummy2D, histoName); } inline void Monitoring::pads (int numPads) { TCanvas* canvas = GetCanvas (); canvas->Clear (); std::cout << "divide canvas " << canvas << " into " << numPads << "numPads" << std::endl; GetCanvas ()->DivideSquare (numPads); } inline void Monitoring::create (std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max) { TH1F* dummy (NULL); getHistogram (dummy, histoName, bins, min, max); } inline void Monitoring::create (std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max, int bins2, double min2, double max2) { TH2F* dummy (NULL); getHistogram (dummy, histoName, bins, min, max, bins2, min2, max2); } inline TH1F* Monitoring::getHistogram (const TH1F* /*dummy*/, std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max) { auto it = m_histos1D.find (histoName); if (it != m_histos1D.end ()) return it->second; std::cout << "new 1D histogram " << histoName << std::endl; TH1F* histogram = m_histos1D.insert (std::make_pair (histoName, new TH1F (histoName.c_str (), histoName.c_str (), bins, min, max))).first->second; // int numPads = m_histos1D.size () + m_histos2D.size (); return histogram; } inline TH2F* Monitoring::getHistogram (const TH2F* /*dummy*/, std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max, int bins2, double min2, double max2) { // 2D histogram auto it = m_histos2D.find (histoName); if (it != m_histos2D.end ()) return it->second; std::cout << "new 2D histogram " << histoName << std::endl; TH2F* histogram = m_histos2D.insert (std::make_pair (histoName, new TH2F (histoName.c_str (), histoName.c_str (), bins, min, max, bins2, min2, max2))).first->second; // int numPads = m_histos1D.size () + m_histos2D.size (); return histogram; } inline void Monitoring::addPoint (std::string histoName, double x) { TH1F* dummy (NULL); TH1F* hist = getHistogram (dummy, histoName, 100, 0, 1); hist->Fill (x); } inline void Monitoring::addPoint (std::string histoName, double x, double y) { TH2F* dummy (NULL); TH2F* hist = getHistogram (dummy, histoName, 100, 0, 1, 100, 0, 1); hist->Fill (x, y); } inline void Monitoring::clear (std::string histoName) { // std::cout << "clear histo " << histoName << std::endl; if (!exists (histoName)) return; // std::cout << "clear histo which exists " << histoName << std::endl; TH1F* hist1D (NULL); TH2F* hist2D (NULL); if (exists (hist1D, histoName)) { hist1D = getHistogram (hist1D, histoName, 100, 0,1); hist1D->Reset (); return; } if (exists (hist2D, histoName)) { hist2D = getHistogram (hist2D, histoName, 100, 0,1,100,0,1); hist2D->Reset (); } } inline void Monitoring::plot (std::string histoName, std::string options, int pad, EColor color) { TCanvas* canvas = GetCanvas (); canvas->cd (pad); auto it1D = m_histos1D.find (histoName); if (it1D != m_histos1D.end ()) { TH1F* dummy (NULL); TH1F* histogram = getHistogram (dummy, histoName); // histogram->SetBit (TH1::kCanRebin); histogram->SetLineColor (color); histogram->SetMarkerColor (color); // std::cout << "draw " << histoName << " 1D on canvas " << canvas << " on pad " << pad << " with options " << options << std::endl; histogram->Draw (options.c_str ()); canvas->Modified (); canvas->Update (); return; } auto it2D = m_histos2D.find (histoName); if (it2D != m_histos2D.end ()) { TH2F* dummy (NULL); TH2F* histogram = getHistogram (dummy, histoName); // histogram->SetBit (TH1::kCanRebin); histogram->SetLineColor (color); histogram->SetMarkerColor (color); // std::cout << "draw " << histoName << " 2D on canvas " << canvas << " on pad " << pad << " with options " << options << std::endl; histogram->Draw (options.c_str ()); canvas->Modified (); canvas->Update (); } } } // namespace TMVA