/** * @file NeuralNet * @author Peter Speckmayer * @version 1.0 * * @section LICENSE * * * @section Neural net implementation * * An implementation of a neural net for TMVA. This neural net uses multithreading * */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // NeuralNet // // // // A neural net implementation // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef TMVA_NEURAL_NET #define TMVA_NEURAL_NET #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Pattern.h" #include "Monitoring.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include // turn on or off exceptions for NaN and other numeric exceptions namespace TMVA { class IPythonInteractive; namespace DNN { // double gaussDoubl (edouble mean, double sigma); double gaussDouble (double mean, double sigma); double uniformDouble (double minValue, double maxValue); int randomInt (int maxValue); class MeanVariance { public: MeanVariance() : m_n(0) , m_sumWeights(0) , m_mean(0) , m_squared(0) {} inline void clear() { m_n = 0; m_sumWeights = 0; m_mean = 0; m_squared = 0; } template inline void add(T value, double weight = 1.0) { ++m_n; // a value has been added if (m_n == 1) // initialization { m_mean = value; m_squared = 0.0; m_sumWeights = weight; return; } double tmpWeight = m_sumWeights+weight; double Q = value - m_mean; double R = Q*weight/tmpWeight; m_mean += R; m_squared += m_sumWeights*R*Q; m_sumWeights = tmpWeight; } template inline void add (ITERATOR itBegin, ITERATOR itEnd) { for (ITERATOR it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it) add (*it); } inline int count() const { return m_n; } inline double weights() const { if(m_n==0) return 0; return m_sumWeights; } inline double mean() const { if(m_n==0) return 0; return m_mean; } inline double var() const { if(m_n==0) return 0; if (m_squared <= 0) return 0; return (m_squared/m_sumWeights); } inline double var_corr () const { if (m_n <= 1) return var (); return (var()*m_n/(m_n-1)); // unbiased for small sample sizes } inline double stdDev_corr () const { return sqrt( var_corr() ); } inline double stdDev () const { return sqrt( var() ); } // unbiased for small sample sizes private: size_t m_n; double m_sumWeights; double m_mean; double m_squared; }; enum class EnumFunction { ZERO = '0', LINEAR = 'L', TANH = 'T', RELU = 'R', SYMMRELU = 'r', TANHSHIFT = 't', SIGMOID = 's', SOFTSIGN = 'S', GAUSS = 'G', GAUSSCOMPLEMENT = 'C' }; enum class EnumRegularization { NONE, L1, L2, L1MAX }; enum class ModeOutputValues : int { DIRECT = 0x01, SIGMOID = 0x02, SOFTMAX = 0x04, BATCHNORMALIZATION = 0x08 }; inline ModeOutputValues operator| (ModeOutputValues lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) { return (ModeOutputValues)(static_cast::type>(lhs) | static_cast::type>(rhs)); } inline ModeOutputValues operator|= (ModeOutputValues& lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) { lhs = (ModeOutputValues)(static_cast::type>(lhs) | static_cast::type>(rhs)); return lhs; } inline ModeOutputValues operator& (ModeOutputValues lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) { return (ModeOutputValues)(static_cast::type>(lhs) & static_cast::type>(rhs)); } inline ModeOutputValues operator&= (ModeOutputValues& lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) { lhs = (ModeOutputValues)(static_cast::type>(lhs) & static_cast::type>(rhs)); return lhs; } template bool isFlagSet (T flag, T value) { return (int)(value & flag) != 0; } class Net; typedef std::vector DropContainer; /*! \brief The Batch class encapsulates one mini-batch * * Holds a const_iterator to the beginning and the end of one batch in a vector of Pattern */ class Batch { public: typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator const_iterator; Batch (typename std::vector::const_iterator itBegin, typename std::vector::const_iterator itEnd) : m_itBegin (itBegin) , m_itEnd (itEnd) {} const_iterator begin () const { return m_itBegin; } const_iterator end () const { return m_itEnd; } size_t size () const { return std::distance (begin (), end ()); } private: const_iterator m_itBegin; ///< iterator denoting the beginning of the batch const_iterator m_itEnd; ///< iterator denoting the end of the batch }; template void applyWeights (ItSource itSourceBegin, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItWeight itWeight, ItTarget itTargetBegin, ItTarget itTargetEnd); template void applyWeightsBackwards (ItSource itCurrBegin, ItSource itCurrEnd, ItWeight itWeight, ItPrev itPrevBegin, ItPrev itPrevEnd); template void applyFunctions (ItValue itValue, ItValue itValueEnd, ItFunction itFunction); template void applyFunctions (ItValue itValue, ItValue itValueEnd, ItFunction itFunction, ItInverseFunction itInverseFunction, ItGradient itGradient); template void update (ItSource itSource, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItDelta itTargetDeltaBegin, ItDelta itTargetDeltaEnd, ItTargetGradient itTargetGradientBegin, ItGradient itGradient); template void update (ItSource itSource, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItDelta itTargetDeltaBegin, ItDelta itTargetDeltaEnd, ItTargetGradient itTargetGradientBegin, ItGradient itGradient, ItWeight itWeight, double weightDecay); // ----- signature of a minimizer ------------- // class Minimizer // { // public: // template // double operator() (Function& fnc, Variables& vars, PassThrough& passThrough) // { // // auto itVars = begin (vars); // // auto itVarsEnd = end (vars); // std::vector myweights; // std::vector gradients; // double value = fnc (passThrough, myweights); // value = fnc (passThrough, myweights, gradients); // return value; // } // }; ///< list all the minimizer types enum MinimizerType { fSteepest ///< SGD }; /*! \brief Steepest Gradient Descent algorithm (SGD) * * Implements a steepest gradient descent minimization algorithm */ class Steepest { public: size_t m_repetitions; /*! \brief c'tor * * C'tor * * \param learningRate denotes the learning rate for the SGD algorithm * \param momentum fraction of the velocity which is taken over from the last step * \param repetitions re-compute the gradients each "repetitions" steps */ Steepest (double learningRate = 1e-4, double momentum = 0.5, size_t repetitions = 10) : m_repetitions (repetitions) , m_alpha (learningRate) , m_beta (momentum) {} /*! \brief operator to call the steepest gradient descent algorithm * * entry point to start the minimization procedure * * \param fitnessFunction (templated) function which has to be provided. This function is minimized * \param weights (templated) a reference to a container of weights. The result of the minimization procedure * is returned via this reference (needs to support std::begin and std::end * \param passThrough (templated) object which can hold any data which the fitness function needs. This object * is not touched by the minimizer; This object is provided to the fitness function when * called */ template double operator() (Function& fitnessFunction, Weights& weights, PassThrough& passThrough); double m_alpha; ///< internal parameter (learningRate) double m_beta; ///< internal parameter (momentum) std::vector m_prevGradients; ///< vector remembers the gradients of the previous step std::vector m_localWeights; ///< local weights for reuse in thread. std::vector m_localGradients; ///< local gradients for reuse in thread. }; template double sumOfSquares (ItOutput itOutputBegin, ItOutput itOutputEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth itTruthEnd, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, ItInvActFnc itInvActFnc, double patternWeight); template double crossEntropy (ItProbability itProbabilityBegin, ItProbability itProbabilityEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth itTruthEnd, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, ItInvActFnc itInvActFnc, double patternWeight); template double softMaxCrossEntropy (ItOutput itProbabilityBegin, ItOutput itProbabilityEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth itTruthEnd, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, ItInvActFnc itInvActFnc, double patternWeight); template double weightDecay (double error, ItWeight itWeight, ItWeight itWeightEnd, double factorWeightDecay, EnumRegularization eRegularization); /*! \brief LayerData holds the data of one layer * * LayerData holds the data of one layer, but not its layout * * */ class LayerData { public: typedef std::vector container_type; typedef container_type::iterator iterator_type; typedef container_type::const_iterator const_iterator_type; typedef std::vector > function_container_type; typedef function_container_type::iterator function_iterator_type; typedef function_container_type::const_iterator const_function_iterator_type; typedef DropContainer::const_iterator const_dropout_iterator; /*! \brief c'tor of LayerData * * C'tor of LayerData for the input layer * * \param itInputBegin iterator to the begin of a vector which holds the values of the nodes of the neural net * \param itInputEnd iterator to the end of a vector which holdsd the values of the nodes of the neural net * \param eModeOutput indicates a potential tranformation of the output values before further computation * DIRECT does not further transformation; SIGMOID applies a sigmoid transformation to each * output value (to create a probability); SOFTMAX applies a softmax transformation to all * output values (mutually exclusive probability) */ LayerData (const_iterator_type itInputBegin, const_iterator_type itInputEnd, ModeOutputValues eModeOutput = ModeOutputValues::DIRECT); /*! \brief c'tor of LayerData * * C'tor of LayerData for the input layer * * \param inputSize input size of this layer */ LayerData (size_t inputSize); ~LayerData () {} /*! \brief c'tor of LayerData * * C'tor of LayerData for all layers which are not the input layer; Used during the training of the DNN * * \param size size of the layer * \param itWeightBegin indicates the start of the weights for this layer on the weight vector * \param itGradientBegin indicates the start of the gradients for this layer on the gradient vector * \param itFunctionBegin indicates the start of the vector of activation functions for this layer on the * activation function vector * \param itInverseFunctionBegin indicates the start of the vector of activation functions for this * layer on the activation function vector * \param eModeOutput indicates a potential tranformation of the output values before further computation * DIRECT does not further transformation; SIGMOID applies a sigmoid transformation to each * output value (to create a probability); SOFTMAX applies a softmax transformation to all * output values (mutually exclusive probability) */ LayerData (size_t size, const_iterator_type itWeightBegin, iterator_type itGradientBegin, std::shared_ptr> activationFunction, std::shared_ptr> inverseActivationFunction, ModeOutputValues eModeOutput = ModeOutputValues::DIRECT); /*! \brief c'tor of LayerData * * C'tor of LayerData for all layers which are not the input layer; Used during the application of the DNN * * \param size size of the layer * \param itWeightBegin indicates the start of the weights for this layer on the weight vector * \param itFunctionBegin indicates the start of the vector of activation functions for this layer on the * activation function vector * \param eModeOutput indicates a potential tranformation of the output values before further computation * DIRECT does not further transformation; SIGMOID applies a sigmoid transformation to each * output value (to create a probability); SOFTMAX applies a softmax transformation to all * output values (mutually exclusive probability) */ LayerData (size_t size, const_iterator_type itWeightBegin, std::shared_ptr> activationFunction, ModeOutputValues eModeOutput = ModeOutputValues::DIRECT); /*! \brief copy c'tor of LayerData * * */ LayerData (const LayerData& other) : m_size (other.m_size) , m_itInputBegin (other.m_itInputBegin) , m_itInputEnd (other.m_itInputEnd) , m_deltas (other.m_deltas) , m_valueGradients (other.m_valueGradients) , m_values (other.m_values) , m_itDropOut (other.m_itDropOut) , m_hasDropOut (other.m_hasDropOut) , m_itConstWeightBegin (other.m_itConstWeightBegin) , m_itGradientBegin (other.m_itGradientBegin) , m_activationFunction (other.m_activationFunction) , m_inverseActivationFunction (other.m_inverseActivationFunction) , m_isInputLayer (other.m_isInputLayer) , m_hasWeights (other.m_hasWeights) , m_hasGradients (other.m_hasGradients) , m_eModeOutput (other.m_eModeOutput) {} /*! \brief move c'tor of LayerData * * */ LayerData (LayerData&& other) : m_size (other.m_size) , m_itInputBegin (other.m_itInputBegin) , m_itInputEnd (other.m_itInputEnd) , m_deltas (std::move(other.m_deltas)) , m_valueGradients (std::move(other.m_valueGradients)) , m_values (std::move(other.m_values)) , m_itDropOut (other.m_itDropOut) , m_hasDropOut (other.m_hasDropOut) , m_itConstWeightBegin (other.m_itConstWeightBegin) , m_itGradientBegin (other.m_itGradientBegin) , m_activationFunction (std::move(other.m_activationFunction)) , m_inverseActivationFunction (std::move(other.m_inverseActivationFunction)) , m_isInputLayer (other.m_isInputLayer) , m_hasWeights (other.m_hasWeights) , m_hasGradients (other.m_hasGradients) , m_eModeOutput (other.m_eModeOutput) {} /*! \brief change the input iterators * * * \param itInputBegin indicates the start of the input node vector * \param itInputEnd indicates the end of the input node vector * */ void setInput (const_iterator_type itInputBegin, const_iterator_type itInputEnd) { m_isInputLayer = true; m_itInputBegin = itInputBegin; m_itInputEnd = itInputEnd; } /*! \brief clear the values and the deltas * * */ void clear () { m_values.assign (m_values.size (), 0.0); m_deltas.assign (m_deltas.size (), 0.0); } const_iterator_type valuesBegin () const { return m_isInputLayer ? m_itInputBegin : begin (m_values); } ///< returns const iterator to the begin of the (node) values const_iterator_type valuesEnd () const { return m_isInputLayer ? m_itInputEnd : end (m_values); } ///< returns iterator to the end of the (node) values iterator_type valuesBegin () { assert (!m_isInputLayer); return begin (m_values); } ///< returns iterator to the begin of the (node) values iterator_type valuesEnd () { assert (!m_isInputLayer); return end (m_values); } ///< returns iterator to the end of the (node) values ModeOutputValues outputMode () const { return m_eModeOutput; } ///< returns the output mode container_type probabilities () const { return computeProbabilities (); } ///< computes the probabilities from the current node values and returns them iterator_type deltasBegin () { return begin (m_deltas); } ///< returns iterator to the begin of the deltas (back-propagation) iterator_type deltasEnd () { return end (m_deltas); } ///< returns iterator to the end of the deltas (back-propagation) const_iterator_type deltasBegin () const { return begin (m_deltas); } ///< returns const iterator to the begin of the deltas (back-propagation) const_iterator_type deltasEnd () const { return end (m_deltas); } ///< returns const iterator to the end of the deltas (back-propagation) iterator_type valueGradientsBegin () { return begin (m_valueGradients); } ///< returns iterator to the begin of the gradients of the node values iterator_type valueGradientsEnd () { return end (m_valueGradients); } ///< returns iterator to the end of the gradients of the node values const_iterator_type valueGradientsBegin () const { return begin (m_valueGradients); } ///< returns const iterator to the begin of the gradients const_iterator_type valueGradientsEnd () const { return end (m_valueGradients); } ///< returns const iterator to the end of the gradients iterator_type gradientsBegin () { assert (m_hasGradients); return m_itGradientBegin; } ///< returns iterator to the begin of the gradients const_iterator_type gradientsBegin () const { assert (m_hasGradients); return m_itGradientBegin; } ///< returns const iterator to the begin of the gradients const_iterator_type weightsBegin () const { assert (m_hasWeights); return m_itConstWeightBegin; } ///< returns const iterator to the begin of the weights for this layer std::shared_ptr> activationFunction () const { return m_activationFunction; } std::shared_ptr> inverseActivationFunction () const { return m_inverseActivationFunction; } /*! \brief set the drop-out info for this layer * */ template void setDropOut (Iterator itDrop) { m_itDropOut = itDrop; m_hasDropOut = true; } /*! \brief clear the drop-out-data for this layer * * */ void clearDropOut () { m_hasDropOut = false; } bool hasDropOut () const { return m_hasDropOut; } ///< has this layer drop-out turned on? const_dropout_iterator dropOut () const { assert (m_hasDropOut); return m_itDropOut; } ///< return the begin of the drop-out information size_t size () const { return m_size; } ///< return the size of the layer private: /*! \brief compute the probabilities from the node values * * */ container_type computeProbabilities () const; private: size_t m_size; ////< layer size const_iterator_type m_itInputBegin; ///< iterator to the first of the nodes in the input node vector const_iterator_type m_itInputEnd; ///< iterator to the end of the nodes in the input node vector std::vector m_deltas; ///< stores the deltas for the DNN training std::vector m_valueGradients; ///< stores the gradients of the values (nodes) std::vector m_values; ///< stores the values of the nodes in this layer const_dropout_iterator m_itDropOut; ///< iterator to a container indicating if the corresponding node is to be dropped bool m_hasDropOut; ///< dropOut is turned on? const_iterator_type m_itConstWeightBegin; ///< const iterator to the first weight of this layer in the weight vector iterator_type m_itGradientBegin; ///< iterator to the first gradient of this layer in the gradient vector std::shared_ptr> m_activationFunction; ///< activation function for this layer std::shared_ptr> m_inverseActivationFunction; ///< inverse activation function for this layer bool m_isInputLayer; ///< is this layer an input layer bool m_hasWeights; ///< does this layer have weights (it does not if it is the input layer) bool m_hasGradients; ///< does this layer have gradients (only if in training mode) ModeOutputValues m_eModeOutput; ///< stores the output mode (DIRECT, SIGMOID, SOFTMAX) }; /*! \brief Layer defines the layout of a layer * * Layer defines the layout of a specific layer in the DNN * Objects of this class don't hold the layer data itself (see class "LayerData") * */ class Layer { public: /*! \brief c'tor for defining a Layer * * * \param itInputBegin indicates the start of the input node vector * \param itInputEnd indicates the end of the input node vector * */ Layer (size_t numNodes, EnumFunction activationFunction, ModeOutputValues eModeOutputValues = ModeOutputValues::DIRECT); ModeOutputValues modeOutputValues () const { return m_eModeOutputValues; } ///< get the mode-output-value (direct, probabilities) void modeOutputValues (ModeOutputValues eModeOutputValues) { m_eModeOutputValues = eModeOutputValues; } ///< set the mode-output-value size_t numNodes () const { return m_numNodes; } ///< return the number of nodes of this layer size_t numWeights (size_t numInputNodes) const { return numInputNodes * numNodes (); } ///< return the number of weights for this layer (fully connected) std::shared_ptr> activationFunction () const { return m_activationFunction; } ///< fetch the activation function for this layer std::shared_ptr> inverseActivationFunction () const { return m_inverseActivationFunction; } ///< fetch the inverse activation function for this layer EnumFunction activationFunctionType () const { return m_activationFunctionType; } ///< get the activation function type for this layer private: std::shared_ptr> m_activationFunction; ///< stores the activation function std::shared_ptr> m_inverseActivationFunction; ///< stores the inverse activation function size_t m_numNodes; ModeOutputValues m_eModeOutputValues; ///< do the output values of this layer have to be transformed somehow (e.g. to probabilities) or returned as such EnumFunction m_activationFunctionType; friend class Net; }; template void forward (const LAYERDATA& prevLayerData, LAYERDATA& currLayerData); template void backward (LAYERDATA& prevLayerData, LAYERDATA& currLayerData); template void update (const LAYERDATA& prevLayerData, LAYERDATA& currLayerData, double weightDecay, EnumRegularization regularization); /*! \brief Settings for the training of the neural net * * */ class Settings { public: /*! \brief c'tor * * */ Settings (TString name, size_t _convergenceSteps = 15, size_t _batchSize = 10, size_t _testRepetitions = 7, double _factorWeightDecay = 1e-5, TMVA::DNN::EnumRegularization _regularization = TMVA::DNN::EnumRegularization::NONE, MinimizerType _eMinimizerType = MinimizerType::fSteepest, double _learningRate = 1e-5, double _momentum = 0.3, int _repetitions = 3, bool _multithreading = true); /*! \brief d'tor * * */ virtual ~Settings (); /*! \brief set the drop-out configuration (layer-wise) * * \param begin begin of an array or vector denoting the drop-out probabilities for each layer * \param end end of an array or vector denoting the drop-out probabilities for each layer * \param _dropRepetitions denotes after how many repetitions the drop-out setting (which nodes are dropped out exactly) is changed */ template void setDropOut (Iterator begin, Iterator end, size_t _dropRepetitions) { m_dropOut.assign (begin, end); m_dropRepetitions = _dropRepetitions; } size_t dropRepetitions () const { return m_dropRepetitions; } const std::vector& dropFractions () const { return m_dropOut; } void setMonitoring (std::shared_ptr ptrMonitoring) { fMonitoring = ptrMonitoring; } ///< prepared for monitoring size_t convergenceSteps () const { return m_convergenceSteps; } ///< how many steps until training is deemed to have converged size_t batchSize () const { return m_batchSize; } ///< mini-batch size size_t testRepetitions () const { return m_testRepetitions; } ///< how often is the test data tested double factorWeightDecay () const { return m_factorWeightDecay; } ///< get the weight-decay factor double learningRate () const { return fLearningRate; } ///< get the learning rate double momentum () const { return fMomentum; } ///< get the momentum (e.g. for SGD) int repetitions () const { return fRepetitions; } ///< how many steps have to be gone until the batch is changed MinimizerType minimizerType () const { return fMinimizerType; } ///< which minimizer shall be used (e.g. SGD) virtual void testSample (double /*error*/, double /*output*/, double /*target*/, double /*weight*/) {} ///< virtual function to be used for monitoring (callback) virtual void startTrainCycle () ///< callback for monitoring and logging { m_convergenceCount = 0; m_maxConvergenceCount= 0; m_minError = 1e10; } virtual void endTrainCycle (double /*error*/) {} ///< callback for monitoring and logging virtual void setProgressLimits (double minProgress = 0, double maxProgress = 100) ///< for monitoring and logging (set the current "progress" limits for the display of the progress) { m_minProgress = minProgress; m_maxProgress = maxProgress; } virtual void startTraining () ///< start drawing the progress bar { m_timer.DrawProgressBar (Int_t(m_minProgress)); } virtual void cycle (double progress, TString text) ///< advance on the progress bar { m_timer.DrawProgressBar (Int_t(m_minProgress+(m_maxProgress-m_minProgress)*(progress/100.0)), text); } virtual void startTestCycle () {} ///< callback for monitoring and loggging virtual void endTestCycle () {} ///< callback for monitoring and loggging virtual void testIteration () {} ///< callback for monitoring and loggging virtual void drawSample (const std::vector& /*input*/, const std::vector& /* output */, const std::vector& /* target */, double /* patternWeight */) {} ///< callback for monitoring and loggging virtual void computeResult (const Net& /* net */, std::vector& /* weights */) {} ///< callback for monitoring and loggging virtual bool hasConverged (double testError); ///< has this training converged already? EnumRegularization regularization () const { return m_regularization; } ///< some regularization of the DNN is turned on? bool useMultithreading () const { return m_useMultithreading; } ///< is multithreading turned on? void pads (int numPads) { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->pads (numPads); } ///< preparation for monitoring void create (std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max) { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->create (histoName, bins, min, max); } ///< for monitoring void create (std::string histoName, int bins, double min, double max, int bins2, double min2, double max2) { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->create (histoName, bins, min, max, bins2, min2, max2); } ///< for monitoring void addPoint (std::string histoName, double x) { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->addPoint (histoName, x); } ///< for monitoring void addPoint (std::string histoName, double x, double y) {if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->addPoint (histoName, x, y); } ///< for monitoring void plot (std::string histoName, std::string options, int pad, EColor color) { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->plot (histoName, options, pad, color); } ///< for monitoring void clear (std::string histoName) { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->clear (histoName); } ///< for monitoring bool exists (std::string histoName) { if (fMonitoring) return fMonitoring->exists (histoName); return false; } ///< for monitoring size_t convergenceCount () const { return m_convergenceCount; } ///< returns the current convergence count size_t maxConvergenceCount () const { return m_maxConvergenceCount; } ///< returns the max convergence count so far size_t minError () const { return m_minError; } ///< returns the smallest error so far public: Timer m_timer; ///< timer for monitoring double m_minProgress; ///< current limits for the progress bar double m_maxProgress; ///< current limits for the progress bar size_t m_convergenceSteps; ///< number of steps without improvement to consider the DNN to have converged size_t m_batchSize; ///< mini-batch size size_t m_testRepetitions; double m_factorWeightDecay; size_t count_E; size_t count_dE; size_t count_mb_E; size_t count_mb_dE; EnumRegularization m_regularization; double m_dropRepetitions; std::vector m_dropOut; double fLearningRate; double fMomentum; int fRepetitions; MinimizerType fMinimizerType; size_t m_convergenceCount; size_t m_maxConvergenceCount; double m_minError; protected: bool m_useMultithreading; std::shared_ptr fMonitoring; }; /*! \brief Settings for classification * * contains additional settings if the DNN problem is classification */ class ClassificationSettings : public Settings { public: /*! \brief c'tor * * */ ClassificationSettings (TString name, size_t _convergenceSteps = 15, size_t _batchSize = 10, size_t _testRepetitions = 7, double _factorWeightDecay = 1e-5, EnumRegularization _regularization = EnumRegularization::NONE, size_t _scaleToNumEvents = 0, MinimizerType _eMinimizerType = MinimizerType::fSteepest, double _learningRate = 1e-5, double _momentum = 0.3, int _repetitions = 3, bool _useMultithreading = true) : Settings (name, _convergenceSteps, _batchSize, _testRepetitions, _factorWeightDecay, _regularization, _eMinimizerType, _learningRate, _momentum, _repetitions, _useMultithreading) , m_ams () , m_sumOfSigWeights (0) , m_sumOfBkgWeights (0) , m_scaleToNumEvents (_scaleToNumEvents) , m_cutValue (10.0) , m_pResultPatternContainer (NULL) , m_fileNameResult () , m_fileNameNetConfig () { } /*! \brief d'tor * * */ virtual ~ClassificationSettings () { } void startTrainCycle (); void endTrainCycle (double /*error*/); void testIteration () { if (fMonitoring) fMonitoring->ProcessEvents (); } /* void createHistograms () */ /* { */ /* std::cout << "is hist ROC existing?" << std::endl; */ /* if (m_histROC) */ /* { */ /* std::cout << "--> yes" << std::endl; */ /* fMonitoring->ProcessEvents (); */ /* return; */ /* } */ /* std::cout << "create histograms" << std::endl; */ /* TCanvas* canvas = fMonitoring->GetCanvas (); */ /* if (canvas) */ /* { */ /* std::cout << "canvas divide" << std::endl; */ /* canvas->cd (); */ /* canvas->Divide (2,2); */ /* } */ /* if (!m_histROC) */ /* { */ /* m_histROC = new TH2F ("ROC","ROC", 1000, 0, 1.0, 1000, 0, 1.0); m_histROC->SetDirectory (0); */ /* m_histROC->SetLineColor (kBlue); */ /* } */ /* if (!m_histSignificance) */ /* { */ /* m_histSignificance = new TH2F ("Significance", "Significance", 1000, 0,1.0, 5, 0.0, 2.0); */ /* m_histSignificance->SetDirectory (0); */ /* m_histSignificance->SetBit (TH1::kCanRebin); */ /* m_histROC->SetLineColor (kRed); */ /* } */ /* if (!m_histError) */ /* { */ /* m_histError = new TH1F ("Error", "Error", 100, 0, 100); */ /* m_histError->SetDirectory (0); */ /* m_histError->SetBit (TH1::kCanRebin); */ /* m_histROC->SetLineColor (kGreen); */ /* } */ /* if (!m_histOutputSignal) */ /* { */ /* m_histOutputSignal = new TH1F ("Signal", "Signal", 100, 0, 1.0); */ /* m_histOutputSignal->SetDirectory (0); */ /* m_histOutputSignal->SetBit (TH1::kCanRebin); */ /* } */ /* if (!m_histOutputBackground) */ /* { */ /* m_histOutputBackground = new TH1F ("Background", "Background", 100, 0, 1.0); */ /* m_histOutputBackground->SetDirectory (0); */ /* m_histOutputBackground->SetBit (TH1::kCanRebin); */ /* } */ /* fMonitoring->ProcessEvents (); */ /* } */ void testSample (double error, double output, double target, double weight); virtual void startTestCycle (); virtual void endTestCycle (); void setWeightSums (double sumOfSigWeights, double sumOfBkgWeights); void setResultComputation (std::string _fileNameNetConfig, std::string _fileNameResult, std::vector* _resultPatternContainer); std::vector m_input; std::vector m_output; std::vector m_targets; std::vector m_weights; std::vector m_ams; std::vector m_significances; double m_sumOfSigWeights; double m_sumOfBkgWeights; size_t m_scaleToNumEvents; double m_cutValue; std::vector* m_pResultPatternContainer; std::string m_fileNameResult; std::string m_fileNameNetConfig; /* TH2F* m_histROC; */ /* TH2F* m_histSignificance; */ /* TH1F* m_histError; */ /* TH1F* m_histOutputSignal; */ /* TH1F* m_histOutputBackground; */ }; ///< used to distinguish between different function signatures enum class ModeOutput { FETCH }; /*! \brief error functions to be chosen from * * */ enum class ModeErrorFunction { SUMOFSQUARES = 'S', CROSSENTROPY = 'C', CROSSENTROPY_MUTUALEXCLUSIVE = 'M' }; /*! \brief weight initialization strategies to be chosen from * * */ enum class WeightInitializationStrategy { XAVIER, TEST, LAYERSIZE, XAVIERUNIFORM }; /*! \brief neural net * * holds the structure of all layers and some data for the whole net * does not know the layer data though (i.e. values of the nodes and weights) */ class Net { public: typedef std::vector container_type; typedef container_type::iterator iterator_type; typedef std::pair begin_end_type; /*! \brief c'tor * * */ Net () : m_eErrorFunction (ModeErrorFunction::SUMOFSQUARES) , m_sizeInput (0) , m_layers () { } /*! \brief d'tor * * */ Net (const Net& other) : m_eErrorFunction (other.m_eErrorFunction) , m_sizeInput (other.m_sizeInput) , m_layers (other.m_layers) { } void setInputSize (size_t sizeInput) { m_sizeInput = sizeInput; } ///< set the input size of the DNN void setOutputSize (size_t sizeOutput) { m_sizeOutput = sizeOutput; } ///< set the output size of the DNN void addLayer (Layer& layer) { m_layers.push_back (layer); } ///< add a layer (layout) void addLayer (Layer&& layer) { m_layers.push_back (layer); } void setErrorFunction (ModeErrorFunction eErrorFunction) { m_eErrorFunction = eErrorFunction; } ///< which error function is to be used size_t inputSize () const { return m_sizeInput; } ///< input size of the DNN size_t outputSize () const { return m_sizeOutput; } ///< output size of the DNN /*! \brief set the drop out configuration * * */ template void dropOutWeightFactor (WeightsType& weights, const DropProbabilities& drops, bool inverse = false); /*! \brief start the training * * \param weights weight vector * \param trainPattern training pattern * \param testPattern test pattern * \param minimizer use this minimizer for training (e.g. SGD) * \param settings settings used for this training run */ template double train (std::vector& weights, std::vector& trainPattern, const std::vector& testPattern, Minimizer& minimizer, Settings& settings); /*! \brief pre-training for future use * * */ template void preTrain (std::vector& weights, std::vector& trainPattern, const std::vector& testPattern, Minimizer& minimizer, Settings& settings); /*! \brief executes one training cycle * * \param minimizier the minimizer to be used * \param weights the weight vector to be used * \param itPatternBegin the pattern to be trained with * \param itPatternEnd the pattern to be trainied with * \param settings the settings for the training * \param dropContainer the configuration for DNN drop-out */ template inline double trainCycle (Minimizer& minimizer, std::vector& weights, Iterator itPatternBegin, Iterator itPatternEnd, Settings& settings, DropContainer& dropContainer); size_t numWeights (size_t trainingStartLayer = 0) const; ///< returns the number of weights in this net size_t numNodes (size_t trainingStartLayer = 0) const; ///< returns the number of nodes in this net template std::vector compute (const std::vector& input, const Weights& weights) const; ///< compute the net with the given input and the given weights template double operator() (PassThrough& settingsAndBatch, const Weights& weights) const; ///< execute computation of the DNN for one mini-batch (used by the minimizer); no computation of gradients template double operator() (PassThrough& settingsAndBatch, const Weights& weights, ModeOutput eFetch, OutContainer& outputContainer) const; ///< execute computation of the DNN for one mini-batch; helper function template double operator() (PassThrough& settingsAndBatch, Weights& weights, Gradients& gradients) const; ///< execute computation of the DNN for one mini-batch (used by the minimizer); returns gradients as well template double operator() (PassThrough& settingsAndBatch, Weights& weights, Gradients& gradients, ModeOutput eFetch, OutContainer& outputContainer) const; template std::vector> prepareLayerData (LayerContainer& layers, Batch& batch, const DropContainer& dropContainer, ItWeight itWeightBegin, ItWeight itWeightEnd, ItGradient itGradientBegin, ItGradient itGradientEnd, size_t& totalNumWeights) const; template void forwardPattern (const LayerContainer& _layers, std::vector& layerData) const; template void forwardBatch (const LayerContainer& _layers, LayerPatternContainer& layerPatternData, std::vector& valuesMean, std::vector& valuesStdDev, size_t trainFromLayer) const; template void fetchOutput (const LayerData& lastLayerData, OutputContainer& outputContainer) const; template void fetchOutput (const std::vector& layerPatternData, OutputContainer& outputContainer) const; template std::tuple computeError (const Settings& settings, std::vector& lastLayerData, Batch& batch, ItWeight itWeightBegin, ItWeight itWeightEnd) const; template void backPropagate (std::vector>& layerPatternData, const Settings& settings, size_t trainFromLayer, size_t totalNumWeights) const; /*! \brief main NN computation function * * */ template double forward_backward (LayerContainer& layers, PassThrough& settingsAndBatch, ItWeight itWeightBegin, ItWeight itWeightEnd, ItGradient itGradientBegin, ItGradient itGradientEnd, size_t trainFromLayer, OutContainer& outputContainer, bool fetchOutput) const; double E (); void dE (); /*! \brief computes the error of the DNN * * */ template double errorFunction (LayerData& layerData, Container truth, ItWeight itWeight, ItWeight itWeightEnd, double patternWeight, double factorWeightDecay, EnumRegularization eRegularization) const; const std::vector& layers () const { return m_layers; } ///< returns the layers (structure) std::vector& layers () { return m_layers; } ///< returns the layers (structure) void removeLayer () { m_layers.pop_back (); } ///< remove one layer void clear () ///< clear one layer { m_layers.clear (); m_eErrorFunction = ModeErrorFunction::SUMOFSQUARES; } template void initializeWeights (WeightInitializationStrategy eInitStrategy, OutIterator itWeight); ///< initialize the weights with the given strategy protected: void fillDropContainer (DropContainer& dropContainer, double dropFraction, size_t numNodes) const; ///< prepare the drop-out-container (select the nodes which are to be dropped out) private: ModeErrorFunction m_eErrorFunction; ///< denotes the error function size_t m_sizeInput; ///< input size of this DNN size_t m_sizeOutput; ///< outut size of this DNN std::vector m_layers; ///< layer-structure-data protected: // variables for JsMVA (interactive training in jupyter notebook) IPythonInteractive *fInteractive = nullptr; bool * fExitFromTraining = nullptr; UInt_t *fIPyMaxIter = nullptr, *fIPyCurrentIter = nullptr; public: // setup ipython interactive variables void SetIpythonInteractive(IPythonInteractive* fI, bool* fE, UInt_t *M, UInt_t *C){ fInteractive = fI; fExitFromTraining = fE; fIPyMaxIter = M; fIPyCurrentIter = C; } }; typedef std::tuple pass_through_type; } // namespace DNN } // namespace TMVA // include the implementations (in header file, because they are templated) #include "TMVA/NeuralNet.icc" #endif