#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_ROCCalc #define ROOT_TMVA_ROCCalc #include "Rtypes.h" #include #include #include class TList; class TTree; class TString; class TH1; class TH1D; class TH2; class TH2F; class TSpline; namespace TMVA { class MsgLogger; class ROCCalc { public: ROCCalc(TH1* mvaS, TH1* mvaB); ~ROCCalc(); TH1D* GetROC(); // return the signal eff for a given backgr. efficiency Double_t GetEffSForEffBof(Double_t effBref, Double_t &effSerr); // return the cut value Double_t GetSignalReferenceCut(){return fSignalCut;} // return the area under the ROC curve Double_t GetROCIntegral(); // return the statistical significance as function of the mva cut value TH1* GetSignificance( Int_t nStot, Int_t nBtot); TH1* GetPurity(Int_t nStot, Int_t nBtot); void ApplySignalAndBackgroundStyle( TH1* sig, TH1* bkg, TH1* any = 0 ); TH1* GetMvaSpdf(){return fmvaSpdf;} TH1* GetMvaBpdf(){return fmvaBpdf;} //false if is found some error in mvaS or mvaB Bool_t GetStatus(){return fStatus;} void ResetStatus(){fStatus=kTRUE;} private: Double_t Root(Double_t); Double_t GetEffForRoot( Double_t theCut ); Int_t fMaxIter; // maximum number of iterations Double_t fAbsTol; // absolute tolerance deviation Bool_t fStatus; //false if is found some error in mvaS or mvaB UInt_t fNbins; Bool_t fUseSplines; TH1* fmvaS, *fmvaB; // the input mva distributions TH1* fmvaSpdf, *fmvaBpdf; // the normalized (and rebinned) input mva distributions Float_t fXmin, fXmax; // min and max of the mva distribution Double_t fNevtS; // number of signal events (used in error calculation) Int_t fCutOrientation; //+1 if larger mva value means more signal like, -1 otherwise TSpline* fSplS, *fSplB; TSpline* fSplmvaCumS, *fSplmvaCumB; // spline of cumulated mva distributions TSpline* fSpleffBvsS; TH1* fmvaScumul, *fmvaBcumul; Int_t fnStot, fnBtot; TH1* fSignificance; TH1* fPurity; TH1D* effBvsS; TH1D* rejBvsS; TH1D* inveffBvsS; Double_t fSignalCut; // MVA cut value for last demanded background rejection or signal efficiency mutable MsgLogger* fLogger; //! message logger MsgLogger& Log() const { return *fLogger; } }; } #endif