// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 29/10/09 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TTreePerfStats #define ROOT_TTreePerfStats ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TTreePerfStats // // // // TTree I/O performance measurement // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TVirtualPerfStats.h" #include "TString.h" #include #include class TBrowser; class TFile; class TTree; class TStopwatch; class TPaveText; class TGraphErrors; class TGaxis; class TText; class TTreePerfStats : public TVirtualPerfStats { public: struct BasketInfo { UInt_t fUsed = {0}; // Number of times the basket was requested from the disk. UInt_t fLoaded = {0}; // Number of times the basket was put in the primary TTreeCache UInt_t fLoadedMiss = {0}; // Number of times the basket was put in the secondary cache UInt_t fMissed = {0}; // Number of times the basket was read directly from the file. }; using BasketList_t = std::vector>>; protected: Int_t fTreeCacheSize; //TTreeCache buffer size Int_t fNleaves; //Number of leaves in the tree Int_t fReadCalls; //Number of read calls Int_t fReadaheadSize; //Readahead cache size Long64_t fBytesRead; //Number of bytes read Long64_t fBytesReadExtra;//Number of bytes (overhead) of the readahead cache Double_t fRealNorm; //Real time scale factor for fGraphTime Double_t fRealTime; //Real time Double_t fCpuTime; //Cpu time Double_t fDiskTime; //Time spent in pure raw disk IO Double_t fUnzipTime; //Time spent uncompressing the data. Double_t fCompress; //Tree compression factor TString fName; //name of this TTreePerfStats TString fHostInfo; //name of the host system, ROOT version and date TFile *fFile; //!pointer to the file containing the Tree TTree *fTree; //!pointer to the Tree being monitored TGraphErrors *fGraphIO ; //pointer to the graph with IO data TGraphErrors *fGraphTime ; //pointer to the graph with timestamp info TPaveText *fPave; //pointer to annotation pavetext TStopwatch *fWatch; //TStopwatch pointer TGaxis *fRealTimeAxis; //pointer to TGaxis object showing real-time TText *fHostInfoText; //Graphics Text object with the fHostInfo data std::unordered_map fBranchIndexCache; // Cache the index of the branch in the cache's array. std::vector > fBasketsInfo; // Details on which baskets was used, cached, 'miss-cached' or read uncached.Browse BasketInfo &GetBasketInfo(TBranch *b, size_t basketNumber); BasketInfo &GetBasketInfo(size_t bi, size_t basketNumber); public: TTreePerfStats(); TTreePerfStats(const char *name, TTree *T); virtual ~TTreePerfStats(); virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b); virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py); virtual void Draw(Option_t *option=""); virtual void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py); virtual void Finish(); virtual Long64_t GetBytesRead() const {return fBytesRead;} virtual Long64_t GetBytesReadExtra() const {return fBytesReadExtra;} virtual Double_t GetCpuTime() const {return fCpuTime;} virtual Double_t GetDiskTime() const {return fDiskTime;} TGraphErrors *GetGraphIO() {return fGraphIO;} TGraphErrors *GetGraphTime() {return fGraphTime;} const char *GetHostInfo() const{return fHostInfo.Data();} const char *GetName() const{return fName.Data();} virtual Int_t GetNleaves() const {return fNleaves;} virtual Long64_t GetNumEvents() const {return 0;} TPaveText *GetPave() {return fPave;} virtual Int_t GetReadaheadSize() const {return fReadaheadSize;} virtual Int_t GetReadCalls() const {return fReadCalls;} virtual Double_t GetRealTime() const {return fRealTime;} TStopwatch *GetStopwatch() const {return fWatch;} virtual Int_t GetTreeCacheSize() const {return fTreeCacheSize;} virtual Double_t GetUnzipTime() const {return fUnzipTime; } virtual void Paint(Option_t *chopt=""); virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const; virtual void SimpleEvent(EEventType) {} virtual void PacketEvent(const char *, const char *, const char *, Long64_t , Double_t ,Double_t , Double_t ,Long64_t ) {} virtual void FileEvent(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, Bool_t) {} virtual void FileOpenEvent(TFile *, const char *, Double_t) {} virtual void FileReadEvent(TFile *file, Int_t len, Double_t start); virtual void UnzipEvent(TObject *tree, Long64_t pos, Double_t start, Int_t complen, Int_t objlen); virtual void RateEvent(Double_t , Double_t , Long64_t , Long64_t) {} virtual void SaveAs(const char *filename="",Option_t *option="") const; virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = ""); virtual void SetBytesRead(Long64_t nbytes) {fBytesRead = nbytes;} virtual void SetBytesReadExtra(Long64_t nbytes) {fBytesReadExtra = nbytes;} virtual void SetCompress(Double_t cx) {fCompress = cx;} virtual void SetDiskTime(Double_t t) {fDiskTime = t;} virtual void SetNumEvents(Long64_t) {} virtual void SetCpuTime(Double_t cptime) {fCpuTime = cptime;} virtual void SetGraphIO(TGraphErrors *gr) {fGraphIO = gr;} virtual void SetGraphTime(TGraphErrors *gr) {fGraphTime = gr;} virtual void SetHostInfo(const char *info) {fHostInfo = info;} virtual void SetName(const char *name) {fName = name;} virtual void SetNleaves(Int_t nleaves) {fNleaves = nleaves;} virtual void SetReadaheadSize(Int_t nbytes) {fReadaheadSize = nbytes;} virtual void SetReadCalls(Int_t ncalls) {fReadCalls = ncalls;} virtual void SetRealNorm(Double_t rnorm) {fRealNorm = rnorm;} virtual void SetRealTime(Double_t rtime) {fRealTime = rtime;} virtual void SetTreeCacheSize(Int_t nbytes) {fTreeCacheSize = nbytes;} virtual void SetUnzipTime(Double_t uztime) {fUnzipTime = uztime;} virtual void PrintBasketInfo(Option_t *option = "") const; virtual void SetLoaded(TBranch *b, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(b, basketNumber).fLoaded; } virtual void SetLoaded(size_t bi, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(bi, basketNumber).fLoaded; } virtual void SetLoadedMiss(TBranch *b, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(b, basketNumber).fLoadedMiss; } virtual void SetLoadedMiss(size_t bi, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(bi, basketNumber).fLoadedMiss; } virtual void SetMissed(TBranch *b, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(b, basketNumber).fMissed; } virtual void SetMissed(size_t bi, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(bi, basketNumber).fMissed; } virtual void SetUsed(TBranch *b, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(b, basketNumber).fUsed; } virtual void SetUsed(size_t bi, size_t basketNumber) { ++GetBasketInfo(bi, basketNumber).fUsed; } virtual void UpdateBranchIndices(TObjArray *branchNames); BasketList_t GetDuplicateBasketCache() const; ClassDef(TTreePerfStats, 7) // TTree I/O performance measurement }; #endif