#ifndef __ANTARESDAQ__TIMESLICE__ #define __ANTARESDAQ__TIMESLICE__ #include <ostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <TROOT.h> #include <TObject.h> #include "antares-dataformat/DataTypes.hh" #include "antares-dataformat/Ars.hh" #include "antares-dataformat/FramePreamble.hh" #include "antares-dataformat/EventPreamble.hh" /** * Summary of Frame */ class Summary_Frame { protected: /** LCM identifier */ unsigned short lcm_id_; /** ARS identifier */ unsigned char ars_id_; /** data type */ unsigned char data_type_; /** number of items */ unsigned short numberOfItems_; public: /** * item type definition */ typedef void item_type; /** * get LCM idendifier * \return LCM identifier */ const unsigned short lcm_id() const { return lcm_id_; } /** * get ARS idendifier * \return ARS identifier */ const unsigned char ars_id() const { return ars_id_; } /** * get data type * \return data type */ const unsigned char data_type() const { return data_type_; } /** * get number of items * \return number of items */ const unsigned short numberOfItems() const { return numberOfItems_; } /** * Default constructor. */ Summary_Frame() : lcm_id_(0), ars_id_(0), data_type_(0), numberOfItems_(0) {} /** * Virtual destructor. */ virtual ~Summary_Frame() {} /** * equal operator. * * \param object summary frame * \return true if equals object; else false */ const bool operator==(const Summary_Frame& object) { return (lcm_id_ == object.lcm_id_ && ars_id_ == object.ars_id_ && data_type_ == object.data_type_); } /** * not-equal operator. * * \param object summary frame * \return true if not equals object; else false */ const bool operator!=(const Summary_Frame& object) const { return (lcm_id_ != object.lcm_id_ || ars_id_ != object.ars_id_ || data_type_ != object.data_type_); } /** * less than operator. * * \param object summary frame * \return true if less than object; else false */ const bool operator<(const Summary_Frame& object) const { if (lcm_id_ == object.lcm_id_) if (ars_id_ == object.ars_id_) return data_type_ < object.data_type_; else return ars_id_ < object.ars_id_; else return lcm_id_ < object.lcm_id_; } /** * Print ASCII. * * \param out output stream * \param object Summary frame * \return output stream */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Summary_Frame& object) { using namespace std; return out << setw(5) << (int) object.lcm_id_ << ' ' << setw(2) << (int) object.ars_id_ << ' ' << setw(2) << (int) object.data_type_ << ' ' << setw(5) << (int) object.numberOfItems_ << endl; } /** * operator += * * \param object summar frame * \return this summay frame */ Summary_Frame& operator+=(const Summary_Frame& object) { if (*this == object) { numberOfItems_ += object.numberOfItems_; } return *this; } /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(Summary_Frame, 2); }; class ExtendedSummary_Frame : public Summary_Frame { protected: /** number of items original */ unsigned short numberOfItemsOrg_; public: /** * item type definition */ typedef void item_type; /** * get number of items original * \return number of items */ const unsigned short numberOfItemsOrg() const { return numberOfItemsOrg_; } /** * Default constructor. */ ExtendedSummary_Frame() : Summary_Frame(), numberOfItemsOrg_(0) {} /** * Print ASCII. * * \param out output stream * \param object Extended Summary frame * \return output stream */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ExtendedSummary_Frame& object) { using namespace std; return out << setw(5) << (int) object.lcm_id_ << ' ' << setw(2) << (int) object.ars_id_ << ' ' << setw(2) << (int) object.data_type_ << ' ' << setw(5) << (int) object.numberOfItems_ << ' ' << setw(5) << (int) object.numberOfItemsOrg_ << endl; } /** * operator += * * \param object extended summary frame * \return this extended summary frame */ ExtendedSummary_Frame& operator+=(const ExtendedSummary_Frame& object) { if (*this == object) { numberOfItems_ += object.numberOfItems_; numberOfItemsOrg_ += object.numberOfItemsOrg_; } return *this; } /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(ExtendedSummary_Frame, 2); }; /** * Template Frame for ARS data */ template<class T> class Frame : public DaqFramePreamble, public std::vector<T> { public: /** * item type definition */ typedef T item_type; /** * Default constructor. */ Frame() : DaqFramePreamble() {} /** * Print ASCII. * * \param out output stream * \param object frame * \return output stream */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Frame& object) { using namespace std; out << static_cast<const DaqFramePreamble&>(object); if (!object.empty()) { out << ' ' << *(object. begin()); out << " ... "; out << ' ' << *(object.rbegin()); out << endl; } return out; } /** * operator += * * \param object frame * \return this frame */ Frame<T>& operator+=(const Frame<T>& object) { if ((DaqFramePreamble&) *this == (DaqFramePreamble&) object) { for (typename Frame<T>::const_iterator i = object.begin(); i != object.end(); ++i) { this->insert(std::lower_bound(Frame<T>::begin(),Frame<T>::end(),*i),*i); } } return *this; } /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(Frame, 2); }; ClassDefT2(Frame,T); ClassImpT(Frame,T); /** * Status frame */ class Status_Frame : public Frame<Status_Item> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ Status_Frame() : Frame<Status_Item>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(Status_Frame, 2); }; /** * RTS frame */ class RTS_Frame : public Frame<RTS_Item> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ RTS_Frame() : Frame<RTS_Item>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(RTS_Frame, 2); }; /** * CRM frame */ class CRM_Frame : public Frame<CRM_Item> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ CRM_Frame() : Frame<CRM_Item>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(CRM_Frame, 2); }; /** * SPE frame */ class SPE_Frame : public Frame<SPE_Item> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ SPE_Frame() : Frame<SPE_Item>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(SPE_Frame, 2); }; /** * AWF frame */ class AWF_Frame : public Frame<AWF_Item> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ AWF_Frame() : Frame<AWF_Item>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(AWF_Frame, 2); }; /** * DWF frame */ class DWF_Frame : public Frame<DWF_Item> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ DWF_Frame() : Frame<DWF_Item>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(DWF_Frame, 2); }; /** * Template TimeSlice */ template<class T> class TimeSlice : public EventPreamble, public std::vector<T> { public: typedef T frame_type; //!< item type definition typedef typename frame_type::item_type item_type; //!< item sub-type definition /** * Default constructor. */ TimeSlice() : EventPreamble(), std::vector<T>() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param header event preamble */ TimeSlice(const EventPreamble& header) : EventPreamble(header), std::vector<T>() {} /** * Print ASCII. * * \param out output stream * \param object time slice * \return output stream */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TimeSlice<T>& object) { out << static_cast<const EventPreamble&>(object); for (typename TimeSlice<T>::const_iterator i = object.begin(); i != object.end(); ++i) { out << *i; } return out; } /** * operator += * * \param object time slice * \return this time slice */ TimeSlice<T>& operator+=(const TimeSlice<T>& object) { if ((EventPreamble&) *this == (EventPreamble&) object) { typename TimeSlice<T>::const_iterator from; typename TimeSlice<T>::iterator to; for (from = object.begin(); from != object.end(); ++from) { for (to = std::vector<T>::begin(); to != std::vector<T>::end(); ++to) { if (*to == *from) { *to += *from; break; } } if (to == std::vector<T>::end()) { this->push_back(*from); } } } return *this; } /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(TimeSlice, 2); }; ClassDefT2(std::vector,T); ClassImpT(std::vector,T); ClassDefT2(TimeSlice,T); ClassImpT(TimeSlice,T); /** * Status time slices */ class Status_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<Status_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ Status_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<Status_Frame>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(Status_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * RTS time slices */ class RTS_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<RTS_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ RTS_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<RTS_Frame>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(RTS_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * CRM time slices */ class CRM_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<CRM_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ CRM_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<CRM_Frame>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(CRM_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * SPE time slices */ class SPE_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<SPE_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ SPE_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<SPE_Frame>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(SPE_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * AWF time slices */ class AWF_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<AWF_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ AWF_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<AWF_Frame>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(AWF_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * DWF time slices */ class DWF_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<DWF_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ DWF_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<DWF_Frame>() {} /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(DWF_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * Summary time slices */ class Summary_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<Summary_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ Summary_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<Summary_Frame>() {} /** * Constructor. * * param object time slice */ template<class T> Summary_TimeSlice(const TimeSlice<T>& object) : TimeSlice<Summary_Frame>((const EventPreamble&) object) { for (typename TimeSlice<T>::const_iterator i = object.begin(); i != object.end(); ++i) { this->push_back(Summary_Frame(i->LCM_ID, i->ARS_ID, i->dataType, i->nbItems)); } } /** * operator += * * \param object time slice * \return this summary time slice */ template<class T> Summary_TimeSlice& operator+=(const TimeSlice<T>& object) { if ((EventPreamble&) *this == (EventPreamble&) object) { for (typename TimeSlice<T>::const_iterator i = object.begin(); i != object.end(); ++i) { this->push_back(Summary_Frame(i->LCM_ID, i->ARS_ID, i->dataType, i->nbItems)); } } return *this; } /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(Summary_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * ExtendedSummary time slices */ class ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice : public TimeSlice<ExtendedSummary_Frame> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice() : TimeSlice<ExtendedSummary_Frame>() {} /** * Constructor. * * param object time slice */ template<class T> ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice(const TimeSlice<T>& object) : TimeSlice<ExtendedSummary_Frame>((EventPreamble&) object) { for (typename TimeSlice<T>::const_iterator i = object.begin(); i != object.end(); ++i) { this->push_back(ExtendedSummary_Frame(i->LCM_ID, i->ARS_ID, i->dataType, i->nbItems, 0)); } } /** ROOT class definition */ ClassDef(ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice, 2); }; /** * equal operator for summary frame and DAQ frame preamble * * \param first summary frame * \param second DAQ frame preamble * \return true if first equals second; else false */ inline const bool operator==(const Summary_Frame& first, const DaqFramePreamble& second) { return (first.data_type() == second.dataType && first.lcm_id() == second.LCM_ID && first.ars_id() == second.ARS_ID); } /** * equal operator for DAQ frame preamble and summary frame * * \param first DAQ frame preamble * \param second summary frame * \return true if first equals second; else false */ inline const bool operator==(const DaqFramePreamble& first, const Summary_Frame& second) { return (first.dataType == second.data_type() && first.LCM_ID == second.lcm_id() && first.ARS_ID == second.ars_id()); } /** * not-equal operator for summary frame and DAQ frame preamble * * \param first summary frame * \param second DAQ frame preamble * \return true if first not equals second; else false */ inline const bool operator!=(const Summary_Frame& first, const DaqFramePreamble& second) { return (first.data_type() != second.dataType || first.lcm_id() != second.LCM_ID || first.ars_id() != second.ARS_ID); } /** * not-equal operator for DAQ frame preamble and summary frame * * \param first DAQ frame preamble * \param second summary frame * \return true if first not equals second; else false */ inline const bool operator!=(const DaqFramePreamble& first, const Summary_Frame& second) { return (first.dataType != second.data_type() || first.LCM_ID != second.lcm_id() || first.ARS_ID != second.ars_id()); } #endif