/******************************************************************************* * \file Make a simple cut on generated photon paths *******************************************************************************/ // C++ standard library #include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> #include<cmath> #include<cstdlib> // ROOT #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TPolyLine3D.h" #include "TPolyMarker3D.h" #include "TAxis3D.h" #include "TView.h" #include "TView3D.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TPad.h" // JPP #include "Jeep/JParser.hh" #include "JMarkov/JPhotonPath.hh" #include "JMarkov/JPhotonPathReader.hh" #include "JMarkov/JPhotonPathWriter.hh" using namespace std ; // this little line removes the make_field macro defined in JParser.hh // so that we can call the // JPARSER::make_field(T,string) function ourselves #undef make_field using namespace JPP; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { cout << "JMarkovPathSelecter" << endl << "Written by Martijn Jongen" << endl << endl ; cout << "Type '" << argv[0] << " -h!' to display the command-line options." << endl ; cout << endl ; string ifname = "" ; string ofname = "" ; // parameters to simulate shadowing // (remove all paths intersecting a sphere of radius r centered at (x,y,z) bool shadow = false ; double x ; double y ; double z ; double r ; try { JParser<string> zap ; // this argument parser can handle strings zap["f"] = make_field(ifname,"input file name (binary file containing JPhotonPaths)") ; zap["o"] = make_field(ofname,"output file name (binary file containing a selection of the JPhotonPaths)") ; zap["shadow"] = make_field(shadow,"flag to turn on shadowing") ; zap["x"] = make_field(x,"x coordinate for shadowing") = 0 ; zap["y"] = make_field(y,"y coordinate for shadowing") = 0 ; zap["z"] = make_field(z,"z coordinate for shadowing") = 0.5*37 ; zap["r"] = make_field(r,"radius for shadowing") = 0.2159 ; if (zap.read(argc, argv) != 0) { return 1 ; } } catch(const exception &error) { // do not ignore exceptions cerr << error.what() ; exit(1) ; } // print settings cout << "SELECTION CRITERIA:" << endl ; if( shadow ) { cout << "Will exclude all paths intersecting a sphere of radius " << r << " m" << ", centered at (" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ")" << endl ; } cout << endl ; // read the paths from the file JMARKOV::JPhotonPathReader reader ; reader.open(ifname.c_str()) ; if( !reader.is_open() ) { cerr << "FATAL ERROR: unable to open input file '" << ifname << "'." << endl ; exit(1) ; } int nread = 0 ; JMARKOV::JPhotonPath* p = NULL ; cout << "Reading file" << endl ; vector<JMARKOV::JPhotonPath> paths ; while( reader.hasNext() ) { p = reader.next() ; paths.push_back(*p) ; ++nread ; } if( nread == 0 ) { cerr << "FATAL ERROR: could not read any JPhotonPaths from the input file '" << ifname << "'." << endl ; exit(1) ; } cout << "Done reading file. Read " << nread << " paths from it." << endl ; cout << endl ; JGEOMETRY3D::JPosition3D DOMpos(x,y,z) ; // apply selection and write the selected paths to output int nselected = 0 ; cout << "Writing selected paths to '" << ofname << "'." << endl ; JMARKOV::JPhotonPathWriter writer ; writer.open(ofname.c_str()) ; for( vector<JMARKOV::JPhotonPath>::iterator it=paths.begin() ; it!=paths.end() ; ++it ) { if( shadow && it->hitsSphere(DOMpos,r) ) continue ; ++nselected ; writer.put( *it ) ; } writer.close() ; cout << endl ; cout << "Selected " << nselected << " / " << nread << " photon paths." << endl << "Output written to '" << ofname << "'." << endl ; }