#ifndef __JAANET__JEVTWEIGHTTOOLKIT__ #define __JAANET__JEVTWEIGHTTOOLKIT__ #include #include #include #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Head.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Evt.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "Jeep/JProperties.hh" #include "JOscProb/JOscProbInterface.hh" #include "JAAnet/JHead.hh" #include "JAAnet/JHeadToolkit.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeight.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightDAQ.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightMupage.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightCorsika.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightGSeaGen.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightKM3BUU.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightMiscellaneous.hh" #include "JAAnet/JFlatFlux.hh" #include "JAAnet/JPowerLawFlux.hh" #include "JAAnet/JAtmosphericNeutrinoFlux.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtWeightFactorMultiParticle.hh" #include "JAAnet/JParticleTypes.hh" #include "JAAnet/JAAnetToolkit.hh" /** * \author bjung */ namespace JAANET {} namespace JPP { using namespace JAANET; } namespace JAANET { using JEEP::JProperties; /** * Look-up table for event weighters. */ struct JEvtWeighter : public std::vector > { /** * Constructor */ JEvtWeighter() { this->emplace_back(new JEvtWeightGSeaGen()); this->emplace_back(new JEvtWeightKM3BUU()); this->emplace_back(new JEvtWeightCorsika()); this->emplace_back(new JEvtWeightMupage()); this->emplace_back(new JEvtWeightDAQ()); this->emplace_back(new JEvtWeightMiscellaneous()); } /** * Get event weighter corresponding to given header. * * \param header header * \return event weighter */ const JEvtWeight& operator()(const JHead& header) const { using namespace JPP; for (const_iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->check(header)) { return *(*i); } } THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "JEvtWeighter::operator(): No event weighter found for given header."); } }; /** * Auxiliary class for parsing a vector of neutrino PDG identifiers. */ struct JNeutrinoTypeCollection { /** * Default constructor. */ JNeutrinoTypeCollection() : identifiers() {} /** * Add identifier. * * \param identifier PDG identifier */ void put(const int identifier) { if (abs(identifier) == TRACK_TYPE_NUE || abs(identifier) == TRACK_TYPE_NUMU || abs(identifier) == TRACK_TYPE_NUTAU) { identifiers.push_back(identifier); } else { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "JNeutrinoTypeCollection::put(): Invalid PDG identifier: " << identifier); } } /** * Get size of this collection. * * \return size of neutrino type collection. */ size_t size() const { return identifiers.size(); } /** * Get constant iterator to the first element of the collection. * * \return constant iterator to the first element of the collection */ std::vector::const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return identifiers.cbegin(); } /** * Get constant iterator to the last element of the collection. * * \return constant iterator to the last element of the collection */ std::vector::const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return identifiers.cend(); } /** * Stream input. * * \param in input stream * \param collection collection of neutrino PDG types * \return input stream */ friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JNeutrinoTypeCollection& collection) { for (int identifier; in >> identifier; ) { collection.put(identifier); } return in; } /** * Stream output. * * \param out output stream * \param collection collection of neutrino PDG types * \return output stream */ friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JNeutrinoTypeCollection& collection) { using namespace std; const vector& identifiers = collection.identifiers; for (vector::const_iterator i = identifiers.cbegin(); i != identifiers.cend(); ++i) { out << ' ' << *i; } return out; } private: std::vector identifiers; //!< Container for identifiers }; /** * Auxiliary class for parsing multiparticle fluxes. */ struct JFluxMap : public JOscProbHelper { /** * Default constructor. */ JFluxMap() {} /** * Get multiparticle flux function. * * \return multiparticle flux function */ JFluxMultiParticle getMultiParticleFlux() const { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; JFluxMultiParticle multiFlux; for (map::const_iterator i = flatFluxes.cbegin(); i != flatFluxes.cend(); ++i) { multiFlux.insert(i->first, make_fluxFunction(i->second)); } for (map::const_iterator i = powerLawFluxes.cbegin(); i != powerLawFluxes.cend(); ++i) { multiFlux.insert(i->first, make_fluxFunction(i->second)); } const JOscProbInterface& oscProbInterface = getOscProbInterface(); const JAtmosphericNeutrinoFlux atmFlux(oscProbInterface); const JEvtWeightFactorFunction atmFluxFunction = make_fluxFunction(atmFlux); for (vector::const_iterator i = atmosphericFluxes.cbegin(); i != atmosphericFluxes.cend(); ++i) { multiFlux.insert(*i, atmFluxFunction); } return multiFlux; } /** * Conversion operator. * * \return multiparticle flux function */ operator JFluxMultiParticle() const { return getMultiParticleFlux(); } /** * Stream input. * * \param in input stream * \param fluxMap flux map * \return input stream */ friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JFluxMap& fluxMap) { return getProperties(fluxMap).read(in); } /** * Stream output. * * \param out output stream * \param fluxMap flux map * \return output stream */ friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JFluxMap& fluxMap) { return getProperties(fluxMap).write(out); } std::map flatFluxes; //!< Uniform flux functions std::map powerLawFluxes; //!< Power-law flux functions JNeutrinoTypeCollection atmosphericFluxes; //!< Atmospheric neutrino flux functions private: /** * Get properties of this class. * * \param object flux map object * \return properties */ template static inline JProperties getProperties(JFluxMap_t& object) { JProperties properties; properties.insert(gmake_property(object.flatFluxes)); properties.insert(gmake_property(object.powerLawFluxes)); properties.insert(gmake_property(object.atmosphericFluxes)); return properties; } }; extern JEvtWeighter getEventWeighter; //!< Function object for mapping header to event weighter. } #endif