#ifndef __JDIRECTION3D__
#define __JDIRECTION3D__

#include <istream>
#include <ostream>

#include "JIO/JSerialisable.hh"
#include "JLang/JManip.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JVersor3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JAngle3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JVector3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JVersor3Z.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JRotation3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JQuaternion3D.hh"

 * \author mdejong

namespace JGEOMETRY3D {}
namespace JPP { using namespace JGEOMETRY3D; }

namespace JGEOMETRY3D {

  using JIO::JReader;
  using JIO::JWriter;

   * Data structure for direction in three dimensions.
  class JDirection3D :
    public JVersor3D 

    using JVersor3D::getDot;

     * Default constructor.
    JDirection3D() :

     * Constructor.
     * \param  dir           direction
    JDirection3D(const JVersor3D& dir) :

     * Constructor.
     * \param  angle         angle
    JDirection3D(const JAngle3D& angle) :
      JVersor3D(angle.getDX(), angle.getDY(), angle.getDZ())

     * Constructor.
     * \param  pos           position
    JDirection3D(const JVector3D& pos) :
      JVersor3D(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ())

     * Constructor.
     * \param  dir           direction
    JDirection3D(const JVersor3Z& dir) :
      JVersor3D(dir.getDX(), dir.getDY(), dir.getDZ())

     * Constructor.
     * \param  dx            dx value
     * \param  dy            dy value
     * \param  dz            dz value
    JDirection3D(const double dx,
		 const double dy,
		 const double dz) :
      JVersor3D(dx, dy, dz)

     * Get direction.
     * \return               direction
    const JDirection3D& getDirection() const
      return static_cast<const JDirection3D&>(*this);

     * Get direction.
     * \return               direction
    JDirection3D& getDirection()
      return static_cast<JDirection3D&>(*this);

     * Set direction.
     * \param  dir           direction
    void setDirection(const JDirection3D& dir)
      static_cast<JDirection3D&>(*this) = dir;

     * Type conversion operator.
     * \return               angle
    operator JAngle3D() const
      return JAngle3D(getDX(), getDY(), getDZ());

     * Type conversion operator.
     * \return               position
    operator JVector3D() const
      return JVector3D(getDX(), getDY(), getDZ());

     * Transform.
     * \param  T             matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& transform(const JMatrix3D& T)
      T.transform(__dx, __dy, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate(const JRotation3D& R)
      R.rotate(__dx, __dy, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate back.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate_back(const JRotation3D& R)
      R.rotate_back(__dx, __dy, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate around X-axis.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate(const JRotation3X& R)
      R.rotate(__dy, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate back around X-axis.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate_back(const JRotation3X& R)
      R.rotate_back(__dy, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate around Y-axis.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate(const JRotation3Y& R)
      R.rotate(__dx, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate back around Y-axis.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate_back(const JRotation3Y& R)
      R.rotate_back(__dx, __dz);


      return *this;

     * Rotate around Z-axis.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate(const JRotation3Z& R)
      R.rotate(__dx, __dy);


      return *this;

     * Rotate back around Z-axis.
     * \param  R             rotation matrix
     * \return               this direction
    JDirection3D& rotate_back(const JRotation3Z& R)
      R.rotate_back(__dx, __dy);


      return *this;

     * Rotate.
     * \param  Q             quaternion
     * \return               this position
    JDirection3D& rotate(const JQuaternion3D& Q)
      Q.rotate(__dx, __dy, __dz);

      return *this;

     * Rotate back.
     * \param  Q             quaternion
     * \return               this position
    JDirection3D& rotate_back(const JQuaternion3D& Q)
      Q.rotate_back(__dx, __dy, __dz);

      return *this;

     * Get dot product.
     * \param  angle         angle
     * \return               dot product
    double getDot(const JAngle3D& angle) const
	getDX() * angle.getDX() +
	getDY() * angle.getDY() +
	getDZ() * angle.getDZ();

     * Get dot product.
     * \param  pos           position
     * \return               dot product
    double getDot(const JVector3D& pos) const
	getDX() * pos.getX() +
	getDY() * pos.getY() +
	getDZ() * pos.getZ();

     * Get dot product.
     * \param  dir           direction
     * \return               dot product
    double getDot(const JVersor3Z& dir) const
	getDX() * dir.getDX() +
	getDY() * dir.getDY() +
	getDZ() * dir.getDZ();

     * Read direction from input.
     * \param  in            input stream
     * \param  direction     direction
     * \return               input stream
    friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JDirection3D& direction)
      in >> direction.__dx >> direction.__dy >> direction.__dz;


      return in;

     * Write direction to output.
     * \param  out           output stream
     * \param  direction     direction
     * \return               output stream
    friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JDirection3D& direction)
      const JFormat format(out, getFormat<JDirection3D>(JFormat_t(9, 6, std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpos)));
      out << format << direction.getDX() << ' '
	  << format << direction.getDY() << ' '
	  << format << direction.getDZ();

      return out;

     * Read direction from input.
     * \param  in            reader
     * \param  direction     direction
     * \return               reader
    friend inline JReader& operator>>(JReader& in, JDirection3D& direction)
      return in >> direction.__dx >> direction.__dy >> direction.__dz;

     * Write direction to output.
     * \param  out           writer
     * \param  direction     direction
     * \return               writer
    friend inline JWriter& operator<<(JWriter& out, const JDirection3D& direction)
      return out << direction.__dx << direction.__dy << direction.__dz;
