#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wall"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

#include "JROOT/JTreeParameters.hh"
#include "JIO/JSerialisable.hh"

 * \file
 * TTree writing for template data type.
 * \author mdejong
namespace JROOT {}
namespace JPP { using namespace JROOT; }

namespace JROOT {

  using JIO::JReader;

   * Auxiliary class for template TTree writing.
  template<class T>
  class JTreeWriter :
    public virtual TTree,
    public JTreeParameters
     * Constructor.
     * Note that the default TTree parameters are obtained using method JROOT::getTreeParameters.
     * \param  parameters    parameters of TTree
    JTreeWriter(const JTreeParameters& parameters = JROOT::getTreeParameters<T>()) :
      SetNameTitle(this->getTreeName(), this->getTreeTitle());

      branch = Branch(this->getBranchName(),


     * Get the pointer to the unique TBranch belonging this TTree.
     * \return               pointer to TBranch
    const TBranch* GetBranch() const
      return branch; 

     * Data object output equivalent of TTree::Fill().
     * \param  object        data object
     * \return               as TTree::Fill
    Int_t Write(const T& object)
      address = &object;
      return this->Fill();

    using TTree::GetBranch;
    using TTree::Write;

    TBranch*  branch;    //!< Pointer to unique branch belonging to this TTree.
    const T*  address;   //!< Pointer to unique object belonging to this TTree.

   * Interface for template TTree writing and copying.
  struct JTreeCopyWriterInterface :
    public virtual TTree
     * Copy data.
     * \param  in            binary reader
    virtual Int_t copy(JReader& in) = 0;

   * Implementation for template TTree writing and copying.
   * This class implements the JTreeCopyWriter interface.
  template<class T>
  class JTreeCopyWriter : 
    public JTreeWriter<T>,
    public JTreeCopyWriterInterface
     * Constructor.
     * \param  tree          parameters of TTree
    JTreeCopyWriter(const JTreeParameters& tree) :

     * Hide copy constructor.
     * \param  writer        TTree writer object
    JTreeCopyWriter(const JTreeCopyWriter<T>& writer);

     * Get reference to unique instance of this class object.
     * \return               reference to this class object
    static JTreeCopyWriter<T>& getInstance()
      static JTreeCopyWriter<T> writer(getTreeParameters<T>());

      return writer;

     * Copy data.
     * \param  in            binary reader
    virtual Int_t copy(JReader& in) override 
      in >> object;

      return static_cast<JTreeWriter<T>&>(*this).Write(object);

    T object;

   * Get the TTree writer and copy for this type of object.
   * \return             TTree writer and copy for this type of object
  template <class T>
  inline JTreeCopyWriter<T>& getTreeCopyWriter()
    return JTreeCopyWriter<T>::getInstance();
