 * \author rgruiz, adomi
#include "JSupport/JSupport.hh"
#include "JSupport/JSupportToolkit.hh"

#include "JTrigger/JTriggerInterface.hh"
#include "JTrigger/JTriggerBits.hh"

#include "JDetector/JModuleRouter.hh"
#include "JDetector/JDetectorToolkit.hh"

#include "km3net-dataformat/online/JDAQClock.hh"
#include "km3net-dataformat/online/JDAQ.hh"
#include "km3net-dataformat/online/JDAQTimeslice.hh"

#include "JGizmo/JGizmoToolkit.hh"

#include "JROOT/JManager.hh"

#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TH2D.h"
#include "TProfile2D.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TPaveText.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "TPRegexp.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"

using namespace std ;
using namespace KM3NETDAQ ;
using namespace JLANG ;   
using namespace JPP ;
using namespace JSUPPORT ;

 * Structure to store histograms obtained from the JDAQSummary TTree. 

struct SummaryHistograms{
  TH1D* h_mean_fifo;
  TH2D* h_fifo_per_dom;
  TH2D* h_daq_status_per_dom;
  TH2D* h_hrv_per_dom;
  TH2D* h_rate_summary;
  TH1D* h_pmt_rate_distribution;
  TH1D* h_dom_rate_distribution;

  /* One histogram for each DU */
  JManager < string , TH2D >* m_mean_summary_rate;
  JManager < string , TH1D >* m_mean_summary_rate_distribution; 

  /* One histogram for each module */    
  JManager < string , TH2D >* m_summary_rate_distribution; 
    h_fifo_per_dom                   = NULL;
    h_daq_status_per_dom             = NULL;
    h_hrv_per_dom                    = NULL;
    h_rate_summary                   = NULL;
    h_pmt_rate_distribution          = NULL;
    h_dom_rate_distribution          = NULL;
    m_mean_summary_rate              = NULL;
    m_mean_summary_rate_distribution = NULL;
    m_summary_rate_distribution      = NULL;

   * Initializes the histograms for summary slices
  void initialize(std::set<int> & du_ids , int modules_per_string){

    h_fifo_per_dom = new TH2D ("h_fifo_per_dom", " FIFO ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with FIFO almost full x number of PMTs ",
			       *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );

    h_daq_status_per_dom = new TH2D ("h_daq_status_per_dom",
				     " Fraction of wrong DAQ Status [%]; String ; Floor ; Fraction of slices with wrong DAQ status of packets [%]",
				     *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );

    h_hrv_per_dom = new TH2D ("h_hrv_per_dom", "HRV ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices x number of PMTs in HRV",
			      *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );

    h_rate_summary = new TH2D ("h_rate_summary", "Summary slices ; String ; Floor ; Mean rate over all summary slices [kHz]",
			       *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );

    h_pmt_rate_distribution = new TH1D ("h_pmt_rate_distribution", "PMT rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts",
					JDAQRate::getN(), JDAQRate::getData(1.0e-4));

    h_dom_rate_distribution = new TH1D ("h_dom_rate_distribution", "DOM rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts", 50 , log10(50) , log10(2000));
    setLogarithmicX (h_dom_rate_distribution);
    TH1D* h = new TH1D("%/h_mean_summary_rate_distribution", " ; rate [kHz] ; # PMTs", 40 , 0 , log10(1000));
    setLogarithmicX (h);
    m_mean_summary_rate_distribution = new JManager < string , TH1D > (h);
    m_mean_summary_rate = new JManager < string , TH2D > (new TH2D("%/h_mean_summary_rate", " ; TDC Channel ; Floor ; rate [kHz]",
								   NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5,
								   modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string));
    TH2D* h_summary_rate_distribution = new TH2D ("%/h_pmt_rate_distributions_Summaryslice", "Summaryslice ; TDC channel ; rate [kHz] ; counts",
						  NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5, 100 , -1 , log10(10000));
    setLogarithmicY (h_summary_rate_distribution);
    m_summary_rate_distribution = new JManager < string , TH2D > (h_summary_rate_distribution);


struct TimesliceHistograms{
  int min_logdt;
  int max_logdt;
  int nbins_logdt;
  int nbins_time;

  /* One histogram per timeslice type. I decided not to use a JManager here because the range of each histogram could be different for each timeslice type. */

  vector < TH2D* >       h_dom_mean_rates;

  /* One JManager per timeslice type. Each JManager hosts a histogram for each DU */

  vector < JManager < string , TH2D >* > m_mean_ToT;
  vector < JManager < string , TH1D >* > m_mean_ToT_distribution;

  /* One JManager per timeslice type. Each manager hosts a histogram for an optical module. The key is expected to follow the pattern SXXFXX */  

  vector < JManager < string , TH2D >* >       m_pmt_tot_distributions;
  vector < JManager < string , TH2D >* >       m_pmt_rate_distributions;

    min_logdt     (0),
    max_logdt     (9),
    nbins_logdt (150),
    nbins_time  (200)
    int number_of_timeslice_types = JLength<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t>::value ;

    h_dom_mean_rates         .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
    m_mean_ToT               .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
    m_mean_ToT_distribution  .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
    m_pmt_tot_distributions  .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
    m_pmt_rate_distributions .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);

   * Initializes histograms for a given timeslice type.
   * \param du_ids The list of ids for the DUs in the detector
   * \param modules_per_string the number of modules in a string
   * \param ts_type Index of the timeslice types on the JDAQTimesliceTypes_t typelist. 
   * \param ts_name The name of the timeslice type
  void initialize(std::set<int> du_ids , int modules_per_string , int ts_type , std::string ts_name){

    h_dom_mean_rates[ts_type] = new TH2D (MAKE_STRING ("h_mean_dom_rates_" + ts_name).c_str(),
					  MAKE_STRING (ts_name + " ; DU number ; Floor number ; time slice averaged rate [Hz]").c_str() ,
					  *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
					  modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string);

    m_mean_ToT[ts_type] = new JManager < string , TH2D > (new TH2D (MAKE_STRING ("%/h_mean_ToT_" + ts_name).c_str(),
								    MAKE_STRING (ts_name + " ; TDC channel ; Floor number ; mean ToT [ns] ").c_str(),
								    NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5 ,
								    modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string));
    m_mean_ToT_distribution[ts_type] = new JManager < string , TH1D > (new TH1D (MAKE_STRING ("%/h_mean_ToT_distribution" + ts_name).c_str(),
										 MAKE_STRING (ts_name + " ; ToT [ns] ; # PMTS ").c_str(),
										 256, -0.5, 255.5));

    TH2D* h = new TH2D (MAKE_STRING ("%_" + ts_name + "_2SToT").c_str(),
			MAKE_STRING (ts_name + " ; TDC channel ; ToT [ns] ; counts").c_str(),
			NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5 , 256, -0.5, 255.5);


    m_pmt_tot_distributions[ts_type] = new JManager < string , TH2D > (h);

    int NBinsY=0;
    double Ymax=0;
    if( ts_type == JIndexOf<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t ,  JDAQTimeslice>::value ){
    }else if( ts_type == JIndexOf<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t ,  JDAQTimesliceL1>::value ){
    }else if( ts_type == JIndexOf<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t ,  JDAQTimesliceSN>::value ){

    TH2D* h_pmt_rate_distributions = new TH2D (MAKE_STRING ("%/h_pmt_rate_distributions_" + ts_name).c_str(),
					       MAKE_STRING (ts_name + " ; TDC channel ; rate [kHz] ; counts ").c_str(), 
					       NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5 , 
					       NBinsY, 0, Ymax); 
    m_pmt_rate_distributions[ts_type] = new JManager < string , TH2D > (h_pmt_rate_distributions);      


   * Fills the mean ToT as a function of the PMT and floor number for a given DU
   * \param table table with the ToT distributions for each PMT in a module, for every timeslice type
   * \param string The string number
   * \param floor The floor number
  void Fill_mean_ToT_histograms(){
    int i = 0  ;
    for (typename vector < JManager < string , TH2D >* >::const_iterator it = m_pmt_tot_distributions.begin() ; it != m_pmt_tot_distributions.end() ; ++it , ++i){

      if ((*it)){
	for (typename JManager < string , TH2D >::const_iterator j = (*it) -> begin() ; j != (*it) -> end() ; ++j){

	  TString  s (MAKE_STRING(j -> first).c_str());
	  TPRegexp r ("(\\w+)/(\\DU)(\\d+)/(F)(\\d+)");

	  TObjArray* o = r.MatchS(s);

	  int String = ((TObjString *)o->At(3))->GetString().Atoi();
	  int Floor  = ((TObjString *)o->At(5))->GetString().Atoi();
	  for (int pmt = 1 ; pmt <= (j -> second) -> GetXaxis() -> GetNbins() ; pmt++){

	    (*m_mean_ToT[i])[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(String))] -> Fill((j->second) -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(pmt) , Floor , (j -> second) -> ProjectionY ("" , pmt , pmt) -> GetMean () );
	    (*m_mean_ToT_distribution[i])[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(String))] -> Fill((j -> second) -> ProjectionY ("" , pmt , pmt) -> GetMean () );	    

 * Structure to store histograms obtained from the JDAQEvent TTree 
struct TriggerHistograms{

  TH1D* h_Trigger_bit_event;
  TH1D* h_Trigger_bit_hit;
  TH1D* h_Snapshot_hits;
  TH1D* h_Triggered_hits;
  TH1D* h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon;
  TH2D* h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module;
  TH1D* h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits;
  TH1D* h_event_duration;
  TH1D* h_Number_of_overlays;
  TH2D* h_Snapshot_hits_per_module;
  TH2D* h_Triggered_hits_per_module;
  TH1D* h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits;
  TH1D* h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits;
  TH1D* h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits;
  TH1D* h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits;

  /* One histogram per DU*/  
  JManager < string , TH2D >* m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt;
   * Constructor
    h_Trigger_bit_event                 = NULL;
    h_Trigger_bit_hit                   = NULL;
    h_Snapshot_hits                     = NULL;
    h_Triggered_hits                    = NULL;
    h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon             = NULL;
    h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module  = NULL;
    h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits      = NULL;
    h_event_duration                    = NULL;
    h_Number_of_overlays                = NULL;
    h_Snapshot_hits_per_module          = NULL;
    h_Triggered_hits_per_module         = NULL;
    m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt             = NULL;
    h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits   = NULL;
    h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits   = NULL;
    h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits    = NULL;
    h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits    = NULL;

   * Initializes the histograms.
   * \param du_ids The list of du ids in the detector
   * \param frame_index_range The range of frame indices 
   * \param modules_per_string The number of modules in a string.
  void initialize(std::set<int> & du_ids , int modules_per_string){

    h_Trigger_bit_event = new TH1D ("h_Trigger_bit_event",
				    "Number of events as a function of trigger bit in event ; Trigger Bit ; Counts",
    for (int i = 0 ; i < (int) NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS ; i++){

      if (getTriggerName(i)){

	h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 , getTriggerName(i) );
	h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 , "" );
     h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> LabelsOption("v"); 

     h_Trigger_bit_hit = new TH1D ("h_Trigger_bit_hit",
				   "Number of hits per event as a function of trigger bit in hit ; Trigger Bit ; #Events",

    for (int i = 0 ; i < (int) NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS ; i++){

      if (getTriggerName(i)){

	h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 , getTriggerName(i) );

	h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 , "" );

    h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> LabelsOption("v"); 
    h_Snapshot_hits = new TH1D ("h_Snapshot_hits", " ; Number of snapshot hits; Events ", 50, 0, 4 );
    setLogarithmicX (h_Snapshot_hits);
    h_Triggered_hits = new TH1D ("h_Triggered_hits", " ; Number of triggered hits; Events ", 50 , 0, 4 );
    setLogarithmicX (h_Triggered_hits);

    h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon = new TH1D ("h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon", " ; Number of triggered hits for JTRIGGER3DMUON; Events ", 50 , 0, 3 );

    h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module = new TH2D ("h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module",
						   "Number of triggered hits for JTRIGGER3DMUON; String ; Floor ; Number of JTRIGGER3DMUON hits",
						   *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5,
						   modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );

    h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits = new TH1D ("h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits", " ; Triggered/Snapshot hits; Events", 100 , 0, 0.5 );

    h_event_duration = new TH1D ("h_event_duration", " ; Event Duration [ns]; Events", 60 , 1, 6 );

    h_Number_of_overlays = new TH1D ("h_Number_of_overlays", " ; Number of overlays; Events ", 1000, -0.5, 1000 - 0.5 );
    h_Snapshot_hits_per_module = new TH2D ("h_Snapshot_hits_per_module",
					   " ; String ; Floor ; Number of snapshot hits ",
					   *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
					   modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
    h_Triggered_hits_per_module = new TH2D ("h_Triggered_hits_per_module",
					    " ; String ; Floor ; Number of triggered hits",
					    *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
					    modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
    m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt = new JManager < string , TH2D > ( new TH2D ("%/h_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt",
									 " ; TDC Channel ; Floor ; Number of snapshot hits",
									 NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5 ,
									 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) );
    h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits = new TH1D ("h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits",
						  " ; TDC Channel ; Counts [a.u.]", NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5);
    h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits = new TH1D ("h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits", " ; ToT [ns] ; Counts [a.u.]", 256 , -0.5, 255.5);
    h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits = new TH1D ("h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits", " ; TDC Channel ; Counts [a.u.]", NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5);
    h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits = new TH1D ("h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits", " ; ToT [ns] ; Counts [a.u.]", 256, -0.5, 255.5);

 * Class to manage the histograms produced by JRunAnalyzer.
class JRA_Histograms{

  SummaryHistograms   h_summary;
  TimesliceHistograms h_timeslice;
  TriggerHistograms   h_trigger;
  std::set <int>      du_ids;
  int                 modules_per_string;

  JRA_Histograms (const JDetector& detector){

    du_ids             = getStringIDs(detector);
    modules_per_string = JDETECTOR::getNumberOfModules (detector) / getNumberOfStrings (detector);
    h_summary          = SummaryHistograms();
    h_timeslice        = TimesliceHistograms();
    h_trigger          = TriggerHistograms();
   * Initializes summary slice histograms.
   * \param range The range of values for the summary slice indices in the run. The range of some histograms is based on the number of time slices, and their indices.
  void initialize_summary_histograms (){
    h_summary.initialize(du_ids , modules_per_string);
   * Initializes summary slice histograms.
   * \param range The range of values for the summary slice indices in the run. The range of some histograms is based on the number of time slices, and their indices.
  template <class T>
  void initialize_timeslice_histograms (){
    const int       index = JIndexOf<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t , T>::value ;
    const string   prefix = "KM3NETDAQ::JDAQ" ;
    string        ts_name = T::Class_Name();
    string::size_type pos = ts_name.find(prefix);

    if (pos != string::npos) ts_name.replace(ts_name.find(prefix) , prefix.length() , "");
    h_timeslice.initialize(du_ids , modules_per_string , index , ts_name);
   * Initializes JDAQEvent histograms.
  void initialize_trigger_histograms (){
    h_trigger.initialize (du_ids , modules_per_string);

   * Checks if the histograms in a table have been initialized. If yes, it writes them on the indicated directory of a root file
   * \param f The root file
   * \param dirname The directory where the histograms will be written
   * \param table A vector of histograms.
  template <class T>
  void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile & f , string dirname , vector < vector < T* > > table){

    if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str());

    f.cd (dirname.c_str());

    for (int i=0 ; i < (int)table.size(); i++){

      for (int j=0 ; j< (int)table[i].size(); j++){

	if (table[i][j]) table [i][j] -> Write();

   * Checks if the histograms in a table have been initialized. If yes, it writes them on the indicated directory of a root file
   * \param f The root file
   * \param dirname The directory where the histograms will be written
   * \param table A vector of histograms.
  template <class T>
  void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile & f , string dirname , vector < T* > table){

    if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str());

    f.cd (dirname.c_str());

    for (int i=0 ; i < (int)table.size(); i++){

      if (table[i]) table[i] -> Write();

   * Checks if the histograms in a table have been initialized. If yes, it writes them on the indicated directory of a root file
   * \param f The root file
   * \param dirname The directory where the histograms will be written
   * \param table A vector of histograms.
  template <class T , class V>
  void Write_manager_to_file(TFile & f , string dirname , JManager < T , V >* table){

    if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str());

    f.cd (dirname.c_str());
    for (typename JManager < T , V >::const_iterator i = table -> begin() ; i != table -> end() ; ++i){
      i -> second -> Write();
   * Replaces wildcard in manager objects titles by their keys.
   * \param A manager.
   * \param wc The wildcard
  template <class T , class V>
  void Replace_wildcard_in_name(JManager < T , V >* manager , char wc = '%'){
    for (typename JManager < T , V >::const_iterator i = manager -> begin() ; i != manager -> end() ; ++i){

      if (i -> second -> GetTitle()){

	std::string     buffer = i -> second -> GetTitle();
	string::size_type ipos = buffer.find(wc);
	if (ipos!=std::string::npos){
	  ostringstream os;
	  os << i -> first ;
	  buffer.replace(ipos, 1, os.str());
	  i -> second -> SetTitle(buffer.c_str());

   * Writes the contents of a JManager into a file. Each object in each will be written in a directory specified by its key.
   * \param f The root file
   * \param A manager.
  template < class T , class V >
  void  Write_manager_in_key_dir(TFile & f ,JManager <T , V>* manager){
    for (typename JManager < T , V >::const_iterator i = manager -> begin() ; i != manager -> end() ; ++i){
      std::string fullpath = MAKE_STRING(i->second->GetName());

      int          pos = fullpath.rfind ('/');
      std::string name = fullpath.substr (pos + 1);
      std::string path = fullpath.substr (0 , pos);

      if (f.GetDirectory(path.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (path.c_str());


      i -> second -> SetName(name.c_str());
      i -> second -> Write();

   * Writes the contents of a vector of JManager objects into a file. Each object in each will be written in a directory specified by its key.
   * \param f The root file
   * \param table the list of JManager objects.
  template < class T , class V >
  void  Write_manager_table_in_key_dir(TFile & f , vector < JManager < T , V >* > table){

    for (typename vector < JManager < T , V >* >::const_iterator i = table.begin() ; i != table.end() ; ++i){

      if ((*i)){
	for (typename JManager < T , V >::const_iterator j = (*i) -> begin() ; j != (*i) -> end() ; ++j){

	  std::string fullpath = MAKE_STRING(j-> second -> GetName());

	  int          pos = fullpath.rfind  ('/');
	  std::string name = fullpath.substr (pos + 1);
	  std::string path = fullpath.substr (0 , pos);

	  if (f.GetDirectory(path.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (path.c_str());


	  j -> second -> SetName(name.c_str());
	  j -> second -> Write();

