#ifndef __JEULERMATRIX3D__ #define __JEULERMATRIX3D__ #include #include "JGeometry3D/JRotation3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JEulerAngle3D.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JGEOMETRY3D {} namespace JPP { using namespace JGEOMETRY3D; } namespace JGEOMETRY3D { /** * Euler matrix * * The Euler matrix is a genuine 3D rotation matrix, i.e. * the inverse of an Euler matrix is equal to its tranpose. * * The Euler angles are defined as follows: * * -# alpha 2D rotation around Z -axis; * -# beta 2D rotation around X' -axis; * -# gamma 2D rotation around Z''-axis; */ class JEulerMatrix3D : public JRotation3D { public: /** * Default constructor (= identity matrix). */ JEulerMatrix3D() : JRotation3D() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param euler Euler angles */ JEulerMatrix3D(const JEulerAngle3D& euler) : JRotation3D() { const double ca = cos(euler.getAlpha()); const double sa = sin(euler.getAlpha()); const double cb = cos(euler.getBeta()); const double sb = sin(euler.getBeta()); const double cg = cos(euler.getGamma()); const double sg = sin(euler.getGamma()); a00 = cg*ca - sg*cb*sa; a01 = -cg*sa - sg*cb*ca; a02 = sg*sb; a10 = sg*ca + cg*cb*sa; a11 = -sg*sa + cg*cb*ca; a12 = -cg*sb; a20 = sb*sa; a21 = sb*ca; a22 = cb; } }; } #endif