#include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JTools/JCollection.hh" #include "JTools/JMap.hh" #include "JTools/JGridMap.hh" #include "JTools/JMapList.hh" #include "JTools/JSpline.hh" #include "JTools/JPolint.hh" #include "JTools/JElement.hh" #include "JTools/JResult.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPDFTable.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPDFToolkit.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPDFTypes.hh" #include "JMath/JZero.hh" /** * \file * * Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF. * \author mdejong */ /** * Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF. */ struct JPDF { typedef JPP::JSplineFunction1D, JPP::JCollection, JPP::JResultPDF > JFunction1D_t; typedef JPP::JMAPLIST::maplist JPDFMaplist_t; typedef JPP::JPDFTable JPDF_t; typedef JFunction1D_t::result_type result_type; /** * Constructor. * * The TTS corresponds to the additional time smearing applied to the PDFs. * * \param file_name file name * \param TTS TTS [ns] * \param numberOfPoints number of points for Gauss-Hermite integration of TTS * \param epsilon precision for Gauss-Hermite integration of TTS */ JPDF(const std::string& file_name, const double TTS, const int numberOfPoints = 25, const double epsilon = 1.0e-10) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; const JPDF_t::JSupervisor supervisor(new JPDF_t::JDefaultResult(zero)); cout << "loading input from file " << file_name << "... " << flush; pdf.load(file_name.c_str()); pdf.setExceptionHandler(supervisor); cout << "OK" << endl; type = getPDFType(file_name); if (TTS > 0.0) { cout << "bluring PDFs... " << flush; pdf.blur(TTS, numberOfPoints, epsilon); cout << "OK" << endl; } else if (TTS < 0.0) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "Illegal value of TTS [ns]: " << TTS); } } /** * Get PDF. * * The orientation of the PMT should be defined according this documentation.\n * In this, the zenith and azimuth angles are limited to \f[\left[0, \pi\right]\f]. * * \param E muon energy at minimum distance of approach [GeV] * \param R minimum distance of approach [m] * \param theta PMT zenith angle [rad] * \param phi PMT azimuth angle [rad] * \param t1 arrival time relative to Cherenkov hypothesis [ns] * \return hypothesis value */ result_type calculate(const double E, const double R, const double theta, const double phi, const double t1) const { using namespace JPP; result_type h1 = pdf(R, theta, phi, t1); if (is_bremsstrahlung(type)) { h1 *= E; } else if (is_deltarays(type)) { h1 *= getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E); } // safety measures if (h1.f <= 0.0) { h1.f = 0.0; h1.fp = 0.0; } if (h1.v <= 0.0) { h1.v = 0.0; } return h1; } JPDF_t pdf; //!< PDF int type; //!< PDF type }; /** * Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF. */ struct JMuonPDF_t { typedef JPP::JSplineFunction1D, JPP::JCollection, JPP::JResultPDF > JFunction1D_t; typedef JPP::JMAPLIST::maplist JPDFMaplist_t; typedef JPP::JPDFTable JPDF_t; typedef JFunction1D_t::result_type result_type; /** * Constructor. * * The PDF file descriptor should contain the wild card character JPHYSICS::WILDCARD.\n * The TTS corresponds to the additional time smearing applied to the PDFs. * * \param fileDescriptor PDF file descriptor * \param TTS TTS [ns] * \param numberOfPoints number of points for Gauss-Hermite integration of TTS * \param epsilon precision for Gauss-Hermite integration of TTS */ JMuonPDF_t(const std::string& fileDescriptor, const double TTS, const int numberOfPoints = 25, const double epsilon = 1.0e-10) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; const JPDFType_t pdf_t[] = { DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_MUON, SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_MUON, DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWERS, SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWERS, DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_DELTARAYS, SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_DELTARAYS }; const int N = sizeof(pdf_t) / sizeof(pdf_t[0]); JPDF_t pdf[N]; const JPDF_t::JSupervisor supervisor(new JPDF_t::JDefaultResult(zero)); for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { const string file_name = getFilename(fileDescriptor, pdf_t[i]); cout << "loading input from file " << file_name << "... " << flush; pdf[i].load(file_name.c_str()); pdf[i].setExceptionHandler(supervisor); cout << "OK" << endl; } // Add PDFs cout << "adding PDFs... " << flush; pdfA = pdf[1]; pdfA.add(pdf[0]); pdfB = pdf[3]; pdfB.add(pdf[2]); pdfC = pdf[5]; pdfC.add(pdf[4]); cout << "OK" << endl; if (TTS > 0.0) { cout << "bluring PDFs... " << flush; pdfA.blur(TTS, numberOfPoints, epsilon); pdfB.blur(TTS, numberOfPoints, epsilon); pdfC.blur(TTS, numberOfPoints, epsilon); cout << "OK" << endl; } else if (TTS < 0.0) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "Illegal value of TTS [ns]: " << TTS); } } /** * Get PDF. * * The orientation of the PMT should be defined according this documentation.\n * In this, the zenith and azimuth angles are limited to \f[\left[0, \pi\right]\f]. * * \param E muon energy at minimum distance of approach [GeV] * \param R minimum distance of approach [m] * \param theta PMT zenith angle [rad] * \param phi PMT azimuth angle [rad] * \param t1 arrival time relative to Cherenkov hypothesis [ns] * \return hypothesis value */ result_type calculate(const double E, const double R, const double theta, const double phi, const double t1) const { using namespace JPP; result_type h1 = (pdfA(R, theta, phi, t1) + pdfB(R, theta, phi, t1) * E + pdfC(R, theta, phi, t1) * getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E)); // safety measures if (h1.f <= 0.0) { h1.f = 0.0; h1.fp = 0.0; } if (h1.v <= 0.0) { h1.v = 0.0; } return h1; } JPDF_t pdfA; //!< PDF for minimum ionising particle JPDF_t pdfB; //!< PDF for average energy losses JPDF_t pdfC; //!< PDF for delta-rays }; /** * Auxiliary data structure for shower PDF. */ struct JShowerPDF_t { typedef JPP::JSplineFunction1D, JPP::JCollection, JPP::JResultPDF > JFunction1D_t; typedef JPP::JMAPLIST::maplist JPDFMaplist_t; typedef JPP::JPDFTable JPDF_t; typedef JFunction1D_t::result_type result_type; /** * Constructor. * * The PDF file descriptor should contain the wild card character JPHYSICS::WILDCARD.\n * The TTS corresponds to the additional time smearing applied to the PDFs. * * \param fileDescriptor PDF file descriptor * \param TTS TTS [ns] * \param numberOfPoints number of points for Gauss-Hermite integration of TTS * \param epsilon precision for Gauss-Hermite integration of TTS */ JShowerPDF_t(const std::string& fileDescriptor, const double TTS, const int numberOfPoints = 25, const double epsilon = 1.0e-10) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; const JPDFType_t pdf_t[] = { SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWER, DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWER }; const int N = sizeof(pdf_t) / sizeof(pdf_t[0]); const JPDF_t::JSupervisor supervisor(new JPDF_t::JDefaultResult(zero)); for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { const string file_name = getFilename(fileDescriptor, pdf_t[i]); cout << "loading input from file " << file_name << "... " << flush; JPDF_t pdf; pdf.load(file_name.c_str()); pdf.setExceptionHandler(supervisor); if (pdfA.empty()) pdfA = pdf; else pdfA.add(pdf); cout << "OK" << endl; } if (TTS > 0.0) { cout << "bluring PDFs... " << flush; pdfA.blur(TTS, numberOfPoints, epsilon); cout << "OK" << endl; } else if (TTS < 0.0) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "Illegal value of TTS [ns]: " << TTS); } } /** * Get PDF. * * The orientation of the PMT should be defined according this documentation.\n * In this, the zenith and azimuth angles are limited to \f[\left[0, \pi\right]\f]. * * \param E shower energy [GeV] * \param D distance [m] * \param cd cosine emission angle * \param theta PMT zenith angle [rad] * \param phi PMT azimuth angle [rad] * \param t1 arrival time relative to Cherenkov hypothesis [ns] * \return hypothesis value */ result_type calculate(const double E, const double D, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t1) const { using namespace JPP; result_type h1 = pdfA(D, cd, theta, phi, t1) * E; // safety measures if (h1.f <= 0.0) { h1.f = 0.0; h1.fp = 0.0; } if (h1.v <= 0.0) { h1.v = 0.0; } return h1; } JPDF_t pdfA; //!< PDF for shower };