#ifndef __JAANET__JAANETTOOLKIT__ #define __JAANET__JAANETTOOLKIT__ #include #include #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Hit.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Vec.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Trk.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Evt.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/definitions/trkmembers.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/definitions/fitparameters.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/definitions/reconstruction.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/tools/reconstruction.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JLang/JPredicate.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JPosition3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JDirection3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JAxis3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JTrack3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JTrack3E.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JVertex3D.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JTransformation3D.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPhysicsToolkit.hh" #include "JPhysics/JTimeRange.hh" #include "JPhysics/JGeane.hh" #include "JAAnet/JParticleTypes.hh" #include "JAAnet/JPDB.hh" /** * \file * * Definition of hit and track types and auxiliary methods for handling Monte Carlo data. * \author mdejong */ namespace JAANET {} namespace JPP { using namespace JAANET; } /** * Extensions to Evt data format. */ namespace JAANET { using JLANG::make_predicate; using JLANG::JIndexOutOfRange; using JLANG::JValueOutOfRange; using JGEOMETRY3D::JPosition3D; using JGEOMETRY3D::JDirection3D; using JGEOMETRY3D::JAxis3D; using JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3D; using JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3E; using JGEOMETRY3D::JVertex3D; using JGEOMETRY3D::JTransformation3D; using JPHYSICS::JTimeRange; using JPHYSICS::MASS_PROTON; using JPHYSICS::MASS_NEUTRON; using JPHYSICS::getKineticEnergy; /** * AAnet shower fit reconstruction type. */ static const int AASHOWER_RECONSTRUCTION_TYPE = 101; /** * Enumeration of hit types based on km3 codes. */ enum JHitType_t { HIT_TYPE_MUON_DIRECT = +5, //!< Direct light from muon HIT_TYPE_MUON_SCATTERED = -5, //!< Scattered light from muon HIT_TYPE_DELTARAYS_DIRECT = +4, //!< Direct light from delta-rays HIT_TYPE_DELTARAYS_SCATTERED = -4, //!< Scattered light from delta-rays HIT_TYPE_BREMSSTRAHLUNG_DIRECT = +3, //!< Direct light from Bremsstrahlung HIT_TYPE_BREMSSTRAHLUNG_SCATTERED = -3, //!< Scattered light from Bremsstrahlung HIT_TYPE_SHOWER_DIRECT = +99, //!< Direct light from primary shower HIT_TYPE_SHOWER_SCATTERED = -99, //!< Scattered light from primary shower HIT_TYPE_NOISE = -1, //!< Random noise HIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 //!< Unknown source }; /** * Get true time of hit. * * \param hit hit * \return true time of hit */ inline double getTime(const Hit& hit) { return hit.t; } /** * Get true charge of hit. * * \param hit hit * \return true charge of hit */ inline double getNPE(const Hit& hit) { return hit.a; } /** * Verify hit origin. * * \param hit hit * \return true if noise; else false */ inline bool is_noise(const Hit& hit) { return hit.type == HIT_TYPE_NOISE; } /** * Get time range (i.e.\ time between earliest and latest hit) of Monte Carlo event.\n * Note that the global event time in not taken into account. * * \param event event * \return time range */ inline JTimeRange getTimeRange(const Evt& event) { JTimeRange time_range(JTimeRange::DEFAULT_RANGE()); for (std::vector::const_iterator hit = event.mc_hits.begin(); hit != event.mc_hits.end(); ++hit) { if (!is_noise(*hit)) { time_range.include(getTime(*hit)); } } return time_range; } /** * Get time range (i.e.\ time between earliest and latest hit) of Monte Carlo event.\n * The resulting time range is larger than or equal to the given time window.\n * Note that the global event time in not taken into account. * * \param event event * \param T_ns time window [ns] * \return time range */ inline JTimeRange getTimeRange(const Evt& event, const JTimeRange& T_ns) { JTimeRange time_range = getTimeRange(event); if (!time_range.is_valid()) { time_range = T_ns; } if (time_range.getLength() < T_ns.getLength()) { time_range.setLength(T_ns.getLength()); } return time_range; } /** * Get position. * * \param pos position * \return position */ inline JPosition3D getPosition(const Vec& pos) { return JPosition3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } /** * Get position. * * \param pos position * \return position */ inline Vec getPosition(const JPosition3D& pos) { return Vec(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()); } /** * Get position. * * \param track track * \return position */ inline JPosition3D getPosition(const Trk& track) { return getPosition(track.pos); } /** * Get direction. * * \param dir direction * \return direction */ inline JDirection3D getDirection(const Vec& dir) { return JDirection3D(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); } /** * Get direction. * * \param dir direction * \return direction */ inline Vec getDirection(const JDirection3D& dir) { return Vec(dir.getDX(), dir.getDY(), dir.getDZ()); } /** * Get direction. * * \param track track * \return direction */ inline JDirection3D getDirection(const Trk& track) { return getDirection(track.dir); } /** * Get axis. * * \param track track * \return axis */ inline JAxis3D getAxis(const Trk& track) { return JAxis3D(getPosition(track), getDirection(track)); } /** * Get track. * * \param track track * \return track */ inline JTrack3E getTrack(const Trk& track) { return JTrack3E(JTrack3D(getAxis(track), track.t), track.E); } /** * Get transformation. * * \param track track * \return transformation */ inline JTransformation3D getTransformation(const Trk& track) { return JTransformation3D(getPosition(track), getDirection(track)); } /** * Get track information. * * \param track track * \param index index * \param value default value * \return actual value */ inline double getW(const Trk& track, const size_t index, const double value) { if (index < track.fitinf.size()) return track.fitinf[index]; else return value; } /** * Test whether given track is a photon or neutral pion. * * \param track track * \return true if photon or neutral pion; else false */ inline bool is_photon (const Trk& track) { return ( track.type == TRACK_TYPE_PHOTON || abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_NEUTRAL_PION); } /** * Test whether given track is a (anti-)muon. * * \param track track * \return true if (anti-)muon; else false */ inline bool is_muonbundle(const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == PDG_MUONBUNDLE); } /** * Test whether given track is a neutrino. * * \param track track * \return true if neutrino; else false */ inline bool is_neutrino(const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_NUE || abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_NUMU || abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_NUTAU); } /** * Test whether given track is a (anti-)electron. * * \param track track * \return true if (anti-)electron; else false */ inline bool is_electron(const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_ELECTRON); } /** * Test whether given track is a (anti-)muon. * * \param track track * \return true if (anti-)muon; else false */ inline bool is_muon (const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_MUON); } /** * Test whether given track is a (anti-)tau. * * \param track track * \return true if (anti-)tau; else false */ inline bool is_tau (const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_TAU); } /** * Test whether given track is a charged pion. * * \param track track * \return true if charged pion; else false */ inline bool is_pion (const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_CHARGED_PION_PLUS); } /** * Test whether given track is a (anti-)proton. * * \param track track * \return true if (anti-)proton; else false */ inline bool is_proton (const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_PROTON); } /** * Test whether given track is a (anti-)neutron. * * \param track track * \return true if (anti-)neutron; else false */ inline bool is_neutron (const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) == TRACK_TYPE_NEUTRON); } /** * Test whether given track is a lepton * * \param track track * \return true if lepton; else fails */ inline bool is_lepton (const Trk& track) { return (is_neutrino(track) || is_electron(track) || is_muon (track) || is_tau (track)); } /** * Test whether given track is a charged lepton * * \param track track * \return true if lepton; else fails */ inline bool is_charged_lepton (const Trk& track) { return (is_electron(track) || is_muon (track) || is_tau (track)); } /** * Test whether given track is a hadron * * \param track track * \return true if hadron; else fails */ inline bool is_hadron (const Trk& track) { return (abs(track.type) != TRACK_TYPE_PHOTON && !is_lepton(track)); } /** * Test whether given track is a meson (is hadron and third digit of PDG code is zero) * * \param track track * \return true if hadron; else fails */ inline bool is_meson (const Trk& track) { return (is_hadron(track) && ((int)(track.type / 1000)) % 10 == 0); } /** * Test whether given track is a baryon (is hadron and third digit of PDG code is not zero) * * \param track track * \return true if hadron; else fails */ inline bool is_baryon (const Trk& track) { return (is_hadron(track) && ((int)(track.type / 1000)) % 10 != 0); } /** * Test whether given track is a nucleus (PDG code corresponds to a baryon or has 10 digits, starting with '10') * * \param track track * \return true if hadron; else fails */ inline bool is_nucleus (const Trk& track) { using namespace std; const string typestr = to_string(abs(track.type)); return (is_baryon(track) || (typestr.size() == 10 && typestr.substr(0,2) == "10")); } /** * Test whether given track corresponds to given particle type. * * \param track track * \param type particle type * \return true if matches the corresponding particle; else false */ inline bool has_particleID (const Trk& track, const int type) { return (track.type == type); } /** * Test whether given track corresponds to an initial state particle. * * \param track track * \return true if track corresponds to an initial state particle; else false */ inline bool is_initialstate(const Trk& track) { if (Evt::ROOT_IO_VERSION >= 14) { return (track.status == TRK_ST_PRIMARYNEUTRINO || track.status == TRK_ST_PRIMARYCOSMIC || track.status == TRK_ST_MUONBUNDLE || track.status == TRK_ST_ININUCLEI); } else if (Evt::ROOT_IO_VERSION >= 11) { return (track.mother_id == TRK_MOTHER_UNDEFINED || track.mother_id == TRK_MOTHER_NONE); } else { return is_neutrino(track) && track.id == 0; } } /** * Test whether given track corresponds to a final state particle. * * \param track track * \return true if track corresponds to a final state particle; else false */ inline bool is_finalstate(const Trk& track) { if (Evt::ROOT_IO_VERSION >= 15) { return track.status == TRK_ST_FINALSTATE; } else { return !is_initialstate(track); } } /** * Test whether given event has an incoming neutrino. * * \param evt event * \return true if neutrino; else false */ inline bool has_neutrino(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; if (Evt::ROOT_IO_VERSION >= 14) { vector::const_iterator i = find_if(evt.mc_trks.cbegin(), evt.mc_trks.cend(), make_predicate(&Trk::status, TRK_ST_PRIMARYNEUTRINO)); return i != evt.mc_trks.cend(); } else { return !evt.mc_trks.empty() && is_neutrino(evt.mc_trks[0]); } } /** * Get incoming neutrino. * * \param evt event * \return neutrino */ inline const Trk& get_neutrino(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; if (Evt::ROOT_IO_VERSION >= 14) { vector::const_iterator i = find_if(evt.mc_trks.cbegin(), evt.mc_trks.cend(), make_predicate(&Trk::status, TRK_ST_PRIMARYNEUTRINO)); if (i != evt.mc_trks.cend()) { return *i; } } else if (!evt.mc_trks.empty() && is_neutrino(evt.mc_trks[0])) { return evt.mc_trks[0]; } THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "JAANET::get_neutrino(): Event " << evt.id << " has no neutrino."); } /** * Test whether given event has well-defined target nucleus. * * \param evt event * \return true if target nucleus is defined; else false */ inline bool has_target_nucleus(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; if (Evt::ROOT_IO_VERSION >= 14) { vector::const_iterator i = find_if(evt.mc_trks.cbegin(), evt.mc_trks.cend(), make_predicate(&Trk::status, TRK_ST_ININUCLEI)); return i != evt.mc_trks.cend(); } else { return false; } } /** * Get target nucleus. * * \param evt event * \return target nucleus */ inline const Trk& get_target_nucleus(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; vector::const_iterator i = find_if(evt.mc_trks.cbegin(), evt.mc_trks.cend(), make_predicate(&Trk::status, TRK_ST_ININUCLEI)); if (i != evt.mc_trks.cend()) { return *i; } else { THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "JAANET::get_target_nucleus(): Cannot retrieve target nucleus for event " << evt.id << "."); } } /** * Get primary. * * \param evt event * \return primary track */ inline const Trk& get_primary(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; for (vector::const_iterator i = evt.mc_trks.cbegin(); i != evt.mc_trks.cend(); ++i) { if (is_initialstate(*i) && i->status != TRK_ST_ININUCLEI) { return *i; } } THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "JAANET::get_primary(): Cannot retrieve primary track for event " << evt.id << "."); } /** * Auxiliary function to retrieve the leading lepton of a neutrino interaction. * * \param event event * \return leading lepton */ inline const Trk& get_leading_lepton(const Evt& event) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; const Trk& primary = get_primary(event); if (is_neutrino(primary)) { for (vector::const_iterator i = event.mc_trks.cbegin(); i != event.mc_trks.cend(); ++i) { if (is_lepton(*i) && i->mother_id == primary.id) { return *i; } } THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "get_leading_lepton(): Could not find leading lepton for given event"); } else { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "get_leading_lepton(): Given event does not correspond to a neutrino interaction."); } } /** * Get vertex. * * \param track track * \return vertex */ inline JVertex3D getVertex(const Trk& track) { return JVertex3D(getPosition(track), track.t); } /** * Get event vertex. * * \param event event * \return event vertex */ inline JVertex3D getVertex(const Evt& event) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; if (has_neutrino(event)) { const Trk& neutrino = get_neutrino(event); return getVertex(neutrino); } else if (!event.mc_trks.empty()) { vector::const_iterator i = find_if(event.mc_trks.begin(), event.mc_trks.end(), is_initialstate); if (i != event.mc_trks.end()) { return getVertex(*i); } else { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "getVertex(): No initial state track found."); } } else if (!event.trks.empty()) { // For reconstructed DAQ events const Trk& track = get_best_reconstructed_track(event); return getVertex(track); } else { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "getVertex(): Could not find a valid event vertex."); } } /** * Count the number of electrons in a given event * * \param evt event * \return number of electrons */ inline int count_electrons(const Evt& evt) { return std::count_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_electron); } /** * Test whether given event has an electron. * * \param evt event * \return true if event has electron; else false */ inline bool has_electron(const Evt& evt) { return count_electrons(evt) != 0; } /** * Get first electron from the event tracklist * * \param evt event * \return electron */ inline const Trk& get_electron(const Evt& evt) { if (count_electrons(evt) > 0) return *std::find_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_electron); else THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "This event has no electron."); } /** * Test whether given hit was produced by an electron * * Warning: This method will only work with the output of KM3Sim. * For JSirene or KM3, you should check if track.id == hit.origin instead. * * \param hit hit * \return true if hit was produced by an electron; else false */ inline bool from_electron(const Hit& hit) { return hit.type == GEANT4_TYPE_ELECTRON || hit.type == GEANT4_TYPE_ANTIELECTRON; } /** * Count the number of muons in a given event * * \param evt event * \return number of muons */ inline int count_muons(const Evt& evt) { return std::count_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_muon); } /** * Test whether given event has a muon. * * \param evt event * \return true if event has muon; else false */ inline bool has_muon(const Evt& evt) { return count_muons(evt) != 0; } /** * Get first muon from the event tracklist * * \param evt event * \return muon */ inline const Trk& get_muon(const Evt& evt) { if (count_muons(evt) > 0) return *std::find_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_muon); else THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "This event has no muon."); } /** * Test whether given hit was produced by a muon * * Warning: This method will only work with the output of KM3Sim. * For JSirene or KM3, you should check if track.id == hit.origin instead. * * \param hit hit * \return true if hit was produced by a muon; else false */ inline bool from_muon(const Hit& hit) { return hit.type == GEANT4_TYPE_MUON || hit.type == GEANT4_TYPE_ANTIMUON; } /** * Count the number of taus in a given event * * \param evt event * \return number of taus */ inline int count_taus(const Evt& evt) { return std::count_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_tau); } /** * Test whether given event has a tau. * * \param evt event * \return true if event has tau; else false */ inline bool has_tau(const Evt& evt) { return count_taus(evt) != 0; } /** * Get first tau from the event tracklist * * \param evt event * \return tau */ inline const Trk& get_tau(const Evt& evt) { if (count_taus(evt) > 0) return *std::find_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_tau); else THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "This event has no tau."); } /** * Test whether given event contains a tau-lepton decay into a muon. * * \param event event * \return true if event contains a muonic tau-lepton decay; else false */ inline bool has_muonic_taudecay(const Evt& event) { using namespace std; if (has_tau(event)) { const Trk& tau = get_tau(event); for (vector::const_iterator i = event.mc_trks.cbegin(); i != event.mc_trks.cend(); ++i) { if (is_muon(*i) && i->mother_id == tau.id) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Test whether given event contains a leptonic tau-decay. * * \param event event * \return true if event contains a leptonic tau-decay; else false */ inline bool has_leptonic_taudecay(const Evt& event) { using namespace std; if (has_tau(event)) { const Trk& tau = get_tau(event); for (vector::const_iterator i = event.mc_trks.cbegin(); i != event.mc_trks.cend(); ++i) { if ((is_electron(*i) || is_muon(*i)) && i->mother_id == tau.id) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Test whether given event contains a hadronic tau-decay. * * \param event event * \return true if event contains a hadronic tau-decay; else false */ inline bool has_hadronic_taudecay(const Evt& event) { return has_tau(event) && !has_leptonic_taudecay(event); } /** * Count the number of tau-lepton decay prongs in a given event.\n * The number of prongs is defined as the number of charged tau-lepton decay products. * * \param event event * \return number of tau-lepton decay prongs */ inline int count_taudecay_prongs(const Evt& event) { using namespace std; int n = 0; if (has_tau(event)) { const Trk& tau = get_tau(event); for (vector::const_iterator i = event.mc_trks.cbegin(); i != event.mc_trks.cend(); ++i) { if (i->mother_id == tau.id && JPDB::getInstance().getPDG(i->type).charge != 0) { ++n; } } } return n; } /** * Test whether given hit was produced by a tau * * Warning: This method will only work with the output of KM3Sim. * For JSirene or KM3, you should check if track.id == hit.origin instead. * * \param hit hit * \return true if hit was produced by a tau; else false */ inline bool from_tau(const Hit& hit) { return hit.type == GEANT4_TYPE_TAU || hit.type == GEANT4_TYPE_ANTITAU; } /** * Count the number of hadrons in a given event (not including neutral pions) * * \param evt event * \return number of hadrons */ inline int count_hadrons(const Evt& evt) { return std::count_if(evt.mc_trks.begin(), evt.mc_trks.end(), is_hadron); } /** * Test whether given hit was produced by a hadronic shower * * Warning: This method will only work with the output of KM3Sim. * For JSirene or KM3, you should check if track.id == hit.origin instead. * * \param hit hit * \return true if hit was produced by a hadron; else false */ inline bool from_hadron(const Hit& hit) { return (!from_electron(hit) && !from_muon(hit) && !from_tau(hit)); } /** * Add time offset to mc event; * according to current definition, the absolute time of the event is defined by the track "t" attribute; * this could change in the future if the global attribute mc_t is assigned to this purpose. * * \param evt event * \param tOff time offset [ns] */ inline void add_time_offset(Evt& evt, const double tOff) { for (std::vector::iterator p = evt.mc_trks.begin(); p != evt.mc_trks.end(); p++) { p->t += tOff; } } /** * Get track kinetic energy. * * \param trk track * \return kinetic energy [GeV] */ inline double getKineticEnergy(const Trk& trk) { const double energy = trk.E; const double mass = JPDB::getInstance().getPDG(trk.type).mass; return getKineticEnergy(energy, mass); } /** * Get initial state energy of a neutrino interaction.\n * This method includes baryon number conservation. * * \param evt event * \return energy [GeV] */ inline double getE0(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; const Trk& neutrino = get_neutrino(evt); double E0 = neutrino.E; for (vector::const_iterator track = evt.mc_trks.cbegin(); track != evt.mc_trks.end(); ++track) { if (!is_finalstate(*track)) { continue; } if (track->type == TRACK_TYPE_NEUTRON || track->type == TRACK_TYPE_SIGMA_MINUS || track->type == TRACK_TYPE_NEUTRAL_SIGMA) { E0 += MASS_NEUTRON; } else if (track->type == TRACK_TYPE_PROTON || track->type == TRACK_TYPE_LAMBDA || track->type == TRACK_TYPE_SIGMA_PLUS) { E0 += MASS_PROTON; } else if (track->type == TRACK_TYPE_ANTINEUTRON) { E0 -= MASS_NEUTRON; } else if (track->type == TRACK_TYPE_ANTIPROTON || track->type == TRACK_TYPE_ANTILAMBDA) { E0 -= MASS_PROTON; } } return E0; } /** * Get final state energy of a neutrino interaction.\n * This method includes muon energy loss. * * \param evt event * \return energy [GeV] */ inline double getE1(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; double E1 = 0.0; const Trk& neutrino = get_neutrino(evt); for (vector::const_iterator track = evt.mc_trks.cbegin(); track != evt.mc_trks.cend(); ++track) { if (!is_finalstate(*track)) { continue; } if (is_muon(*track)) { const Trk& mother = ( track->mother_id > TRK_MOTHER_UNDEFINED ? evt.mc_trks[track->mother_id] : neutrino ); const double distance = (track->pos - mother.pos).len(); E1 += gWater(track->E, -distance); } else { E1 += track->E; } } return E1; } /** * Get momentum vector of the initial state of a neutrino interaction.\n * This method assumes neutrino DIS on a stationary nucleus * * \param evt event * \return energy [GeV] */ inline Vec getP0(const Evt& evt) { const Trk& neutrino = get_neutrino(evt); return neutrino.E * neutrino.dir; } /** * Get momentum vector of the final state of a neutrino interaction.\n * This method includes muon energy losses. * * \param evt event * \return final state momentum vector [GeV] */ inline Vec getP1(const Evt& evt) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; Vec P1(0,0,0); const Trk& neutrino = get_neutrino(evt); for (vector::const_iterator track = evt.mc_trks.cbegin(); track != evt.mc_trks.cend(); ++track) { if (!is_finalstate(*track)) { continue; } double kineticEnergy = 0.0; if (is_muon(*track)) { const Trk& mother = ( track->mother_id > TRK_MOTHER_UNDEFINED ? evt.mc_trks[track->mother_id] : neutrino ); const double distance = (track->pos - mother.pos).len(); const double energy = gWater(track->E, -distance); kineticEnergy = getKineticEnergy(energy, MASS_MUON); } else { kineticEnergy = getKineticEnergy(*track); } P1 += kineticEnergy * track->dir; } return P1; } /** * Get final state invariant mass. * * \param event event * \return invariant mass [GeV] */ inline double getInvariantMass(const Evt& event) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; double Minv = 0.0; for (vector::const_iterator track = event.mc_trks.cbegin(); track != event.mc_trks.cend(); ++track) { if (!is_finalstate(*track)) { continue; } const double mass = JPDB::getInstance().getPDG(track->type).mass; Minv += mass; } return Minv; } } #endif