#ifndef __JFIT__JGANDALF__ #define __JFIT__JGANDALF__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Jeep/JMessage.hh" #include "JMath/JVectorND.hh" #include "JMath/JMatrixNS.hh" #include "JMath/JZero.hh" #include "JLang/JManip.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JFIT {} namespace JPP { using namespace JFIT; } namespace JFIT { using JEEP::JMessage; using JLANG::JException; namespace JFIT_LOCAL { template class JTypedef { template static auto parameter_type(U*) -> decltype(std::declval()); template static auto parameter_type(...) -> std::false_type; public: static const bool has_parameter_type = !std::is_same (0))>::value; }; template::has_parameter_type> struct JTypedef_t; template struct JTypedef_t { typedef typename T::parameter_type parameter_type; }; template struct JTypedef_t { typedef double T::*parameter_type; }; } /** * Auxiliary function to constrain model during fit. * * \param value model (I/O) */ template inline void model(JModel_t& value) {} /** * Fit method based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method. * * The template argument refers to the model that should be fitted to the data.\n * This data structure should have arithmetic capabilities. * * The data member JGandalf::value corresponds to the start c.q.\ final value of * the model of the fit procedure and JGandalf::error to the uncertainties.\n * The co-variance matrix is stored in data member JGandalf::V.\n * * The data member JGandalf::parameters constitutes a list of those parameters of the model that should actually be fitted.\n * For this, the model should contain the type definition for parameter_type.\n * Normally, this type definition corresponds to a pointer to a data member of the model.\n * If not defined, the parameters are assumed to be data members of type double.\n * Alternatively, the type definition can be size_t or int.\n * In that case, the model should provide for the element access operator[].\n * * The first template parameter in the function operator should provide for an implementation of the actual fit function.\n * This function should return the data type JGandalf::result_type.\n * This data structure comprises the values of the chi2 and the gradient for a given data point.\n * The function operator returns the minimal chi2 and summed gradient of all data points. */ template class JGandalf : public JMessage< JGandalf > { public: using JMessage< JGandalf >::debug; /** * Data type of fit parameter. */ typedef typename JFIT_LOCAL::JTypedef_t::parameter_type parameter_type; /** * Data structure for return value of fit function. */ struct result_type { /** * Default constructor. */ result_type() : chi2 (0.0), gradient() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param chi2 chi2 * \param model gradient */ result_type(const double chi2, const JModel_t& model) : chi2 (chi2), gradient(model) {} /** * Type conversion operator. * * \return chi2 */ operator double() const { return chi2; } double chi2; //!< chi2 JModel_t gradient; //!< partial derivatives of chi2 }; /** * Default constructor. */ JGandalf() {} /** * Multi-dimensional fit of multiple data sets. * * The fit function should return the chi2 as well as the partial derivatives * for the current value of the model and a given data point. * * \param fit fit function * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \param args optional data * \return chi2 and gradient */ template result_type operator()(const JFunction_t& fit, T __begin, T __end, Args ...args) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; // note that all model values should be assigned to the start value of the model before use // because the actual list of model parameters can vary from fit to fit // (e.g. if model consists of a container). const size_t N = parameters.size(); V.resize(N); h.resize(N); x.resize(N); previous.result.chi2 = numeric_limits::max(); current.result.chi2 = numeric_limits::max(); current.result.gradient = value; current.result.gradient = zero; error = value; error = zero; lambda = LAMBDA_MIN; for (numberOfIterations = 0; numberOfIterations != MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS; ++numberOfIterations) { DEBUG("step: " << numberOfIterations << endl); reset(); update(fit, __begin, __end, args...); DEBUG("lambda: " << FIXED(12,5) << lambda << endl); DEBUG("chi2: " << FIXED(12,5) << current.result.chi2 << endl); if (current.result.chi2 < previous.result.chi2) { if (numberOfIterations != 0) { const double tolerance = EPSILON * (EPSILON_ABSOLUTE ? 1.0 : fabs(previous.result.chi2)); if (fabs(previous.result.chi2 - current.result.chi2) <= tolerance) { // normal end const result_type result = current.result; reset(); update(fit, __begin, __end, args...); try { V.invert(); } catch (const exception& error) {} for (size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) { get(error, parameters[i]) = sqrt(V(i,i)); } return result; } if (lambda > LAMBDA_MIN) { lambda /= LAMBDA_DOWN; } } // store current values previous.value = value; previous.result = current.result; } else { value = previous.value; // restore value lambda *= LAMBDA_UP; if (lambda > LAMBDA_MAX) { break; } reset(); update(fit, __begin, __end, args...); } DEBUG("Hesse matrix:" << endl << V << endl); // force definite positiveness for (size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) { if (V(i,i) < PIVOT) { V(i,i) = PIVOT; } h[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(V(i,i)); } // normalisation for (size_t row = 0; row != N; ++row) { for (size_t col = 0; col != row; ++col) { V(row,col) *= h[row] * h[col]; V(col,row) = V(row,col); } } for (size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) { V(i,i) = 1.0 + lambda; } // solve A x = b for (size_t col = 0; col != N; ++col) { x[col] = h[col] * get(current.result.gradient, parameters[col]); } try { V.solve(x); } catch (const exception& error) { ERROR("JGandalf: " << error.what() << endl << V << endl); break; } // update value for (size_t row = 0; row != N; ++row) { DEBUG("u[" << noshowpos << setw(3) << row << "] = " << showpos << FIXED(15,5) << get(value, parameters[row])); get(value, parameters[row]) -= h[row] * x[row]; DEBUG(" -> " << FIXED(15,5) << get(value, parameters[row]) << noshowpos << endl); } model(value); } // abnormal end const result_type result = previous.result; value = previous.value; // restore value reset(); update(fit, __begin, __end, args...); try { V.invert(); } catch (const exception& error) {} for (size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) { get(error, parameters[i]) = sqrt(V(i,i)); } return result; } static int MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS; //!< maximal number of iterations static double EPSILON; //!< maximal distance to minimum static bool EPSILON_ABSOLUTE; //!< set epsilon to absolute difference instead of relative static double LAMBDA_MIN; //!< minimal value control parameter static double LAMBDA_MAX; //!< maximal value control parameter static double LAMBDA_UP; //!< multiplication factor control parameter static double LAMBDA_DOWN; //!< multiplication factor control parameter static double PIVOT; //!< minimal value diagonal element of Hesse matrix std::vector parameters; //!< fit parameters int numberOfIterations; //!< number of iterations double lambda; //!< control parameter JModel_t value; //!< value JModel_t error; //!< error JMATH::JMatrixNS V; //!< Hesse matrix private: /** * Reset current parameters. */ void reset() { using namespace JPP; current.result.chi2 = 0.0; current.result.gradient = zero; V.reset(); } /** * Recursive method to update current parameters. * * \param fit fit function * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \param args optional data */ template inline void update(const JFunction_t& fit, T __begin, T __end, Args ...args) { for (T i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) { const result_type& result = fit(value, *i); current.result.chi2 += result.chi2; current.result.gradient += result.gradient; for (size_t row = 0; row != parameters.size(); ++row) { for (size_t col = row; col != parameters.size(); ++col) { V(row,col) += get(result.gradient, parameters[row]) * get(result.gradient, parameters[col]); } } } update(fit, args...); } /** * Termination method to update current parameters. * * \param fit fit function */ template inline void update(const JFunction_t& fit) { for (size_t row = 0; row != parameters.size(); ++row) { for (size_t col = 0; col != row; ++col) { V(row,col) = V(col,row); } } } /** * Read/write access to parameter value by data member. * * \param model model * \param parameter parameter * \return value */ static inline double get(const JModel_t& model, double JModel_t::*parameter) { return model.*parameter; } /** * Read/write access to parameter value by data member. * * \param model model * \param parameter parameter * \return value */ static inline double& get(JModel_t& model, double JModel_t::*parameter) { return model.*parameter; } /** * Read/write access to parameter value by index. * * \param model model * \param index index * \return value */ static inline double get(const JModel_t& model, const size_t index) { return model[index]; } /** * Read/write access to parameter value by index. * * \param model model * \param index index * \return value */ static inline double& get(JModel_t& model, const size_t index) { return model[index]; } /** * Read/write access to parameter value by index. * * \param model model * \param index index * \return value */ static inline double get(const JModel_t& model, const int index) { return model[index]; } /** * Read/write access to parameter value by index. * * \param model model * \param index index * \return value */ static inline double& get(JModel_t& model, const int index) { return model[index]; } std::vector h; // normalisation vector JMATH::JVectorND x; struct { result_type result; // result } current; struct { JModel_t value; // value result_type result; // result } previous; }; /** * maximal number of iterations. */ template int JGandalf::MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS = 1000; /** * maximal distance to minimum. */ template double JGandalf::EPSILON = 1.0e-3; /** * set epsilon to absolute difference instead of relative. */ template bool JGandalf::EPSILON_ABSOLUTE = false; /** * minimal value control parameter */ template double JGandalf::LAMBDA_MIN = 0.01; /** * maximal value control parameter */ template double JGandalf::LAMBDA_MAX = 100.0; /** * multiplication factor control parameter */ template double JGandalf::LAMBDA_UP = 10.0; /** * multiplication factor control parameter */ template double JGandalf::LAMBDA_DOWN = 10.0; /** * minimal value diagonal element of matrix */ template double JGandalf::PIVOT = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); } #endif