#ifndef __JPHYSICS__JRADIATION__ #define __JPHYSICS__JRADIATION__ #include #include #include "JLang/JCC.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JPhysics/JIonization.hh" /** * \file * Muon radiative cross sections. * \author P. Kooijman */ namespace JPHYSICS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; } namespace JPHYSICS { namespace { static const double LAMBDA = 0.65; // [GeV] } /** * Auxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections. * \author P. Kooijman * * Bremsstrahlung and pair production cross sections are taken from Particle Data Group. * * Gamma-nucleon cross section: * Phys.\ Lett.\ B\ Vol.\ 697-3 (2011) 184-193. */ class JRadiation { public: /** * Virtual desctructor. */ virtual ~JRadiation() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param z number of protons * \param a number of nucleons * \param integrsteps number of integration steps * \param eminBrems energy threshold Bremsstrahlung [GeV] * \param eminEErad energy threshold pair production [GeV] * \param eminGNrad energy threshold photo-production [GeV] */ JRadiation(const double z, const double a, const int integrsteps, const double eminBrems, const double eminEErad, const double eminGNrad) : Z(z), A(a), Dn (1.54*pow(A,0.27)), DnP (pow(Dn,(1-1/Z))), steps(integrsteps), EminBrems(eminBrems), EminEErad(eminEErad), EminGNrad(eminGNrad) {} /** * Pair production cross section. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \param eps shower energy [GeV] * \return cross section [m^2/g] */ double SigmaEErad(const double E, const double eps) const { //routine to calculate dsigma/de in cm^2/GeV for radiating a photon of energy eps if(eps<4.*MASS_ELECTRON)return 0.; if(eps>E-0.75*exp(1.0)*pow(Z,1./3.)) return 0.; double zeta; if(E<35.*MASS_MUON) { zeta = 0.; } else { zeta = (0.073*log((E/MASS_MUON)/(1.+1.95e-5*pow(Z,2./3.)*E/MASS_MUON))-0.26); if(zeta<0.) { zeta=0.; } else { zeta = zeta/(0.058*log((E/MASS_MUON)/(1.+5.3e-5*pow(Z,1./3.)*E/MASS_MUON))-0.14); } } double integ = IntegralofG(E,eps); //cout<< eps<<" integ "<< integ<E/(1+MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON/(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*E)))Phie=0.; double sig = (16./3.)*ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*AVOGADRO*pow((MASS_ELECTRON/MASS_MUON*r0()),2.0)*Z*(Z*Phin+Phie)/(A); double epsint = log((E-MASS_MUON)/EminBrems)-(E-MASS_MUON-EminBrems)/E+0.375*(pow(E-MASS_MUON,2.)-pow(EminBrems,2.0))/pow(E,2.0); return epsint*sig;//"cross section" in m^2/g multiplied by density and inverted gives mean free path } /** * Photo-nuclear cross section. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \param eps shower energy [GeV] * \return cross section [m^2/g] */ virtual double SigmaGNrad(const double E, const double eps) const { //minimum radiated energy is 0.2 GeV, not very critical formulae become invalid for very much lower //result is given in m^2/g GeV if (eps<0.2) return 0.; if (eps>E-MASS_PROTON) return 0.; double Aeff; if (A==1) {Aeff = 1.;} else {Aeff = (0.22*A + 0.78 * pow(A,0.89));} double sigmaGammaPofeps = (49.2 + 11.1 * log(eps) + 151.8/sqrt(eps))*pow(10,-34.); double Psiofeps = ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC/PI*Aeff*AVOGADRO/A*sigmaGammaPofeps/eps; double Denom = 1+eps/LAMBDA*(1+LAMBDA/(2*MASS_PROTON)+eps/LAMBDA); double epsoverE = eps/E; double Numerator = E * E * (1 - epsoverE) / (MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON) * (1 + MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON * epsoverE * epsoverE / (LAMBDA * LAMBDA * (1 - epsoverE))); double Factor = 1 - epsoverE + epsoverE * epsoverE / 2 * (1 + 2 * MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON / (LAMBDA * LAMBDA)); double PhiofEofeps = epsoverE - 1 + Factor * log (Numerator / Denom); //cout<<"PhiofEofeps "<Rndm()*log(E/EminBrems)); //check on the extra factor (1-v+3/4v^2) if(gRandom->Rndm()<(1.-Er/E+0.75*pow(Er/E,2))) break; } return Er; } /** * Get RMS of scattering angle for Bremsstrahlung. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \param v energy loss fraction * \return angle [rad] */ double ThetaRMSfromBrems(const double E, const double v) const { using namespace std; const double precision = 1.0e-3; const double k1 = 0.092 * pow(E, -1.0/3.0); const double k2 = 0.052 * pow(E, -1.0) * pow(Z, -1.0/4.0); const double k3 = 0.220 * pow(E, -0.92); const double k4 = 0.260 * pow(E, -0.91); double rms = 0.0; if (v <= 0.5) { rms = max(min(k1*sqrt(v), k2), k3*v); } else { const double n = 0.81 * sqrt(E) / (sqrt(E) + 1.8); double k5 = 0.0; for (double vmin = 0.5, vmax = 1.0; ; ) { const double v = 0.5 * (vmin + vmax); const double y = k4 * pow(v, 1.0 + n) * pow(1.0 - v, -n); if (abs(y - 0.2) <= precision) { k5 = y * pow(1.0 - v, 1.0/2.0); break; } if (y < 0.2) vmin = v; else vmax = v; } rms = k4 * pow(v, 1.0 + n) * pow(1.0 - v, -n); if (rms >= 0.2) { rms = k5 * pow(1.0 - v, -1.0/2.0); } } return rms; } /** * Pair production shower energy. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \return shower energy [GeV] */ double EfromEErad(const double E) const { //generate according to 1/k from minimum energy to E const double eps =0.2; const double IntGmax = IntegralofG(E,eps)*2.0; double Er = 0.0; for (int i = 1000; i != 0; --i) { Er = EminEErad*exp(gRandom->Rndm()*log(E/EminEErad)); //check on the extra factor, (1-v) and IntofG double factor = (1.-Er/E)*IntegralofG(E,Er)/IntGmax; if(gRandom->Rndm() 0.0) return (2.3 + log(E)) * (1.0/E) * pow(1.0 - v, n) * (u*u) * (1.0/(v*v)) * min(a * pow(v, 1.0/4.0) * (1.0 + b*E) + c*v/(v+d), e); else return 0.0; } /** * Photo-nuclear shower energy. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \return shower energy [GeV] */ double EfromGNrad(const double E) const { //generate according to 1/k from minimum energy to E double cmax = sigmaGammaPparam(EminGNrad); if (cmax < sigmaGammaPparam(E)) cmax=sigmaGammaPparam(E); double Pmax = PhiofEofepsparam(E,EminGNrad); double Er = 0.0; for (int i = 1000; i != 0; --i) { Er = EminGNrad*exp(gRandom->Rndm()*log(E/EminGNrad)); const double factor = PhiofEofepsparam(E,Er)*sigmaGammaPparam(Er)/(cmax*Pmax); if (gRandom->Rndm() < factor) return Er; } return Er; } /** * Get RMS of scattering angle for photo-nuclear shower. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \param v energy loss fraction * \return angle [rad] */ double ThetaRMSfromGNrad(const double E, const double v) const { return 0.0; } /** * Ionization a parameter. * * \param E muon energy [GeV] * \return ionization coefficient [GeV*m^2/g] */ virtual double CalculateACoeff(double E) const { const double E2 = E*E; const double beta = sqrt(E2 - MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON) / E; const double beta2 = beta*beta; const double gamma = E/MASS_MUON; const double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; const double p2 = E2 - MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON; const double EMaxT = 2.*MASS_ELECTRON*p2 / (MASS_ELECTRON*MASS_ELECTRON + MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON + 2.*MASS_ELECTRON*E); const double EMaxT2 = EMaxT*EMaxT; const JSter& coeff = getSterCoefficient(Z); const double I2 = coeff.I*coeff.I; // in GeV^2 const double X = log10(beta*gamma); double delta = 0.0; if (coeff.X0 < X && X < coeff.X1) { delta = 4.6052*X + coeff.a*pow(coeff.X1-X,coeff.m) + coeff.C; } if (X > coeff.X1) { delta = 4.6052*X + coeff.C; } double acoeff = (2*PI*AVOGADRO*ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*le()*le())*Z/A*(MASS_ELECTRON/beta2)*(log(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*beta2*gamma2*EMaxT/I2)-2.*beta2+0.25*(EMaxT2/E2)-delta); return acoeff; } protected: double GofZEvrho(const double E, const double v, const double r) const { const double ksi = MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON*v*v*(1-r*r)/(4*MASS_ELECTRON*MASS_ELECTRON*(1-v));// const double b = v*v/(2*(1-v));// const double Be = ((2+r*r)*(1+b)+ksi*(3+r*r))*log(1+1/ksi)+(1-r*r-b)/(1+ksi)-(3+r*r); const double Bm = ((1+r*r)*(1+3*b/2)-(1+2*b)*(1-r*r)/ksi)*log(1+ksi)+ksi*(1-r*r-b)/(1+ksi)+(1+2*b)*(1-r*r); const double Ye = (5-r*r+4*b*(1+r*r))/(2*(1+3*b)*log(3+1/ksi)-r*r-2*b*(2-r*r)); const double Ym = (4+r*r+3*b*(1+r*r))/((1+r*r)*(1.5+2*b)*log(3+ksi)+1-1.5*r*r); const double Le = log((Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*sqrt((1+ksi)*(1+Ye)))/ (1.+(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*sqrt(exp(1.))*Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*(1+ksi)*(1+Ye))/(E*v*(1-r*r)))); const double Lm = log(((MASS_MUON/MASS_ELECTRON)*Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*sqrt((1.+1./ksi)*(1.+Ym)))/ (1.+(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*sqrt(exp(1.))*Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*(1+ksi)*(1+Ym))/(E*v*(1-r*r)))); double Phie = Be*Le; if(Phie<0.)Phie=0.; double Phim = Bm*Lm; if(Phim<0.)Phim=0.; return Phie+(MASS_ELECTRON*MASS_ELECTRON/(MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON))*Phim; } virtual double IntegralofG(const double E, const double eps) const { const double EP = E-eps; const double v = eps/E; const double tmin = log((4*MASS_ELECTRON/eps+12*pow(MASS_MUON,2)/(E*EP)*(1-4*MASS_ELECTRON/eps)) /(1+(1-6*pow(MASS_MUON,2)/(E*EP))*sqrt(1-4*MASS_ELECTRON/eps))); if (tmin < 0.0) { const double dt = -tmin/steps; double sum(0.); for (int i = 0;i