#include #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "km3net-dataformat/definitions/weightlist.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/tools/reconstruction.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Head.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Evt.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Trk.hh" #include "Jeep/JParser.hh" #include "Jeep/JMessage.hh" #include "Jeep/JProperties.hh" #include "JDetector/JDetector.hh" #include "JDetector/JPMTRouter.hh" #include "JDetector/JDetectorToolkit.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JSirene/JVisibleEnergyToolkit.hh" #include "JAAnet/JHeadToolkit.hh" #include "JAAnet/JAAnetToolkit.hh" #include "JAAnet/JEvtCategoryMap.hh" #include "JSupport/JLimit.hh" #include "JSupport/JSupport.hh" #include "JSupport/JMultipleFileScanner.hh" #include "JSupport/JEvtWeightFileScannerSet.hh" #include "JSupport/JMonteCarloFileSupportkit.hh" #include "JTools/JRange.hh" namespace { inline const char* const track_t() { return "track"; } inline const char* const shower_t() { return "shower"; } } /** * \file * * Example program to analyse fit results from Evt formatted data. * * \author bofearraigh, bjjung */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; using namespace KM3NETDAQ; JMultipleFileScanner_t inputFiles; JLimit_t numberOfEvents; string detectorFile; string outputFile; JRange energyRange; JRange coszenithRange; JCylinder3D containmentVolume = getMaximumContainmentVolume(); JRange triggeredHitsRange; bool useWeights; string oscProbTable; JOscParameters oscParameters; JFluxMap fluxMap{JOscProbInterpolator<>()}; string recotype; int debug; try { JProperties cuts; cuts.insert(gmake_property(energyRange)); cuts.insert(gmake_property(coszenithRange)); cuts.insert(gmake_property(containmentVolume)); cuts.insert(gmake_property(triggeredHitsRange)); JParser<> zap("Example program to analyse track fit results from Evt formatted data."); zap['f'] = make_field(inputFiles); zap['n'] = make_field(numberOfEvents) = JLimit::max(); zap['a'] = make_field(detectorFile) = ""; zap['o'] = make_field(outputFile) = "histogram.root"; zap['R'] = make_field(recotype) = track_t(), shower_t(); zap['W'] = make_field(useWeights); zap['@'] = make_field(fluxMap) = JPARSER::initialised(); zap['P'] = make_field(oscProbTable) = JPARSER::initialised(); zap['#'] = make_field(oscParameters) = JPARSER::initialised(); zap['%'] = make_field(cuts) = JPARSER::initialised(); zap['d'] = make_field(debug) = 2; zap(argc, argv); } catch(const exception& error) { FATAL(error.what() << endl); } if (useWeights && numberOfEvents != JLimit::max()) { FATAL("Cannot apply weighting to limited number of events."); } // Load detector file JDetector detector; if (detectorFile != "") { try { load(detectorFile, detector); } catch(const JException& error) { FATAL(error); } } const JPMTRouter router(detector); // Load oscillation probability table if (!oscProbTable.empty()) { JOscProbInterpolator<>& interpolator = static_cast&>(fluxMap.oscProb.getOscProbInterface()); interpolator.load(oscProbTable.c_str()); interpolator.set (oscParameters); } // Create file scanners JEvtWeightFileScannerSet<> scanners(inputFiles); if (scanners.setFlux(fluxMap) == 0) { WARNING("No flux functions set." << endl); } // Set reco getter function pointer bool (*has_reconstruction)(const Evt&); const Trk& (*get_best_fit)(const Evt&); if (recotype == track_t()) { has_reconstruction = &has_reconstructed_jppmuon; get_best_fit = &get_best_reconstructed_jppmuon; } else if (recotype == shower_t()) { has_reconstruction = &has_reconstructed_jppshower; get_best_fit = &get_best_reconstructed_jppshower; } else { FATAL("Invalid recotype: " << recotype); } // Histogram bins const Int_t N_Nhits = 400; const Double_t Nhits_min = 0.0 - 0.5; const Double_t Nhits_max = 1000.0 - 0.5; const Int_t N_Noverlays = 40; const Double_t Noverlays_min = 0.0 - 0.5; const Double_t Noverlays_max = 1000.0 - 0.5; const Int_t N_radius = 201; const Double_t radius_min = -700.0 - 0.5; const Double_t radius_max = +700.0 + 0.5; const Int_t N_height = 18; const Double_t height_min = 20.0; const Double_t height_max = 200.0; const Int_t N_ToTfrac = 20; const Double_t ToTfrac_min = 0.0; const Double_t ToTfrac_max = 1.0; const Int_t N_dt = 1500; const Double_t dt_min = -500.0 - 0.5; const Double_t dt_max = 1000.0 - 0.5; const Int_t N_zenith = 21; const Double_t zenith_min = -1.0; const Double_t zenith_max = +1.0; const Int_t N_energy = 60; const Double_t energy_min = -2.0; const Double_t energy_max = 4.0; const Int_t N_quality = 100; const Double_t quality_min = -200.0; const Double_t quality_max = +800.0; const Int_t N_beta0 = 60; const Double_t beta0_min = -2.0; const Double_t beta0_max = +3.5; // Set of histograms for data/MC-comparisons string ordinateLabel(useWeights ? "Rate [Hz]" : "Number of events"); TFile out(outputFile.c_str(), "recreate"); TH1D hs ("hs", MAKE_CSTRING("; #snapshot hits; " << ordinateLabel), N_Nhits, Nhits_min, Nhits_max); TH1D hn ("hn", MAKE_CSTRING("; #triggered hits; " << ordinateLabel), N_Nhits, Nhits_min, Nhits_max); TH1D ho ("ho", MAKE_CSTRING("; #overlays; " << ordinateLabel), N_Noverlays, Noverlays_min, Noverlays_max); TH1D hz ("hz", MAKE_CSTRING("; cos(#theta); " << ordinateLabel), N_zenith, zenith_min, zenith_max); TH1D he ("he", MAKE_CSTRING("; log_{10}(E_{reco} / 1 GeV); " << ordinateLabel), N_energy, energy_min, energy_max); TH1D ht ("ht", MAKE_CSTRING("; #Delta t [ns]; " << ordinateLabel), N_dt, dt_min, dt_max); TH1D hZ ("hZ", MAKE_CSTRING("; longitudinal ToT-barycenter [m]; " << ordinateLabel), N_height, height_min, height_max); TH1D hT0 ("hT0", MAKE_CSTRING("; ToT-fraction below earliest triggered hit [ns]; " << ordinateLabel), N_ToTfrac, ToTfrac_min, ToTfrac_max); TH1D hT1 ("hT1", MAKE_CSTRING("; ToT-fraction above earliest triggered hit [ns]; " << ordinateLabel), N_ToTfrac, ToTfrac_min, ToTfrac_max); TH1D hq ("hq", MAKE_CSTRING("; quality; " << ordinateLabel), N_quality, quality_min, quality_max); TH1D hb0 ("hb0", MAKE_CSTRING("; #beta_{0}; " << ordinateLabel), N_beta0, beta0_min, beta0_max); TH2D hzo ("hzo", MAKE_CSTRING("; cos(#theta); #overlays; " << ordinateLabel), N_zenith, zenith_min, zenith_max, N_Noverlays, Noverlays_min, Noverlays_max); TH2D hze ("hze", MAKE_CSTRING("; cos(#theta); log_{10}(E_{reco} / 1 GeV); " << ordinateLabel), N_zenith, zenith_min, zenith_max, N_energy, energy_min, energy_max); TH2D heo ("heo", MAKE_CSTRING("; log_{10}(E_{reco} / 1 GeV); #overlays; " << ordinateLabel), N_energy, energy_min, energy_max, N_Noverlays, Noverlays_min, Noverlays_max); TH2D hzt ("hzt", MAKE_CSTRING("; cos(#theta); #Delta t [ns]; " << ordinateLabel), N_zenith, zenith_min, zenith_max, N_dt, dt_min, dt_max); TH2D het ("het", MAKE_CSTRING("; log_{10}(E_{reco} / 1 GeV); #Delta t [ns]; " << ordinateLabel), N_energy, energy_min, energy_max, N_dt, dt_min, dt_max); TH2D hot ("hot", MAKE_CSTRING("; #overlays; #Delta t [ns]; " << ordinateLabel), N_Noverlays, Noverlays_min, Noverlays_max, N_dt, dt_min, dt_max); TH2D hzq ("hzq", MAKE_CSTRING("; cos(#theta); quality; " << ordinateLabel), N_zenith, zenith_min, zenith_max, N_quality, quality_min, quality_max); TH2D heq ("heq", MAKE_CSTRING("; log_{10}(E_{reco} / 1 GeV); quality; " << ordinateLabel), N_energy, energy_min, energy_max, N_quality, quality_min, quality_max); TH2D hoq ("hoq", MAKE_CSTRING("; #overlays; quality; " << ordinateLabel), N_Noverlays, Noverlays_min, Noverlays_max, N_quality, quality_min, quality_max); TH2D hob0("hob0", MAKE_CSTRING("; #overlays; log_{10}(#beta_{0}); " << ordinateLabel), N_Noverlays, Noverlays_min, Noverlays_max, N_beta0, beta0_min, beta0_max); TH2D heb0("heb0", MAKE_CSTRING("; log_{10}(E_{reco} / 1 GeV); log_{10}(#beta_{0}); " << ordinateLabel), N_energy, energy_min, energy_max, N_beta0, beta0_min, beta0_max); TH2D hzb0("hzb0", MAKE_CSTRING("; cos(#theta); log_{10}(#beta_{0}); " << ordinateLabel), N_zenith, zenith_min, zenith_max, N_beta0, beta0_min, beta0_max); TH2D hxy ("hxy", MAKE_CSTRING("; x [m]; y [m]; " << ordinateLabel), N_radius, radius_min, radius_max, N_radius, radius_min, radius_max); // Loop over events STATUS(RIGHT(15) << "header ID" << RIGHT(15) << "event" << RIGHT(15) << "weight" << endl); for (JEvtWeightFileScannerSet<>::iterator scanner = scanners.begin(); scanner != scanners.end(); ++scanner) { scanner->setLimit(numberOfEvents); while (scanner->hasNext()) { const Evt* evt = scanner->next(); const double weight = (useWeights ? scanner->getWeight(*evt) : 1.0); const size_t NsnapshotHits = evt->hits.size(); const size_t NtriggeredHits = count_if(evt->hits.begin(), evt->hits.end(), make_predicate(&Hit::trig, (long long unsigned int) 0, JComparison::gt())); if (!triggeredHitsRange(NtriggeredHits)) { continue; } hs .Fill(NsnapshotHits, weight); hn .Fill(NtriggeredHits, weight); ho .Fill(evt->overlays, weight); if (!has_reconstruction(*evt)) { continue; } const Trk& best_trk = (*get_best_fit)(*evt); const JTrack3E& tb = getTrack(best_trk); const double logE = log10(tb.getE()); if (!energyRange (tb.getE()) || !coszenithRange(tb.getDZ()) || !containmentVolume.is_inside(tb.getPosition())) { // Apply cuts continue; } // Extract event-weight STATUS(RIGHT (15) << distance(scanners.begin(), scanner) << RIGHT (15) << scanner->getCounter() << SCIENTIFIC(15, 3) << weight << '\r'); DEBUG(endl); // Fill histograms hz .Fill(tb.getDZ(), weight); he .Fill(logE, weight); hq .Fill(best_trk.lik, weight); hzo.Fill(tb.getDZ(), evt->overlays, weight); hze.Fill(tb.getDZ(), logE, weight); heo.Fill(logE, evt->overlays, weight); hoq.Fill(evt->overlays, best_trk.lik, weight); hzq.Fill(tb.getDZ(), best_trk.lik, weight); heq.Fill(logE, best_trk.lik, weight); hxy.Fill(tb.getX(), tb.getY(), weight); if (best_trk.fitinf[JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD]) { const double logb0 = log10(180.0 / M_PI * best_trk.fitinf[JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD]); hb0 .Fill(logb0, weight); hob0.Fill(evt->overlays, logb0, weight); heb0.Fill(logE, logb0, weight); hzb0.Fill(tb.getDZ(), logb0, weight); } double ToTbelow = 0.0; double ToTabove = 0.0; double ToTtotal = 0.0; double ToTweightedZ = 0.0; vector::const_iterator firstHit = min_element(evt->hits.cbegin(), evt->hits.cend(), make_comparator(&Hit::t)); for (vector::const_iterator hit = evt->hits.cbegin(); hit != evt->hits.cend(); ++hit) { if (router.hasPMT(hit->pmt_id)) { const JPMT& pmt = router.getPMT(hit->pmt_id); const double t0 = tb.getT(pmt); const double t1 = getTime(*hit); ht .Fill(t1 - t0, weight); hot.Fill(evt->overlays, t1 - t0, weight); hzt.Fill(tb.getDZ(), t1 - t0, weight); het.Fill(log10(best_trk.E), t1 - t0, weight); if (hit->trig > 0) { ToTtotal += hit->tot; ToTweightedZ += hit->tot * hit->pos.z; if (hit->pos.z < firstHit->pos.z) { ToTbelow += hit->tot; } else if (hit->pos.z >= firstHit->pos.z) { ToTabove += hit->tot; } } } } hT0.Fill(ToTbelow / ToTtotal, weight); hT1.Fill(ToTabove / ToTtotal, weight); hZ .Fill(ToTweightedZ / ToTtotal, weight); } } STATUS(endl); out.Write(); out.Close(); return 0; }