#ifndef __JRECONSTRUCTION__JEVT__ #define __JRECONSTRUCTION__JEVT__ #include <istream> #include <ostream> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <TROOT.h> #include <TObject.h> #include "JLang/JType.hh" #include "JROOT/JRoot.hh" #include "JROOT/JTreeParameters.hh" #include "JReconstruction/JFitStatus.hh" #include "JReconstruction/JHistory.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JRECONSTRUCTION {} namespace JPP { using namespace JRECONSTRUCTION; } namespace JFIT { /** * Data structure for track fit results with history and optional associated values. */ class JFit : public TObject, public JHistory { public: /** * Default constructor. * * Parameters are initialized with non physical values. */ JFit(): __x(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()), __y(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()), __z(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()), __dx(0.0), __dy(0.0), __dz(0.0), __t(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()), __Q(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()), __NDF(-1), __E(0.0), __status(JRECONSTRUCTION::UNDEFINED) {} /** * Constructor. * * \param history history * \param x X-position * \param y Y-position * \param z Z-position * \param dx X-slope * \param dy Y-slope * \param dz Z-slope * \param t time * \param Q quality * \param NDF number of degrees of freedom * \param E energy * \param status status */ JFit(const JHistory& history, const double x, const double y, const double z, const double dx, const double dy, const double dz, const double t, const double Q, const int NDF, const double E = 0.0, const int status = JRECONSTRUCTION::SINGLE_STAGE) : JHistory(history) { __x = x; __y = y; __z = z; __dx = dx; __dy = dy; __dz = dz; __t = t; __Q = Q; __NDF = NDF; __E = E; __status = status; } /** * Constructor for storing position only. * * Note that the type of fit can be obtained via the history information. * * \param history history * \param x X-position * \param y Y-position * \param z Z-position * \param status status */ JFit(const JHistory& history, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int status = JRECONSTRUCTION::SINGLE_STAGE): JHistory(history) { __x = x; __y = y; __z = z; __dx = 0.0; __dy = 0.0; __dz = 0.0; __t = 0.0; __Q = 0.0; __NDF = -1; __E = 0.0; __status = status; } /** * Add event to history. * * \param type application type * \return this fit */ JFit& add(const int type) { getHistory().add(type); return *this; } double getX() const { return __x; } //!< Get X-position. double getY() const { return __y; } //!< Get Y-position. double getZ() const { return __z; } //!< Get Z-position. double getDX() const { return __dx; } //!< Get X-slope. double getDY() const { return __dy; } //!< Get Y-slope. double getDZ() const { return __dz; } //!< Get Z-slope. double getT() const { return __t; } //!< Get time. double getQ() const { return __Q; } //!< Get quality. int getNDF() const { return __NDF; } //!< Get number of degrees of freedom. double getE() const { return __E; } //!< Get energy. int getStatus() const { return __status; } //!< Get status of the fit; negative values should refer to a bad fit. /** * Set status of the fit. * * \param status status */ void setStatus(const int status) { this->__status = status; } /** * Move vertex along this track with given velocity. * * \param step step * \param velocity velocity */ void move(const double step, const double velocity) { __x += step * __dx; __y += step * __dy; __z += step * __dz; __t += step / velocity; } /** * Set energy. * * \param E energy */ void setE(const double E) { __E = E; } /** * Get dimension of error matrix. * * \return dimension */ size_t getDimensionOfErrorMatrix() const { return ((size_t) sqrt(1.0 + 8.0*V.size()) - 1) / 2; } /** * Get error matrix. * * Note that only the lower-half of the matrix is returned. * * \return error matrix */ const std::vector<double>& getV() const { return V; } /** * Get element of error matrix. * * \param row row (<tt>0 <= row < dimension</tt>) * \param col col (<tt>0 <= col < dimension</tt>) * \return value */ double getV(const size_t row, const size_t col) const { using namespace std; const size_t __row = max(row, col) + 1; const size_t __col = min(row, col); return V.at((__row * (__row + 1)) / 2 - __row + __col); } /** * Set error matrix. * * The given size corresponds to the dimension of a 2D-array of which * the elements should be accessible via the usual array operators.\n * Note that only the lower-half of the given matrix is stored. * * \param size size * \param data matrix */ template<class T> void setV(const size_t size, const T& data) { V.clear(); for (size_t row = 0; row != size; ++row) { for (size_t col = 0; col <= row; ++col) { V.push_back(data[row][col]); } } } /** * Get associated values. * * \return values */ const std::vector<double>& getW() const { return this->W; } /** * Set associated values. * * \param W values */ void setW(const std::vector<double>& W) { this->W = W; } /** * Get number of associated values. * * \return number of values */ int getN() const { return W.size(); } /** * Check availability of value. * * \param i index * \return true if available; else false */ bool hasW(const int i) const { return (i >= 0 && i < (int) W.size()); } /** * Get associated value. * * \param i index * \return value */ double getW(const int i) const { return W.at(i); } /** * Get associated value. * * \param i index * \param value default value * \return value */ double getW(const int i, const double value) const { if (hasW(i)) return W.at(i); else return value; } /** * Set associated value. * * \param i index * \param value value */ void setW(const int i, const double value) { if (i >= (int) W.size()) { W.resize(i + 1, 0.0); } W[i] = value; } ClassDef(JFit, 7); protected: double __x; double __y; double __z; double __dx; double __dy; double __dz; double __t; double __Q; int __NDF; std::vector<double> V; std::vector<double> W; double __E; int __status; }; /** * Data structure for set of track fit results. */ class JEvt : public TObject, public std::vector<JFit> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ JEvt() {} /** * Select fits. * * \param selector fit selector */ template<class JSelector_t> void select(const JSelector_t& selector) { using namespace std; if (!empty()) { iterator __end = partition(this->begin(), this->end(), selector); this->erase(__end, this->end()); } } /** * Select fits. * * \param number_of_fits maximal number of best fits to select * \param comparator quality comparator */ template<class JComparator_t> void select(const size_t number_of_fits, const JComparator_t& comparator) { using namespace std; if (!empty()) { iterator __end = this->end(); if (number_of_fits > 0 && number_of_fits < this->size()) { advance(__end = this->begin(), number_of_fits); partial_sort(this->begin(), __end, this->end(), comparator); } else { sort(this->begin(), __end, comparator); } this->erase(__end, this->end()); } } /** * Write event to output. * * \param out output stream * \param event event * \return output stream */ friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JEvt& event) { using namespace std; out << "Event: " << endl; for (JEvt::const_iterator fit = event.begin(); fit != event.end(); ++fit) { out << *fit; } return out; } ClassDef(JEvt, 5); }; } namespace JRECONSTRUCTION { typedef JFIT::JFit JFit; typedef JFIT::JEvt JEvt; } /** * Write fit results to output. * * \param out output stream * \param fit fit results * \return output stream */ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JRECONSTRUCTION::JFit& fit); /** * Get TTree parameters for given data type. * * \return TTree parameters */ inline JROOT::JTreeParameters getTreeParameters(JLANG::JType<JRECONSTRUCTION::JEvt>) { return JROOT::JTreeParameters("EVT", "evt", "", 0); } #endif