#ifndef __JSIRENE__JCDFTABLE1D__ #define __JSIRENE__JCDFTABLE1D__ #include <cmath> #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JPhysics/JCDFTable.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPDFTransformer.hh" #include "JTools/JPolint.hh" #include "JTools/JGridCollection.hh" #include "JTools/JFunctionalMap_t.hh" #include "JGeometry3D/JOmega3D.hh" #include "JLang/JSharedPointer.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JPHYSICS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; } namespace JPHYSICS { using JTOOLS::JMapList; using JTOOLS::JElement2D; using JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D; using JTOOLS::JGridCollection; using JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap; using JTOOLS::JMultiFunction; /** * Custom class for CDF table in 1 dimension. * This class provides an upper limit for the avegare number of photo-electrons * as a function of the distance. */ template<class JArgument_t, class JResult_t> class JCDFTable1D : public JPolintFunction1D<1, JElement2D<JArgument_t,JResult_t>, JGridCollection> { public: typedef JArgument_t argument_type; typedef JResult_t result_type; typedef JElement2D<argument_type, result_type> JElement2D_t; typedef JPolintFunction1D<1, JElement2D_t, JGridCollection> JFunction1D_t; typedef JMultiMapTransformer<1, argument_type> transformer_type; /** * Default constructor. */ JCDFTable1D() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param cdf CDF (4D table) * \param number_of_bins number of bins (1D table) * \param safety_factor safety factor */ template<class JCDF_t, class JCDFMaplist_t, class JCDFDistance_t> JCDFTable1D(const JCDFTable<JCDF_t, JCDFMaplist_t, JCDFDistance_t>& cdf, const int number_of_bins, const double safety_factor = 2.0) { using namespace JPP; // extract the weight function try { typedef JPDFTransformer<3, argument_type> JPDFTransformer_t; const JPDFTransformer_t& object = dynamic_cast<const JPDFTransformer_t&>(*(cdf.transformer)); transformer.reset(object.transformer.clone()); } catch(const std::exception& error) { transformer.reset(transformer_type::getClone()); } // build the 1D table this->configure(make_grid(number_of_bins, cdf.intensity.begin()->getX(), cdf.intensity.rbegin()->getX())); const JOmega3D omega(JDirection3D(0,1,0), JOmega3D::range_type(0.0,0.501*PI), 0.07*PI); for (typename JFunction1D_t::iterator j = this->begin(); j != this->end(); ++j) { const double R = j->getX(); const double W = transformer->getWeight(R); double y = 0.0; for (JOmega3D::const_iterator dir = omega.begin(); dir != omega.end(); ++dir) { y += cdf.getNPE(R, dir->getTheta(), fabs(dir->getPhi())); } y /= omega.size(); j->getY() = safety_factor * y / W; } this->compile(); } /** * Get number of photo-electrons. * * \param R distance between muon and PMT [m] * \return number of photo-electrons */ double getNPE(const double R) const { const double buffer[] = { R }; const double y = this->evaluate(buffer); const double W = this->transformer->getWeight(R); return y * W; } JLANG::JSharedPointer<transformer_type> transformer; }; } #endif