#ifndef __JSUPPORT__JTREESCANNER__ #define __JSUPPORT__JTREESCANNER__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "JLang/JNullType.hh" #include "JLang/JPointer.hh" #include "JLang/JConversion.hh" #include "JLang/JEquals.hh" #include "JROOT/JChainReader.hh" #include "JROOT/JCounter.hh" #include "JROOT/JRootSupportkit.hh" #include "Jeep/JMessage.hh" #include "JSupport/JSingleFileScanner.hh" #include "JSupport/JMultipleFileScanner.hh" #include "JSupport/JTreeScannerInterface.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JSUPPORT {} namespace JPP { using namespace JSUPPORT; } namespace JSUPPORT { using JLANG::JPointer; using JLANG::JEquals; using JLANG::JNullType; using JLANG::JAssertConversion; using JROOT::JChainReader; using JROOT::counter_type; using JEEP::JMessage; /** * Pattern match for names of sub-branches that will not be read when ordering elements in a TTree. */ static const char* const BRANCH_PATTERN = "vector"; /** * Base class for JTreeScanner. * * Following ROOT memory management, a JChainReader object is created * at construction and not deleted at destruction of this object. */ template class JTreeScanner_t : public JPointer< JChainReader > { public: /** * Destructor. */ ~JTreeScanner_t() { if (this->is_valid()) { this->get()->Reset(); } } /** * Get file list. * * \return list of file names */ JMultipleFileScanner_t getFilelist() const { if (this->is_valid()) return JMultipleFileScanner_t(*this->get()); else return JMultipleFileScanner_t(); } /** * Type conversion. * * \return file list */ operator JMultipleFileScanner_t() const { return getFilelist(); } protected: /** * Default constructor. */ JTreeScanner_t() : JPointer< JChainReader >(new JChainReader()) { gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError; } }; /** * Template definition for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain. * * The optional second template argument is used to the determine the value of an element * which defines the apparent order the elements in the TChain. * It also provides for the mechanism to find a corresponding entry in the TChain. * * This class implements the JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface interface. */ template class JTreeScanner; /** * Auxiliary base class for reporting messages. */ template<> class JTreeScanner : public JMessage< JTreeScanner<> > { public: using JMessage< JTreeScanner<> >::debug; }; /** * Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain. * * The method JROOT::actionAtFileOpen is called at opening of the first file. * * The iteration of elements in the TChain will be in order of appearance. */ template class JTreeScanner, JNullType> : public virtual JTreeScannerInterface, // interface public JTreeScanner_t, // data source public JTreeScanner<>, // messaging public JEquals< JTreeScanner, JNullType> > { public: typedef JBase_t data_type; typedef typename JTreeScannerInterface::pointer_type pointer_type; using JTreeScannerInterface::configure; /** * Default constructor. */ JTreeScanner() : counter(0) {} /** * Constructor. * * \param file_list file list * \param limit limit */ JTreeScanner(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JLimit& limit = JLimit()) : counter(0) { this->configure(file_list, limit); } /** * Copy constructor. * * \param input TTree scanner */ JTreeScanner(const JTreeScanner& input) { this->configure(input, JLimit()); } /** * Check equality. * * \param object TTree scanner * \return true if TTree scanners are equal; else false */ bool equals(const JTreeScanner& object) const { return (this->getLimit() == object.getLimit() && this->getFilelist() == object.getFilelist()); } /** * Rewind. */ virtual void rewind() override { counter = 0; } /** * Check availability of next element. * * \return true if the iteration has more elements. */ virtual bool hasNext() override { if (counter < this->getLowerLimit()) { skip(this->getLowerLimit() - counter); } return (counter < this->getEntries() && counter < this->getUpperLimit()); } /** * Get next element. * * \return pointer to element. */ virtual const pointer_type& next() override { if (this->hasNext()) { this->get()->GetEvent(counter++); ps.reset(this->get()->getAddress()); } else { ps.reset(NULL); } return ps; } /** * Skip items. * * \param ns number of items to skip * \return number of items skipped */ virtual skip_type skip(const skip_type ns) override { return JROOT::advance(counter, ns, this->getEntries()); } /** * Configure. * * \param file_list file list * \param limit limit */ virtual void configure(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JLimit& limit) override { using namespace JROOT; this->setLimit(limit); this->rewind(); this->get()->Reset(); for (JMultipleFileScanner<>::const_iterator i = file_list.begin(); i != file_list.end(); ++i) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(i->c_str()); if (file != NULL) { if (file->GetListOfKeys()->Contains(this->get()->getTreeName())) { this->get()->Add(i->c_str()); } delete file; } } this->getEntries(); // load TTree to set internal file actionAtFileOpen(this->get()->GetCurrentFile()); actionAtFileOpen (this->get()->GetCurrentFile()); } /** * Get number of entries. * * \return number of entries */ virtual Long64_t getEntries() const override { return this->get()->GetEntries(); } /** * Get entry at given index. * * \param index index * \return pointer to object (may be NULL) */ virtual data_type* getEntry(Long64_t index) override { if (index >= 0 && index < this->getEntries()) { this->get()->GetEvent(index); return this->get()->getAddress(); } return NULL; } /** * Get internal counter. * * \return counter */ virtual counter_type getCounter() const override { return counter; } /** * Get actual class name. * * \return class name */ virtual const char* getClassName() const override { return JDerived_t::Class_Name(); } protected: counter_type counter; private: pointer_type ps; using JPointer< JChainReader >::equals; }; /** * Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain. * * The iteration of elements in the TChain will be in order of appearance. */ template class JTreeScanner : public JTreeScanner, JNullType> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ JTreeScanner() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param file_list file list * \param limit limit */ JTreeScanner(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JLimit& limit = JLimit()) : JTreeScanner, JNullType>(file_list, limit) {} /** * Copy constructor. * * \param input TTree scanner */ JTreeScanner(const JTreeScanner& input) : JTreeScanner, JNullType>(input) {} }; /** * Specialisation of class JTreeScanner for ordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain. * * The optional second template argument is used to the determine the value of an element. * The elements in the TChain are then ordered according these values (from low to high). * To this end, the evaluator class should provide for the following operator: *
   *             value_type operator()(const JBase_t& element) const;
* where value_type should internally be defined and * for which the operators < and - should be provided.\n * As a result, the iteration of elements in the TChain will then be in the specified order. * It also provides for the mechanism to find a corresponding entry at O(log(n)) look up time. */ template class JTreeScanner, JEvaluator_t> : public JTreeScannerInterface, public JTreeScanner, JNullType> { public: typedef JBase_t data_type; typedef typename JTreeScannerInterface::pointer_type pointer_type; typedef typename JTreeScannerInterface::value_type value_type; using JTreeScannerInterface::configure; using JTreeScannerInterface::find; using JTreeScannerInterface::getValue; using JTreeScanner<>::debug; /** * Default constructor. */ JTreeScanner() : JTreeScannerInterface() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param file_list file list * \param evaluator evaluator */ JTreeScanner(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JEvaluator_t& evaluator = JEvaluator_t()) : JTreeScannerInterface(evaluator) { this->configure(file_list); } /** * Constructor. * * \param file_list file list * \param limit limit * \param evaluator evaluator */ JTreeScanner(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JLimit& limit, const JEvaluator_t& evaluator = JEvaluator_t()) : JTreeScannerInterface(evaluator) { this->configure(file_list, limit); } /** * Get next element. * * \return pointer to element. */ virtual const pointer_type& next() override { if (this->hasNext()) { this->get()->GetEvent(queue[this->counter++].index); ps.reset(this->get()->getAddress()); } else { ps.reset(NULL); } return ps; } /** * Configure. * * \param file_list file list * \param limit limit */ virtual void configure(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JLimit& limit) override { using namespace std; JTreeScanner, JNullType>::configure(file_list, limit); setBranchStatus(this->get()->GetBranch(this->get()->getBranchName()), BRANCH_PATTERN, false); queue.resize(this->getEntries()); typename queue_type::iterator out = queue.begin(); for (Long64_t i = 0, n0 = 0; i != this->getEntries(); ++i, ++out) { const Long64_t n1 = (100 * (i + 1)) / this->getEntries(); if (n1 > n0) { STATUS(left << setw(24) << this->get()->GetName() << right << ' ' << setw(3) << n1 << "%\r"); DEBUG(endl); n0 = n1; } this->get()->GetEvent(i); const data_type* p = this->get()->getAddress(); *out = JEntry_t(i, this->JTreeScannerInterface::getValue(*p)); } STATUS(left << setw(24) << this->get()->GetName() << right << endl); this->get()->SetBranchStatus("*", 1); sort(queue.begin(), queue.end()); } /** * Get entry at given index. * * \param index index * \return pointer to object (may be NULL) */ virtual data_type* getEntry(Long64_t index) override { if (index >= 0 && index < (Long64_t) queue.size()) { this->get()->GetEvent(queue[index].index); return this->get()->getAddress(); } return NULL; } /** * Find index of element that is closest in value to given value. * * A subsequent call to method getEntry() will point to the corresponding object. * * \param value value * \return index (-1 in case of error) */ virtual Long64_t find(const value_type value) const override { using namespace std; if (!queue.empty()) { typename queue_type::const_iterator p = lower_bound(queue.begin(), queue.end(), value); if (p == queue.end()) { return queue.size() - 1; } else if (p == queue.begin()) { return 0; } else { typename queue_type::const_iterator q = p--; if (value - p->value < q->value - value) return distance(queue.begin(), p); else return distance(queue.begin(), q); } } return -1; } protected: /** * Auxiliary data structure for sorting of objects in TChain. */ struct JEntry_t { /** * Default constructor. */ JEntry_t() : index(-1), value() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param index index * \param value value */ JEntry_t(const Long64_t index, const value_type value) : index(index), value(value) {} /** * Comparison between two TChain entries. * * \param first first entry * \param second second entry * \return true if first value less than second; else false */ friend inline bool operator<(const JEntry_t& first, const JEntry_t& second) { return first.value < second.value; } /** * Comparison between TChain entry and value. * * \param entry entry * \param value value * \return true if given entry has less value; else false */ friend inline bool operator<(const JEntry_t& entry, const value_type value) { return entry.value < value; } Long64_t index; //!< index in TChain value_type value; //!< corresponding value }; /** * Type definition of internal queue for ordering the elements in the TChain. */ typedef std::vector queue_type; /** * Set status of branch. * * Note that the status of the branch and all sub-branches with names including given pattern will recursively be set. * * \param branch pointer to branch * \param pattern pattern * \param status status */ static void setBranchStatus(TBranch* branch, const char* pattern, const bool status) { using namespace std; if (branch != NULL) { TObjArray* array = branch->GetListOfBranches(); for (Int_t i = 0; i != array->GetEntries(); ++i) { TBranch* p = (TBranch*) array->At(i); if (p != NULL && string(p->GetName()).find(pattern) != string::npos) { if (p->GetSplitLevel() == 0) { NOTICE("Set status of branch " << p->GetName() << " to " << status << endl); p->SetStatus(status); } } else { setBranchStatus(p, pattern, status); } } } } queue_type queue; private: pointer_type ps; }; /** * Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for ordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain. */ template class JTreeScanner : public JTreeScanner, JEvaluator_t> { public: /** * Default constructor. */ JTreeScanner() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param file_list file list * \param evaluator evaluator */ JTreeScanner(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JEvaluator_t& evaluator = JEvaluator_t()) : JTreeScanner, JEvaluator_t>(file_list, evaluator) {} /** * Constructor. * * \param file_list file list * \param limit limit * \param evaluator evaluator */ JTreeScanner(const JMultipleFileScanner_t& file_list, const JLimit& limit, const JEvaluator_t& evaluator = JEvaluator_t()) : JTreeScanner, JEvaluator_t>(file_list, limit, evaluator) {} }; } #endif