#include "JAcoustics/JModel.hh"
#include "JAcoustics/JEvt.hh"
#include "JAcoustics/JSuperEvt.hh"
#include "JAcoustics/JEvtToolkit.hh"

 * \file
 * Acoustic super event fit toolkit.
 * \author mdejong
namespace JACOUSTICS {}
namespace JPP { using namespace JACOUSTICS; }

namespace JACOUSTICS {

   * Get model of detector.
   * \param  evt           super event
  getModel::getModel(const JSuperEvt& evt) :
    getModel(static_cast<const JEvt&>(evt))
    for (JSuperEvt::tx_type::const_iterator i = evt.tx.begin(); i != evt.tx.end(); ++i) {
      this->emission[JEKey(i->id,i->counter)] = JMODEL::JEmission(i->toe);

   * Auxiliary data structure to convert model to super event.
  struct getSuperEvt :
    public JSuperEvt
     * Constructor.
     * \param  header        header
     * \param  model         model
     * \param  begin         begin of hit data
     * \param  end           end   of hit data
    template<class T>
    getSuperEvt(const JHead&  header,
		const JModel& model,
		T             begin,
		T             end) :
      JSuperEvt(getEvt(header, model))
      for (JModel::emission_type::const_iterator i = model.emission.begin(); i != model.emission.end(); ++i) {
	this->tx.push_back(JSuperEvt::tx_t(i->first.getID(), i->first.getCounter(), i->second.t1));

      for (T i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
	this->rx.push_back(JSuperEvt::rx_t(i->getID(), i->getCounter(), i->getString(), i->getFloor(), i->getValue(), i->getWeight()));
