#ifndef __JCALIBRATE__JFITTOT__ #define __JCALIBRATE__JFITTOT__ #include #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TFitResult.h" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JTools/JRange.hh" #include "JDetector/JPMTParameters.hh" #include "JDetector/JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor.hh" #include "JROOT/JMinimizer.hh" #include "JROOT/JRootToolkit.hh" /** * \author mkarel, bjung */ namespace JCALIBRATE {} namespace JPP { using namespace JCALIBRATE; } namespace JCALIBRATE { using JTOOLS::JRange; using JROOT::JFitParameter_t; using JDETECTOR::JPMTParameters; using JDETECTOR::JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor; static const std::string FITTOT_SUFFIX = ".1ToT"; static const std::string FITTOT_FNAME = "fittot"; static const char* FITTOT_GAIN_PARNAME = "gain"; static const char* FITTOT_GAINSPREAD_PARNAME = "gainSpread"; static const char* FITTOT_NORMALIZATION_PARNAME = "normalization"; static const double FITTOT_GAIN_MIN = 0.25; //!< Default minimal gain static const double FITTOT_GAIN_MAX = 3.00; //!< Default maximal gain static const double FITTOT_GAINSPREAD_MIN = 0.05; //!< Default minimal gain spread static const double FITTOT_GAINSPREAD_MAX = 2.00; //!< Default maximal gain spread /** * Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40. */ struct JFitToTParameters { /** * Constructor. * * \param parameters PMT parameters */ JFitToTParameters(const JPMTParameters& parameters) : gain (parameters.gain), gainSpread (parameters.gainSpread), normalization (1.0) {} /** * Copy constructor. * * \param data data */ JFitToTParameters(const Double_t* data) : gain (0.0), gainSpread (0.0), normalization (1.0) { if (data != NULL) { setModelParameters(data); } } /** * Get number of model parameters. * * \return number of parameters */ static Int_t getNumberOfModelParameters() { return sizeof(JFitToTParameters) / sizeof(Double_t); } /** * Get model parameters. * * \return pointer to parameters */ const Double_t* getModelParameters() const { return &this->gain; } /** * Get model parameters. * * \return pointer to parameters */ Double_t* getModelParameters() { return &this->gain; } /** * Set model parameter. * * \param i parameter index * \param value parameter value */ void setModelParameter(const int i, const Double_t value) { getModelParameters()[i] = value; } /** * Set model parameters. * * \param data pointer to parameters */ void setModelParameters(const Double_t* data) { for (Int_t i = 0; i != getNumberOfModelParameters(); ++i) { setModelParameter(i, data[i]); } } /** * Get model parameter. * * \param i parameter index * \return parameter value */ const Double_t getModelParameter(const int i) const { return getModelParameters()[i]; } /** * Get model parameter. * * \param p pointer to data member * \return parameter index and value */ JFitParameter_t getModelParameter(Double_t JFitToTParameters::*p) const { const Int_t i = &(this->*p) - getModelParameters(); return JFitParameter_t(i, getModelParameter(i)); } // fit parameters Double_t gain; //!< PMT gain Double_t gainSpread; //!< PMT gain spread Double_t normalization; }; /** * Parametrisation of time-over-threshold distribution. * * Note that for use in ROOT fit operations, the member method JFitToT::getValue is static.\n */ struct JFitToT : public TF1, public JFitToTParameters { /** * Constructor. * * \param parameters parameters * \param range abscissa range */ JFitToT(const JPMTParameters& parameters, const JRange& range) : TF1(FITTOT_FNAME.c_str(), this, &JFitToT::getValue, range.getLowerLimit(), range.getUpperLimit(), JFitToT::getNumberOfModelParameters()), JFitToTParameters(parameters), cpu(parameters) {} /** * Access method for the analogue signal processor * * \return reference to analogue signal processor */ const JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor& getCPU() const { return cpu; } /** * Fit histogram. * * Note that the PMT parameters which are part of the model are reset before the fit according the status of each PMT and * the obtained fit parameters are copied back to the model parameters after the fit. * * \param h1 ROOT 1D-histogram * \param option fit option * \return fit result */ TFitResultPtr operator()(TH1& h1, const std::string& option) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; // Set initial gain and gain-spread const Int_t Ngain = this->getModelParameter(&JFitToT::JFitToTParameters::gain); const Int_t NgainSpread = this->getModelParameter(&JFitToT::JFitToTParameters::gainSpread); const Int_t Nnormalization = this->getModelParameter(&JFitToT::JFitToTParameters::normalization); SetParName(Ngain, MAKE_CSTRING(FITTOT_GAIN_PARNAME)); SetParName(NgainSpread, MAKE_CSTRING(FITTOT_GAINSPREAD_PARNAME)); SetParName(Nnormalization, MAKE_CSTRING(FITTOT_NORMALIZATION_PARNAME)); normalization = h1.Integral(h1.FindBin(this->GetXmin()), h1.FindBin(this->GetXmax())); SetParameters(getModelParameters()); FixParameter(Nnormalization, normalization); for (Int_t i = 0; i != GetNpar(); ++i) { SetParError(i, 0.0); } // Fit histogram const TFitResultPtr result = h1.Fit(this, option.c_str()); this->setModelParameters(this->GetParameters()); cpu.gain = getModelParameter(Ngain); cpu.gainSpread = getModelParameter(NgainSpread); return result; } /** * Get rate as a function of the fit parameters. * * \param x pointer to abscissa values * \param par pointer to parameter values * \return rate distribution at specified time-over-threshold [Hz/ns] */ Double_t getValue(const Double_t* x, const Double_t* par) { const double tot_ns = x[0]; // Set new parameter values cpu.gain = par[0]; cpu.gainSpread = par[1]; // Determine normalization factor const int NPE = 1; const double Whist = par[2]; const double Wpdf = cpu.getIntegralOfTimeOverThresholdProbability(GetXmin(), GetXmax(), NPE); return (Wpdf > 0.0 ? (Whist / Wpdf) : Whist) * cpu.getTimeOverThresholdProbability(tot_ns, NPE); } private: using TF1::operator(); JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor cpu; }; } #endif