#ifndef __JPHYSICS__JK40RATES___ #define __JPHYSICS__JK40RATES___ #include <vector> #include "JMath/JMathSupportkit.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JPHYSICS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; } namespace JPHYSICS { /** * Type definition of singles rate [Hz]. */ typedef double JRateL0_t; /** * Type definition of count rate as a function of multiplicty [Hz] * The multiples rate start counting at two-fold coincidences. */ typedef std::vector<double> JRateL1_t; /** * Type definition of multiplicity. */ typedef size_t multiplicity_type; /** * Auxiliary class for K40 rates. * The singles rate refers to the counting rate of a PMT and * the multiples rate to the rate of genuine coincidences due to K40 decays. */ struct JK40Rates { /** * Default constructor. */ JK40Rates() : rateL0(0.0), rateL1() {} /** * Constructor. * * The multiples rates start counting at two-fold coincidences. * * \param rateL0_Hz singles rate [Hz] * \param rateL1_Hz multiples rates [Hz] */ JK40Rates(const JRateL0_t rateL0_Hz, const JRateL1_t& rateL1_Hz = JRateL1_t()) : rateL0(rateL0_Hz), rateL1(rateL1_Hz) {} /** * Get singles rate. * * \return rate [Hz] */ double getSinglesRate() const { return rateL0; } /** * Get multiples rate. * * \return rate [Hz] */ const JRateL1_t& getMultiplesRates() const { return rateL1; } /** * Get multiples rate at given multiplicity. * * \param M multiplicity (M >= JK40Rates::LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY) * \return rate [Hz] */ double getMultiplesRate(const multiplicity_type M) const { if (M >= LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY && M - LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY < (multiplicity_type) rateL1.size()) return rateL1[M - LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY]; else return 0.0; } /** * Get lower multiplicty. * * \return lower multiplicity */ multiplicity_type getLowerL1Multiplicity() const { return LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY; } /** * Get upper multiplicty. * * \return upper multiplicity */ multiplicity_type getUpperL1Multiplicity() const { return rateL1.size() + 1; } /** * Correct rates for global efficiency, * * \param QE global efficiency */ void correct(const double QE) { if (QE > 0.0) { rateL0 /= QE; JRateL1_t buffer = rateL1; for (multiplicity_type M = getUpperL1Multiplicity(); M >= getLowerL1Multiplicity(); --M) { // determine contribution from higher multiplicities double R = 0.0; for (multiplicity_type i = M + 1; i <= getUpperL1Multiplicity(); ++i) { R += buffer[i - LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY] * JMATH::binomial(i, M) * pow(QE, M) * pow(1.0 - QE, i - M); } if (getMultiplesRate(M) > R) buffer[M - LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY] = (getMultiplesRate(M) - R) / pow(QE, M); else buffer[M - LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY] = 0.0; } rateL1 = buffer; } else { rateL0 = 0.0; for (JRateL1_t::iterator i = rateL1.begin(); i != rateL1.end(); ++i) { *i = 0.0; } } } /** * Read K40 rates from input. * * \param in input stream * \param object K40 rates * \return input stream */ friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JK40Rates& object) { const double rateL0 = object.rateL0; if (in >> object.rateL0) { object.rateL1.clear(); for (double x; in >> x; ) { object.rateL1.push_back(x); } } else { object.rateL0 = rateL0; } return in; } /** * Write K40 rates to output. * * \param out output stream * \param object K40 rates * \return output stream */ friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JK40Rates& object) { out << object.rateL0; for (JRateL1_t::const_iterator i = object.rateL1.begin(); i != object.rateL1.end(); ++i) { out << ' ' << *i; } return out; } /** * Lower L1 multiplicity */ static const multiplicity_type LOWER_L1_MULTIPLICITY = 2; protected: JRateL0_t rateL0; //!< singles rate [Hz] JRateL1_t rateL1; //!< multiples rates [Hz] }; } #endif