#include #include #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Head.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Evt.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/online/JDAQModuleIdentifier.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/definitions/reconstruction.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/definitions/fitparameters.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/tools/time_converter.hh" #include "JAAnet/JHead.hh" #include "JAAnet/JHeadToolkit.hh" #include "JAAnet/JAAnetToolkit.hh" #include "JAAnet/JVolume.hh" #include "JDAQ/JDAQEventIO.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JTools/JQuantile.hh" #include "JSupport/JTriggeredFileScanner.hh" #include "JSupport/JMonteCarloFileSupportkit.hh" #include "JSupport/JSupport.hh" #include "JReconstruction/JEvt.hh" #include "JReconstruction/JEvtToolkit.hh" #include "JLang/JPredicate.hh" #include "Jeep/JParser.hh" #include "Jeep/JMessage.hh" namespace { using KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent; /** * Count number of unique identifiers in event. * * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \return number of unique identifiers */ template inline int getCount(JDAQEvent::const_iterator __begin, JDAQEvent::const_iterator __end) { using namespace std; using namespace KM3NETDAQ; typedef JDAQModuleIdentifier JType_t; set buffer; for (JDAQEvent::const_iterator i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) { buffer.insert(JType_t(*i)); } return buffer.size(); } const char* const muon_t = "muon"; const char* const neutrino_t = "neutrino"; } /** * \file * * Example program to histogram fit results for the muon reconstruction chain. * \author mdejong, bofearraigh. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; using namespace KM3NETDAQ; typedef JTriggeredFileScanner JTriggeredFileScanner_t; typedef JTriggeredFileScanner_t::multi_pointer_type multi_pointer_type; JTriggeredFileScanner_t inputFile; JLimit_t& numberOfEvents = inputFile.getLimit(); string outputFile; size_t numberOfPrefits; JQualitySorter quality_sorter; JAtmosphericMuon atmosphere; double Emin_GeV; double NPE; int application; string option; string primary; int debug; try { JParser<> zap("Example program to histogram fit results."); zap['f'] = make_field(inputFile); zap['o'] = make_field(outputFile) = "postfit.root"; zap['n'] = make_field(numberOfEvents) = JLimit::max(); zap['N'] = make_field(numberOfPrefits) = 1; zap['L'] = make_field(quality_sorter) = JPARSER::initialised(); zap['E'] = make_field(Emin_GeV) = 0.0; zap['M'] = make_field(NPE) = 0.0; zap['A'] = make_field(application) = JMUONPREFIT, JMUONSIMPLEX, JMUONGANDALF, JMUONENERGY, JMUONSTART, JMUONPATH; zap['a'] = make_field(atmosphere) = JAtmosphericMuon(90.0, 90.0); zap['O'] = make_field(option) = "LINE", "LOGE", "LINN", "LOGN"; zap['p'] = make_field(primary) = muon_t, neutrino_t; zap['d'] = make_field(debug) = 2; zap(argc, argv); } catch(const exception& error) { FATAL(error.what() << endl); } JHead head; try { head = getCommonHeader(inputFile); } catch(const exception& error) { FATAL(error.what() << endl); } JVolume volume(head, option != "LINE"); JPosition3D offset = getPosition(getOffset(head)); JPosition3D origin = getPosition(getOrigin(head)); JCylinder3D cylinder = getCylinder(head); cylinder.add(offset); NOTICE("Offset: " << offset << endl); NOTICE("Cylinder: " << cylinder << endl); TFile out(outputFile.c_str(), "recreate"); TH1D job("job", NULL, 100, 0.5, 100.5); TH1D hn("hn", NULL, 250, -0.5, 249.5); // NDF TH1D hq("hq", NULL, 300, 0.0, 600.0); // quality parameter TH1D hi("hi", NULL, 101, -0.5, 100.5); // index of the best event in order of descending angular resolution TH1D hv("hv", NULL, 200, -6.0, 0.0); // log of Poisson distribution of (#hits,number photo-electrons) TH1D h1("h1", NULL, 200, -2.0, +2.0); // number of photo-electrons along the whole track TH1D hc("hc", NULL, 200, -1.0, +1.0); // dz (z-slope) TH1D hu("hu", NULL, 400, -1.0e3, 1.0e3); // quality difference between best up-going and down-going track (check of atmospheric muon) TH1D hx("hx", NULL, 70, -3.0, +2.3); // angular deviation [log(deg)] TH1D hd("hd", NULL, 100, 0.0, 10.0); // distance between true and best event at intersection point [m] TH1D ht("ht", NULL, 100, -100.0, 100.0); // time between true and best track [ns] TH1D hz0("hz0[start]", NULL, 400, -200.0, 200.0); // start point [m] TH1D hz1("hz1[end]", NULL, 400, -200.0, 200.0); // end point [m] TH1D E_0("E_0", NULL, 100, volume.getXmin(), volume.getXmax()); // true muon energy TH1D E_1("E_1", NULL, 100, volume.getXmin(), volume.getXmax()); // uncorrected energy of best track TH1D E_2("E_2", NULL, 100, volume.getXmin(), volume.getXmax()); // corrected energy of best track TH1D E_E("E_E", NULL, 100, -5.0, +5.0); // ratio of reconstructed energy and true energy [log(E/E)] TH2D ExE("ExE", NULL, 40, volume.getXmin(), volume.getXmax(), 40, volume.getXmin(), volume.getXmax()); // (Etrue,Ereco) const Int_t ny = 28800; const Double_t ymin = 0.0; // [deg] const Double_t ymax = 180.0; // [deg] vector X; if (option == "LINN") { const double xmin = log((double) 3); const double xmax = log((double) 300); for (double x = xmin, dx = (xmax - xmin) / 20; x <= xmax; x += dx) { X.push_back((int) exp(x)); } } else if (option == "LOGN") { const double xmin = log10((double) 3); const double xmax = log10((double) 300); for (double x = xmin, dx = (xmax - xmin) / 20; x <= xmax; x += dx) { X.push_back(x); } } else { for (double x = volume.getXmin(), dx = (volume.getXmax() - volume.getXmin()) / 20.0; x < volume.getXmax() + 0.5*dx; x += dx) { X.push_back(x); } } TH2D h2("h2", NULL, X.size() - 1, X.data(), ny, ymin, ymax); TH2D Va("Va", NULL, 100, 0.0, cylinder.getRadius()*cylinder.getRadius(), 100, cylinder.getZmin() - 50.0, cylinder.getZmax() + 50.0); TH2D Vb("Vb", NULL, 100, 0.0, cylinder.getRadius()*cylinder.getRadius(), 100, cylinder.getZmin() - 50.0, cylinder.getZmax() + 50.0); JQuantile Q("Angle", true); JQuantile O("Omega", true); while (inputFile.hasNext()) { STATUS("event: " << setw(10) << inputFile.getCounter() << '\r'); DEBUG(endl); multi_pointer_type ps = inputFile.next(); JDAQEvent* tev = ps; JEvt* evt = ps; Evt* event = ps; const time_converter converter(*event, *tev); job.Fill(1.0); double Enu = 0.0; double Emu = 0.0; double Emax = 0.0; if (has_neutrino(*event)) { Enu = get_neutrino(*event).E; } vector::const_iterator muon = event->mc_trks.end(); for (vector::const_iterator track = event->mc_trks.begin(); track != event->mc_trks.end(); ++track) { if (is_muon(*track)) { Emu += track->E; if (track->E > Emax) { muon = track; Emax = track->E; } } } if (muon == event->mc_trks.end()) { continue; } job.Fill(3.0); // abscissa Double_t x = 0.0; { const double E = event->mc_trks[0].E; const int N = getCount(tev->begin(), tev->end()); if (option == "LINN") x = N; else if (option == "LOGN") x = log10(N); else x = volume.getX(E); } if (!evt->empty()) { JEvt::iterator __end = partition(evt->begin(), evt->end(), JHistory::is_application(application)); if (evt->begin() == __end) { continue; } job.Fill(4.0); if (numberOfPrefits > 0) { JEvt::iterator __q = __end; advance(__end = evt->begin(), min(numberOfPrefits, (size_t) distance(evt->begin(), __q))); partial_sort(evt->begin(), __end, __q, quality_sorter); } else { sort(evt->begin(), __end, quality_sorter); } double E = 0.0; JPointing pointing; if (primary == muon_t) { E = Emu; pointing = JPointing(getDirection(*muon)); } else if (primary == neutrino_t) { E = Enu; pointing = JPointing(getDirection(get_neutrino(*event))); } JEvt::iterator best = pointing(evt->begin(), __end); const Double_t beta = pointing.getAngle(*best); const double Efit = best->getE(); const double Eraw = best->getW(JENERGY_ENERGY, numeric_limits::min()); const double mip = best->getW(JSTART_NPE_MIP, numeric_limits::max()); // selection of fit result bool ok = (Efit >= Emin_GeV && mip >= NPE); if (ok) { job.Fill(5.0); hn.Fill((Double_t) best->getNDF()); hq.Fill(best->getQ()); hi.Fill((Double_t) distance(evt->begin(), best)); hc.Fill(best->getDZ()); // atmospheric muon hypothesis test. if (( has_neutrino(*event) && get_neutrino(*event).dir.z >= atmosphere.dot2) || // difference in quality between best upwards and best downgoing track. (!has_neutrino(*event) && best->getDZ() >= atmosphere.dot2)) { // negative (positive) values imply a down(up) going track. hu.Fill(atmosphere(evt->begin(), __end)); } hx.Fill(max(log10(beta), hx.GetXaxis()->GetXmin())); Q.put(beta); JTrack3E ta = getTrack(*muon); JTrack3E tb = getTrack(*best); ta.add(offset); tb.sub(converter.putTime()); static_cast(ta).move(ta.getIntersection(tb), getSpeedOfLight()); // move to intersection point of both tracks static_cast(tb).move(tb.getIntersection(ta), getSpeedOfLight()); hd.Fill((tb.getPosition() - ta.getPosition()).getLength()); if (has_neutrino(*event)) { job.Fill(6.0); const Trk neutrino = get_neutrino(*event); JPosition3D vertex = getPosition(neutrino); vertex.add(offset); if (cylinder.is_inside(vertex)) { job.Fill(7.0); Va.Fill(JVector2D(best->getX() - origin.getX(), best->getY() - origin.getY()).getLengthSquared(), best->getZ()); //R^{2} [m^2], z [m] JTrack3E tc = getTrack(*best); hz0.Fill(tc.getIntersection(vertex)); hz1.Fill(best->getW(JSTART_LENGTH_METRES, 0.0) - gWater(muon->E)); } } Vb.Fill(JVector2D(best->getX() - origin.getX(), best->getY() - origin.getY()).getLengthSquared(), best->getZ()); //R^{2} [m^2], z [m] ht.Fill(tb.getT() - ta.getT()); E_0.Fill(volume.getX(E, true)); E_1.Fill(volume.getX(Eraw, true)); E_2.Fill(volume.getX(Efit, true)); E_E.Fill(volume.getX(Efit) - volume.getX(E)); ExE.Fill(volume.getX(E), volume.getX(Efit)); h2.Fill(x, beta); if (best->hasW(JSTART_NPE_MIP)) { h1.Fill(log10(best->getW(JSTART_NPE_MIP))); } if (best->hasW(JVETO_NPE) && best->hasW(JVETO_NUMBER_OF_HITS)) { const double npe = best->getW(JVETO_NPE); // number of photo-electrons const int count = best->getW(JVETO_NUMBER_OF_HITS); // number of hits const double pv = TMath::PoissonI(count, npe); // Poisson distribution function for (#hits,npe) hv.Fill(max(log10(pv), hv.GetXaxis()->GetXmin())); } } } } STATUS(endl); NOTICE("Number of events input " << setw(8) << right << job.GetBinContent(1) << endl); NOTICE("Number of events with muon " << setw(8) << right << job.GetBinContent(3) << endl); NOTICE("Number of events with fit " << setw(8) << right << job.GetBinContent(4) << endl); NOTICE("Number of events selected " << setw(8) << right << job.GetBinContent(5) << endl); NOTICE("Number of events with neutrino " << setw(8) << right << job.GetBinContent(6) << endl); NOTICE("Number of events contained " << setw(8) << right << job.GetBinContent(7) << endl); if (Q.getCount() != 0) { NOTICE("Median space angle [deg] " << FIXED (6,3) << Q.getQuantile(0.5) << endl); } out.Write(); out.Close(); }