#ifndef BOOST_LEAF_ERROR_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_LEAF_ERROR_HPP_INCLUDED // Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_LEAF_ENABLE_WARNINGS # if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang system_header # elif (__GNUC__*100+__GNUC_MINOR__>301) # pragma GCC system_header # elif defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push,1) # endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #if BOOST_LEAF_DIAGNOSTICS # include # include #endif #define BOOST_LEAF_TOKEN_PASTE(x, y) x ## y #define BOOST_LEAF_TOKEN_PASTE2(x, y) BOOST_LEAF_TOKEN_PASTE(x, y) #define BOOST_LEAF_TMP BOOST_LEAF_TOKEN_PASTE2(boost_leaf_tmp_, __LINE__) #define BOOST_LEAF_ASSIGN(v,r)\ static_assert(::boost::leaf::is_result_type::type>::value, "The BOOST_LEAF_ASSIGN macro requires a result type as the second argument");\ auto && BOOST_LEAF_TMP = r;\ if( !BOOST_LEAF_TMP )\ return BOOST_LEAF_TMP.error();\ v = std::forward(BOOST_LEAF_TMP).value() #define BOOST_LEAF_AUTO(v, r)\ BOOST_LEAF_ASSIGN(auto v, r) #define BOOST_LEAF_CHECK(r)\ {\ static_assert(::boost::leaf::is_result_type::type>::value, "BOOST_LEAF_CHECK requires a result type");\ auto && BOOST_LEAF_TMP = r;\ if( !BOOST_LEAF_TMP )\ return BOOST_LEAF_TMP.error();\ } #define BOOST_LEAF_NEW_ERROR ::leaf::leaf_detail::inject_loc{__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__}+::boost::leaf::new_error namespace boost { namespace leaf { namespace leaf_detail { struct inject_loc { char const * const file; int const line; char const * const fn; template friend T operator+( inject_loc loc, T && x ) noexcept { x.load_source_location_(loc.file, loc.line, loc.fn); return std::move(x); } }; } } } //////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef BOOST_LEAF_NO_EXCEPTIONS namespace boost { BOOST_LEAF_NORETURN void throw_exception( std::exception const & ); // user defined } namespace boost { namespace leaf { template BOOST_LEAF_NORETURN void throw_exception( T const & e ) { ::boost::throw_exception(e); } } } #else namespace boost { namespace leaf { template BOOST_LEAF_NORETURN void throw_exception( T const & e ) { throw e; } } } #endif //////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef BOOST_LEAF_NO_THREADS # define BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL namespace boost { namespace leaf { namespace leaf_detail { using atomic_unsigned_int = unsigned int; } } } #else # include # include # define BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL thread_local namespace boost { namespace leaf { namespace leaf_detail { using atomic_unsigned_int = std::atomic; } } } #endif //////////////////////////////////////// namespace boost { namespace leaf { #if BOOST_LEAF_DIAGNOSTICS namespace leaf_detail { class e_unexpected_count { public: char const * (*first_type)(); int count; BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR explicit e_unexpected_count(char const * (*first_type)()) noexcept: first_type(first_type), count(1) { } template void print( std::basic_ostream & os ) const { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(first_type != 0); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(count>0); os << "Detected "; if( count==1 ) os << "1 attempt to communicate an unexpected error object"; else os << count << " attempts to communicate unexpected error objects, the first one"; (os << " of type " << first_type() << '\n').flush(); } }; template <> struct diagnostic { static constexpr bool is_invisible = true; BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR static void print(std::ostream &, e_unexpected_count const &) noexcept { } }; class e_unexpected_info { std::string s_; std::set already_; public: e_unexpected_info() noexcept { } template void add(E && e) { if( !diagnostic::is_invisible && already_.insert(&type).second ) { std::stringstream s; diagnostic::print(s,e); (s << '\n').flush(); s_ += s.str(); } } template void print( std::basic_ostream & os ) const { os << "Unhandled error objects:\n" << s_; } }; template <> struct diagnostic { static constexpr bool is_invisible = true; BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR static void print(std::ostream &, e_unexpected_info const &) noexcept { } }; template struct tl_unexpected_enabled { static BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL int counter; }; template BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL int tl_unexpected_enabled::counter; } #endif } } //////////////////////////////////////// namespace boost { namespace leaf { struct e_source_location { char const * const file; int const line; char const * const function; template friend std::basic_ostream & operator<<( std::basic_ostream & os, e_source_location const & x ) { return os << leaf::type() << ": " << x.file << '(' << x.line << ") in function " << x.function; } }; //////////////////////////////////////// namespace leaf_detail { template class slot; template struct tl_slot_ptr { static BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL slot * p; }; template BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL slot * tl_slot_ptr::p; template class slot: optional { slot( slot const & ) = delete; slot & operator=( slot const & ) = delete; using impl = optional; slot * * top_; slot * prev_; public: BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR slot() noexcept: top_(0) { } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR slot( slot && x ) noexcept: optional(std::move(x)), top_(0) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(x.top_==0); } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR void activate() noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(top_==0 || *top_!=this); top_ = &tl_slot_ptr::p; prev_ = *top_; *top_ = this; } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR void deactivate() noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(top_!=0 && *top_==this); *top_ = prev_; } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR void propagate() noexcept; template void print( std::basic_ostream & os, int key_to_print ) const { if( !diagnostic::is_invisible ) if( int k = this->key() ) { if( key_to_print ) { if( key_to_print!=k ) return; } else os << '[' << k << ']'; diagnostic::print(os, value(k)); (os << '\n').flush(); } } using impl::put; using impl::has_value; using impl::value; }; #if BOOST_LEAF_DIAGNOSTICS template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline void load_unexpected_count( int err_id ) noexcept { if( slot * sl = tl_slot_ptr::p ) if( e_unexpected_count * unx = sl->has_value(err_id) ) ++unx->count; else sl->put(err_id, e_unexpected_count(&type)); } template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline void load_unexpected_info( int err_id, E && e ) noexcept { if( slot * sl = tl_slot_ptr::p ) if( e_unexpected_info * unx = sl->has_value(err_id) ) unx->add(std::forward(e)); else sl->put(err_id, e_unexpected_info()).add(std::forward(e)); } template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline void load_unexpected( int err_id, E && e ) noexcept { load_unexpected_count(err_id); load_unexpected_info(err_id, std::forward(e)); } #endif template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline void slot::propagate() noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(top_!=0 && (*top_==prev_ || *top_==this)); if( prev_ ) { impl & that_ = *prev_; if( that_.empty() ) { impl & this_ = *this; that_ = std::move(this_); } } #if BOOST_LEAF_DIAGNOSTICS else { int c = tl_unexpected_enabled<>::counter; BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(c>=0); if( c ) if( int err_id = impl::key() ) load_unexpected(err_id, std::move(*this).value(err_id)); } #endif } template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline int load_slot( int err_id, E && e ) noexcept { static_assert(!std::is_pointer::value, "Error objects of pointer types are not allowed"); using T = typename std::decay::type; BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT((err_id&3)==1); if( slot * p = tl_slot_ptr::p ) (void) p->put(err_id, std::forward(e)); #if BOOST_LEAF_DIAGNOSTICS else { int c = tl_unexpected_enabled<>::counter; BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(c>=0); if( c ) load_unexpected(err_id, std::forward(e)); } #endif return 0; } template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline int accumulate_slot( int err_id, F && f ) noexcept { static_assert(function_traits::arity==1, "Lambdas passed to accumulate must take a single e-type argument by reference"); using E = typename std::decay>::type; static_assert(!std::is_pointer::value, "Error objects of pointer types are not allowed"); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT((err_id&3)==1); if( auto sl = tl_slot_ptr::p ) if( auto v = sl->has_value(err_id) ) (void) std::forward(f)(*v); else (void) std::forward(f)(sl->put(err_id,E())); return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////// namespace leaf_detail { template struct id_factory { static atomic_unsigned_int counter; static BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL unsigned current_id; BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR static unsigned generate_next_id() noexcept { auto id = (counter+=4); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT((id&3)==1); return id; } }; template atomic_unsigned_int id_factory::counter(-3); template BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL unsigned id_factory::current_id(0); inline int current_id() noexcept { auto id = id_factory<>::current_id; BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(id==0 || (id&3)==1); return id; } inline int new_id() noexcept { auto id = id_factory<>::generate_next_id(); return id_factory<>::current_id = id; } } //////////////////////////////////////// namespace leaf_detail { template ::arity> struct load_item { static_assert(Arity==0 || Arity==1, "If a functions is passed to new_error or load, it must take zero or one argument"); }; template struct load_item { BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR static int load( int err_id, E && e ) noexcept { return load_slot(err_id, std::forward(e)); } }; template struct load_item { BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR static int load( int err_id, F && f ) noexcept { return load_slot(err_id, std::forward(f)()); } }; template struct load_item { BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR static int load( int err_id, F && f ) noexcept { return accumulate_slot(err_id, std::forward(f)); } }; } //////////////////////////////////////// namespace leaf_detail { class leaf_category final: public std::error_category { bool equivalent( int, std::error_condition const & ) const noexcept final override { return false; } bool equivalent( std::error_code const &, int ) const noexcept final override { return false; } char const * name() const noexcept final override { return "LEAF error"; } std::string message( int condition ) const final override { return name(); } public: ~leaf_category() noexcept final override { } }; template struct get_error_category { static leaf_category cat; }; template leaf_category get_error_category::cat; inline int import_error_code( std::error_code const & ec ) noexcept { if( int err_id = ec.value() ) { std::error_category const & cat = get_error_category<>::cat; if( &ec.category()==&cat ) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT((err_id&3)==1); return (err_id&~3)|1; } else { err_id = new_id(); (void) load_slot(err_id, ec); return (err_id&~3)|1; } } else return 0; } } inline bool is_error_id( std::error_code const & ec ) noexcept { bool res = (&ec.category() == &leaf_detail::get_error_category<>::cat); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(!res || !ec.value() || ((ec.value()&3)==1)); return res; } //////////////////////////////////////// class error_id; namespace leaf_detail { BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR error_id make_error_id(int) noexcept; } class error_id { friend error_id BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR leaf_detail::make_error_id(int) noexcept; int value_; BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR explicit error_id( int value ) noexcept: value_(value) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(value_==0 || ((value_&3)==1)); } public: BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR error_id() noexcept: value_(0) { } error_id( std::error_code const & ec ) noexcept: value_(leaf_detail::import_error_code(ec)) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(!value_ || ((value_&3)==1)); } template error_id( Enum e, typename std::enable_if::value, Enum>::type * = 0 ) noexcept: value_(leaf_detail::import_error_code(e)) { } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR error_id load() const noexcept { return *this; } template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR error_id load( Item && ... item ) const noexcept { if( int err_id = value() ) { int const unused[ ] = { 42, leaf_detail::load_item::load(err_id, std::forward(item))... }; (void) unused; } return *this; } std::error_code to_error_code() const noexcept { return std::error_code(value_, leaf_detail::get_error_category<>::cat); } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR int value() const noexcept { if( int v = value_ ) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT((v&3)==1); return (v&~3)|1; } else return 0; } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return value_ != 0; } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR friend bool operator==( error_id a, error_id b ) noexcept { return a.value_ == b.value_; } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR friend bool operator!=( error_id a, error_id b ) noexcept { return !(a == b); } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR friend bool operator<( error_id a, error_id b ) noexcept { return a.value_ < b.value_; } template friend std::basic_ostream & operator<<( std::basic_ostream & os, error_id x ) { return os << x.value_; } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR void load_source_location_( char const * file, int line, char const * function ) const noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(file&&*file); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(line>0); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(function&&*function); BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(value_); (void) load(e_source_location {file,line,function}); } }; namespace leaf_detail { BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR inline error_id make_error_id( int err_id ) noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(err_id==0 || (err_id&3)==1); return error_id((err_id&~3)|1); } } inline error_id new_error() noexcept { return leaf_detail::make_error_id(leaf_detail::new_id()); } template inline error_id new_error( Item && ... item ) noexcept { return leaf_detail::make_error_id(leaf_detail::new_id()).load(std::forward(item)...); } inline error_id current_error() noexcept { return leaf_detail::make_error_id(leaf_detail::current_id()); } //////////////////////////////////////////// class polymorphic_context { protected: polymorphic_context() noexcept = default; ~polymorphic_context() noexcept = default; public: virtual error_id propagate_captured_errors() noexcept = 0; virtual void activate() noexcept = 0; virtual void deactivate() noexcept = 0; virtual void propagate() noexcept = 0; virtual bool is_active() const noexcept = 0; virtual void print( std::ostream & ) const = 0; error_id captured_id_; }; using context_ptr = std::shared_ptr; //////////////////////////////////////////// template class context_activator { context_activator( context_activator const & ) = delete; context_activator & operator=( context_activator const & ) = delete; #if !defined(BOOST_LEAF_NO_EXCEPTIONS) && BOOST_LEAF_STD_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS int const uncaught_exceptions_; #endif Ctx * ctx_; public: explicit BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR BOOST_LEAF_ALWAYS_INLINE context_activator(Ctx & ctx) noexcept: #if !defined(BOOST_LEAF_NO_EXCEPTIONS) && BOOST_LEAF_STD_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS uncaught_exceptions_(std::uncaught_exceptions()), #endif ctx_(ctx.is_active() ? 0 : &ctx) { if( ctx_ ) ctx_->activate(); } BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR BOOST_LEAF_ALWAYS_INLINE context_activator( context_activator && x ) noexcept: #if !defined(BOOST_LEAF_NO_EXCEPTIONS) && BOOST_LEAF_STD_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS uncaught_exceptions_(x.uncaught_exceptions_), #endif ctx_(x.ctx_) { x.ctx_ = 0; } BOOST_LEAF_ALWAYS_INLINE ~context_activator() noexcept { if( !ctx_ ) return; if( ctx_->is_active() ) ctx_->deactivate(); #ifndef BOOST_LEAF_NO_EXCEPTIONS # if BOOST_LEAF_STD_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS if( std::uncaught_exceptions() > uncaught_exceptions_ ) # else if( std::uncaught_exception() ) # endif ctx_->propagate(); #endif } }; template BOOST_LEAF_CONSTEXPR BOOST_LEAF_ALWAYS_INLINE context_activator activate_context(Ctx & ctx) noexcept { return context_activator(ctx); } //////////////////////////////////////////// template struct is_result_type: std::false_type { }; template struct is_result_type: is_result_type { }; } } #undef BOOST_LEAF_THREAD_LOCAL #endif