#ifndef BOOST_LEAF_RESULT_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_LEAF_RESULT_HPP_INCLUDED // Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_LEAF_ENABLE_WARNINGS # if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang system_header # elif (__GNUC__*100+__GNUC_MINOR__>301) # pragma GCC system_header # elif defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push,1) # endif #endif #include #include namespace boost { namespace leaf { class bad_result: public std::exception, public error_id { char const * what() const noexcept final override { return "boost::leaf::bad_result"; } public: explicit bad_result( error_id id ) noexcept: error_id(id) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(value()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////// namespace leaf_detail { template struct stored { using type = T; using value_type = T; using value_type_const = T const; using value_cref = T const &; using value_ref = T &; using value_rv_cref = T const &&; using value_rv_ref = T &&; }; template struct stored { using type = std::reference_wrapper; using value_type_const = T; using value_type = T; using value_ref = T &; using value_cref = T &; using value_rv_ref = T &; using value_rv_cref = T &; }; class result_discriminant { unsigned state_; public: enum kind_t { no_error = 0, err_id = 1, ctx_ptr = 2, val = 3 }; explicit result_discriminant( error_id id ) noexcept: state_(id.value()) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(state_==0 || (state_&3)==1); } struct kind_val { }; explicit result_discriminant( kind_val ) noexcept: state_(val) { } struct kind_ctx_ptr { }; explicit result_discriminant( kind_ctx_ptr ) noexcept: state_(ctx_ptr) { } kind_t kind() const noexcept { return kind_t(state_&3); } error_id get_error_id() const noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(kind()==no_error || kind()==err_id); return make_error_id(state_); } }; } //////////////////////////////////////// template class result { template friend class result; using result_discriminant = leaf_detail::result_discriminant; struct error_result { error_result( error_result && ) = default; error_result( error_result const & ) = delete; error_result & operator=( error_result const & ) = delete; result & r_; error_result( result & r ) noexcept: r_(r) { } template operator result() noexcept { switch(r_.what_.kind()) { case result_discriminant::val: return result(error_id()); case result_discriminant::ctx_ptr: return result(std::move(r_.ctx_)); default: return result(std::move(r_.what_)); } } operator error_id() noexcept { switch(r_.what_.kind()) { case result_discriminant::val: return error_id(); case result_discriminant::ctx_ptr: { error_id captured_id = r_.ctx_->propagate_captured_errors(); leaf_detail::id_factory<>::current_id = captured_id.value(); return captured_id; } default: return r_.what_.get_error_id(); } } }; using stored_type = typename leaf_detail::stored::type; using value_type = typename leaf_detail::stored::value_type; using value_type_const = typename leaf_detail::stored::value_type_const; using value_ref = typename leaf_detail::stored::value_ref; using value_cref = typename leaf_detail::stored::value_cref; using value_rv_ref = typename leaf_detail::stored::value_rv_ref; using value_rv_cref = typename leaf_detail::stored::value_rv_cref; union { stored_type stored_; context_ptr ctx_; }; result_discriminant what_; void destroy() const noexcept { switch(this->what_.kind()) { case result_discriminant::val: stored_.~stored_type(); break; case result_discriminant::ctx_ptr: BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(!ctx_ || ctx_->captured_id_); ctx_.~context_ptr(); default: break; } } template result_discriminant move_from( result && x ) noexcept { auto x_what = x.what_; switch(x_what.kind()) { case result_discriminant::val: (void) new(&stored_) stored_type(std::move(x.stored_)); break; case result_discriminant::ctx_ptr: BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(!x.ctx_ || x.ctx_->captured_id_); (void) new(&ctx_) context_ptr(std::move(x.ctx_)); default: break; } return x_what; } result( result_discriminant && what ) noexcept: what_(std::move(what)) { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(what_.kind()==result_discriminant::err_id || what_.kind()==result_discriminant::no_error); } error_id get_error_id() const noexcept { BOOST_LEAF_ASSERT(what_.kind()!=result_discriminant::val); return what_.kind()==result_discriminant::ctx_ptr ? ctx_->captured_id_ : what_.get_error_id(); } static int init_T_with_U( T && ); protected: void enforce_value_state() const { if( what_.kind() != result_discriminant::val ) ::boost::leaf::throw_exception(bad_result(get_error_id())); } public: result( result && x ) noexcept: what_(move_from(std::move(x))) { } template result( result && x ) noexcept: what_(move_from(std::move(x))) { } result(): stored_(stored_type()), what_(result_discriminant::kind_val{}) { } result( value_type && v ) noexcept: stored_(std::forward(v)), what_(result_discriminant::kind_val{}) { } result( value_type const & v ): stored_(v), what_(result_discriminant::kind_val{}) { } result( error_id err ) noexcept: what_(err) { } // SFINAE: T can be initialized with a U, e.g. result("literal"). // Not using is_constructible on purpose, bug with COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ CXXSTD=11 clang 3.3. template result( U && u, decltype(init_T_with_U(std::forward(u))) * = 0 ): stored_(std::forward(u)), what_(result_discriminant::kind_val{}) { } result( std::error_code const & ec ) noexcept: what_(error_id(ec)) { } template result( Enum e, typename std::enable_if::value, int>::type * = 0 ) noexcept: what_(error_id(e)) { } result( context_ptr && ctx ) noexcept: ctx_(std::move(ctx)), what_(result_discriminant::kind_ctx_ptr{}) { } ~result() noexcept { destroy(); } result & operator=( result && x ) noexcept { destroy(); what_ = move_from(std::move(x)); return *this; } template result & operator=( result && x ) noexcept { destroy(); what_ = move_from(std::move(x)); return *this; } explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return what_.kind() == result_discriminant::val; } value_cref value() const & { enforce_value_state(); return stored_; } value_ref value() & { enforce_value_state(); return stored_; } value_rv_cref value() const && { enforce_value_state(); return std::move(stored_); } value_rv_ref value() && { enforce_value_state(); return std::move(stored_); } value_cref operator*() const & { return value(); } value_ref operator*() & { return value(); } value_rv_cref operator*() const && { return value(); } value_rv_ref operator*() && { return value(); } value_type_const * operator->() const { return &value(); } value_type * operator->() { return &value(); } error_result error() noexcept { return error_result{*this}; } template error_id load( Item && ... item ) noexcept { return error_id(error()).load(std::forward(item)...); } }; //////////////////////////////////////// namespace leaf_detail { struct void_ { }; } template <> class result: result { using result_discriminant = leaf_detail::result_discriminant; using void_ = leaf_detail::void_; using base = result; template friend class result; result( result_discriminant && what ) noexcept: base(std::move(what)) { } public: using value_type = void; result( result && x ) noexcept: base(std::move(x)) { } result() noexcept { } result( error_id err ) noexcept: base(err) { } result( std::error_code const & ec ) noexcept: base(ec) { } template result( Enum e, typename std::enable_if::value, Enum>::type * = 0 ) noexcept: base(e) { } result( context_ptr && ctx ) noexcept: base(std::move(ctx)) { } ~result() noexcept { } void value() const { base::enforce_value_state(); } using base::operator=; using base::operator bool; using base::get_error_id; using base::error; using base::load; }; //////////////////////////////////////// template struct is_result_type; template struct is_result_type>: std::true_type { }; } } #endif