#!/usr/bin/stap /* * fslatency-nd.stp Measure file system I/O latency distribution. * For Linux, uses SystemTap (non-debuginfo). * * USAGE: ./fslatency-nd.stp [interval [count]] * * This script uses kernel dynamic tracing of two common file system functions: * do_sync_read() and do_sync_write(). This provides a view of just two file * system request types. There are typically many others: asynchronous I/O, * directory operations, file handle operations, etc, that this script does * not instrument. * * This current implementation also traces sock_aio_write(), to exclude that * write time from the report. * * From systemtap-lwtools: https://github.com/brendangregg/systemtap-lwtools * * See the corresponding man page (in systemtap-lwtools) for more info. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Brendan Gregg. * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * 06-Feb-2015 Brendan Gregg Created this. */ global ts[65536]; # 65536 is max concurrent I/O global lat, interval = 0, secs = 0, count = 0, output = 0; probe begin { printf("Tracing FS sync reads and writes... "); if (argv_1 != "") { interval = strtol(argv_1, 10); if (argv_2 != "") { count = strtol(argv_2, 10); } printf("Output every %d secs.\n", interval); } else { printf("Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n"); } } probe read_funcs, write_funcs { ts[tid()] = gettimeofday_ns(); } probe read_funcs = kprobe.function("do_sync_read") !, __vfs_read { } probe __vfs_read = kprobe.function("__vfs_read") { # Skip the call if new_sync_read() wouldn't be called. file = pointer_arg(1) if (!file || @cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->read || !@cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->read_iter) next } probe write_funcs = kprobe.function("do_sync_write") !, __vfs_write { } probe __vfs_write = kprobe.function("__vfs_write") { # Skip the call if new_sync_write() wouldn't be called. file = pointer_arg(1) if (!file || @cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->write || !@cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->write_iter) next } probe kprobe.function("sock_write_iter") !, kprobe.function("sock_aio_write") { /* not a file system write */ ts[tid()] = 0; } probe read_funcs.return, write_funcs.return { if (ts[tid()]) { lat[ppfunc()] <<< gettimeofday_ns() - ts[tid()]; delete ts[tid()]; } } probe read_funcs.return = kprobe.function("do_sync_read").return !, __vfs_read.return { } probe __vfs_read.return = kprobe.function("__vfs_read").return { # Skip the call if new_sync_read() wouldn't be called. file = @entry(pointer_arg(1)) if (!file || @cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->read || !@cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->read_iter) next } probe write_funcs.return = kprobe.function("do_sync_write").return !, __vfs_write.return { } probe __vfs_write.return = kprobe.function("__vfs_write") { # Skip the call if new_sync_write() wouldn't be called. file = pointer_arg(1) if (!file || @cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->write || !@cast(file, "file", "kernel")->f_op->write_iter) next } function print_report() { printf("\n"); if (interval) { printf("%s ", ctime(gettimeofday_s())); } printf("FS latency (ns):\n\n"); foreach (name in lat+) { printf("FS call: %s()\n", name); print(@hist_log(lat[name])); } delete lat; } probe timer.s(1) { if (interval) { if (++secs == interval) { print_report(); secs = 0; count && (++output == count) && exit(); } } } probe end { !interval && print_report(); delete secs; delete output; }