#!/usr/bin/stap ############################################################ # Schedtimes.stp # # Copyright (C) 2009, 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # Authors: Jason Baron # Josh Stone # profiles threads and displays their run times, queued times, # wait times, including i/o wait times. # Has two modes. When no arguments are given it profiles all # threads. Alternatively, you can pass -c "program name" ############################################################ //constants global DEAD=-1, RUNNING=1, QUEUED=2, SLEEPING=3 global run_time, queued_time, sleep_time, iowait_time global pid_state, pid_names // For new enough kernels, roughly 2.6.32+, the @defined(@task->in_iowait) // tests will succeed and reduce these macros to nothing, including these // pid-iowait arrays. For older kernels, the rq fallback will remain. global pid_in_iowait global pid_iowait_count @define in_iowait(task) %( @choose_defined(@task->in_iowait, (pid_in_iowait[@task->pid] ? pid_in_iowait[@task->pid]-- : 0)) %) @define clear_iowait(rq, task) %( if (!@defined(@task->in_iowait)) pid_iowait_count[@task->pid] = @nr_iowait(@rq) %) @define set_iowait(rq, task) %( if (!@defined(@task->in_iowait)) pid_in_iowait[@task->pid] = (@nr_iowait(@rq) > pid_iowait_count[@task->pid]) %) @define nr_iowait(rq) %( atomic_read(&@cast(@rq, "rq", "kernel")->nr_iowait) %) global previous_timestamp function timestamp() { return cpu_clock_us(0) } function update_times(pid, now) { delta = now - previous_timestamp[pid] previous_timestamp[pid] = now if ((state = pid_state[pid]) > 0) { if (state == SLEEPING) sleep_time[pid] += delta else if (state == QUEUED) queued_time[pid] += delta else if (state == RUNNING) run_time[pid] += delta } return delta } function task_targeted(task) { pid = task_pid(task) if (pid && (!target() || target_set_pid(pid))) { pid_names[task_tid(task)] = task_execname(task) return 1 } return 0 } // Update the task name after exec probe kernel.trace("sched_process_exec")!, kprocess.exec_complete { if (tid() in pid_names) pid_names[tid()] = execname() } probe kernel.trace("sched_switch") { // Task $prev is scheduled off this cpu if (task_targeted($prev)) { pid = $prev->pid state = task_state($prev) update_times(pid, timestamp()) if (state > 0) { @set_iowait($rq, $prev) pid_state[pid] = SLEEPING } else if (state == 0) { pid_state[pid] = QUEUED } else { pid_state[pid] = DEAD } } // Task $next is scheduled onto this cpu if (task_targeted($next)) { pid = $next->pid update_times(pid, timestamp()) @clear_iowait($rq, $next) pid_state[pid] = RUNNING } } probe kernel.trace("sched_wakeup") { // Task $p is awakened if (@choose_defined($success, 1) && task_targeted($p)) { pid = $p->pid delta = update_times(pid, timestamp()) if (pid_state[pid] == SLEEPING && @in_iowait($p)) { iowait_time[pid] += delta } pid_state[pid] = QUEUED } } // Give task $p a final accounting probe kernel.trace("sched_process_exit") { if (task_targeted($p)) { pid = $p->pid update_times(pid, timestamp()) pid_state[pid] = DEAD } } probe end { t = timestamp() printf ("\n%16s: %6s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n\n", "execname", "pid", "run(us)", "sleep(us)", "iowait(us)", "queued(us)", "total(us)") foreach (pid+ in pid_state) { update_times(pid, t) printf("%16s: %6d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n", pid_names[pid], pid, run_time[pid], sleep_time[pid], iowait_time[pid], queued_time[pid], (run_time[pid] + sleep_time[pid] + queued_time[pid])) } }