// JSON tapset. // Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat Inc. // // This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General // Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any // later version. // // // The JSON tapset provides probes, functions, and macros to generate // a JSON metadata and data file. The JSON metadata file is located in // /proc/systemtap/MODULE/metadata.json. The JSON data file is located // in /proc/systemtap/MODULE/data.json. The JSON data file is updated // with current data every time the file is read. // @__private30 global __json_prefix @__private30 global __json_metric_type, __json_metric_desc @__private30 global __json_metric_units, __json_metric_pointer @__private30 global __json_array_metric_type, __json_array_metric_desc @__private30 global __json_array_metric_units, __json_array_metric_pointer global __json_metric_output, __json_array_output probe init { // Make sure the systemtap translator knows what types the globals are. __json_prefix = "" __json_metric_units[""] = "" delete __json_metric_units __json_array_metric_type["", ""] = "" delete __json_array_metric_type __json_array_metric_desc["", ""] = "" delete __json_array_metric_desc __json_array_metric_units["", ""] = "" delete __json_array_metric_units __json_array_metric_pointer["", ""] = "" delete __json_array_metric_pointer __json_array_output[""] = 1 delete __json_array_output } /** * sfunction json_set_prefix - Set the metric prefix. * * @prefix: The prefix name to be used. * * Description: This function sets the "prefix", which is the name * of the base of the metric hierarchy. Calling this function is * optional, by default the name of the systemtap module is used. */ function json_set_prefix:long(prefix:string) { __json_prefix = prefix } /** * sfunction json_add_numeric_metric - Add a numeric metric * * @name: The name of the numeric metric. * @description: Metric description. An empty string can be used. * @units: Metic units. An empty string can be used. * * Description: This function adds a numeric metric, setting up * everything needed. */ function json_add_numeric_metric:long(name:string, description:string, units:string) { if (name in __json_metric_type) error(sprintf("Metric '%s' already exists", name)) __json_metric_type[name] = "integer" __json_metric_desc[name] = description __json_metric_units[name] = units # FIXME: Do we need to validate the name? For instance, what if it # had a double-quote character in it? __json_metric_pointer[name] = "/" . name return 0 } /** * sfunction json_add_string_metric - Add a string metric * * @name: The name of the string metric. * @description: Metric description. An empty string can be used. * * Description: This function adds a string metric, setting up * everything needed. */ function json_add_string_metric:long(name:string, description:string) { if (name in __json_metric_type) error(sprintf("Metric '%s' already exists", name)) __json_metric_type[name] = "string" __json_metric_desc[name] = description __json_metric_pointer[name] = "/" . name return 0 } /** * sfunction json_add_array - Add an array * * @name: The name of the array. * @description: Array description. An empty string can be used. * * Description: This function adds a array, setting up everything * needed. Arrays contain other metrics, added with * json_add_array_numeric_metric() or json_add_array_string_metric(). */ function json_add_array:long(name:string, description:string) { if (name in __json_metric_type) error(sprintf("Metric '%s' already exists", name)) __json_metric_type[name] = "array" __json_metric_desc[name] = description __json_metric_pointer[name] = "/" . name # Go ahead and add "__id", which is the array index. json_add_array_string_metric(name, "__id", "") return 0 } /** * sfunction json_add_array_numeric_metric - Add a numeric metric to an array * * @array_name: The name of the array the numeric metric should be * added to. * @metric_name: The name of the numeric metric. * @metric_description: Metric description. An empty string can be used. * @metric_units: Metic units. An empty string can be used. * * Description: This function adds a numeric metric to an array, * setting up everything needed. */ function json_add_array_numeric_metric:long(array_name:string, metric_name:string, metric_description:string, metric_units:string) { if ([array_name, metric_name] in __json_array_metric_type) error(sprintf("Array metric '%s' already exists in array %s", metric_name, array_name)) __json_array_metric_pointer[array_name, metric_name] = sprintf("/%s", metric_name) __json_array_metric_type[array_name, metric_name] = "integer" __json_array_metric_desc[array_name, metric_name] = metric_description __json_array_metric_units[array_name, metric_name] = metric_units return 0 } /** * sfunction json_add_array_string_metric - Add a string metric to an array * * @array_name: The name of the array the string metric should be * added to. * @metric_name: The name of the string metric. * @metric_description: Metric description. An empty string can be used. * * Description: This function adds a string metric to an array, * setting up everything needed. */ function json_add_array_string_metric:long(array_name:string, metric_name:string, metric_description:string) { if ([array_name, metric_name] in __json_array_metric_type) error(sprintf("Array metric '%s' already exists in array %s", metric_name, array_name)) __json_array_metric_pointer[array_name, metric_name] = sprintf("/%s", metric_name) __json_array_metric_type[array_name, metric_name] = "string" __json_array_metric_desc[array_name, metric_name] = metric_description return 0 } probe procfs("metadata.json").read.maxsize(8192) { # Note: This is the "pretty-printed" version, intended to be read by # humans. We could remove the whitespace and newlines if we wanted # to make the output shorter (but less readable). # # Note 2: Note that we have to break this long string into more than # 1 assignment since we're bumping up against MAXSTRINGLEN. Procfs # $value can hold more than MAXSTRINGLEN because of the # '.maxsize(N)' parameter. $value = "{\n" if (__json_prefix != "") $value .= sprintf(" \"prefix\": \"%s\",\n", __json_prefix) $value .= " \"metrics\": [\n" __comma_needed = 0 foreach (__name in __json_metric_type) { if (__comma_needed) $value .= ",\n" __comma_needed = 1 if (__json_metric_type[__name] != "array") { @__json_output_metric_metadata(" ", __name, __json_metric_pointer[__name], __json_metric_type[__name], __json_metric_desc[__name], __json_metric_units[__name]) } else { # For an array, we have to output the information about the # array itself, then output each field in the array. $value .= " \{\n" $value .= sprintf(" \"name\": \"%s\",\n", __name) $value .= sprintf(" \"pointer\": \"%s\",\n", __json_metric_pointer[__name]) $value .= " \"type\": \"array\",\n" if (strlen(__json_metric_desc[__name]) > 0) $value .= sprintf(" \"description\": \"%s\",\n", __json_metric_desc[__name]) $value .= " \"index\": \"/__id\",\n" $value .= " \"metrics\": [\n" __array_comma_needed = 0 # Output each field in the array. foreach ([__array_name, __metric_name] in __json_array_metric_type) { if (__name == __array_name) { # Skip '__id', the array index. if (__metric_name == "__id") continue if (__array_comma_needed) $value .= ",\n" __array_comma_needed = 1 __subpointer = __json_array_metric_pointer[__array_name, __metric_name] __subtype = __json_array_metric_type[__array_name, __metric_name] __subdesc = __json_array_metric_desc[__array_name, __metric_name] __subunits = __json_array_metric_units[__array_name, __metric_name] @__json_output_metric_metadata(" ", __metric_name, __subpointer, __subtype, __subdesc, __subunits) } } $value .= "\n" " ]\n" " }" } } $value .= "\n" " ]\n" "}\n" } /** * probe json_data - Fires whenever JSON data is wanted by a reader. * * Context: * This probe fires when the JSON data is about to be read. This * probe must gather up data and then call the following macros to * output the data in JSON format. First, @json_output_data_start() * must be called. That call is followed by one or more of the * following (one call for each data item): * @json_output_string_value(), @json_output_numeric_value(), * @json_output_array_string_value(), and * @json_output_array_numeric_value(). Finally @json_output_data_end() * must be called. */ probe json_data = procfs("data.json").read.maxsize(8192) { }