//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Base class for oscillations of neutrinos in matter in a // n-neutrino framework. // //...................................................................... // // jcoelho\@apc.in2p3.fr // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include "PMNS_Base.h" using namespace std; using namespace OscProb; // Some usefule complex numbers const complexD PMNS_Base::zero(0,0); const complexD PMNS_Base::one(1,0); // Define some constants from PDG 2015 const double PMNS_Base::kGeV2eV = 1.0e+09; // GeV to eV conversion const double PMNS_Base::kKm2eV = 1.0 / 1.973269788e-10; // (hbar.c [eV.km])^-1 const double PMNS_Base::kNA = 6.022140857e23; // Avogadro constant (N_A) const double PMNS_Base::kK2 = 1e-3 * kNA / pow(kKm2eV,3); // N_A * (hbar*c [GeV.cm])^3 * kGeV2eV const double PMNS_Base::kGf = 1.1663787e-05; // G_F/(hbar*c)^3 [GeV^-2] //...................................................................... /// /// Constructor. /// /// Sets the number of neutrinos and initializes attributes /// /// Default starts with a 2 GeV muon neutrino. /// /// Path is set to the default 1000 km in crust density. /// /// Oscillation parameters are from PDG for NH by default. /// /// @param numNus - the number of neutrino flavours /// PMNS_Base::PMNS_Base(int numNus) : fGotES(false), fBuiltHms(false), fMaxCache(1e6), fProbe(numNus) { SetUseCache(true); // Cache eigensystems fNumNus = numNus; // Set the number of neutrinos SetStdPath(); // Set some default path SetEnergy(2); // Set default energy to 2 GeV SetIsNuBar(false); // Neutrino by default InitializeVectors(); // Initialize all vectors SetStdPars(); // Set PDG parameters ResetToFlavour(1); // Numu by default ClearCache(); // Clear cache to initialize it } //...................................................................... /// /// Nothing to clean. /// PMNS_Base::~PMNS_Base(){} //...................................................................... /// /// Set vector sizes and initialize elements to zero. /// void PMNS_Base::InitializeVectors() { fDm = vectorD(fNumNus, 0); fTheta = matrixD(fNumNus, vectorD(fNumNus,0)); fDelta = matrixD(fNumNus, vectorD(fNumNus,0)); fNuState = vectorC(fNumNus, zero); fHms = matrixC(fNumNus, vectorC(fNumNus,zero)); fPhases = vectorC(fNumNus, zero); fBuffer = vectorC(fNumNus, zero); fEval = vectorD(fNumNus, 0); fEvec = matrixC(fNumNus, vectorC(fNumNus,zero)); } //...................................................................... /// /// Turn on/off caching of eigensystems. /// This can save a lot of CPU time by avoiding recomputing eigensystems /// if we've already seen them recently. /// Especially useful when running over multiple earth layers and even more /// if multiple baselines will be computed, e.g. for atmospheric neutrinos. /// /// @param u - flag to set caching on (default: true) /// void PMNS_Base::SetUseCache(bool u) { fUseCache = u; } //...................................................................... /// /// Clear the cache /// void PMNS_Base::ClearCache() { fMixCache.clear(); // Set some better hash table parameters fMixCache.max_load_factor(0.25); fMixCache.reserve(512); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set maximum number of cached eigensystems. /// Finding eigensystems can become slow and take up memory. /// This protects the cache from becoming too large. /// /// @param mc - Max cache size (default: 1e6) /// void PMNS_Base::SetMaxCache(int mc) { fMaxCache = mc; } //...................................................................... /// /// Try to find a cached version of this eigensystem. /// bool PMNS_Base::TryCache() { if(fUseCache && !fMixCache.empty()){ fProbe.SetVars(fEnergy, fPath, fIsNuBar); unordered_set::iterator it = fMixCache.find(fProbe); if(it != fMixCache.end()){ for(int i=0; ifMaxCache){ fMixCache.erase(fMixCache.begin()); } fProbe.SetVars(fEnergy, fPath, fIsNuBar); for(int i=0; i2){ // PDG values for 3 neutrinos // Also applicable for 3+N neutrinos SetAngle(1,2, asin(sqrt(0.304))); SetAngle(1,3, asin(sqrt(0.0219))); SetAngle(2,3, asin(sqrt(0.514))); SetDm(2, 7.53e-5); SetDm(3, 2.52e-3); } else if(fNumNus==2){ // Effective muon disappearance values // for two-flavour approximation SetAngle(1,2, 0.788); SetDm(2, 2.47e-3); } } //...................................................................... /// /// Set standard single path. /// /// Length is 1000 km, so ~2 GeV peak energy. /// /// Density is approximate from CRUST2.0 (~2.8 g/cm^3). /// Z/A is set to a round 0.5. /// void PMNS_Base::SetStdPath(){ NuPath p; p.length = 1000; // 1000 km default p.density = 2.8; // Crust density p.zoa = 0.5; // Crust Z/A p.layer = 0; // Single layer SetPath(p); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set neutrino energy in GeV. /// /// This will check if value is changing to keep track of whether /// the eigensystem needs to be recomputed. /// /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// void PMNS_Base::SetEnergy(double E) { // Check if value is actually changing fGotES *= (fEnergy == E); fEnergy = E; } //...................................................................... /// /// Set anti-neutrino flag. /// /// This will check if value is changing to keep track of whether /// the eigensystem needs to be recomputed. /// /// @param isNuBar - Set to true for anti-neutrino and false for neutrino. /// void PMNS_Base::SetIsNuBar(bool isNuBar) { // Check if value is actually changing fGotES *= (fIsNuBar == isNuBar); fIsNuBar = isNuBar; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the neutrino energy in GeV. /// double PMNS_Base::GetEnergy() { return fEnergy; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the anti-neutrino flag. /// bool PMNS_Base::GetIsNuBar() { return fIsNuBar; } //...................................................................... /// /// Set the path currentlyin use by the class. /// /// This will be used to know what path to propagate through next. /// /// It will also check if values are changing to keep track of whether /// the eigensystem needs to be recomputed. /// /// @param p - A neutrino path segment /// void PMNS_Base::SetCurPath(NuPath p) { // Check if relevant value are actually changing fGotES *= (fPath.density == p.density); fGotES *= (fPath.zoa == p.zoa); fPath = p; } //...................................................................... /// /// Clear the path vector. /// void PMNS_Base::ClearPath(){ fNuPaths.clear(); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set vector of neutrino paths. /// @param paths - A sequence of neutrino paths /// void PMNS_Base::SetPath(std::vector paths){ fNuPaths=paths; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the vector of neutrino paths. /// vector PMNS_Base::GetPath(){ return fNuPaths; } //...................................................................... /// /// Add a path to the sequence. /// @param p - A neutrino path segment /// void PMNS_Base::AddPath(NuPath p){ fNuPaths.push_back(p); } //...................................................................... /// /// Add a path to the sequence defining attributes directly. /// @param length - The length of the path segment in km /// @param density - The density of the path segment in g/cm^3 /// @param zoa - The effective Z/A of the path segment /// @param layer - An index to identify the layer type (e.g. earth inner core) /// void PMNS_Base::AddPath(double length, double density, double zoa, int layer){ AddPath(NuPath(length, density, zoa, layer)); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set a single path. /// /// This destroys the current path sequence and creates a new first path. /// /// @param p - A neutrino path segment /// void PMNS_Base::SetPath(NuPath p){ ClearPath(); AddPath(p); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set a single path defining attributes directly. /// /// This destroys the current path sequence and creates a new first path. /// /// @param length - The length of the path segment in km /// @param density - The density of the path segment in g/cm^3 /// @param zoa - The effective Z/A of the path segment /// @param layer - An index to identify the layer type (e.g. earth inner core) /// void PMNS_Base::SetPath(double length, double density, double zoa, int layer){ SetPath(NuPath(length, density, zoa, layer)); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set some single path attribute. /// /// An auxiliary function to set individual attributes in a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. Use with care. /// /// @param att - The value of the attribute /// @param idx - The index of the attribute (0,1,2,3) = (L, Rho, Z/A, Layer) /// void PMNS_Base::SetAtt(double att, int idx){ if(fNuPaths.size() != 1){ cout << "Warning: Clearing path vector and starting new single path." << endl; cout << "To avoid possible issues, use the SetPath function." << endl; SetStdPath(); } switch(idx){ case 0: fNuPaths[0].length = att; break; case 1: fNuPaths[0].density = att; break; case 2: fNuPaths[0].zoa = att; break; case 3: fNuPaths[0].layer = att; break; } } //...................................................................... /// /// Set the length for a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. Use with care. /// /// @param L - The length of the path segment in km /// void PMNS_Base::SetLength(double L){ SetAtt(L, 0); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set single path density. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. Use with care. /// /// @param rho - The density of the path segment in g/cm^3 /// void PMNS_Base::SetDensity(double rho){ SetAtt(rho, 1); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set single path Z/A. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. Use with care. /// /// @param zoa - The effective Z/A of the path segment /// void PMNS_Base::SetZoA(double zoa){ SetAtt(zoa, 2); } //...................................................................... /// /// Set all values of a path attribute. /// /// An auxiliary function to set individual attributes in a path sequence. /// /// If the path sequence is of a different size, a new path sequence will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. Use with care. /// /// @param att - The values of the attribute /// @param idx - The index of the attribute (0,1,2,3) = (L, Rho, Z/A, Layer) /// void PMNS_Base::SetAtt(vectorD att, int idx){ // Get the sizes of the attribute and // path sequence vectors int nA = att.size(); int nP = fNuPaths.size(); // If the vector sizes are equal, update this attribute if(nA == nP){ for(int i=0; ij, will assume reverse order and swap i and j. /// /// This will check if value is changing to keep track of whether /// the hamiltonian needs to be rebuilt. /// /// @param i,j - the indices of theta_ij /// @param th - the value of theta_ij /// void PMNS_Base::SetAngle(int i, int j, double th) { if(i>j){ cout << "Warning: First argument should be smaller than second argument" << endl; cout << " Setting reverse order (Theta" << j << i << "). " << endl; int temp = i; i = j; j = temp; } if(i<1 || i>fNumNus-1 || j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Theta" << i << j << " not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } // Check if value is actually changing fBuiltHms *= (fTheta[i-1][j-1] == th); fTheta[i-1][j-1] = th; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the mixing angle theta_ij in radians. /// /// Requires that ij, will assume reverse order and swap i and j. /// /// @param i,j - the indices of theta_ij /// double PMNS_Base::GetAngle(int i, int j) { if(i>j){ cout << "Warning: First argument should be smaller than second argument" << endl; cout << " Setting reverse order (Theta" << j << i << "). " << endl; int temp = i; i = j; j = temp; } if(i<1 || i>fNumNus-1 || j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Theta" << i << j << " not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Returning zero." << endl; return 0; } return fTheta[i-1][j-1]; } //...................................................................... /// /// Set the CP phase delta_ij in radians. /// /// Requires that i+1j, will assume reverse order and swap i and j. /// /// This will check if value is changing to keep track of whether /// the hamiltonian needs to be rebuilt. /// /// @param i,j - the indices of delta_ij /// @param delta - the value of delta_ij /// void PMNS_Base::SetDelta(int i, int j, double delta) { if(i>j){ cout << "Warning: First argument should be smaller than second argument" << endl; cout << " Setting reverse order (Delta" << j << i << "). " << endl; int temp = i; i = j; j = temp; } if(i<1 || i>fNumNus-1 || j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Delta" << i << j << " not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } if(i+1==j){ cout << "Warning: Rotation " << i << j << " is real. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } // Check if value is actually changing fBuiltHms *= (fDelta[i-1][j-1] == delta); fDelta[i-1][j-1] = delta; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the CP phase delta_ij in radians. /// /// Requires that i+1j, will assume reverse order and swap i and j. /// /// @param i,j - the indices of delta_ij /// double PMNS_Base::GetDelta(int i, int j) { if(i>j){ cout << "Warning: First argument should be smaller than second argument" << endl; cout << " Setting reverse order (Delta" << j << i << "). " << endl; int temp = i; i = j; j = temp; } if(i<1 || i>fNumNus-1 || j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Delta" << i << j << " not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Returning zero." << endl; return 0; } if(i+1==j){ cout << "Warning: Rotation " << i << j << " is real. Returning zero." << endl; return 0; } return fDelta[i-1][j-1]; } //...................................................................... /// /// Set the mass-splitting dm_j1 = (m_j^2 - m_1^2) in eV^2 /// /// Requires that j>1. Will notify you if input is wrong. /// /// This will check if value is changing to keep track of whether /// the hamiltonian needs to be rebuilt. /// /// @param j - the index of dm_j1 /// @param dm - the value of dm_j1 /// void PMNS_Base::SetDm(int j, double dm) { if(j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Dm" << j << "1 not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } // Check if value is actually changing fBuiltHms *= (fDm[j-1] == dm); fDm[j-1] = dm; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the mass-splitting dm_j1 = (m_j^2 - m_1^2) in eV^2 /// /// Requires that j>1. Will notify you if input is wrong. /// /// @param j - the index of dm_j1 /// double PMNS_Base::GetDm(int j) { if(j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Dm" << j << "1 not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Returning zero." << endl; return 0; } return fDm[j-1]; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the indices of the sorted x vector /// /// @param x - input vector /// /// @return The vector of sorted indices /// vectorI PMNS_Base::GetSortedIndices(const vectorD x){ vectorI idx(x.size(),0); for(int i=0; i1. Will notify you if input is wrong. /// /// @param j - the index of dm_j1 /// double PMNS_Base::GetDmEff(int j) { if(j<2 || j>fNumNus){ cout << "ERROR: Dm_" << j << "1 not valid for " << fNumNus; cout << " neutrinos. Returning zero." << endl; return 0; } // Solve the Hamiltonian to update eigenvalues SolveHam(); // Sort eigenvalues in same order as vacuum Dm^2 vectorI dm_idx = GetSortedIndices(fDm); vectorD dm_idx_double(dm_idx.begin(), dm_idx.end()); dm_idx = GetSortedIndices(dm_idx_double); vectorI ev_idx = GetSortedIndices(fEval); // Return difference in eigenvalues * 2E return (fEval[ev_idx[dm_idx[j-1]]] - fEval[ev_idx[dm_idx[0]]]) * 2*fEnergy * kGeV2eV; } //...................................................................... /// /// Rotate the neutrino state by the angle theta_ij and phase delta_ij. /// /// @param i,j - the indices of the rotation ij /// void PMNS_Base::RotateState(int i, int j){ // Do nothing if angle is zero if(fTheta[i][j]==0) return; double sij = sin(fTheta[i][j]); double cij = cos(fTheta[i][j]); complexD buffer; if(i+1==j || fDelta[i][j]==0){ buffer = cij*fNuState[i] + sij*fNuState[j]; fNuState[j] = cij*fNuState[j] - sij*fNuState[i]; } else { complexD eij = complexD(cos(fDelta[i][j]), -sin(fDelta[i][j])); buffer = cij*fNuState[i] + sij*eij*fNuState[j]; fNuState[j] = cij*fNuState[j] - sij*conj(eij)*fNuState[i]; } fNuState[i] = buffer; } //...................................................................... /// /// Get the neutrino mass eigenstate in vacuum /// /// States are: ///
///   0 = m_1, 1 = m_2, 2 = m_3, etc.
/// @param mi - the mass eigenstate index /// /// @return The mass eigenstate /// vectorC PMNS_Base::GetMassEigenstate(int mi){ vectorC oldState = fNuState; ResetToFlavour(mi); for(int j=0; j j are zero. /// This is correct if the order of rotations is chosen appropriately /// and it speeds up computation by skipping null terms /// /// @param i,j - the indices of the rotation ij /// @param Ham - the Hamiltonian to be rotated /// void PMNS_Base::RotateH(int i,int j, matrixC& Ham){ // Do nothing if angle is zero if(fTheta[i][j]==0) return; double fSinBuffer = sin(fTheta[i][j]); double fCosBuffer = cos(fTheta[i][j]); double fHmsBufferD; complexD fHmsBufferC; // With Delta if(i+10){ // Top columns for(int k=0; k0){ // Top columns for(int k=0; k /// 0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau /// 3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc. /// /// @param flv - The neutrino starting flavour. /// void PMNS_Base::ResetToFlavour(int flv) { assert(flv>=0 && flv /// 0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau /// 3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc. /// /// @param flv - The neutrino final flavour. /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::P(int flv) { assert(flv>=0 && flv /// 0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau /// 3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc. /// /// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::Prob(int flvi, int flvf) { ResetToFlavour(flvi); return Prob(fNuState, flvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of nu_in going to flvf. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour basis. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::Prob(vectorC nu_in, int flvf) { assert(nu_in.size() == fNumNus); assert(flvf >= 0 && flvf < fNumNus); fNuState = nu_in; Propagate(); return P(flvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of nu_in going to flvf for a given energy in GeV. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour basis. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::Prob(vectorC nu_in, int flvf, double E) { SetEnergy(E); return Prob(nu_in, flvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of flvi going to flvf for a given energy in GeV. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::Prob(int flvi, int flvf, double E) { SetEnergy(E); return Prob(flvi, flvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of nu_in going to flvf for a given /// energy in GeV and distance in km in a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. /// /// Don't use this if you want to propagate over multiple path segments. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour basis. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// @param L - The neutrino path length in km /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::Prob(vectorC nu_in, int flvf, double E, double L) { SetEnergy(E); SetLength(L); return Prob(nu_in, flvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of flvi going to flvf for a given /// energy in GeV and distance in km in a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. /// /// Don't use this if you want to propagate over multiple path segments. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// @param L - The neutrino path length in km /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::Prob(int flvi, int flvf, double E, double L) { SetEnergy(E); SetLength(L); return Prob(flvi, flvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of nu_in going to all flavours. /// /// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour basis. /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ProbVector(vectorC nu_in) { assert(nu_in.size() == fNumNus); fNuState = nu_in; Propagate(); vectorD probs(fNumNus); for(int i=0; i /// 0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau /// 3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc. /// /// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ProbVector(int flvi) { ResetToFlavour(flvi); return ProbVector(fNuState); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of nu_in going to all flavours /// for a given energy in GeV. /// /// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour basis. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ProbVector(vectorC nu_in, double E) { SetEnergy(E); return ProbVector(nu_in); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of flvi going to all flavours /// for a given energy in GeV. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ProbVector(int flvi, double E) { SetEnergy(E); return ProbVector(flvi); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of nu_in going to all flavours for a given /// energy in GeV and distance in km in a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. /// /// Don't use this if you want to propagate over multiple path segments. /// /// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour basis. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// @param L - The neutrino path length in km /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ProbVector(vectorC nu_in, double E, double L) { SetEnergy(E); SetLength(L); return ProbVector(nu_in); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability of flvi going to all flavours for a given /// energy in GeV and distance in km in a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. /// /// Don't use this if you want to propagate over multiple path segments. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// @param L - The neutrino path length in km /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probability /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ProbVector(int flvi, double E, double L) { SetEnergy(E); SetLength(L); return ProbVector(flvi); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability matrix for the first nflvi and nflvf states. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nflvi - The number of initial flavours in the matrix. /// @param nflvf - The number of final flavours in the matrix. /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// matrixD PMNS_Base::ProbMatrix(int nflvi, int nflvf) { assert(nflvi<=fNumNus && nflvi>=0); assert(nflvf<=fNumNus && nflvf>=0); // Output probabilities matrixD probs(nflvi, vectorD(nflvf)); // List of states matrixC allstates(nflvi, vectorC(fNumNus)); // Reset all initial states for(int i=0; i /// 0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau /// 3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc. /// /// @param nflvi - The number of initial flavours in the matrix. /// @param nflvf - The number of final flavours in the matrix. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// matrixD PMNS_Base::ProbMatrix(int nflvi, int nflvf, double E) { SetEnergy(E); return ProbMatrix(nflvi, nflvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the probability matrix for the first nflvi and nflvf states /// for a given energy in GeV and distance in km in a single path. /// /// If the path sequence is not a single path, a new single path will /// be created and the previous sequence will be lost. /// /// Don't use this if you want to propagate over multiple path segments. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nflvi - The number of initial flavours in the matrix. /// @param nflvf - The number of final flavours in the matrix. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in GeV /// @param L - The neutrino path length in km /// /// @return Neutrino oscillation probabilities /// matrixD PMNS_Base::ProbMatrix(int nflvi, int nflvf, double E, double L) { SetEnergy(E); SetLength(L); return ProbMatrix(nflvi, nflvf); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the average probability of flvi going to flvf /// over a bin of energy E with width dE. /// /// This gets transformed into L/E, since the oscillation terms /// have arguments linear in L/E and not E. /// /// This function works best for single paths. /// In multiple paths the accuracy may be somewhat worse. /// If needed, average over smaller energy ranges. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in the bin center in GeV /// @param dE - The energy bin width in GeV /// /// @return Average neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::AvgProb(int flvi, int flvf, double E, double dE) { ResetToFlavour(flvi); return AvgProb(fNuState, flvf, E, dE); } //..................................................................... /// /// Convert a bin of energy into a bin of L/E /// /// @param E - energy bin center in GeV /// @param dE - energy bin width in GeV /// /// @return The L/E bin center and width in km/GeV /// vectorD PMNS_Base::ConvertEtoLoE(double E, double dE){ // Make sure fPath is set // Use average if multiple paths SetCurPath(AvgPath(fNuPaths)); // Define L/E variables vectorD LoEbin(2); // Set a minimum energy double minE = 0.1 * E; // Transform range to L/E // Full range if low edge > minE if(E-dE/2 > minE){ LoEbin[0] = 0.5 * (fPath.length/(E-dE/2) + fPath.length/(E+dE/2)); LoEbin[1] = fPath.length/(E-dE/2) - fPath.length/(E+dE/2); } // Else start at minE else{ LoEbin[0] = 0.5 * (fPath.length/minE + fPath.length/(E+dE/2)); LoEbin[1] = fPath.length/minE - fPath.length/(E+dE/2); } return LoEbin; } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the average probability of nu_in going to flvf /// over a bin of energy E with width dE. /// /// This gets transformed into L/E, since the oscillation terms /// have arguments linear in L/E and not E. /// /// This function works best for single paths. /// In multiple paths the accuracy may be somewhat worse. /// If needed, average over smaller energy ranges. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nu_in - The neutrino initial state in flavour. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param E - The neutrino energy in the bin center in GeV /// @param dE - The energy bin width in GeV /// /// @return Average neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::AvgProb(vectorC nu_in, int flvf, double E, double dE) { // Do nothing if energy is not positive if(E<=0) return 0; if(fNuPaths.empty()) return 0; // Don't average zero width if(dE<=0) return Prob(nu_in, flvf, E); vectorD LoEbin = ConvertEtoLoE(E, dE); // Compute average in LoE return AvgProbLoE(nu_in, flvf, LoEbin[0], LoEbin[1]); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the average probability of flvi going to flvf /// over a bin of L/E with width dLoE. /// /// The probabilities are weighted by (L/E)^-2 so that event /// density is flat in energy. This avoids giving too much /// weight to low energies. Better approximations would be /// achieved if we used an interpolated event density. /// /// This function works best for single paths. /// In multiple paths the accuracy may be somewhat worse. /// If needed, average over smaller L/E ranges. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param flvi - The neutrino starting flavour. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param LoE - The neutrino L/E value in the bin center in km/GeV /// @param dLoE - The L/E bin width in km/GeV /// /// @return Average neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::AvgProbLoE(int flvi, int flvf, double LoE, double dLoE) { ResetToFlavour(flvi); return AvgProbLoE(fNuState, flvf, LoE, dLoE); } //..................................................................... /// /// Compute the average probability of nu_in going to flvf /// over a bin of L/E with width dLoE. /// /// The probabilities are weighted by (L/E)^-2 so that event /// density is flat in energy. This avoids giving too much /// weight to low energies. Better approximations would be /// achieved if we used an interpolated event density. /// /// This function works best for single paths. /// In multiple paths the accuracy may be somewhat worse. /// If needed, average over smaller L/E ranges. /// /// Flavours are: ///
///   0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
///   3 = sterile_1, 4 = sterile_2, etc.
/// @param nu_in - The neutrino intial state in flavour basis. /// @param flvf - The neutrino final flavour. /// @param LoE - The neutrino L/E value in the bin center in km/GeV /// @param dLoE - The L/E bin width in km/GeV /// /// @return Average neutrino oscillation probability /// double PMNS_Base::AvgProbLoE(vectorC nu_in, int flvf, double LoE, double dLoE) { // Do nothing if L/E is not positive if(LoE<=0) return 0; if(fNuPaths.empty()) return 0; // Make sure fPath is set // Use average if multiple paths SetCurPath(AvgPath(fNuPaths)); // Set the energy at bin center SetEnergy(fPath.length/LoE); // Don't average zero width if(dLoE<=0) return Prob(nu_in, flvf); // Get sample points for this bin vectorD samples = GetSamplePoints(LoE, dLoE); // Variables to fill sample // probabilities and weights double sumw = 0; double prob = 0; double length = fPath.length; // Loop over all sample points for(int j=0; j 1/(4 eV^2)] const double k1267 = kKm2eV / (4 * kGeV2eV); // Get list of all effective Dm^2 vectorD effDm; for(int i=0; i