#!/usr/bin/env python """Build tool that finds dependencies automatically for any language. fabricate is a build tool that finds dependencies automatically for any language. It's small and just works. No hidden stuff behind your back. It was inspired by Bill McCloskey's make replacement, memoize, but fabricate works on Windows as well as Linux. Read more about how to use it and how it works on the project page: https://github.com/SimonAlfie/fabricate/ Like memoize, fabricate is released under a "New BSD license". fabricate is copyright (c) 2009 Brush Technology. Full text of the license is here: https://github.com/SimonAlfie/fabricate/wiki/License To get help on fabricate functions: from fabricate import help(function) """ from __future__ import with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals # fabricate version number __version__ = '1.29.3' # if version of .deps file has changed, we know to not use it deps_version = 2 import atexit import optparse import os import platform import re import shlex import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import threading # NB uses old camelCase names for backward compatibility import traceback # multiprocessing module only exists on Python >= 2.6 try: import multiprocessing except ImportError: class MultiprocessingModule(object): def __getattr__(self, name): raise NotImplementedError("multiprocessing module not available, can't do parallel builds") multiprocessing = MultiprocessingModule() # compatibility PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 #print (" py version" , sys.version_info) if PY3: string_types = str threading_condition = threading.Condition else: string_types = basestring try: threading_condition = threading._Condition except (ImportError, AttributeError): threading_condition = threading.Condition # so you can do "from fabricate import *" to simplify your build script __all__ = ['setup', 'run', 'autoclean', 'main', 'shell', 'fabricate_version', 'memoize', 'outofdate', 'parse_options', 'after', 'ExecutionError', 'md5_hasher', 'mtime_hasher', 'Runner', 'AtimesRunner', 'StraceRunner', 'AlwaysRunner', 'SmartRunner', 'Builder'] import textwrap __doc__ += "Exported functions are:\n" + ' ' + '\n '.join(textwrap.wrap(', '.join(__all__), 80)) FAT_atime_resolution = 24*60*60 # resolution on FAT filesystems (seconds) FAT_mtime_resolution = 2 # NTFS resolution is < 1 ms # We assume this is considerably more than time to run a new process NTFS_atime_resolution = 0.0002048 # resolution on NTFS filesystems (seconds) NTFS_mtime_resolution = 0.0002048 # is actually 0.1us but python's can be # as low as 204.8us due to poor # float precision when storing numbers # as big as NTFS file times can be # (float has 52-bit precision and NTFS # FILETIME has 63-bit precision, so # we've lost 11 bits = 2048) # So we can use md5func in old and new versions of Python without warnings try: import hashlib md5func = hashlib.md5 except ImportError: import md5 md5func = md5.new # Use json, or pickle on older Python versions if simplejson not installed try: import json except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import cPickle # needed to ignore the indent= argument for pickle's dump() class PickleJson: def load(self, f): return cPickle.load(f) def dump(self, obj, f, indent=None, sort_keys=None): return cPickle.dump(obj, f) json = PickleJson() def printerr(message): """ Print given message to stderr with a line feed. """ print(message, file=sys.stderr) class PathError(Exception): pass class ExecutionError(Exception): """ Raised by shell() and run() if command returns non-zero exit code. """ pass def args_to_list(args): """ Return a flat list of the given arguments for shell(). """ arglist = [] for arg in args: if arg is None: continue if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): arglist.extend(args_to_list(arg)) else: if not isinstance(arg, string_types): arg = str(arg) arglist.append(arg) return arglist def shell(*args, **kwargs): r""" Run a command: program name is given in first arg and command line arguments in the rest of the args. Iterables (lists and tuples) in args are recursively converted to separate arguments, non-string types are converted with str(arg), and None is ignored. For example: >>> def tail(input, n=3, flags=None): >>> args = ['-n', n] >>> return shell('tail', args, flags, input=input) >>> tail('a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n') 'c\nd\ne\n' >>> tail('a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n', 2, ['-v']) '==> standard input <==\nd\ne\n' Keyword arguments kwargs are interpreted as follows: "input" is a string to pass standard input into the process (or the default of None to use parent's stdin, eg: the keyboard) "silent" is True (default) to return process's standard output as a string, or False to print it as it comes out "shell" set to True will run the command via the shell (/bin/sh or COMSPEC) instead of running the command directly (the default) "ignore_status" set to True means ignore command status code -- i.e., don't raise an ExecutionError on nonzero status code Any other kwargs are passed directly to subprocess.Popen Raises ExecutionError(message, output, status) if the command returns a non-zero status code. """ try: return _shell(args, **kwargs) finally: sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() def _shell(args, input=None, silent=True, shell=False, ignore_status=False, **kwargs): if input: stdin = subprocess.PIPE else: stdin = None if silent: stdout = subprocess.PIPE else: stdout = None arglist = args_to_list(args) if not arglist: raise TypeError('shell() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)') if shell: # handle subprocess.Popen quirk where subsequent args are passed # to bash instead of to our command command = subprocess.list2cmdline(arglist) else: command = arglist try: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=shell, **kwargs) except OSError as e: # Work around the problem that Windows Popen doesn't say what file it couldn't find if platform.system() == 'Windows' and e.errno == 2 and e.filename is None: e.filename = arglist[0] print ( "oserror when trying ", command ) raise e output, stderr = proc.communicate(input) status = proc.wait() if status and not ignore_status: raise ExecutionError('%r exited with status %d' % (os.path.basename(arglist[0]), status), output, status) if silent: return output def md5_hasher(filename): """ Return MD5 hash of given filename if it is a regular file or a symlink with a hashable target, or the MD5 hash of the target_filename if it is a symlink without a hashable target, or the MD5 hash of the filename if it is a directory, or None if file doesn't exist. Note: Pyhton versions before 3.2 do not support os.readlink on Windows so symlinks without a hashable target fall back to a hash of the filename if the symlink target is a directory, or None if the symlink is broken""" if not isinstance(filename, bytes): filename = filename.encode('utf-8') try: f = open(filename, 'rb') try: return md5func(f.read()).hexdigest() finally: f.close() except IOError: if hasattr(os, 'readlink') and os.path.islink(filename): return md5func(os.readlink(filename)).hexdigest() elif os.path.isdir(filename): return md5func(filename).hexdigest() return None def mtime_hasher(filename): """ Return modification time of file, or None if file doesn't exist. """ try: st = os.stat(filename) return repr(st.st_mtime) except (IOError, OSError): return None class RunnerUnsupportedException(Exception): """ Exception raise by Runner constructor if it is not supported on the current platform.""" pass class Runner(object): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run command and return (dependencies, outputs), where dependencies is a list of the filenames of files that the command depended on, and output is a list of the filenames of files that the command modified. The input is passed to shell()""" raise NotImplementedError("Runner subclass called but subclass didn't define __call__") def actual_runner(self): """ Return the actual runner object (overriden in SmartRunner). """ return self def ignore(self, name): return self._builder.ignore.search(name) class AtimesRunner(Runner): def __init__(self, builder): self._builder = builder self.atimes = AtimesRunner.has_atimes(self._builder.dirs) if self.atimes == 0: raise RunnerUnsupportedException( 'atimes are not supported on this platform') @staticmethod def file_has_atimes(filename): """ Return whether the given filesystem supports access time updates for this file. Return: - 0 if no a/mtimes not updated - 1 if the atime resolution is at least one day and the mtime resolution at least 2 seconds (as on FAT filesystems) - 2 if the atime and mtime resolutions are both < ms (NTFS filesystem has 100 ns resolution). """ def access_file(filename): """ Access (read a byte from) file to try to update its access time. """ f = open(filename) f.read(1) f.close() initial = os.stat(filename) os.utime(filename, ( initial.st_atime-FAT_atime_resolution, initial.st_mtime-FAT_mtime_resolution)) adjusted = os.stat(filename) access_file(filename) after = os.stat(filename) # Check that a/mtimes actually moved back by at least resolution and # updated by a file access. # add NTFS_atime_resolution to account for float resolution factors # Comment on resolution/2 in atimes_runner() if initial.st_atime-adjusted.st_atime > FAT_atime_resolution+NTFS_atime_resolution or \ initial.st_mtime-adjusted.st_mtime > FAT_mtime_resolution+NTFS_atime_resolution or \ initial.st_atime==adjusted.st_atime or \ initial.st_mtime==adjusted.st_mtime or \ not after.st_atime-FAT_atime_resolution/2 > adjusted.st_atime: return 0 os.utime(filename, ( initial.st_atime-NTFS_atime_resolution, initial.st_mtime-NTFS_mtime_resolution)) adjusted = os.stat(filename) # Check that a/mtimes actually moved back by at least resolution # Note: != comparison here fails due to float rounding error # double NTFS_atime_resolution to account for float resolution factors if initial.st_atime-adjusted.st_atime > NTFS_atime_resolution*2 or \ initial.st_mtime-adjusted.st_mtime > NTFS_mtime_resolution*2 or \ initial.st_atime==adjusted.st_atime or \ initial.st_mtime==adjusted.st_mtime: return 1 return 2 @staticmethod def exists(path): if not os.path.exists(path): # Note: in linux, error may not occur: strace runner doesn't check raise PathError("build dirs specified a non-existant path '%s'" % path) @staticmethod def has_atimes(paths): """ Return whether a file created in each path supports atimes and mtimes. Return value is the same as used by file_has_atimes Note: for speed, this only tests files created at the top directory of each path. A safe assumption in most build environments. In the unusual case that any sub-directories are mounted on alternate file systems that don't support atimes, the build may fail to identify a dependency """ atimes = 2 # start by assuming we have best atimes for path in paths: AtimesRunner.exists(path) handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=path) try: try: f = os.fdopen(handle, 'wb') except: os.close(handle) raise try: f.write(b'x') # need a byte in the file for access test finally: f.close() atimes = min(atimes, AtimesRunner.file_has_atimes(filename)) finally: os.remove(filename) return atimes def _file_times(self, path, depth): """ Helper function for file_times(). Return a dict of file times, recursing directories that don't start with self._builder.ignoreprefix """ AtimesRunner.exists(path) names = os.listdir(path) times = {} ignoreprefix = self._builder.ignoreprefix for name in names: if ignoreprefix and name.startswith(ignoreprefix): continue if path == '.': fullname = name else: fullname = os.path.join(path, name) st = os.stat(fullname) if os.path.islink( fullname ) : continue if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if depth > 1: times.update(self._file_times(fullname, depth-1)) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): times[fullname] = st.st_atime, st.st_mtime return times def file_times(self): """ Return a dict of "filepath: (atime, mtime)" entries for each file in self._builder.dirs. "filepath" is the absolute path, "atime" is the access time, "mtime" the modification time. Recurse directories that don't start with self._builder.ignoreprefix and have depth less than self._builder.dirdepth. """ times = {} for path in self._builder.dirs: times.update(self._file_times(path, self._builder.dirdepth)) return times def _utime(self, filename, atime, mtime): """ Call os.utime but ignore permission errors """ try: os.utime(filename, (atime, mtime)) except OSError as e: # ignore permission errors -- we can't build with files # that we can't access anyway if e.errno != 1: raise def _age_atimes(self, filetimes): """ Age files' atimes and mtimes to be at least FAT_xx_resolution old. Only adjust if the given filetimes dict says it isn't that old, and return a new dict of filetimes with the ages adjusted. """ adjusted = {} now = time.time() for filename, entry in filetimes.items(): if now-entry[0] < FAT_atime_resolution or now-entry[1] < FAT_mtime_resolution: entry = entry[0] - FAT_atime_resolution, entry[1] - FAT_mtime_resolution self._utime(filename, entry[0], entry[1]) adjusted[filename] = entry return adjusted def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run command and return its dependencies and outputs, using before and after access times to determine dependencies. """ # For Python pre-2.5, ensure os.stat() returns float atimes old_stat_float = os.stat_float_times() os.stat_float_times(True) originals = self.file_times() if self.atimes == 2: befores = originals atime_resolution = 0 mtime_resolution = 0 else: befores = self._age_atimes(originals) atime_resolution = FAT_atime_resolution mtime_resolution = FAT_mtime_resolution shell_keywords = dict(silent=False) shell_keywords.update(kwargs) shell(*args, **shell_keywords) afters = self.file_times() deps = [] outputs = [] for name in afters: if name in befores: # if file exists before+after && mtime changed, add to outputs # Note: Can't just check that atimes > than we think they were # before because os might have rounded them to a later # date than what we think we set them to in befores. # So we make sure they're > by at least 1/2 the # resolution. This will work for anything with a # resolution better than FAT. if afters[name][1]-mtime_resolution/2 > befores[name][1]: if not self.ignore(name): outputs.append(name) elif afters[name][0]-atime_resolution/2 > befores[name][0]: # otherwise add to deps if atime changed if not self.ignore(name): deps.append(name) else: # file created (in afters but not befores), add as output if not self.ignore(name): outputs.append(name) if self.atimes < 2: # Restore atimes of files we didn't access: not for any functional # reason -- it's just to preserve the access time for the user's info for name in deps: originals.pop(name) for name in originals: original = originals[name] if original != afters.get(name, None): self._utime(name, original[0], original[1]) os.stat_float_times(old_stat_float) # restore stat_float_times value return deps, outputs class StraceProcess(object): def __init__(self, cwd='.', delayed=False): self.cwd = cwd self.deps = set() self.outputs = set() self.delayed = delayed self.delayed_lines = [] def add_dep(self, dep): self.deps.add(dep) def add_output(self, output): self.outputs.add(output) def add_delayed_line(self, line): self.delayed_lines.append(line) def __str__(self): return '' % \ (self.cwd, self.deps, self.outputs) def _call_strace(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Top level function call for Strace that can be run in parallel """ return self(*args, **kwargs) class StraceRunner(Runner): keep_temps = False def __init__(self, builder, build_dir=None): self.strace_system_calls = StraceRunner.get_strace_system_calls() if self.strace_system_calls is None: raise RunnerUnsupportedException('strace is not available') self._builder = builder self.temp_count = 0 self.build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir or os.getcwd()) @staticmethod def get_strace_system_calls(): """ Return None if this system doesn't have strace, otherwise return a comma seperated list of system calls supported by strace. """ if platform.system() == 'Windows': # even if windows has strace, it's probably a dodgy cygwin one return None possible_system_calls = ['open','stat', 'stat64', 'lstat', 'lstat64', 'execve','exit_group','chdir','mkdir','rename','clone','vfork', 'fork','symlink','creat'] valid_system_calls = [] try: # check strace is installed and if it supports each type of call for system_call in possible_system_calls: proc = subprocess.Popen(['strace', '-e', 'trace=' + system_call], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() proc.wait() if b'invalid system call' not in stderr: valid_system_calls.append(system_call) except OSError: return None r = ','.join(valid_system_calls) return r # Regular expressions for parsing of strace log _open_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+open\("(?P[^"]*)", (?P[^,)]*)') _stat_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+l?stat(?:64)?\("(?P[^"]*)", .*') # stat,lstat,stat64,lstat64 _execve_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+execve\("(?P[^"]*)", .*') _creat_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+creat\("(?P[^"]*)", .*') _mkdir_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+mkdir\("(?P[^"]*)", .*\)\s*=\s(?P-?[0-9]*).*') _rename_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+rename\("[^"]*", "(?P[^"]*)"\)') _symlink_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+symlink\("[^"]*", "(?P[^"]*)"\)') _kill_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+killed by.*') _chdir_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+chdir\("(?P[^"]*)"\)') _exit_group_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+exit_group\((?P.*)\).*') _clone_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+(clone|fork|vfork)\(.*\)\s*=\s*(?P\d*)') # Regular expressions for detecting interrupted lines in strace log # 3618 clone( # 3618 <... clone resumed> child_stack=0, flags=CLONE, child_tidptr=0x7f83deffa780) = 3622 _unfinished_start_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)(?P.*)$') _unfinished_end_re = re.compile(r'(?P\d+)\s+\<\.\.\..*\>(?P.*)') def _do_strace(self, args, kwargs, outfile, outname): """ Run strace on given command args/kwargs, sending output to file. Return (status code, list of dependencies, list of outputs). """ shell_keywords = dict(silent=False) shell_keywords.update(kwargs) print ('outname = ', outname ) try: shell('strace', '-fo', outname, '-e', 'trace=' + self.strace_system_calls, args, **shell_keywords) except ExecutionError as e: # if strace failed to run, re-throw the exception # we can tell this happend if the file is empty outfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) if outfile.tell() is 0: raise e else: # reset the file postion for reading outfile.seek(0) self.status = 0 processes = {} # dictionary of processes (key = pid) unfinished = {} # list of interrupted entries in strace log for line in outfile: self._match_line(line, processes, unfinished) # collect outputs and dependencies from all processes deps = set() outputs = set() for pid, process in processes.items(): deps = deps.union(process.deps) outputs = outputs.union(process.outputs) return self.status, list(deps), list(outputs) def _match_line(self, line, processes, unfinished): # look for split lines unfinished_start_match = self._unfinished_start_re.match(line) unfinished_end_match = self._unfinished_end_re.match(line) if unfinished_start_match: pid = unfinished_start_match.group('pid') body = unfinished_start_match.group('body') unfinished[pid] = pid + ' ' + body return elif unfinished_end_match: pid = unfinished_end_match.group('pid') body = unfinished_end_match.group('body') if pid not in unfinished: # Looks like we need to hande an strace bug here # I think it is safe to ignore as I have only seen futex calls which strace should not output printerr('fabricate: Warning: resume without unfinished in strace output (strace bug?), \'%s\'' % line.strip()) return line = unfinished[pid] + body del unfinished[pid] is_output = False open_match = self._open_re.match(line) stat_match = self._stat_re.match(line) execve_match = self._execve_re.match(line) creat_match = self._creat_re.match(line) mkdir_match = self._mkdir_re.match(line) symlink_match = self._symlink_re.match(line) rename_match = self._rename_re.match(line) clone_match = self._clone_re.match(line) kill_match = self._kill_re.match(line) if kill_match: return None, None, None match = None if execve_match: pid = execve_match.group('pid') match = execve_match # Executables can be dependencies if pid not in processes and len(processes) == 0: # This is the first process so create dict entry processes[pid] = StraceProcess() elif clone_match: pid = clone_match.group('pid') pid_clone = clone_match.group('pid_clone') if pid not in processes: # Simple case where there are no delayed lines processes[pid] = StraceProcess(processes[pid_clone].cwd) else: # Some line processing was delayed due to an interupted clone_match processes[pid].cwd = processes[pid_clone].cwd # Set the correct cwd processes[pid].delayed = False # Set that matching is no longer delayed for delayed_line in processes[pid].delayed_lines: # Process all the delayed lines self._match_line(delayed_line, processes, unfinished) processes[pid].delayed_lines = [] # Clear the lines elif open_match: match = open_match mode = match.group('mode') if 'O_WRONLY' in mode or 'O_RDWR' in mode: # it's an output file if opened for writing is_output = True elif stat_match: match = stat_match elif creat_match: match = creat_match # a created file is an output file is_output = True elif mkdir_match: match = mkdir_match if match.group('result') == '0': # a created directory is an output file is_output = True elif symlink_match: match = symlink_match # the created symlink is an output file is_output = True elif rename_match: match = rename_match # the destination of a rename is an output file is_output = True if match: name = match.group('name') pid = match.group('pid') if not self._matching_is_delayed(processes, pid, line): cwd = processes[pid].cwd if cwd != '.': name = os.path.join(cwd, name) # normalise path name to ensure files are only listed once name = os.path.normpath(name) # if it's an absolute path name under the build directory, # make it relative to build_dir before saving to .deps file if os.path.isabs(name) and name.startswith(self.build_dir): name = name[len(self.build_dir):] name = name.lstrip(os.path.sep) if (self._builder._is_relevant(name) and not self.ignore(name) and os.path.lexists(name)): if is_output: processes[pid].add_output(name) else: processes[pid].add_dep(name) match = self._chdir_re.match(line) if match: pid = match.group('pid') if not self._matching_is_delayed(processes, pid, line): processes[pid].cwd = os.path.join(processes[pid].cwd, match.group('cwd')) match = self._exit_group_re.match(line) if match: self.status = int(match.group('status')) def _matching_is_delayed(self, processes, pid, line): # Check if matching is delayed and cache a delayed line if pid not in processes: processes[pid] = StraceProcess(delayed=True) process = processes[pid] if process.delayed: process.add_delayed_line(line) return True else: return False def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run command and return its dependencies and outputs, using strace to determine dependencies (by looking at what files are opened or modified). """ print ("stracerunner called for ", args ) ignore_status = kwargs.pop('ignore_status', False) if self.keep_temps: outname = 'strace%03d.txt' % self.temp_count self.temp_count += 1 handle = os.open(outname, os.O_CREAT) else: handle, outname = tempfile.mkstemp() try: try: outfile = os.fdopen(handle, 'r') except: os.close(handle) raise try: status, deps, outputs = self._do_strace(args, kwargs, outfile, outname) if status is None: raise ExecutionError( '%r was killed unexpectedly' % args[0], '', -1) finally: outfile.close() finally: if not self.keep_temps: os.remove(outname) if status and not ignore_status: raise ExecutionError('%r exited with status %d' % (os.path.basename(args[0]), status), '', status) return list(deps), list(outputs) class AlwaysRunner(Runner): def __init__(self, builder): pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Runner that always runs given command, used as a backup in case a system doesn't have strace or atimes. """ shell_keywords = dict(silent=False) shell_keywords.update(kwargs) shell(*args, **shell_keywords) return None, None class SmartRunner(Runner): """ Smart command runner that uses StraceRunner if it can, otherwise AtimesRunner if available, otherwise AlwaysRunner. """ def __init__(self, builder): self._builder = builder try: self._runner = StraceRunner(self._builder) except RunnerUnsupportedException: try: self._runner = AtimesRunner(self._builder) except RunnerUnsupportedException: self._runner = AlwaysRunner(self._builder) def actual_runner(self): return self._runner def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._runner(*args, **kwargs) class _running(object): """ Represents a task put on the parallel pool and its results when complete """ def __init__(self, _async, command): """ "async" is the AsyncResult object returned from pool.apply_async "command" is the command that was run """ self._async = _async self.command = command self.results = None class _after(object): """ Represents something waiting on completion of some previous commands """ def __init__(self, afters, do): """ "afters" is a group id or a iterable of group ids to wait on "do" is either a tuple representing a command (group, command, arglist, kwargs) or a threading.Condition to be released """ self.afters = afters self.do = do self.done = False class _Groups(object): """ Thread safe mapping object whose values are lists of _running or _after objects and a count of how many have *not* completed """ class value(object): """ the value type in the map """ def __init__(self, val=None): self.count = 0 # count of items not yet completed. # This also includes count_in_false number self.count_in_false = 0 # count of commands which is assigned # to False group, but will be moved # to this group. self.items = [] # items in this group if val is not None: self.items.append(val) self.ok = True # True if no error from any command in group so far def __init__(self): self.groups = {False: self.value()} self.lock = threading.Lock() def item_list(self, id): """ Return copy of the value list """ with self.lock: return self.groups[id].items[:] def remove(self, id): """ Remove the group """ with self.lock: del self.groups[id] def remove_item(self, id, val): with self.lock: self.groups[id].items.remove(val) def add(self, id, val): with self.lock: if id in self.groups: self.groups[id].items.append(val) else: self.groups[id] = self.value(val) self.groups[id].count += 1 def ensure(self, id): """if id does not exit, create it without any value""" with self.lock: if not id in self.groups: self.groups[id] = self.value() def get_count(self, id): with self.lock: if id not in self.groups: return 0 return self.groups[id].count def dec_count(self, id): with self.lock: c = self.groups[id].count - 1 if c < 0: raise ValueError self.groups[id].count = c return c def get_ok(self, id): with self.lock: return self.groups[id].ok def set_ok(self, id, to): with self.lock: self.groups[id].ok = to def ids(self): with self.lock: return self.groups.keys() # modification to reserve blocked commands to corresponding groups def inc_count_for_blocked(self, id): with self.lock: if not id in self.groups: self.groups[id] = self.value() self.groups[id].count += 1 self.groups[id].count_in_false += 1 def add_for_blocked(self, id, val): # modification of add(), in order to move command from False group # to actual group with self.lock: # id must be registered before self.groups[id].items.append(val) # count does not change (already considered # in inc_count_for_blocked), but decrease count_in_false. c = self.groups[id].count_in_false - 1 if c < 0: raise ValueError self.groups[id].count_in_false = c # pool of processes to run parallel jobs, must not be part of any object that # is pickled for transfer to these processes, ie it must be global _pool = None # object holding results, must also be global _groups = _Groups() # results collecting thread _results = None _stop_results = threading.Event() class _todo(object): """ holds the parameters for commands waiting on others """ def __init__(self, group, command, arglist, kwargs): self.group = group # which group it should run as self.command = command # string command self.arglist = arglist # command arguments self.kwargs = kwargs # keywork args for the runner def _results_handler( builder, delay=0.01): """ Body of thread that stores results in .deps and handles 'after' conditions "builder" the builder used """ try: while not _stop_results.isSet(): # go through the lists and check any results available for id in _groups.ids(): if id is False: continue # key of False is _afters not _runnings for r in _groups.item_list(id): if r.results is None and r._async.ready(): try: d, o = r._async.get() except ExecutionError as e: r.results = e _groups.set_ok(id, False) message, data, status = e printerr("fabricate: " + message) else: builder.done(r.command, d, o) # save deps r.results = (r.command, d, o) _groups.dec_count(id) # check if can now schedule things waiting on the after queue for a in _groups.item_list(False): still_to_do = sum(_groups.get_count(g) for g in a.afters) no_error = all(_groups.get_ok(g) for g in a.afters) if False in a.afters: still_to_do -= 1 # don't count yourself of course if still_to_do == 0: if isinstance(a.do, _todo): if no_error: _async = _pool.apply_async(_call_strace, a.do.arglist, a.do.kwargs) _groups.add_for_blocked(a.do.group, _running(_async, a.do.command)) else: # Mark the command as not done due to errors r = _running(None, a.do.command) _groups.add_for_blocked(a.do.group, r) r.results = False _groups.set_ok(a.do.group, False) _groups.dec_count(a.do.group) elif isinstance(a.do, threading_condition): # is this only for threading_condition in after()? a.do.acquire() # only mark as done if there is no error a.done = no_error a.do.notify() a.do.release() # else: #are there other cases? _groups.remove_item(False, a) _groups.dec_count(False) _stop_results.wait(delay) except Exception: etype, eval, etb = sys.exc_info() printerr("Error: exception " + repr(etype) + " at line " + str(etb.tb_lineno)) traceback.print_tb(etb) finally: if not _stop_results.isSet(): # oh dear, I am about to die for unexplained reasons, stop the whole # app otherwise the main thread hangs waiting on non-existant me, # Note: sys.exit() only kills me printerr("Error: unexpected results handler exit") os._exit(1) class Builder(object): """ The Builder. You may supply a "runner" class to change the way commands are run or dependencies are determined. For an example, see: https://github.com/SimonAlfie/fabricate/wiki/HowtoMakeYourOwnRunner A "runner" must be a subclass of Runner and must have a __call__() function that takes a command as a list of args and returns a tuple of (deps, outputs), where deps is a list of rel-path'd dependency files and outputs is a list of rel-path'd output files. The default runner is SmartRunner, which automatically picks one of StraceRunner, AtimesRunner, or AlwaysRunner depending on your system. A "runner" class may have an __init__() function that takes the builder as a parameter. """ def __init__(self, runner=None, dirs=None, dirdepth=100, ignoreprefix='.', ignore=None, hasher=md5_hasher, depsname='.deps', quiet=False, debug=False, inputs_only=False, parallel_ok=True): """ Initialise a Builder with the given options. "runner" specifies how programs should be run. It is either a callable compatible with the Runner class, or a string selecting one of the standard runners ("atimes_runner", "strace_runner", "always_runner", or "smart_runner"). "dirs" is a list of paths to look for dependencies (or outputs) in if using the strace or atimes runners. "dirdepth" is the depth to recurse into the paths in "dirs" (default essentially means infinitely). Set to 1 to just look at the immediate paths in "dirs" and not recurse at all. This can be useful to speed up the AtimesRunner if you're building in a large tree and you don't care about all of the subdirectories. "ignoreprefix" prevents recursion into directories that start with prefix. It defaults to '.' to ignore svn directories. Change it to '_svn' if you use _svn hidden directories. "ignore" is a regular expression. Any dependency that contains a regex match is ignored and not put into the dependency list. Note that the regex may be VERBOSE (spaces are ignored and # line comments allowed -- use \ prefix to insert these characters) "hasher" is a function which returns a string which changes when the contents of its filename argument changes, or None on error. Default is md5_hasher, but can also be mtime_hasher. "depsname" is the name of the JSON dependency file to load/save. "quiet" set to True tells the builder to not display the commands being executed (or other non-error output). "debug" set to True makes the builder print debug output, such as why particular commands are being executed "inputs_only" set to True makes builder only re-build if input hashes have changed (ignores output hashes); use with tools that touch files that shouldn't cause a rebuild; e.g. g++ collect phase "parallel_ok" set to True to indicate script is safe for parallel running """ if dirs is None: dirs = ['.'] self.dirs = dirs self.dirdepth = dirdepth self.ignoreprefix = ignoreprefix if ignore is None: ignore = r'$x^' # something that can't match self.ignore = re.compile(ignore, re.VERBOSE) self.depsname = depsname self.hasher = hasher self.quiet = quiet self.debug = debug self.inputs_only = inputs_only self.checking = False self.hash_cache = {} # instantiate runner after the above have been set in case it needs them if runner is not None: self.set_runner(runner) elif hasattr(self, 'runner'): # For backwards compatibility, if a derived class has # defined a "runner" method then use it: pass else: self.runner = SmartRunner(self) if self.debug : if type(self.runner) == SmartRunner : print ("DEBUG: smartrunner is ", type (self.runner.actual_runner() )) else : print ("DEBUG: runner is ", type (self.runner) ) is_strace = isinstance(self.runner.actual_runner(), StraceRunner) self.parallel_ok = parallel_ok and is_strace and _pool is not None try : self.parallel_ok = (self.runner.parallel_ok == True) and parallel_ok except AttributeError: pass if _pool == None : self.parallel_ok = False if self.parallel_ok: global _results _results = threading.Thread(target=_results_handler, args=[self]) _results.setDaemon(True) _results.start() atexit.register(self._join_results_handler) StraceRunner.keep_temps = False # unsafe for parallel execution def echo(self, message): """ Print message, but only if builder is not in quiet mode. """ if not self.quiet: print(message) def echo_command(self, command, echo=None): """ Show a command being executed. Also passed run's "echo" arg so you can override what's displayed. """ if echo is not None: command = str(echo) self.echo(command) def echo_delete(self, filename, error=None): """ Show a file being deleted. For subclassing Builder and overriding this function, the exception is passed in if an OSError occurs while deleting a file. """ if error is None: self.echo('deleting %s' % filename) else: self.echo_debug('error deleting %s: %s' % (filename, error.strerror)) def echo_debug(self, message): """ Print message, but only if builder is in debug mode. """ if self.debug: print('\nDEBUG: ' + message) def _run(self, *args, **kwargs): self.echo_debug( "===========>" + " ".join(args) ) after = kwargs.pop('after', None) group = kwargs.pop('group', True) echo = kwargs.pop('echo', None) arglist = args_to_list(args) if not arglist: raise TypeError('run() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)') # we want a command line string for the .deps file key and for display command = subprocess.list2cmdline(arglist) if not self.cmdline_outofdate(command): self.echo_debug("up to date") if self.parallel_ok: _groups.ensure(group) return command, None, None # if just checking up-to-date-ness, set flag and do nothing more self.outofdate_flag = True if self.checking: if self.parallel_ok: _groups.ensure(group) return command, None, None # use runner to run command and collect dependencies self.echo_command(command, echo=echo) if self.parallel_ok: arglist.insert(0, self.runner) if after is not None: if not isinstance(after, (list, tuple)): after = [after] # This command is registered to False group firstly, # but the actual group of this command should # count this blocked command as well as usual commands _groups.inc_count_for_blocked(group) _groups.add(False, _after(after, _todo(group, command, arglist, kwargs))) else: _async = _pool.apply_async(_call_strace, arglist, kwargs) _groups.add(group, _running(_async, command)) return None else: deps, outputs = self.runner(*arglist, **kwargs) return self.done(command, deps, outputs) def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run command given in args with kwargs per shell(), but only if its dependencies or outputs have changed or don't exist. Return tuple of (command_line, deps_list, outputs_list) so caller or subclass can use them. Parallel operation keyword args "after" specifies a group or iterable of groups to wait for after they finish, "group" specifies the group to add this command to. Optional "echo" keyword arg is passed to echo_command() so you can override its output if you want. """ try: return self._run(*args, **kwargs) finally: sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() def done(self, command, deps, outputs): """ Store the results in the .deps file when they are available """ if deps is not None or outputs is not None: deps_dict = {} # hash the dependency inputs and outputs for dep in deps: if dep in self.hash_cache: # already hashed so don't repeat hashing work hashed = self.hash_cache[dep] else: hashed = self.hasher(dep) if hashed is not None: deps_dict[dep] = "input-" + hashed # store hash in hash cache as it may be a new file self.hash_cache[dep] = hashed for output in outputs: hashed = self.hasher(output) if hashed is not None: deps_dict[output] = "output-" + hashed # update hash cache as this file should already be in # there but has probably changed self.hash_cache[output] = hashed self.deps[command] = deps_dict return command, deps, outputs def memoize(self, command, **kwargs): """ Run the given command, but only if its dependencies have changed -- like run(), but returns the status code instead of raising an exception on error. If "command" is a string (as per memoize.py) it's split into args using shlex.split() in a POSIX/bash style, otherwise it's a list of args as per run(). This function is for compatiblity with memoize.py and is deprecated. Use run() instead. """ if isinstance(command, string_types): args = shlex.split(command) else: args = args_to_list(command) try: self.run(args, **kwargs) return 0 except ExecutionError as exc: message, data, status = exc return status def outofdate(self, func): """ Return True if given build function is out of date. """ self.checking = True self.outofdate_flag = False func() self.checking = False return self.outofdate_flag def cmdline_outofdate(self, command): """ Return True if given command line is out of date. """ if command in self.deps: # command has been run before, see if deps have changed for dep, oldhash in self.deps[command].items(): assert oldhash.startswith('input-') or \ oldhash.startswith('output-'), \ "%s file corrupt, do a clean!" % self.depsname io_type, oldhash = oldhash.split('-', 1) self.echo_debug( "check depenency " + str(dep) ) # make sure this dependency or output hasn't changed if dep in self.hash_cache: # already hashed so don't repeat hashing work newhash = self.hash_cache[dep] else: # not in hash_cache so make sure this dependency or # output hasn't changed newhash = self.hasher(dep) if newhash is not None: # Add newhash to the hash cache self.hash_cache[dep] = newhash if newhash is None: self.echo_debug("rebuilding %r, \nBECAUSE %s %s doesn't exist" % (command, io_type, dep)) break if newhash != oldhash and (not self.inputs_only or io_type == 'input'): self.echo_debug("rebuilding %r, \nBECAUSE hash for %s %s (%s) != old hash (%s)" % (command, io_type, dep, newhash, oldhash)) break else: # all dependencies are unchanged return False else: self.echo_debug('rebuilding %r,\n BECAUSE no dependency data' % command) # command has never been run, or one of the dependencies didn't # exist or had changed return True def autoclean(self): """ Automatically delete all outputs of this build as well as the .deps file. """ # first build a list of all the outputs from the .deps file outputs = [] dirs = [] for command, deps in self.deps.items(): outputs.extend(dep for dep, hashed in deps.items() if hashed.startswith('output-')) outputs.append(self.depsname) self._deps = None for output in outputs: try: os.remove(output) except OSError as e: if os.path.isdir(output): # cache directories to be removed once all other outputs # have been removed, as they may be content of the dir dirs.append(output) else: self.echo_delete(output, e) else: self.echo_delete(output) # delete the directories in reverse sort order # this ensures that parents are removed after children for dir in sorted(dirs, reverse=True): try: os.rmdir(dir) except OSError as e: self.echo_delete(dir, e) else: self.echo_delete(dir) @property def deps(self): """ Lazy load .deps file so that instantiating a Builder is "safe". """ if not hasattr(self, '_deps') or self._deps is None: self.read_deps() atexit.register(self.write_deps, depsname=os.path.abspath(self.depsname)) return self._deps def read_deps(self): """ Read dependency JSON file into deps object. """ try: f = open(self.depsname) try: self._deps = json.load(f) # make sure the version is correct if self._deps.get('.deps_version', 0) != deps_version: printerr('Bad %s dependency file version! Rebuilding.' % self.depsname) self._deps = {} self._deps.pop('.deps_version', None) finally: f.close() except IOError: self.echo_debug("deps file not readible or non-existent -> starting fresh") self._deps = {} def write_deps(self, depsname=None): """ Write out deps object into JSON dependency file. """ if self._deps is None: return # we've cleaned so nothing to save self.deps['.deps_version'] = deps_version if depsname is None: depsname = self.depsname f = open(depsname, 'w') try: json.dump(self.deps, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) finally: f.close() self._deps.pop('.deps_version', None) _runner_map = { 'atimes_runner' : AtimesRunner, 'strace_runner' : StraceRunner, 'always_runner' : AlwaysRunner, 'smart_runner' : SmartRunner, } def set_runner(self, runner): """Set the runner for this builder. "runner" is either a Runner subclass (e.g. SmartRunner), or a string selecting one of the standard runners ("atimes_runner", "strace_runner", "always_runner", or "smart_runner").""" try: self.runner = self._runner_map[runner](self) except KeyError: if isinstance(runner, string_types): # For backwards compatibility, allow runner to be the # name of a method in a derived class: self.runner = getattr(self, runner) else: # pass builder to runner class to get a runner instance self.runner = runner(self) def _is_relevant(self, fullname): """ Return True if file is in the dependency search directories. """ # need to abspath to compare rel paths with abs fullname = os.path.abspath(fullname) for path in self.dirs: path = os.path.abspath(path) if fullname.startswith(path): rest = fullname[len(path):] # files in dirs starting with ignoreprefix are not relevant if os.sep+self.ignoreprefix in os.sep+os.path.dirname(rest): continue # files deeper than dirdepth are not relevant if rest.count(os.sep) > self.dirdepth: continue return True return False def _join_results_handler(self): """Stops then joins the results handler thread""" _stop_results.set() _results.join() # default Builder instance, used by helper run() and main() helper functions default_builder = None default_command = 'build' # save the setup arguments for use by main() _setup_builder = None _setup_default = None _setup_kwargs = {} def setup(builder=None, default=None, **kwargs): """ NOTE: setup functionality is now in main(), setup() is kept for backward compatibility and should not be used in new scripts. Setup the default Builder (or an instance of given builder if "builder" is not None) with the same keyword arguments as for Builder(). "default" is the name of the default function to run when the build script is run with no command line arguments. """ global _setup_builder, _setup_default, _setup_kwargs _setup_builder = builder _setup_default = default _setup_kwargs = kwargs setup.__doc__ += '\n\n' + Builder.__init__.__doc__ def _set_default_builder(): """ Set default builder to Builder() instance if it's not yet set. """ global default_builder if default_builder is None: default_builder = Builder() def run(*args, **kwargs): """ Run the given command, but only if its dependencies have changed. Uses the default Builder. Return value as per Builder.run(). If there is only one positional argument which is an iterable treat each element as a command, returns a list of returns from Builder.run(). """ _set_default_builder() if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): return [default_builder.run(*a, **kwargs) for a in args[0]] return default_builder.run(*args, **kwargs) def after(*args): """ wait until after the specified command groups complete and return results, or None if not parallel """ _set_default_builder() if getattr(default_builder, 'parallel_ok', False): if len(args) == 0: args = _groups.ids() # wait on all cond = threading.Condition() cond.acquire() a = _after(args, cond) _groups.add(False, a) cond.wait() if not a.done: sys.exit(1) results = [] ids = _groups.ids() for a in args: if a in ids and a is not False: r = [] for i in _groups.item_list(a): r.append(i.results) results.append((a,r)) return results else: return None def autoclean(): """ Automatically delete all outputs of the default build. """ _set_default_builder() default_builder.autoclean() def memoize(command, **kwargs): _set_default_builder() return default_builder.memoize(command, **kwargs) memoize.__doc__ = Builder.memoize.__doc__ def outofdate(command): """ Return True if given command is out of date and needs to be run. """ _set_default_builder() return default_builder.outofdate(command) # save options for use by main() if parse_options called earlier by user script _parsed_options = None # default usage message _usage = '[options] build script functions to run' def parse_options(usage=_usage, extra_options=None, command_line=None): """ Parse command line options and return (parser, options, args). """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog '+usage, version='%prog '+__version__) parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('-t', '--time', action='store_true', help='use file modification times instead of MD5 sums') parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', action='append', help='add DIR to list of relevant directories') parser.add_option('-c', '--clean', action='store_true', help='autoclean build outputs before running') parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help="don't echo commands, only print errors") parser.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', help="show debug info (why commands are rebuilt)") parser.add_option('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', help='keep temporary strace output files') parser.add_option('-j', '--jobs', type='int', help='maximum number of parallel jobs') if extra_options: # add any user-specified options passed in via main() for option in extra_options: parser.add_option(option) if command_line is not None: options, args = parser.parse_args(command_line) else: options, args = parser.parse_args() global _parsed_options _parsed_options = (parser, options, args) return _parsed_options def fabricate_version(min=None, max=None): """ If min is given, assert that the running fabricate is at least that version or exit with an error message. If max is given, assert that the running fabricate is at most that version. Return the current fabricate version string. This function was introduced in v1.14; for prior versions, the version string is available only as module local string fabricate.__version__ """ if min is not None and float(__version__) < min: sys.stderr.write(("fabricate is version %s. This build script " "requires at least version %.2f") % (__version__, min)) sys.exit() if max is not None and float(__version__) > max: sys.stderr.write(("fabricate is version %s. This build script " "requires at most version %.2f") % (__version__, max)) sys.exit() return __version__ def main(globals_dict=None, build_dir=None, extra_options=None, builder=None, default=None, jobs=1, command_line=None, **kwargs): """ Run the default function or the function(s) named in the command line arguments. Call this at the end of your build script. If one of the functions returns nonzero, main will exit with the last nonzero return value as its status code. "builder" is the class of builder to create, default (None) is the normal builder "command_line" is an optional list of command line arguments that can be used to prevent the default parsing of sys.argv. Used to intercept and modify the command line passed to the build script. "default" is the default user script function to call, None = 'build' "extra_options" is an optional list of options created with optparse.make_option(). The pseudo-global variable main.options is set to the parsed options list. "kwargs" is any other keyword arguments to pass to the builder """ global default_builder, default_command, _pool kwargs.update(_setup_kwargs) if _parsed_options is not None and command_line is None: parser, options, actions = _parsed_options else: parser, options, actions = parse_options(extra_options=extra_options, command_line=command_line) kwargs['quiet'] = options.quiet kwargs['debug'] = options.debug if options.time: kwargs['hasher'] = mtime_hasher if options.dir: kwargs['dirs'] = options.dir if options.keep: StraceRunner.keep_temps = options.keep main.options = options if options.jobs is not None: jobs = options.jobs if default is not None: default_command = default if default_command is None: default_command = _setup_default if not actions: actions = [default_command] original_path = os.getcwd() if None in [globals_dict, build_dir]: try: frame = sys._getframe(1) except: printerr("Your Python version doesn't support sys._getframe(1),") printerr("call main(globals(), build_dir) explicitly") sys.exit(1) if globals_dict is None: globals_dict = frame.f_globals if build_dir is None: build_file = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None) if build_file: build_dir = os.path.dirname(build_file) if build_dir: if not options.quiet and os.path.abspath(build_dir) != original_path: print("Entering directory '%s'" % build_dir) os.chdir(build_dir) if _pool is None and jobs > 1: _pool = multiprocessing.Pool(jobs) use_builder = Builder if _setup_builder is not None: use_builder = _setup_builder if builder is not None: use_builder = builder default_builder = use_builder(**kwargs) if options.clean: default_builder.autoclean() status = 0 try: for action in actions: if '(' not in action: action = action.strip() + '()' name = action.split('(')[0].split('.')[0] if name in globals_dict: this_status = eval(action, globals_dict) if this_status: #print ("stat===", this_status, action) status = int(this_status) else: printerr('%r command not defined!' % action) sys.exit(1) after() # wait till the build commands are finished except ExecutionError as exc: message, data, status = exc.args printerr('fabricate: ' + message) finally: _stop_results.set() # stop the results gatherer so I don't hang if not options.quiet and os.path.abspath(build_dir) != original_path: print("Leaving directory '%s' back to '%s'" % (build_dir, original_path)) os.chdir(original_path) sys.exit(status) if __name__ == '__main__': # if called as a script, emulate memoize.py -- run() command line parser, options, args = parse_options('[options] command line to run') status = 0 if args: status = memoize(args) elif not options.clean: parser.print_help() status = 1 # autoclean may have been used sys.exit(status)