// @(#)root/io:$Id$ // Author: Elvin Sindrilaru 19/05/2011 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TFPBlock #define ROOT_TFPBlock #include "TObject.h" /** \class TFPBlock \ingroup IO */ class TFPBlock : public TObject{ private: char *fBuffer; ///< Content of the block Int_t fNblock; ///< Number of segment in the block Long64_t fDataSize; ///< Total size of useful data in the block Long64_t fCapacity; ///< Capacity of the buffer Int_t *fLen; ///< Array of lengths of each segment Long64_t *fPos; ///< Array of positions of each segment Long64_t *fRelOffset; ///< Relative offset of piece in the buffer TFPBlock(const TFPBlock&) = delete; // Not implemented. TFPBlock &operator=(const TFPBlock&) = delete; // Not implemented. public: TFPBlock(Long64_t*, Int_t*, Int_t); virtual ~TFPBlock(); Long64_t GetPos(Int_t) const; Int_t GetLen(Int_t) const; Long64_t *GetPos() const; Int_t *GetLen() const; Long64_t GetDataSize() const; Long64_t GetCapacity() const; Int_t GetNoElem() const; char *GetBuffer() const; char *GetPtrToPiece(Int_t index) const; void SetBuffer(char*); void SetPos(Int_t, Long64_t); void ReallocBlock(Long64_t*, Int_t*, Int_t); ClassDef(TFPBlock, 0); // File prefetch block }; /// Get pointer to the array of postions. inline Long64_t* TFPBlock::GetPos() const { return fPos; } /// Get pointer to the array of lengths. inline Int_t* TFPBlock::GetLen() const { return fLen; } /// Return size of the data in the block. inline Long64_t TFPBlock::GetDataSize() const { return fDataSize; } /// Return capacity of the block. inline Long64_t TFPBlock::GetCapacity() const { return fCapacity; } /// Return number of elements in the block. inline Int_t TFPBlock::GetNoElem() const { return fNblock; } /// Get position of the element at index i. inline Long64_t TFPBlock::GetPos(Int_t i) const { return fPos[i]; } /// Get length of the element at index i. inline Int_t TFPBlock::GetLen(Int_t i) const { return fLen[i]; } /// Get block buffer. inline char* TFPBlock::GetBuffer() const { return fBuffer; } /// Get block buffer. inline char* TFPBlock::GetPtrToPiece(Int_t index) const { return (fBuffer + fRelOffset[index]); } #endif