// @(#)root/tmva/tmva/dnn:$Id$ // Author: Ravi Kiran S /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : TAdam * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Adam Optimizer Class * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Ravi Kiran S - CERN, Switzerland * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2018: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef TMVA_DNN_ADAM #define TMVA_DNN_ADAM #include "TMatrix.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/Optimizer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/Functions.h" namespace TMVA { namespace DNN { /** \class TAdam * Adam Optimizer class * * This class represents the Adam Optimizer. */ template , typename DeepNet_t = TDeepNet> class TAdam : public VOptimizer { public: using Matrix_t = typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t; using Scalar_t = typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t; protected: Scalar_t fBeta1; ///< The Beta1 constant used by the optimizer. Scalar_t fBeta2; ///< The Beta2 constant used by the optimizer. Scalar_t fEpsilon; ///< The Smoothing term used to avoid division by zero. std::vector> fFirstMomentWeights; ///< The decaying average of the first moment of the past /// weight gradients associated with the deep net. std::vector> fFirstMomentBiases; ///< The decaying average of the first moment of the past bias /// gradients associated with the deep net. std::vector> fSecondMomentWeights; ///< The decaying average of the second moment of the past /// weight gradients associated with the deep net. std::vector> fSecondMomentBiases; ///< The decaying average of the second moment of the past /// bias gradients associated with the deep net. /*! Update the weights, given the current weight gradients. */ void UpdateWeights(size_t layerIndex, std::vector &weights, const std::vector &weightGradients); /*! Update the biases, given the current bias gradients. */ void UpdateBiases(size_t layerIndex, std::vector &biases, const std::vector &biasGradients); public: /*! Constructor. */ TAdam(DeepNet_t &deepNet, Scalar_t learningRate = 0.001, Scalar_t beta1 = 0.9, Scalar_t beta2 = 0.999, Scalar_t epsilon = 1e-7); /*! Destructor. */ ~TAdam() = default; /*! Getters */ Scalar_t GetBeta1() const { return fBeta1; } Scalar_t GetBeta2() const { return fBeta2; } Scalar_t GetEpsilon() const { return fEpsilon; } std::vector> &GetFirstMomentWeights() { return fFirstMomentWeights; } std::vector &GetFirstMomentWeightsAt(size_t i) { return fFirstMomentWeights[i]; } std::vector> &GetFirstMomentBiases() { return fFirstMomentBiases; } std::vector &GetFirstMomentBiasesAt(size_t i) { return fFirstMomentBiases[i]; } std::vector> &GetSecondMomentWeights() { return fSecondMomentWeights; } std::vector &GetSecondMomentWeightsAt(size_t i) { return fSecondMomentWeights[i]; } std::vector> &GetSecondMomentBiases() { return fSecondMomentBiases; } std::vector &GetSecondMomentBiasesAt(size_t i) { return fSecondMomentBiases[i]; } }; // // // The Adam Optimizer Class - Implementation //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ template TAdam::TAdam(DeepNet_t &deepNet, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t beta1, Scalar_t beta2, Scalar_t epsilon) : VOptimizer(learningRate, deepNet), fBeta1(beta1), fBeta2(beta2), fEpsilon(epsilon) { std::vector &layers = deepNet.GetLayers(); const size_t layersNSlices = layers.size(); fFirstMomentWeights.resize(layersNSlices); fFirstMomentBiases.resize(layersNSlices); fSecondMomentWeights.resize(layersNSlices); fSecondMomentBiases.resize(layersNSlices); for (size_t i = 0; i < layersNSlices; i++) { Architecture_t::CreateWeightTensors( fFirstMomentWeights[i], layers[i]->GetWeights()); Architecture_t::CreateWeightTensors( fSecondMomentWeights[i], layers[i]->GetWeights()); const size_t weightsNSlices = (layers[i]->GetWeights()).size(); for (size_t j = 0; j < weightsNSlices; j++) { initialize(fFirstMomentWeights[i][j], EInitialization::kZero); initialize(fSecondMomentWeights[i][j], EInitialization::kZero); } const size_t biasesNSlices = (layers[i]->GetBiases()).size(); Architecture_t::CreateWeightTensors( fFirstMomentBiases[i], layers[i]->GetBiases()); Architecture_t::CreateWeightTensors( fSecondMomentBiases[i], layers[i]->GetBiases()); for (size_t j = 0; j < biasesNSlices; j++) { initialize(fFirstMomentBiases[i][j], EInitialization::kZero); initialize(fSecondMomentBiases[i][j], EInitialization::kZero); } } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ template auto TAdam::UpdateWeights(size_t layerIndex, std::vector &weights, const std::vector &weightGradients) -> void { // update of weights using Adam algorithm // we use the formulation defined before section 2.1 in the original paper // 'Adam: A method for stochastic optimization, D. Kingma, J. Ba, see https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980 std::vector ¤tLayerFirstMomentWeights = this->GetFirstMomentWeightsAt(layerIndex); std::vector ¤tLayerSecondMomentWeights = this->GetSecondMomentWeightsAt(layerIndex); // alpha = learningRate * sqrt(1 - beta2^t) / (1-beta1^t) Scalar_t alpha = (this->GetLearningRate()) * (sqrt(1 - pow(this->GetBeta2(), this->GetGlobalStep()))) / (1 - pow(this->GetBeta1(), this->GetGlobalStep())); /// Adam update of first and second momentum of the weights for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) { // Mt = beta1 * Mt-1 + (1-beta1) * WeightGradients Architecture_t::AdamUpdateFirstMom(currentLayerFirstMomentWeights[i], weightGradients[i], this->GetBeta1() ); // Vt = beta2 * Vt-1 + (1-beta2) * WeightGradients^2 Architecture_t::AdamUpdateSecondMom(currentLayerSecondMomentWeights[i], weightGradients[i], this->GetBeta2() ); // Weight = Weight - alpha * Mt / (sqrt(Vt) + epsilon) Architecture_t::AdamUpdate(weights[i], currentLayerFirstMomentWeights[i], currentLayerSecondMomentWeights[i], alpha, this->GetEpsilon() ); } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ template auto TAdam::UpdateBiases(size_t layerIndex, std::vector &biases, const std::vector &biasGradients) -> void { std::vector ¤tLayerFirstMomentBiases = this->GetFirstMomentBiasesAt(layerIndex); std::vector ¤tLayerSecondMomentBiases = this->GetSecondMomentBiasesAt(layerIndex); // alpha = learningRate * sqrt(1 - beta2^t) / (1-beta1^t) Scalar_t alpha = (this->GetLearningRate()) * (sqrt(1 - pow(this->GetBeta2(), this->GetGlobalStep()))) / (1 - pow(this->GetBeta1(), this->GetGlobalStep())); // updating of the biases. for (size_t i = 0; i < biases.size(); i++) { // Mt = beta1 * Mt-1 + (1-beta1) * BiasGradients Architecture_t::AdamUpdateFirstMom(currentLayerFirstMomentBiases[i], biasGradients[i], this->GetBeta1() ); // Vt = beta2 * Vt-1 + (1-beta2) * BiasGradients^2 Architecture_t::AdamUpdateSecondMom(currentLayerSecondMomentBiases[i], biasGradients[i], this->GetBeta2() ); // theta = theta - alpha * Mt / (sqrt(Vt) + epsilon) Architecture_t::AdamUpdate(biases[i], currentLayerFirstMomentBiases[i], currentLayerSecondMomentBiases[i], alpha, this->GetEpsilon() ); } } } // namespace DNN } // namespace TMVA #endif