// @(#)root/tmva/tmva/dnn:$Id$ // Author: Vladimir Ilievski /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : TDeepNet * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Deep Neural Network * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Akshay Vashistha - CERN, Switzerland * * Vladimir Ilievski - CERN, Switzerland * * Saurav Shekhar - CERN, Switzerland * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2015: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef TMVA_DNN_DEEPNET #define TMVA_DNN_DEEPNET #include "TString.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/Functions.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/TensorDataLoader.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/GeneralLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/DenseLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/ReshapeLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/BatchNormLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/CNN/ConvLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/CNN/MaxPoolLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/RNN/RNNLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/RNN/LSTMLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/RNN/GRULayer.h" #ifdef HAVE_DAE #include "TMVA/DNN/DAE/CompressionLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/DAE/CorruptionLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/DAE/ReconstructionLayer.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/DAE/LogisticRegressionLayer.h" #endif #include #include namespace TMVA { namespace DNN { using namespace CNN; using namespace RNN; //using namespace DAE; /** \class TDeepNet Generic Deep Neural Network class. This classs encapsulates the information for all types of Deep Neural Networks. \tparam Architecture The Architecture type that holds the architecture-specific data types. */ template > class TDeepNet { public: using Tensor_t = typename Architecture_t::Tensor_t; using Matrix_t = typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t; using Scalar_t = typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t; private: bool inline isInteger(Scalar_t x) const { return x == floor(x); } size_t calculateDimension(int imgDim, int fltDim, int padding, int stride); private: std::vector fLayers; ///< The layers consisting the DeepNet size_t fBatchSize; ///< Batch size used for training and evaluation. size_t fInputDepth; ///< The depth of the input. size_t fInputHeight; ///< The height of the input. size_t fInputWidth; ///< The width of the input. size_t fBatchDepth; ///< The depth of the batch used for training/testing. size_t fBatchHeight; ///< The height of the batch used for training/testing. size_t fBatchWidth; ///< The width of the batch used for training/testing. bool fIsTraining; ///< Is the network training? ELossFunction fJ; ///< The loss function of the network. EInitialization fI; ///< The initialization method of the network. ERegularization fR; ///< The regularization used for the network. Scalar_t fWeightDecay; ///< The weight decay factor. public: /*! Default Constructor */ TDeepNet(); /*! Constructor */ TDeepNet(size_t BatchSize, size_t InputDepth, size_t InputHeight, size_t InputWidth, size_t BatchDepth, size_t BatchHeight, size_t BatchWidth, ELossFunction fJ, EInitialization fI = EInitialization::kZero, ERegularization fR = ERegularization::kNone, Scalar_t fWeightDecay = 0.0, bool isTraining = false); /*! Copy-constructor */ TDeepNet(const TDeepNet &); /*! Destructor */ ~TDeepNet(); /*! Function for adding Convolution layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with a given depth, filter height and width, striding in rows and columns, * the zero paddings, as well as the activation function and the dropout * probability. Based on these parameters, it calculates the width and height * of the convolutional layer. */ TConvLayer *AddConvLayer(size_t depth, size_t filterHeight, size_t filterWidth, size_t strideRows, size_t strideCols, size_t paddingHeight, size_t paddingWidth, EActivationFunction f, Scalar_t dropoutProbability = 1.0); /*! Function for adding Convolution Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * when the layer is already created. */ void AddConvLayer(TConvLayer *convLayer); /*! Function for adding Pooling layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with a given filter height and width, striding in rows and columns as * well as the dropout probability. The depth is same as the previous * layer depth. Based on these parameters, it calculates the width and * height of the pooling layer. */ TMaxPoolLayer *AddMaxPoolLayer(size_t frameHeight, size_t frameWidth, size_t strideRows, size_t strideCols, Scalar_t dropoutProbability = 1.0); /*! Function for adding Max Pooling layer in the Deep Neural Network, * when the layer is already created. */ void AddMaxPoolLayer(CNN::TMaxPoolLayer *maxPoolLayer); /*! Function for adding Recurrent Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given parameters */ TBasicRNNLayer *AddBasicRNNLayer(size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState = false,bool returnSequence = false, EActivationFunction f = EActivationFunction::kTanh); /*! Function for adding Vanilla RNN when the layer is already created */ void AddBasicRNNLayer(TBasicRNNLayer *basicRNNLayer); /*! Function for adding LSTM Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given parameters */ TBasicLSTMLayer *AddBasicLSTMLayer(size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState = false, bool returnSequence = false); /*! Function for adding LSTM Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * when the layer is already created. */ void AddBasicLSTMLayer(TBasicLSTMLayer *basicLSTMLayer); /*! Function for adding GRU Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given parameters */ TBasicGRULayer *AddBasicGRULayer(size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState = false, bool returnSequence = false, bool resetGateAfter = false); /*! Function for adding GRU Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * when the layer is already created. */ void AddBasicGRULayer(TBasicGRULayer *basicGRULayer); /*! Function for adding Dense Connected Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with a given width, activation function and dropout probability. * Based on the previous layer dimensions, it calculates the input width * of the fully connected layer. */ TDenseLayer *AddDenseLayer(size_t width, EActivationFunction f, Scalar_t dropoutProbability = 1.0); /*! Function for adding Dense Layer in the Deep Neural Network, when * the layer is already created. */ void AddDenseLayer(TDenseLayer *denseLayer); /*! Function for adding Reshape Layer in the Deep Neural Network, with a given * height and width. It will take every matrix from the previous layer and * reshape it to a matrix with new dimensions. */ TReshapeLayer *AddReshapeLayer(size_t depth, size_t height, size_t width, bool flattening); /*! Function for adding a Batch Normalization layer with given parameters */ TBatchNormLayer *AddBatchNormLayer(Scalar_t momentum = -1, Scalar_t epsilon = 0.0001); /*! Function for adding Reshape Layer in the Deep Neural Network, when * the layer is already created. */ void AddReshapeLayer(TReshapeLayer *reshapeLayer); #ifdef HAVE_DAE /// DAE functions /*! Function for adding Corruption layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given number of visibleUnits and hiddenUnits. It corrupts input * according to given corruptionLevel and dropoutProbability. */ TCorruptionLayer *AddCorruptionLayer(size_t visibleUnits, size_t hiddenUnits, Scalar_t dropoutProbability, Scalar_t corruptionLevel); /*! Function for adding Corruption Layer in the Deep Neural Network, * when the layer is already created. */ void AddCorruptionLayer(TCorruptionLayer *corruptionLayer); /*! Function for adding Compression layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given number of visibleUnits and hiddenUnits. It compresses the input units * taking weights and biases from prev layers. */ TCompressionLayer *AddCompressionLayer(size_t visibleUnits, size_t hiddenUnits, Scalar_t dropoutProbability, EActivationFunction f, std::vector weights, std::vector biases); /*! Function for adding Compression Layer in the Deep Neural Network, when * the layer is already created. */ void AddCompressionLayer(TCompressionLayer *compressionLayer); /*! Function for adding Reconstruction layer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given number of visibleUnits and hiddenUnits. It reconstructs the input units * taking weights and biases from prev layers. Same corruptionLevel and dropoutProbability * must be passed as in corruptionLayer. */ TReconstructionLayer *AddReconstructionLayer(size_t visibleUnits, size_t hiddenUnits, Scalar_t learningRate, EActivationFunction f, std::vector weights, std::vector biases, Scalar_t corruptionLevel, Scalar_t dropoutProbability); /*! Function for adding Reconstruction Layer in the Deep Neural Network, when * the layer is already created. */ void AddReconstructionLayer(TReconstructionLayer *reconstructionLayer); /*! Function for adding logisticRegressionLayer in the Deep Neural Network, * with given number of inputUnits and outputUnits. It classifies the outputUnits. */ TLogisticRegressionLayer *AddLogisticRegressionLayer(size_t inputUnits, size_t outputUnits, size_t testDataBatchSize, Scalar_t learningRate); /*! Function for adding logisticRegressionLayer in the Deep Neural Network, when * the layer is already created. */ void AddLogisticRegressionLayer(TLogisticRegressionLayer *logisticRegressionLayer); /* To train the Deep AutoEncoder network with required number of Corruption, Compression and Reconstruction * layers. */ void PreTrain(std::vector &input, std::vector numHiddenUnitsPerLayer, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t corruptionLevel, Scalar_t dropoutProbability, size_t epochs, EActivationFunction f, bool applyDropout = false); /* To classify outputLabel in Deep AutoEncoder. Should be used after PreTrain if required. * Currently, it used Logistic Regression Layer. Otherwise we can use any other classification layer also. */ void FineTune(std::vector &input, std::vector &testInput, std::vector &outputLabel, size_t outputUnits, size_t testDataBatchSize, Scalar_t learningRate, size_t epochs); #endif /*! Function for initialization of the Neural Net. */ void Initialize(); /*! Function that executes the entire forward pass in the network. */ void Forward(Tensor_t &input, bool applyDropout = false); /*! Function that reset some training flags after looping all the events but not the weights*/ void ResetTraining(); /*! Function that executes the entire backward pass in the network. */ void Backward(const Tensor_t &input, const Matrix_t &groundTruth, const Matrix_t &weights); #ifdef USE_PARALLEL_DEEPNET /*! Function for parallel forward in the vector of deep nets, where the master * net is the net calling this function. There is one batch for one deep net.*/ void ParallelForward(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, bool applyDropout = false); /*! Function for parallel backward in the vector of deep nets, where the master * net is the net calling this function and getting the updates from the other nets. * There is one batch for one deep net.*/ void ParallelBackward(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, Scalar_t learningRate); /*! Function for parallel backward in the vector of deep nets, where the master * net is the net calling this function and getting the updates from the other nets, * following the momentum strategy. There is one batch for one deep net.*/ void ParallelBackwardMomentum(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t momentum); /*! Function for parallel backward in the vector of deep nets, where the master * net is the net calling this function and getting the updates from the other nets, * following the Nestorov momentum strategy. There is one batch for one deep net.*/ void ParallelBackwardNestorov(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t momentum); #endif // endif use parallel deepnet /*! Function that will update the weights and biases in the layers that * contain weights and biases. */ void Update(Scalar_t learningRate); /*! Function for evaluating the loss, based on the activations stored * in the last layer. */ Scalar_t Loss(const Matrix_t &groundTruth, const Matrix_t &weights, bool includeRegularization = true) const; /*! Function for evaluating the loss, based on the propagation of the given input. */ Scalar_t Loss(Tensor_t &input, const Matrix_t &groundTruth, const Matrix_t &weights, bool inTraining = false, bool includeRegularization = true); /*! Function for computing the regularizaton term to be added to the loss function */ Scalar_t RegularizationTerm() const; /*! Prediction based on activations stored in the last layer. */ void Prediction(Matrix_t &predictions, EOutputFunction f) const; /*! Prediction for the given inputs, based on what network learned. */ void Prediction(Matrix_t &predictions, Tensor_t & input, EOutputFunction f); /*! Print the Deep Net Info */ void Print() const; /*! Get the layer in the vector of layers at poistion i */ inline Layer_t *GetLayerAt(size_t i) { return fLayers[i]; } inline const Layer_t *GetLayerAt(size_t i) const { return fLayers[i]; } /* Depth and the output width of the network. */ inline size_t GetDepth() const { return fLayers.size(); } inline size_t GetOutputWidth() const { return fLayers.back()->GetWidth(); } /* Return a reference to the layers. */ inline std::vector &GetLayers() { return fLayers; } inline const std::vector &GetLayers() const { return fLayers; } /*! Remove all layers from the network. */ inline void Clear() { fLayers.clear(); } /*! Getters */ inline size_t GetBatchSize() const { return fBatchSize; } inline size_t GetInputDepth() const { return fInputDepth; } inline size_t GetInputHeight() const { return fInputHeight; } inline size_t GetInputWidth() const { return fInputWidth; } inline size_t GetBatchDepth() const { return fBatchDepth; } inline size_t GetBatchHeight() const { return fBatchHeight; } inline size_t GetBatchWidth() const { return fBatchWidth; } inline bool IsTraining() const { return fIsTraining; } inline ELossFunction GetLossFunction() const { return fJ; } inline EInitialization GetInitialization() const { return fI; } inline ERegularization GetRegularization() const { return fR; } inline Scalar_t GetWeightDecay() const { return fWeightDecay; } /*! Setters */ // FIXME many of these won't work as the data structure storing activations // and gradients have not changed in all the layers, also params in layers // have not changed either inline void SetBatchSize(size_t batchSize) { fBatchSize = batchSize; } inline void SetInputDepth(size_t inputDepth) { fInputDepth = inputDepth; } inline void SetInputHeight(size_t inputHeight) { fInputHeight = inputHeight; } inline void SetInputWidth(size_t inputWidth) { fInputWidth = inputWidth; } inline void SetBatchDepth(size_t batchDepth) { fBatchDepth = batchDepth; } inline void SetBatchHeight(size_t batchHeight) { fBatchHeight = batchHeight; } inline void SetBatchWidth(size_t batchWidth) { fBatchWidth = batchWidth; } inline void SetLossFunction(ELossFunction J) { fJ = J; } inline void SetInitialization(EInitialization I) { fI = I; } inline void SetRegularization(ERegularization R) { fR = R; } inline void SetWeightDecay(Scalar_t weightDecay) { fWeightDecay = weightDecay; } void SetDropoutProbabilities(const std::vector & probabilities); }; // // Deep Net Class - Implementation // //______________________________________________________________________________ template TDeepNet::TDeepNet() : fLayers(), fBatchSize(0), fInputDepth(0), fInputHeight(0), fInputWidth(0), fBatchDepth(0), fBatchHeight(0), fBatchWidth(0), fJ(ELossFunction::kMeanSquaredError), fI(EInitialization::kZero), fR(ERegularization::kNone), fIsTraining(true), fWeightDecay(0.0) { // Nothing to do here. } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TDeepNet::TDeepNet(size_t batchSize, size_t inputDepth, size_t inputHeight, size_t inputWidth, size_t batchDepth, size_t batchHeight, size_t batchWidth, ELossFunction J, EInitialization I, ERegularization R, Scalar_t weightDecay, bool isTraining) : fLayers(), fBatchSize(batchSize), fInputDepth(inputDepth), fInputHeight(inputHeight), fInputWidth(inputWidth), fBatchDepth(batchDepth), fBatchHeight(batchHeight), fBatchWidth(batchWidth), fIsTraining(isTraining), fJ(J), fI(I), fR(R), fWeightDecay(weightDecay) { // Nothing to do here. } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TDeepNet::TDeepNet(const TDeepNet &deepNet) : fLayers(), fBatchSize(deepNet.fBatchSize), fInputDepth(deepNet.fInputDepth), fInputHeight(deepNet.fInputHeight), fInputWidth(deepNet.fInputWidth), fBatchDepth(deepNet.fBatchDepth), fBatchHeight(deepNet.fBatchHeight), fBatchWidth(deepNet.fBatchWidth), fIsTraining(deepNet.fIsTraining), fJ(deepNet.fJ), fI(deepNet.fI), fR(deepNet.fR), fWeightDecay(deepNet.fWeightDecay) { // Nothing to do here. } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TDeepNet::~TDeepNet() { // Relese the layers memory for (auto layer : fLayers) delete layer; fLayers.clear(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::calculateDimension(int imgDim, int fltDim, int padding, int stride) -> size_t { Scalar_t dimension = ((imgDim - fltDim + 2 * padding) / stride) + 1; if (!isInteger(dimension) || dimension <= 0) { this->Print(); int iLayer = fLayers.size(); Fatal("calculateDimension","Not compatible hyper parameters for layer %d - (imageDim, filterDim, padding, stride) %d , %d , %d , %d", iLayer, imgDim, fltDim, padding, stride); // std::cout << " calculateDimension - Not compatible hyper parameters (imgDim, fltDim, padding, stride)" // << imgDim << " , " << fltDim << " , " << padding << " , " << stride<< " resulting dim is " << dimension << std::endl; // std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return (size_t)dimension; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TConvLayer *TDeepNet::AddConvLayer(size_t depth, size_t filterHeight, size_t filterWidth, size_t strideRows, size_t strideCols, size_t paddingHeight, size_t paddingWidth, EActivationFunction f, Scalar_t dropoutProbability) { // All variables defining a convolutional layer size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); size_t inputDepth; size_t inputHeight; size_t inputWidth; EInitialization init = this->GetInitialization(); ERegularization reg = this->GetRegularization(); Scalar_t decay = this->GetWeightDecay(); if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); } // Create the conv layer TConvLayer *convLayer = new TConvLayer( batchSize, inputDepth, inputHeight, inputWidth, depth, init, filterHeight, filterWidth, strideRows, strideCols, paddingHeight, paddingWidth, dropoutProbability, f, reg, decay); fLayers.push_back(convLayer); return convLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddConvLayer(TConvLayer *convLayer) { fLayers.push_back(convLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TMaxPoolLayer *TDeepNet::AddMaxPoolLayer(size_t frameHeight, size_t frameWidth, size_t strideRows, size_t strideCols, Scalar_t dropoutProbability) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); size_t inputDepth; size_t inputHeight; size_t inputWidth; if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); } TMaxPoolLayer *maxPoolLayer = new TMaxPoolLayer( batchSize, inputDepth, inputHeight, inputWidth, frameHeight, frameWidth, strideRows, strideCols, dropoutProbability); // But this creates a copy or what? fLayers.push_back(maxPoolLayer); return maxPoolLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddMaxPoolLayer(TMaxPoolLayer *maxPoolLayer) { fLayers.push_back(maxPoolLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TBasicRNNLayer *TDeepNet::AddBasicRNNLayer(size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState, bool returnSequence, EActivationFunction f) { // should check if input and time size are consistent //std::cout << "Create RNN " << fLayers.size() << " " << this->GetInputHeight() << " " << this->GetInputWidth() << std::endl; size_t inputHeight, inputWidth, inputDepth; if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); } if (inputSize != inputWidth) { Error("AddBasicRNNLayer","Inconsistent input size with input layout - it should be %zu instead of %zu",inputSize, inputWidth); } if (timeSteps != inputHeight && timeSteps != inputDepth) { Error("AddBasicRNNLayer","Inconsistent time steps with input layout - it should be %zu instead of %zu or %zu",timeSteps, inputHeight,inputDepth); } TBasicRNNLayer *basicRNNLayer = new TBasicRNNLayer(this->GetBatchSize(), stateSize, inputSize, timeSteps, rememberState, returnSequence, f, fIsTraining, this->GetInitialization()); fLayers.push_back(basicRNNLayer); return basicRNNLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddBasicRNNLayer(TBasicRNNLayer *basicRNNLayer) { fLayers.push_back(basicRNNLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TBasicLSTMLayer *TDeepNet::AddBasicLSTMLayer(size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState, bool returnSequence) { // should check if input and time size are consistent size_t inputHeight, inputWidth, inputDepth; if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); } if (inputSize != inputWidth) { Error("AddBasicLSTMLayer", "Inconsistent input size with input layout - it should be %zu instead of %zu", inputSize, inputWidth); } if (timeSteps != inputHeight && timeSteps != inputDepth) { Error("AddBasicLSTMLayer", "Inconsistent time steps with input layout - it should be %zu instead of %zu", timeSteps, inputHeight); } TBasicLSTMLayer *basicLSTMLayer = new TBasicLSTMLayer(this->GetBatchSize(), stateSize, inputSize, timeSteps, rememberState, returnSequence, DNN::EActivationFunction::kSigmoid, DNN::EActivationFunction::kTanh, fIsTraining, this->GetInitialization()); fLayers.push_back(basicLSTMLayer); return basicLSTMLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddBasicLSTMLayer(TBasicLSTMLayer *basicLSTMLayer) { fLayers.push_back(basicLSTMLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TBasicGRULayer *TDeepNet::AddBasicGRULayer(size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState, bool returnSequence, bool resetGateAfter) { // should check if input and time size are consistent size_t inputHeight, inputWidth, inputDepth; if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); } if (inputSize != inputWidth) { Error("AddBasicGRULayer", "Inconsistent input size with input layout - it should be %zu instead of %zu", inputSize, inputWidth); } if (timeSteps != inputHeight && timeSteps != inputDepth) { Error("AddBasicGRULayer", "Inconsistent time steps with input layout - it should be %zu instead of %zu", timeSteps, inputHeight); } TBasicGRULayer *basicGRULayer = new TBasicGRULayer(this->GetBatchSize(), stateSize, inputSize, timeSteps, rememberState, returnSequence, resetGateAfter, DNN::EActivationFunction::kSigmoid, DNN::EActivationFunction::kTanh, fIsTraining, this->GetInitialization()); fLayers.push_back(basicGRULayer); return basicGRULayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddBasicGRULayer(TBasicGRULayer *basicGRULayer) { fLayers.push_back(basicGRULayer); } //DAE #ifdef HAVE_DAE //______________________________________________________________________________ template TCorruptionLayer *TDeepNet::AddCorruptionLayer(size_t visibleUnits, size_t hiddenUnits, Scalar_t dropoutProbability, Scalar_t corruptionLevel) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); TCorruptionLayer *corruptionLayer = new TCorruptionLayer(batchSize, visibleUnits, hiddenUnits, dropoutProbability, corruptionLevel); fLayers.push_back(corruptionLayer); return corruptionLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddCorruptionLayer(TCorruptionLayer *corruptionLayer) { fLayers.push_back(corruptionLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TCompressionLayer *TDeepNet::AddCompressionLayer( size_t visibleUnits, size_t hiddenUnits, Scalar_t dropoutProbability, EActivationFunction f, std::vector weights, std::vector biases) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); TCompressionLayer *compressionLayer = new TCompressionLayer( batchSize, visibleUnits, hiddenUnits, dropoutProbability, f, weights, biases); fLayers.push_back(compressionLayer); return compressionLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddCompressionLayer(TCompressionLayer *compressionLayer) { fLayers.push_back(compressionLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TReconstructionLayer *TDeepNet::AddReconstructionLayer( size_t visibleUnits, size_t hiddenUnits, Scalar_t learningRate, EActivationFunction f, std::vector weights, std::vector biases, Scalar_t corruptionLevel, Scalar_t dropoutProbability) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); TReconstructionLayer *reconstructionLayer = new TReconstructionLayer( batchSize, visibleUnits, hiddenUnits, learningRate, f, weights, biases, corruptionLevel, dropoutProbability); fLayers.push_back(reconstructionLayer); return reconstructionLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddReconstructionLayer( TReconstructionLayer *reconstructionLayer) { fLayers.push_back(reconstructionLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TLogisticRegressionLayer *TDeepNet::AddLogisticRegressionLayer( size_t inputUnits, size_t outputUnits, size_t testDataBatchSize, Scalar_t learningRate) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); TLogisticRegressionLayer *logisticRegressionLayer = new TLogisticRegressionLayer(batchSize, inputUnits, outputUnits, testDataBatchSize, learningRate); fLayers.push_back(logisticRegressionLayer); return logisticRegressionLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddLogisticRegressionLayer( TLogisticRegressionLayer *logisticRegressionLayer) { fLayers.push_back(logisticRegressionLayer); } #endif //______________________________________________________________________________ template TDenseLayer *TDeepNet::AddDenseLayer(size_t width, EActivationFunction f, Scalar_t dropoutProbability) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); size_t inputWidth; EInitialization init = this->GetInitialization(); ERegularization reg = this->GetRegularization(); Scalar_t decay = this->GetWeightDecay(); if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); } TDenseLayer *denseLayer = new TDenseLayer(batchSize, inputWidth, width, init, dropoutProbability, f, reg, decay); fLayers.push_back(denseLayer); return denseLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddDenseLayer(TDenseLayer *denseLayer) { fLayers.push_back(denseLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TReshapeLayer *TDeepNet::AddReshapeLayer(size_t depth, size_t height, size_t width, bool flattening) { size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); size_t inputDepth; size_t inputHeight; size_t inputWidth; size_t outputNSlices; size_t outputNRows; size_t outputNCols; if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); } if (flattening) { outputNSlices = 1; outputNRows = this->GetBatchSize(); outputNCols = depth * height * width; size_t inputNCols = inputDepth * inputHeight * inputWidth; if (outputNCols != 0 && outputNCols != inputNCols ) { Info("AddReshapeLayer","Dimensions not compatibles - product of input %zu x %zu x %zu should be equal to output %zu x %zu x %zu - Force flattening output to be %zu", inputDepth, inputHeight, inputWidth, depth, height, width,inputNCols); } outputNCols = inputNCols; depth = 1; height = 1; width = outputNCols; } else { outputNSlices = this->GetBatchSize(); outputNRows = depth; outputNCols = height * width; } TReshapeLayer *reshapeLayer = new TReshapeLayer(batchSize, inputDepth, inputHeight, inputWidth, depth, height, width, outputNSlices, outputNRows, outputNCols, flattening); fLayers.push_back(reshapeLayer); return reshapeLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template TBatchNormLayer *TDeepNet::AddBatchNormLayer(Scalar_t momentum, Scalar_t epsilon) { int axis = -1; size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); size_t inputDepth = 0; size_t inputHeight = 0; size_t inputWidth = 0; // this is the shape of the output tensor (it is columnmajor by default) // and it is normally (depth, hw, bsize) and for dense layers (bsize, w, 1) std::vector shape = {1, 1, 1}; if (fLayers.size() == 0) { inputDepth = this->GetInputDepth(); inputHeight = this->GetInputHeight(); inputWidth = this->GetInputWidth(); // assume that is like for a dense layer shape[0] = batchSize; shape[1] = inputWidth; shape[2] = 1; } else { Layer_t *lastLayer = fLayers.back(); inputDepth = lastLayer->GetDepth(); inputHeight = lastLayer->GetHeight(); inputWidth = lastLayer->GetWidth(); shape = lastLayer->GetOutput().GetShape(); if (dynamic_cast *>(lastLayer) != nullptr || dynamic_cast *>(lastLayer) != nullptr) axis = 1; // use axis = channel axis for convolutional layer if (shape.size() > 3) { for (size_t i = 3; i < shape.size(); ++i) shape[2] *= shape[i]; } } // std::cout << "addBNormLayer " << inputDepth << " , " << inputHeight << " , " << inputWidth << " , " << shape[0] // << " " << shape[1] << " " << shape[2] << std::endl; auto bnormLayer = new TBatchNormLayer(batchSize, inputDepth, inputHeight, inputWidth, shape, axis, momentum, epsilon); fLayers.push_back(bnormLayer); return bnormLayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::AddReshapeLayer(TReshapeLayer *reshapeLayer) { fLayers.push_back(reshapeLayer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Initialize() -> void { for (size_t i = 0; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { fLayers[i]->Initialize(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::ResetTraining() -> void { for (size_t i = 0; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { fLayers[i]->ResetTraining(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Forward( Tensor_t &input, bool applyDropout) -> void { fLayers.front()->Forward(input, applyDropout); for (size_t i = 1; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { fLayers[i]->Forward(fLayers[i - 1]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); //std::cout << "forward for layer " << i << std::endl; // fLayers[i]->GetOutput()[0].Print(); } } #ifdef HAVE_DAE //_____________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::PreTrain(std::vector &input, std::vector numHiddenUnitsPerLayer, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t corruptionLevel, Scalar_t dropoutProbability, size_t epochs, EActivationFunction f, bool applyDropout) -> void { std::vector inp1; std::vector inp2; size_t numOfHiddenLayers = sizeof(numHiddenUnitsPerLayer) / sizeof(numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[0]); // size_t batchSize = this->GetBatchSize(); size_t visibleUnits = (size_t)input[0].GetNrows(); AddCorruptionLayer(visibleUnits, numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[0], dropoutProbability, corruptionLevel); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); fLayers.back()->Forward(input, applyDropout); // fLayers.back()->Print(); AddCompressionLayer(visibleUnits, numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[0], dropoutProbability, f, fLayers.back()->GetWeights(), fLayers.back()->GetBiases()); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); fLayers.back()->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); // as we have to pass corrupt input AddReconstructionLayer(visibleUnits, numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[0], learningRate, f, fLayers.back()->GetWeights(), fLayers.back()->GetBiases(), corruptionLevel, dropoutProbability); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); fLayers.back()->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); // as we have to pass compressed Input fLayers.back()->Backward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), inp1, fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), input); // three layers are added, now pointer is on third layer size_t weightsSize = fLayers.back()->GetWeights().size(); size_t biasesSize = fLayers.back()->GetBiases().size(); for (size_t epoch = 0; epoch < epochs - 1; epoch++) { // fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->Forward(input,applyDropout); for (size_t j = 0; j < weightsSize; j++) { Architecture_t::Copy(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetWeightsAt(j), fLayers.back()->GetWeightsAt(j)); } for (size_t j = 0; j < biasesSize; j++) { Architecture_t::Copy(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetBiasesAt(j), fLayers.back()->GetBiasesAt(j)); } fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); fLayers[fLayers.size() - 1]->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); fLayers[fLayers.size() - 1]->Backward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), inp1, fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), input); } fLayers.back()->Print(); for (size_t i = 1; i < numOfHiddenLayers; i++) { AddCorruptionLayer(numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[i - 1], numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[i], dropoutProbability, corruptionLevel); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); fLayers.back()->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); // as we have to pass compressed Input AddCompressionLayer(numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[i - 1], numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[i], dropoutProbability, f, fLayers.back()->GetWeights(), fLayers.back()->GetBiases()); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); fLayers.back()->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); AddReconstructionLayer(numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[i - 1], numHiddenUnitsPerLayer[i], learningRate, f, fLayers.back()->GetWeights(), fLayers.back()->GetBiases(), corruptionLevel, dropoutProbability); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); fLayers.back()->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); // as we have to pass compressed Input fLayers.back()->Backward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), inp1, fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), fLayers[fLayers.size() - 5]->GetOutput()); // three layers are added, now pointer is on third layer size_t _weightsSize = fLayers.back()->GetWeights().size(); size_t _biasesSize = fLayers.back()->GetBiases().size(); for (size_t epoch = 0; epoch < epochs - 1; epoch++) { // fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->Forward(input,applyDropout); for (size_t j = 0; j < _weightsSize; j++) { Architecture_t::Copy(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetWeightsAt(j), fLayers.back()->GetWeightsAt(j)); } for (size_t j = 0; j < _biasesSize; j++) { Architecture_t::Copy(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetBiasesAt(j), fLayers.back()->GetBiasesAt(j)); } fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); fLayers[fLayers.size() - 1]->Forward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), applyDropout); fLayers[fLayers.size() - 1]->Backward(fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), inp1, fLayers[fLayers.size() - 3]->GetOutput(), fLayers[fLayers.size() - 5]->GetOutput()); } fLayers.back()->Print(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::FineTune(std::vector &input, std::vector &testInput, std::vector &inputLabel, size_t outputUnits, size_t testDataBatchSize, Scalar_t learningRate, size_t epochs) -> void { std::vector inp1; std::vector inp2; if (fLayers.size() == 0) // only Logistic Regression Layer { size_t inputUnits = input[0].GetNrows(); AddLogisticRegressionLayer(inputUnits, outputUnits, testDataBatchSize, learningRate); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < epochs; i++) { fLayers.back()->Backward(inputLabel, inp1, input, inp2); } fLayers.back()->Forward(input, false); fLayers.back()->Print(); } else { // if used after any other layer size_t inputUnits = fLayers.back()->GetOutputAt(0).GetNrows(); AddLogisticRegressionLayer(inputUnits, outputUnits, testDataBatchSize, learningRate); fLayers.back()->Initialize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < epochs; i++) { fLayers.back()->Backward(inputLabel, inp1, fLayers[fLayers.size() - 2]->GetOutput(), inp2); } fLayers.back()->Forward(testInput, false); fLayers.back()->Print(); } } #endif //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Backward(const Tensor_t &input, const Matrix_t &groundTruth, const Matrix_t &weights) -> void { //Tensor_t inp1; //Tensor_t inp2; // Last layer should be dense layer Matrix_t last_actgrad = fLayers.back()->GetActivationGradientsAt(0); Matrix_t last_output = fLayers.back()->GetOutputAt(0); evaluateGradients(last_actgrad, this->GetLossFunction(), groundTruth, last_output, weights); for (size_t i = fLayers.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { auto &activation_gradient_backward = fLayers[i - 1]->GetActivationGradients(); auto &activations_backward = fLayers[i - 1]->GetOutput(); fLayers[i]->Backward(activation_gradient_backward, activations_backward); } // need to have a dummy tensor (size=0) to pass for activation gradient backward which // are not computed for the first layer Tensor_t dummy; fLayers[0]->Backward(dummy, input); } #ifdef USE_PARALLEL_DEEPNET //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::ParallelForward(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, bool applyDropout) -> void { size_t depth = this->GetDepth(); // The first layer of each deep net for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { nets[i].GetLayerAt(0)->Forward(batches[i].GetInput(), applyDropout); } // The i'th layer of each deep net for (size_t i = 1; i < depth; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { nets[j].GetLayerAt(i)->Forward(nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetOutput(), applyDropout); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::ParallelBackward(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, Scalar_t learningRate) -> void { std::vector inp1; std::vector inp2; size_t depth = this->GetDepth(); // Evaluate the gradients of the last layers in each deep net for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { evaluateGradients(nets[i].GetLayerAt(depth - 1)->GetActivationGradientsAt(0), nets[i].GetLossFunction(), batches[i].GetOutput(), nets[i].GetLayerAt(depth - 1)->GetOutputAt(0), batches[i].GetWeights()); } // Backpropagate the error in i'th layer of each deep net for (size_t i = depth - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { nets[j].GetLayerAt(i)->Backward(nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetActivationGradients(), nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetOutput(), inp1, inp2); } } std::vector dummy; // First layer of each deep net for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { nets[i].GetLayerAt(0)->Backward(dummy, batches[i].GetInput(), inp1, inp2); } // Update and copy for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < depth; j++) { Layer_t *masterLayer = this->GetLayerAt(j); Layer_t *layer = nets[i].GetLayerAt(j); masterLayer->UpdateWeights(layer->GetWeightGradients(), learningRate); layer->CopyWeights(masterLayer->GetWeights()); masterLayer->UpdateBiases(layer->GetBiasGradients(), learningRate); layer->CopyBiases(masterLayer->GetBiases()); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::ParallelBackwardMomentum(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t momentum) -> void { std::vector inp1; std::vector inp2; size_t depth = this->GetDepth(); // Evaluate the gradients of the last layers in each deep net for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { evaluateGradients(nets[i].GetLayerAt(depth - 1)->GetActivationGradientsAt(0), nets[i].GetLossFunction(), batches[i].GetOutput(), nets[i].GetLayerAt(depth - 1)->GetOutputAt(0), batches[i].GetWeights()); } // Backpropagate the error in i'th layer of each deep net for (size_t i = depth - 1; i > 0; i--) { Layer_t *masterLayer = this->GetLayerAt(i); for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[j].GetLayerAt(i); layer->Backward(nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetActivationGradients(), nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetOutput(), inp1, inp2); masterLayer->UpdateWeightGradients(layer->GetWeightGradients(), learningRate / momentum); masterLayer->UpdateBiasGradients(layer->GetBiasGradients(), learningRate / momentum); } masterLayer->UpdateWeightGradients(masterLayer->GetWeightGradients(), 1.0 - momentum); masterLayer->UpdateBiasGradients(masterLayer->GetBiasGradients(), 1.0 - momentum); } std::vector dummy; // First layer of each deep net Layer_t *masterFirstLayer = this->GetLayerAt(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[i].GetLayerAt(0); layer->Backward(dummy, batches[i].GetInput(), inp1, inp2); masterFirstLayer->UpdateWeightGradients(layer->GetWeightGradients(), learningRate / momentum); masterFirstLayer->UpdateBiasGradients(layer->GetBiasGradients(), learningRate / momentum); } masterFirstLayer->UpdateWeightGradients(masterFirstLayer->GetWeightGradients(), 1.0 - momentum); masterFirstLayer->UpdateBiasGradients(masterFirstLayer->GetBiasGradients(), 1.0 - momentum); for (size_t i = 0; i < depth; i++) { Layer_t *masterLayer = this->GetLayerAt(i); masterLayer->Update(1.0); for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[j].GetLayerAt(i); layer->CopyWeights(masterLayer->GetWeights()); layer->CopyBiases(masterLayer->GetBiases()); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::ParallelBackwardNestorov(std::vector> &nets, std::vector> &batches, Scalar_t learningRate, Scalar_t momentum) -> void { std::cout << "Parallel Backward Nestorov" << std::endl; std::vector inp1; std::vector inp2; size_t depth = this->GetDepth(); // Evaluate the gradients of the last layers in each deep net for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { evaluateGradients(nets[i].GetLayerAt(depth - 1)->GetActivationGradientsAt(0), nets[i].GetLossFunction(), batches[i].GetOutput(), nets[i].GetLayerAt(depth - 1)->GetOutputAt(0), batches[i].GetWeights()); } // Backpropagate the error in i'th layer of each deep net for (size_t i = depth - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[j].GetLayerAt(i); layer->Backward(nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetActivationGradients(), nets[j].GetLayerAt(i - 1)->GetOutput(), inp1, inp2); } } std::vector dummy; // First layer of each deep net for (size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); i++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[i].GetLayerAt(0); layer->Backward(dummy, batches[i].GetInput(), inp1, inp2); } for (size_t i = 0; i < depth; i++) { Layer_t *masterLayer = this->GetLayerAt(i); for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[j].GetLayerAt(i); layer->CopyWeights(masterLayer->GetWeights()); layer->CopyBiases(masterLayer->GetBiases()); layer->UpdateWeights(masterLayer->GetWeightGradients(), 1.0); layer->UpdateBiases(masterLayer->GetBiasGradients(), 1.0); } for (size_t j = 0; j < nets.size(); j++) { Layer_t *layer = nets[j].GetLayerAt(i); masterLayer->UpdateWeightGradients(layer->GetWeightGradients(), learningRate / momentum); masterLayer->UpdateBiasGradients(layer->GetBiasGradients(), learningRate / momentum); } masterLayer->UpdateWeightGradients(masterLayer->GetWeightGradients(), 1.0 - momentum); masterLayer->UpdateBiasGradients(masterLayer->GetBiasGradients(), 1.0 - momentum); masterLayer->Update(1.0); } } #endif // use parallel deep net //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Update(Scalar_t learningRate) -> void { for (size_t i = 0; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { fLayers[i]->Update(learningRate); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Loss(const Matrix_t &groundTruth, const Matrix_t &weights, bool includeRegularization) const -> Scalar_t { // Last layer should not be deep auto loss = evaluate(this->GetLossFunction(), groundTruth, fLayers.back()->GetOutputAt(0), weights); includeRegularization &= (this->GetRegularization() != ERegularization::kNone); if (includeRegularization) { loss += RegularizationTerm(); } return loss; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Loss(Tensor_t &input, const Matrix_t &groundTruth, const Matrix_t &weights, bool inTraining, bool includeRegularization) -> Scalar_t { Forward(input, inTraining); return Loss(groundTruth, weights, includeRegularization); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::RegularizationTerm() const -> Scalar_t { Scalar_t reg = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < (fLayers[i]->GetWeights()).size(); j++) { reg += regularization(fLayers[i]->GetWeightsAt(j), this->GetRegularization()); } } return this->GetWeightDecay() * reg; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Prediction(Matrix_t &predictions, EOutputFunction f) const -> void { // Last layer should not be deep (assume output is a matrix) evaluate(predictions, f, fLayers.back()->GetOutputAt(0)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Prediction(Matrix_t &predictions, Tensor_t & input, EOutputFunction f) -> void { Forward(input, false); // Last layer should not be deep evaluate(predictions, f, fLayers.back()->GetOutputAt(0)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ template auto TDeepNet::Print() const -> void { std::cout << "DEEP NEURAL NETWORK: Depth = " << this->GetDepth(); std::cout << " Input = ( " << this->GetInputDepth(); std::cout << ", " << this->GetInputHeight(); std::cout << ", " << this->GetInputWidth() << " )"; std::cout << " Batch size = " << this->GetBatchSize(); std::cout << " Loss function = " << static_cast(this->GetLossFunction()) << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t Layers: " << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { std::cout << "\tLayer " << i << "\t"; fLayers[i]->Print(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ template void TDeepNet::SetDropoutProbabilities( const std::vector & probabilities) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fLayers.size(); i++) { if (i < probabilities.size()) { fLayers[i]->SetDropoutProbability(probabilities[i]); } else { fLayers[i]->SetDropoutProbability(1.0); } } } } // namespace DNN } // namespace TMVA #endif