// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Tancredi Carli, Dominik Dannheim, Alexander Voigt /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate Data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : MethodPDEFoam * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * The PDEFoam method is an extension of the PDERS method, which divides * * the multi-dimensional phase space in a finite number of hyper-rectangles * * (cells) of constant event density. This "foam" of cells is filled with * * averaged probability-density information sampled from a training event * * sample. * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Tancredi Carli - CERN, Switzerland * * Dominik Dannheim - CERN, Switzerland * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Alexander Voigt - TU Dresden, Germany * * * * Original author of the TFoam implementation: * * S. Jadach - Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland * * * * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodPDEFoam #define ROOT_TMVA_MethodPDEFoam ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // MethodPDEFoam // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TMVA/MethodBase.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoam.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDecisionTree.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamEvent.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDiscriminant.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamTarget.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamMultiTarget.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDensityBase.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamTargetDensity.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamEventDensity.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDiscriminantDensity.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamKernelBase.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamKernelTrivial.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamKernelLinN.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamKernelGauss.h" namespace TMVA { class MethodPDEFoam : public MethodBase { public: // kernel types typedef enum EKernel { kNone=0, kGaus=1, kLinN=2 } EKernel; MethodPDEFoam( const TString& jobName, const TString& methodTitle, DataSetInfo& dsi, const TString& theOption = "PDEFoam"); MethodPDEFoam( DataSetInfo& dsi, const TString& theWeightFile); virtual ~MethodPDEFoam( void ); virtual Bool_t HasAnalysisType( Types::EAnalysisType type, UInt_t numberClasses, UInt_t numberTargets ); // training methods void Train( void ); void TrainMonoTargetRegression( void ); // Regression output: one value void TrainMultiTargetRegression( void ); // Regression output: any number of values void TrainSeparatedClassification( void ); // Classification: one foam for Sig, one for Bg void TrainUnifiedClassification( void ); // Classification: one foam for Signal and Bg void TrainMultiClassification(); // Classification: one foam for every class using MethodBase::ReadWeightsFromStream; // write weights to stream void AddWeightsXMLTo( void* parent ) const; // read weights from stream void ReadWeightsFromStream( std::istream & i ); void ReadWeightsFromXML ( void* wghtnode ); // write/read pure foams to/from file void WriteFoamsToFile() const; void ReadFoamsFromFile(); PDEFoam* ReadClonedFoamFromFile(TFile*, const TString&); // calculate the MVA value Double_t GetMvaValue( Double_t* err = 0, Double_t* errUpper = 0 ); // calculate multiclass MVA values const std::vector& GetMulticlassValues(); // regression procedure virtual const std::vector& GetRegressionValues(); // reset the method virtual void Reset(); // ranking of input variables const Ranking* CreateRanking(); // get number of cuts in every dimension, starting at cell void GetNCuts(PDEFoamCell *cell, std::vector &nCuts); // helper functions to convert enum types to UInt_t and back EKernel GetKernel( void ) { return fKernel; } UInt_t KernelToUInt(EKernel ker) const { return UInt_t(ker); } EKernel UIntToKernel(UInt_t iker); UInt_t TargetSelectionToUInt(ETargetSelection ts) const { return UInt_t(ts); } ETargetSelection UIntToTargetSelection(UInt_t its); protected: // make ROOT-independent C++ class for classifier response (classifier-specific implementation) void MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream&, const TString& ) const; // get help message text void GetHelpMessage() const; // calculate the error on the Mva value Double_t CalculateMVAError(); // calculate Xmin and Xmax for Foam void CalcXminXmax(); // Set Xmin, Xmax in foam with index 'foam_index' void SetXminXmax(TMVA::PDEFoam*); // create foam and set foam options PDEFoam* InitFoam(TString, EFoamType, UInt_t cls=0); // create pdefoam kernel PDEFoamKernelBase* CreatePDEFoamKernel(); // delete all trained foams void DeleteFoams(); // fill variable names into foam void FillVariableNamesToFoam() const; private: // the option handling methods void DeclareOptions(); void DeclareCompatibilityOptions(); void ProcessOptions(); // nice output void PrintCoefficients( void ); // Square function (fastest implementation) template T Sqr(T x) const { return x*x; } // options to be used Bool_t fSigBgSeparated; // Separate Sig and Bg, or not Float_t fFrac; // Fraction used for calc of Xmin, Xmax Float_t fDiscrErrCut; // cut on discriminant error Float_t fVolFrac; // volume fraction (used for density calculation during buildup) Int_t fnCells; // Number of Cells (1000) Int_t fnActiveCells; // Number of active cells Int_t fnSampl; // Number of MC events per cell in build-up (1000) Int_t fnBin; // Number of bins in build-up (100) Int_t fEvPerBin; // Maximum events (equiv.) per bin in build-up (1000) Bool_t fCompress; // compress foam output file Bool_t fMultiTargetRegression; // do regression on multiple targets UInt_t fNmin; // minimal number of events in cell necessary to split cell" Bool_t fCutNmin; // Keep for bw compatibility: Grabbing cell with maximal RMS to split next (TFoam default) UInt_t fMaxDepth; // maximum depth of cell tree TString fKernelStr; // Kernel for GetMvaValue() (option string) EKernel fKernel; // Kernel for GetMvaValue() PDEFoamKernelBase *fKernelEstimator;// Kernel estimator TString fTargetSelectionStr; // method of selecting the target (only mulit target regr.) ETargetSelection fTargetSelection; // method of selecting the target (only mulit target regr.) Bool_t fFillFoamWithOrigWeights; // fill the foam with boost weights Bool_t fUseYesNoCell; // return -1 or 1 for bg or signal like event TString fDTLogic; // use DT algorithm to split cells EDTSeparation fDTSeparation; // enum which specifies the separation to use for the DT logic Bool_t fPeekMax; // BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY: peek up cell with max. driver integral for split std::vector fXmin, fXmax; // range for histograms and foams std::vector fFoam; // grown PDEFoams // default initialisation called by all constructors void Init( void ); ClassDef(MethodPDEFoam,0); // Multi-dimensional probability density estimator using TFoam (PDE-Foam) }; } // namespace TMVA #endif // MethodPDEFoam_H