// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Fredrik Tegenfeldt, Helge Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : Rule * * * * Description: * * A class describing a 'rule cut' * * * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Fredrik Tegenfeldt - Iowa State U., USA * * * * Copyright (c) 2005: * * CERN, Switzerland * * Iowa State U. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_RuleCut #define ROOT_TMVA_RuleCut #include "TMVA/Event.h" namespace TMVA { class Node; class MsgLogger; class RuleCut { public: // main constructor RuleCut( const std::vector< const TMVA::Node * > & nodes ); // copy constructor RuleCut( const RuleCut & other ) : fLogger(0) { Copy( other ); } // empty constructor RuleCut(); // destructor virtual ~RuleCut(); // evaluate an event inline Bool_t EvalEvent( const Event &eve ); // get cut range for a given selector Bool_t GetCutRange(Int_t sel,Double_t &rmin, Double_t &rmax, Bool_t &dormin, Bool_t &dormax) const; // number of cuts UInt_t GetNcuts() const; // set members inline void SetNvars( UInt_t nc ); void SetNeve( Double_t n ) { fCutNeve = n; } void SetPurity( Double_t ssb ) { fPurity = ssb; } void SetSelector( Int_t i, UInt_t s ) { fSelector[i] = s; } void SetCutMin( Int_t i, Double_t v ) { fCutMin[i] = v; } void SetCutMax( Int_t i, Double_t v ) { fCutMax[i] = v; } void SetCutDoMin( Int_t i, Bool_t v ) { fCutDoMin[i] = v; } void SetCutDoMax( Int_t i, Bool_t v ) { fCutDoMax[i] = v; } // accessors UInt_t GetNvars() const { return fSelector.size(); } UInt_t GetSelector(Int_t is) const { return fSelector[is]; } Double_t GetCutMin(Int_t is) const { return fCutMin[is]; } Double_t GetCutMax(Int_t is) const { return fCutMax[is]; } Char_t GetCutDoMin(Int_t is) const { return fCutDoMin[is]; } Char_t GetCutDoMax(Int_t is) const { return fCutDoMax[is]; } Double_t GetCutNeve() const { return fCutNeve; } Double_t GetPurity() const { return fPurity; } private: // copy inline void Copy( const RuleCut & other); // make the cuts from the array of nodes void MakeCuts( const std::vector< const TMVA::Node * > & nodes ); std::vector fSelector; // array of selectors (expressions) std::vector fCutMin; // array of lower limits std::vector fCutMax; // array of upper limits std::vector fCutDoMin; // array of usage flags for lower limits <--- stores boolean std::vector fCutDoMax; // array of usage flags for upper limits <--- stores boolean Double_t fCutNeve; // N(events) after cut (possibly weighted) Double_t fPurity; // S/(S+B) on training data mutable MsgLogger* fLogger; // message logger MsgLogger& Log() const { return *fLogger; } }; } //_______________________________________________________________________ inline void TMVA::RuleCut::Copy( const TMVA::RuleCut & other ) { // copy from another if (&other != this) { for (UInt_t ns=0; nsfCutMin[nc]):kTRUE); // min cut ok cutOK = (minOK ? ((fCutDoMax[nc] ? (val