// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Omar Zapata and Sergei Gleyzer. 2016 #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_VariableImportance #define ROOT_TMVA_VariableImportance #include "TString.h" #include "TMVA/Configurable.h" #include "TMVA/Types.h" #include #include #include #include namespace TMVA { class VariableImportanceResult { friend class VariableImportance; private: OptionMap fImportanceValues; std::shared_ptr fImportanceHist; VIType fType {kShort}; public: VariableImportanceResult(); VariableImportanceResult(const VariableImportanceResult &); ~VariableImportanceResult(){fImportanceHist=nullptr;} OptionMap &GetImportanceValues(){return fImportanceValues;} TH1F *GetImportanceHist(){return fImportanceHist.get();} void Print() const ; TCanvas* Draw(const TString name="VariableImportance") const; }; class VariableImportance : public Envelope { private: UInt_t fNumFolds = 0; VariableImportanceResult fResults; VIType fType {kShort}; public: explicit VariableImportance(DataLoader *loader); ~VariableImportance(); virtual void Evaluate(); void SetType(VIType type){fType=type;} VIType GetType(){return fType;} const VariableImportanceResult& GetResults() const {return fResults;}//I need to think about this, which is the best way to get the results? protected: //evaluate the simple case that is removing 1 variable at time void EvaluateImportanceShort(); //evaluate all variables combinations NOTE: use with care in huge datasets with a huge number of variables void EvaluateImportanceAll(); //evaluate randomly given a number of seeds void EvaluateImportanceRandom(UInt_t nseeds); //method to return a nice histogram with the results ;) TH1F* GetImportance(const UInt_t nbits,std::vector &importances,std::vector &varNames); //method to compute the range(number total of operations for every bit configuration) ULong_t Sum(ULong_t i); private: std::unique_ptr fClassifier; ClassDef(VariableImportance,0); }; } #endif