/* boost random/generate_canonical.hpp header file * * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2011 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * * See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation. * * $Id: generate_canonical.hpp 72951 2011-07-07 04:57:37Z steven_watanabe $ * */ #ifndef BOOST_RANDOM_GENERATE_CANONICAL_HPP #define BOOST_RANDOM_GENERATE_CANONICAL_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace random { namespace detail { template RealType generate_canonical_impl(URNG& g, boost::mpl::true_ /*is_integral*/) { using std::pow; typedef typename URNG::result_type base_result; std::size_t digits = std::numeric_limits::digits; RealType R = RealType((g.max)()) - RealType((g.min)()) + 1; RealType mult = R; RealType limit = pow(RealType(2), RealType((std::min)(static_cast(bits), digits))); RealType S = RealType(detail::subtract()(g(), (g.min)())); while(mult < limit) { RealType inc = RealType(detail::subtract()(g(), (g.min)())); S += inc * mult; mult *= R; } return S / mult; } template RealType generate_canonical_impl(URNG& g, boost::mpl::false_ /*is_integral*/) { using std::pow; using std::floor; BOOST_ASSERT((g.min)() == 0); BOOST_ASSERT((g.max)() == 1); std::size_t digits = std::numeric_limits::digits; std::size_t engine_bits = detail::generator_bits::value(); std::size_t b = (std::min)(bits, digits); RealType R = pow(RealType(2), RealType(engine_bits)); RealType mult = R; RealType limit = pow(RealType(2), RealType(b)); RealType S = RealType(g() - (g.min)()); while(mult < limit) { RealType inc(floor((RealType(g()) - RealType((g.min)())) * R)); S += inc * mult; mult *= R; } return S / mult; } } /** * Returns a value uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1) * with at least @c bits random bits. */ template RealType generate_canonical(URNG& g) { RealType result = detail::generate_canonical_impl( g, boost::is_integral()); BOOST_ASSERT(result >= 0); BOOST_ASSERT(result <= 1); if(result == 1) { result -= std::numeric_limits::epsilon() / 2; BOOST_ASSERT(result != 1); } return result; } } // namespace random } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_RANDOM_GENERATE_CANONICAL_HPP