// this is ROOT Macro that is intended to be loaded by // root before using any aanet classes. // If you have a macro dowork.C that uses aanet, you run // it like : // root aa.C dowork.C { if ( !getenv("AADIR")) { cout << " You have to set the AADIR variable " << endl; exit(1); } TString lib = TString( getenv("AADIR") ) + "/lib/libaaevt.so"; gSystem->Load( lib ); cout << "loaded" << lib << endl; // this is handy when using aclic on root prompt (script.C+) gSystem->SetIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include -I$AADIR -I$AADIR/km3net-dataformat/offline -I$AADIR/evt -I$AADIR/util"); }