New in v2.2.2 - aashowerfit writes error matrix. New in v2.2.1 - fix bug in computing dom-centre of gravity for detx version<4 - addopt to ROOT 6.22.06 (Double->double) New in V2.2.0 - km3net-dataformat v2.0.0 - support for change of Hit::tdc which now contains the tdc, and Hit::t which contains calibrated hit times. - devellopment of summary file productions ana/definitions - major devellopments in ana/search for cosmic source searches - inclusion of code to compute nu-fluxes from gamma spectra - now tested/used with ROOT 6.22.06 - .. New in V2.1.0 - Root 6.20.04 News : - now using km3net-dataformat as submodule: this contains the definitions of all the main data-classes and reduces dependency on JPP. News in v2 - new directory structure: lib : data classes + core functionality : astronomy, including full slalib + wrapper : reconstruction -pcm files ( replaced by libaaevt; jpp should link against this). build : temporary files of the build process (.o etc) tests : tests apps : usefull applications (upgraded from the examples dir) - : print events - : convert any file to aanet - plot_det : pictures of the detector - zt_event_display: .. (apps is added to the path by the util : now only contains utils for build process. no code. - EventFile can handle lists of files now. - New Mechanism for user data (see tests/ - Trks have mechanism for storing, retreiving and printing parent/child relation (from mc). - Evt had best_reco_track( rec_type ) function to return the best reconstucted track for a given rec-type. (to be) defined in rec_types.hh. older changes -------------- - setup.csh and are now named setenv.csh and to stress their different function from Both call so set the environment. - $aadir/ has been replaced by aa/ - sla directory added containing slalib and a c++/pyroot interface - A new method to add incidental/user information of any type to aanet objects (see AAObject.hh). - The following are added to Trk in preparation for systematic storing of the MC truth event record. int status; //dox: MC status code vector mother_ids; vector daughter_ids;