// @(#)root/ged:$Id$ // Author: Carsten Hof 08/08/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TH2Editor #define ROOT_TH2Editor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TH2Editor // // // // Editor changing histogram attributes // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TGedFrame.h" class TH2; class TGComboBox; class TGLabel; class TGTextEntry; class TGCheckButton; class TString; class TGDoubleHSlider; class TGHSlider; class TGNumberEntry; class TGHButtonGroup; class TGRadioButton; class TGNumberEntryField; class TGColorSelect; class TGedPatternSelect; class TGTextButton; class TH2Editor : public TGedFrame { protected: TH2 *fHist; // histogram object TGCompositeFrame *fBin; // Contains the Binning Widgets TGCompositeFrame *fFit; // Contains the Fitting Widgets TGTextEntry *fTitle; // histogram title input field TGComboBox *fTypeCombo; // histogram type combo box TGComboBox *fCoordsCombo; // Coordinate System combo box TGComboBox *fContCombo; // Contour selecting combo box TGLabel *fColContLbl; // No. of Contours Label 1 TGLabel *fColContLbl1; // No. of Contours Label 2 Int_t fTitlePrec; // font precision level TGHButtonGroup *fDimGroup; // Radiobuttongroup to change 2D <-> 3D-Plot TGRadioButton *fDim; // 2D-Plot RadioButton TGRadioButton *fDim0; // 3D-Plot RadioButton TGLayoutHints *fDimlh; // layout hints for 2D-Plot RadioButton TGLayoutHints *fDim0lh; // layout hints for 3D-Plot RadioButton TGCompositeFrame *f6; // Frame that contains the 2D CheckBox DrawOptions TGCompositeFrame *f9; // Frame that contains the 3D CheckBox DrawOptions TGCompositeFrame *f12; // Frame that contains the Bar-Title TGCompositeFrame *f13; // Frame that contains the Bar Width/Offset NumberEntries TGCompositeFrame *f38; // Frame that contains the Frame Fill widgets TGCheckButton *fAddError; // CheckBox connected to error bars TGCheckButton *fAddPalette; // CheckBox connected to Z option (2D) TGCheckButton *fAddPalette1; // CheckBox connected to Z option (3D) TGCheckButton *fAddArr; // CheckBox connected to Arr-Option TGCheckButton *fAddBox; // CheckBox connected to Box-Option TGCheckButton *fAddScat; // CheckBox connected to Scat-Option TGCheckButton *fAddCol; // CheckBox connected to Col-Option TGCheckButton *fAddFB; // Draw front box (or not) TGCheckButton *fAddBB; // Draw back box (or not) TGCheckButton *fAddText; // Draw bin contents as text TGNumberEntry *fContLevels; // Set number of contour levels TGNumberEntry *fContLevels1; // Set number of contour levels TGNumberEntry *fBarWidth; // Set bar width of histogram TGNumberEntry *fBarOffset; // Set bar offset of histogram TGCompositeFrame *fBinXCont; // Contains the rebin widgets for case 1 TGHSlider *fBinXSlider; // Slider to set rebinning x integer value TGNumberEntryField *fBinXNumberEntry; // Label which shows the rebinned bin number TGHSlider *fBinYSlider; // Slider to set rebinning y integer value TGNumberEntryField *fBinYNumberEntry; // Label which shows the rebinned bin number TGTextButton *fApply; // Apply-Button to accept the rebinned histogram TGTextButton *fCancel; // Cancel-Button to reprobate the rebinned histogram TGCompositeFrame *fBinXCont1; // Contains the X Rebin Widgets for case 2 TGHSlider *fBinXSlider1; // Slider to set x rebinning integer value TGNumberEntryField *fBinXNumberEntry1;// Label which shows the rebinned x bin number TGNumberEntryField *fXOffsetNumberEntry; // Shows the offset to the x origin of the histogram TGHSlider *fXBinOffsetSld; // Add an x-offset to the origin of the histogram TGCompositeFrame *fBinYCont1; // Contains the Y Rebin Widgets for case 2 TGHSlider *fBinYSlider1; // Slider to set y rebinning integer value TGNumberEntryField *fBinYNumberEntry1;// Label which shows the rebinned y bin number TGNumberEntryField *fYOffsetNumberEntry; // Shows the offset to the y origin of the histogram TGHSlider *fYBinOffsetSld; // Add an y-offset to the origin of the histogram TGDoubleHSlider *fSliderX; // Slider to set x-axis range TGNumberEntryField *fSldXMin; // Contains the minimum value of the x-Axis TGNumberEntryField *fSldXMax; // Contains the maximum value of the x-Axis TGDoubleHSlider *fSliderY; // Slider to set y-axis range TGNumberEntryField *fSldYMin; // Contains the minimum value of the y-Axis TGNumberEntryField *fSldYMax; // Contains the maximum value of the y-Axis TGCheckButton *fDelaydraw; // Delayed drawing of the new axis range TGColorSelect *fFrameColor; // Select the Frame Color TGedPatternSelect *fFramePattern; // Select the Frame Pattern Style TString fCutString; // Contais info about graphical cuts (if any) static TGComboBox *BuildHistTypeComboBox(TGFrame *parent, Int_t id); static TGComboBox *BuildHistCoordsComboBox(TGFrame *parent, Int_t id); static TGComboBox *BuildHistContComboBox(TGFrame* parent, Int_t id); virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots(); void CreateBinTab(); // Creates the Bin Tab (part of the SetGedEditor) private: void PaintBox3D(Float_t *p1, Float_t *p2,Float_t *p3, Float_t *p4); TString GetHistTypeLabel(); TString GetHistCoordsLabel(); TString GetHistContLabel(); TString GetHistAdditiveLabel(); TString GetCutOptionString(); Int_t fPx1old, fPy1old, fPx2old, fPy2old; Float_t fP1oldx[3], fP2oldx[3], fP3oldx[3], fP4oldx[3], fP5oldx[3], fP6oldx[3], fP7oldx[3], fP8oldx[3]; Float_t fP1oldy[3], fP2oldy[3], fP3oldy[3], fP4oldy[3], fP5oldy[3], fP6oldy[3], fP7oldy[3], fP8oldy[3]; TH2 *fBinHist; // Cloned histogram for rebin Double_t fOldXOffset; // saves the old x offset of the histogram Double_t fOldYOffset; // saves the old y offset of the histogram public: TH2Editor(const TGWindow *p = 0, Int_t width = 140, Int_t height = 30, UInt_t options = kChildFrame, Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground()); virtual ~TH2Editor(); virtual Bool_t AcceptModel(TObject* model); virtual void SetModel(TObject* obj); virtual void ActivateBaseClassEditors(TClass* cl); virtual void DoTitle(const char *text); virtual void DoHistView(); virtual void DoHistSimple(); virtual void DoHistComplex(); virtual void DoHistChanges(); virtual void DoAddArr(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddBox(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddCol(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddScat(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddText(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddError(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddPalette(Bool_t on); virtual void DoAddFB(); virtual void DoAddBB(); virtual void DoContLevel(); virtual void DoContLevel1(); virtual void DoBarWidth(); virtual void DoBarOffset(); virtual void DoBinPressed(); virtual void DoBinMoved(); virtual void DoBinReleased(); virtual void DoBinLabel(); virtual void DoApply(); virtual void DoCancel(); virtual void DoBinReleased1(); virtual void DoBinMoved1(); virtual void DoBinLabel1(); virtual void DoOffsetMoved(); virtual void DoOffsetReleased(); virtual void DoOffsetPressed(); virtual void DoBinOffset(); virtual void DoSliderXMoved(); virtual void DoSliderXPressed(); virtual void DoSliderXReleased(); virtual void DoXAxisRange(); virtual void DoSliderYMoved(); virtual void DoSliderYPressed(); virtual void DoSliderYReleased(); virtual void DoYAxisRange(); virtual void DoFillColor(Pixel_t); virtual void DoFillPattern(Style_t); Int_t* Dividers(Int_t n); virtual void RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj); ClassDef(TH2Editor,0) // TH2 editor }; #endif